aggrieved entitlement alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism bad science crackpottery daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies f. roger devlin hypergamy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA sexual assault trump

Daily Stormer: Women’s March participants all secretly want Trump to sexually assault them

Hey ladies!

The millions of women who marched yesterday don’t really hate Donald Trump, at least according to Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer. No, they’re actually really into him.

Anglin, who apparently knows all the secrets lurking in the hearts of women, tells his readers in a post today (archived here) that women “generally say they opposite of what they want, especially when it comes to issues relating to sex.”

When marchers chant “this pussy grabs back,” or carry signs with mocking slogans like “we shall overcomb,” they’re just trying to cover up the fact that they want Trump to grab their own personal pussies.

“Hating on a man and talking about how awful he is is generally a sign that a woman wants to have sex with that man,” Anglin explains. The marchers wearing pink “pussy” hats were actually

demanding they be sexually assaulted by President Donald Trump.

Seriously, you don’t have to be a psychoanalyst to pick up on this. Every single one of these women is sexually fixated on Donald Trump. …

[T]his is what happens when you give women “freedoms.” They become outrageous – and dangerous.

So what is it about Trump that is allegedly so irresistible to so many women? Professor Anglin has an explanation.

To understand why all of these women want to have sex with a single man who is 70-years-old and slightly overweight, and wasn’t even explicitly handsome when he was young, one must understand the concept of hypergamy.

If you’re thinking that this sounds awfully familiar, it’s because Men’s Rights Activists and assorted other Manosphere types have a bit of an obsession with this pseudoscientific explanation of female psychology, which originally came from white nationalist F. Roger Devlin.

While the term itself means nothing more than “marrying up” as Anglin notes, in the minds of the internet’s misogynists it’s become the favorite explanation as to why women would rather sleep with dudes other than them. “Hypergamy” is the reason that women allegedly ignore perfectly decent hard-working beta males, hungering instead for the hottest, sexxxxxiest, most alpha dudes out there. And right now the world’s biggest alpha dog is none other than Donald Trump.

“[E]very woman on the planet is seeking the perfect male,” Anglin explains. And so, regardless of their politics, they find themselves secretly longing for an elderly man with artificially orange skin and the world’s most ludicrous hairstyle.

Donald Trump is the ultimate alpha male. He is an aggressive, hostile conqueror who became ruler of the world through force of will. As such, he is the object of sexual fixation of all women on the planet.

Hence, hundreds of thousands of women across the globe marching with the demand to have sex with him.

It’s just SCIENCE, Anglin insists. A woman

only has one womb, and it takes an extremely long time to produce and raise a child. Why would she not want that child to be the best possible child?

Apparently the women of the world look on the American-Psycho-looking Eric and Don Jr. and think to themselves: if only I could have sons just like that!

While Anglin himself has a giant man-crush on Trump, he think’s all this alleged Trump-lust amongst women is a sign that the sexual revolution that kicked off in the 1960s is ruining just about everything. In a “sexually liberated society,” Anglin writes,

where there is no obligation to marriage and monogamy, all women will seek sex with the highest-ranking males, and the other 90% of males will be left without sex partners, or at least without the prospect of a permanent partner. …

This is not conducive to civilization. At all. It creates an army of sexually frustrated men incapable of landing a partner, as average women seek out one-night stands with above average men that they believe they can somehow swoon, manipulate or otherwise trick into being with them forever.

Yep, Anglin is rehashing the same tired arguments made a thousand times before by MRAs and MGTOWs and assorted other lady haters.

As Anglin — and countless other internet misogynists — see it, the only solution here is some form of mandatory monogamy that can put “these dirty sluts in check.” Specifically, Anglin wants to ban abortion, get rid of child support, and end “affirmative action for women, making it impossible for women to support themselves (no, they can’t compete in the workplace without affirmative action).”

As Anglin sees it, the future of Western Civilization is at stake!

Only by restricting the deranged sex practices of women can we save our civilization. And a vow to fix this problem is a sure way to get young men on board with a war against the Jews.

