#ResistTrump actual activism racism trump

#ResistTrump today by Standing with Standing Rock

Standing Rock Sioux: Defending the Sacred

So this morning Unpresident Trump signed executive orders that will move construction forward on the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines. Because of course he did.

But the fight is far from over. If you would like to support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and others who have stood up against the pipelines, in the face of ferocious and sometimes frankly shocking police violence, there are many good options.

Go to Stand With Standing Rock, the official site of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, to donate money, to find opportunities for activism, or to simply learn more about the issue.

Go to the website of the Camp of the Sacred Stones, founded by the Standing Rock Lakota Nation and other Lakota, Nakota, & Dakota citizens, to offer donations or other kinds of help.

Go to to support an effort to get banks to divest from the pipeline projects.

You can find a number of other suggestions for activism at the end of this post.

The independent media website Unicorn Riot offers extensive coverage of the #NoDAPL movement.

Writer and activist Rebecca Solnit’s wrote a thoughtful and inspiring report on the #NoDAPL movement for The Guardian last September.

Follow Ruth Hopkins on Twitter to keep up with what’s going on.

H/T — 

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8 years ago

I’m also assuming the fact that a massacre done in the US by the US military is alot harder to ignore than say massacres against The Great Unknowable Enemy that you’ll never see. Chances are I am being way too foolishly naive in Trump america, and I’m allowing my roots in Vietnam to blind me, but I have my doubts that “Trump launches missile strike on US soil” is going to be met with “meh.”