I hereby vow that any system that I help to install will ensure that you all get wives. As long as you aren’t a complete weirdo and do spend some time in the gym.

Apparently the whole point of the alt-right is to find some nice ladies for the world’s lonely Nazis. Who knew?

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8 years ago

“Hypergamy” is just a way for men to vilify women who find something or someone better. Or rather, it’s one small thread in the vast fucking tapestry that men use to vilify literally anything that a woman could do. They’ve created a cultural narrative that lets them impose their personal preferences on women’s morality, because they can label any arbitrary action as not just disliked but objectively wrong.

The trick is not just that hypergamy isn’t a “real thing”, but rather that even if it was a “real thing”, women should be free to choose their own partners using whatever criteria they want. They want us to get caught in the argument about the legitimacy of the term “hypergamy”, because that leaves unchallenged the assumption that hypergamy-esque actions are wrong.

They’re essentially saying “How dare you take the last slice of pie!” in the most accusatory way possible in hopes that you forget that it was your damn pie to begin with.

8 years ago


Like POM, I laughed. Out loud.

More from Jeremy Newberger on the subject of that witticism:

My joke about #WomensMarch has 145K likes on Facebook and over 1M impressions on Twitter. Question. Anyone know how to monetize this shit?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Thank you for linking that site, @LindsayIrene. It helped clarify for me exactly why I don’t much like the jokes I get exposed to, and why everyone thinks I’m overly emotional. It helps, thank you.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@LindsayIrene & wwth

My cat will jump straight into anything, like the cage-box-thingy [how’s that called, by the way ?] we use to take him to the vet’s, or even my hoodie while I’m wearing it.

So he’d probably do the same with that armor, and then fiercely cuddle with whoever showed it to him, making them wish the helmet wasn’t so detailed.

Granted, he’s a weird cat. But seriously, that pointy bit ? The artist didn’t think it through.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Oh, hypergamy.

It’s bad for women to be hypergamous because that’s being a gold digging whore.

But it’s also bad for women to be with someone of lower social status because that’s being a slut who sleeps with and possibly has welfare babies with alpha thugs.

It’s bad for women to not be with men at all because that’s cruelly depriving Nice Guys of company and/or sex.

There’s no way to be a woman and do anything correctly with your sexuality. Not ever.

John Michaels
John Michaels
8 years ago

Daily stormer is quick to think that woman all want to be sexually assaulted by Trump, because Daily Stormer writers and contributors spend a lot of time thinking about Trump sexually assaulting them.

I’ve asked a lot of alt-right Trump supporters, the kind that start a conversation with “Libtard” and end it with c**t if they would have sex with Trump if he asked. They never say no. They usually get angry, insult me, talk about how many women they have had sex with, how everyone else is a loser, ugly, not as good as them, but can never say no to having sex with the Donald.

8 years ago

BTW, the #WomensMarch now has a #MensMarch in response, thanks to Patton Oswalt (responding to that sexist twit Piers Morgan). Go to Twitter and check the hashtag. You’ll fall out of your chairs laughing. Here’s my fave tweet:

8 years ago


Oh, my partner and I have been brainstorming new remixes all day. Linda from Bob’s Burgers saying “Ahh, my face!” after the punch, that scene from Friday where Chris Tucker says “You got knocked the fugg out!” being integrated somehow. More Nazi-punching videos would definitely make the next four years more tolerable. I have no sympathy for those fucks either, and frankly I think the situation in which the U.S. finds itself calls for a thoughtful mix of peaceful and militant tactics, but…comments policies and whatnot.

8 years ago

Nope, it was a serious assault.

Sucker punching someone can kill them or cause permanent brain injury. I don’t support this no matter the intentions behind it.

8 years ago

I’ve done my reading on both sides of the argument. I just happen to fall on the side that doesn’t give a sailing-through-the-blue-sky fuck if someone who wants to ethnically cleanse my country gets clocked for it. Does my position partially stem from the fact that I spent nigh on 20 years getting the shit kicked out of me just for existing and now LOVE to see abusive garbage put down by any means necessary? Absolutely, and I make no apologies for that. That doesn’t mean I haven’t also done my research, because even delicious Schadenfreude isn’t worth being counter-productive to the end result of crushing fascism.

And dude, if you’re trying to make me feel bad for Nazis, to call your battle Sisyphean would be painfully understated.

8 years ago

Dude, don’t even attempt to make me feel sympathy for a Nazi.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

My cat will jump straight into anything, like the cage-box-thingy [how’s that called, by the way ?]

In English, a pet carrier, or sometimes a cat carrier if what you’re carrying is a cat. Might be called a crate sometimes, especially if there is a dog in it.

8 years ago

Given that we generally excuse violence when it’s done to mitigate harm (self defense), to say that nazi shits like Anglin don’t deserve to get punched in their stupid mouths is implicitly saying that the shit their stupid mouths say isn’t harmful – but it is.

Whether or not they themselves are causing people physical harm, they are publicly promoting an ideology that does. Even if they aren’t personally committing the hate crimes, but they are encouraging the people that do. They go to great lengths making sure that a certain segment of people have to fear for their safety, so what right do they have to feel safe?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I’m going to have to express here my discomfort with the “it’s great to punch Nazis” thing.

Although I agree that it’s pretty great that a Nazi got what was coming to him, the endorsement thereof provides a degree of normalization of violence that is not going to generally be carried out on Nazis. dlowe’s analysis above is 100% legit, but there’s a lot of nuance in there. The people who usually commit violence are not going to read that nuance, or understand it, or want to understand it, and the people who are usually the victims of violence are not going to be helped by the fact that nuance was involved when we talked about Nazi punching.

When the nuance is taken away, what we have is someone getting punched because someone else didn’t like what he had to say. That’s a message that is much easier, socially speaking, to apply to the less powerful than it is to apply to privileged white men. Women are punched every day for saying something that a man didn’t want to hear. I’m uncomfortable with accidentally normalizing that in the course of gloating that a stupid Nazi got punched in his stupid face.

That’s all I’m going to say about this, ymmv.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Ah, Bryce…It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten to properly teal deer, so thanks for the opportunity!

EDIT: PoM, I didn’t see your post before I hit “submit”, but I do want to say that I can see where you’re coming from. I don’t agree, but I do see where you’re coming from, and it’s a valid point.

Bryce | January 23, 2017 at 6:04 pm
Nope, it was a serious assault.

Sucker punching someone can kill them or cause permanent brain injury. I don’t support this no matter the intentions behind it.

I’ve seen a lot of pearl-clutching over this whole nazi-punching thing, and honestly, as someone targeted by these fucks over my gender identity/sexuality? Fuck ’em.

I’m not willing to engage in “peaceful debate” and sing Kumbaya with people who actively want me dead. When we try to be “better” than them, all we’re really doing is emboldening them because we’re showing that we’re not going to take action besides sit back and say we don’t agree with them. When we just sit back and go “C’mon, that’s not cool!” they don’t give a shit and will continue to do what they were doing.

Do I want these people to stop being nazis and stop wishing that huge swaths of the human race would die? Absolutely. But at the end of the day, they aren’t going to. I’m not going to waste my energy trying to “change their minds”, because at the end of the day, they aren’t going to. But what I can do in the meantime is LOUDLY RESIST THEM. Get loud. Get shouty. And if it fucking comes down to it, get violent.

Because they understand that. They hear that. That makes them cower like they want us to cower.

Look, I didn’t want to get to a point in my life where I’m happy because someone got punched in the face. But we’re at this point now. And you know what? Richard Spencer is afraid because of this. He knows there’s people who aren’t going to put up with his bigotry. And that’s fucking worth it, IMO.

That shithead is looking over his shoulder when he goes out in public. He’s afraid of becoming a meme we all sit back and laugh about. And I couldn’t be happier.

For some other opinions on the subject, have some reading that I’ve reblogged today:

zombiekougra on how Hitler rose to power because the world powers sat back and didn’t take action

lesbianfreyja saying that yeah, we should call nazis nazis (because they hate it)

@puckett101 on twitter on nazis and punk culture

pipistrellus saying antifas aren’t there to “change the minds of nazis”

ostolero on why it’s not cool to call bigotry “different opinions”

VERY IMPORTANT: priorwaltering on the subject

and, finally Warren Ellis on whether or not nazis should be punched.

A relevant quote:

And for funzies, some tweets:

(Jack Kirby, one of the Jewish creators of Captain America, would punch a nazi in the face. Just sayin’.)

Also, slightly off-topic, but fuck you Nick Spencer.

You don’t deserve to write Cap. I hope the ghosts of Jack Kirby and Joe Simon stand at the foot of your bed every goddamn night and angrily bang cookware together while staring you right in the eyes.

For those of you who are unaware, this douchebag is the guy who made Captain Fucking America a nazi to be “edgy”, and then got all butthurt when people rightfully called him out for it because it was disrespectful as hell, and then proceeded to write a comic where college students who were cartoonish caricatures of “SJWs” got into a fight with a black superhero, and then said black superhero apologized to a white dude for protesting his freeze peaches.

Also for funzies: Shia Lebouf silencing a Nazi on his new livestream.

And finally, here’s a gif of Stone Cold Steve Austin (who hates racism by the way) giving Trump the Stone Cold Stunner.

8 years ago


A similar argument could be made in relation to other groups on the Right, including garden variety religious conservatives. They are after all promoting religious dogmas that on some level create the conditions wherein LGBT people experience higher rates of violence. Noe-Nazis might be a different matter but I still don’t see (non-retaliatory) violence as a valid course of action though.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

1st, they came for the nazis and I said nothing, cos fuck nazis. Violence is bad, etc etc. I take no joy from watching somebody go upside his nazi ass head. I also take no umbrage. I’ll save my outrage for others


Stone Cold Steve Austin (who hates racism by the way)

And is a supporter of gay rights! Stone Cold is alright 🙂


garden variety religious conservatives

Garden variety: adj. Common or ordinary
There’s this idea that commonness, the social default, is almost sacred. It’s untouchable. It’s disallowed for the default to be hated or criticized. ‘Religious conservatives’ are considered default, and that commonness is used to shield them from ire. Well, I don’t play that game. Anyone who speaks, acts, votes, etc in opposition to inclusion, acceptance, and justice for anyone isn’t worthy of same. Period.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I don’t endorse violence but I can’t say I feel remotely bad that he got punched either. I also can’t help but find it kinda funny that someone who has made a career out of speech that’s violent and genocidal now whining about being scared. It’s easy for bigots to talk a big game when they think they can just bully people who won’t fight back, but they live up to every stereotype there is about bullies being cowards.

8 years ago

Good for you, Bryce. Good for you. ?

8 years ago

When the nuance is taken away, what we have is someone getting punched because someone else didn’t like what he had to say.

I would agree with this if Richard Spencer et al had the same levels of influence and visibility in this country that they used to, but it would be more accurate now to say what we have is someone getting punched because they are actively threatening someone else’s safety. If the problem was just “mean words”, we would’ve had a lot more Nazi-punching sentiment in years past. The problem isn’t that they won’t shut up, and that is an insulting implication to people who are truly afraid for themselves and their families right now.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I don’t endorse violence but I can’t say I feel remotely bad that he got punched either.

Yeah, pretty much this. I’m usually one of the first people to jump on posts advocating violence, but at the same time… Well, I’ve never non-jokingly claimed to be perfect. If he can stand on the international stage and tell the world that I and everyone I care about should be murdered without any pre-punch public blowback, then I can put the video on repeat and listen to Nazi Punks Fuck Off without feeling too hypocritical for it, right?

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
8 years ago

Donald Trump is the ultimate alpha male. He is an aggressive, hostile conqueror who became ruler of the world through force of will.

And whines a lot because the press and assorted comedians are mean to him. And sends his press secretary out to explain how all those meanie-bobeenies make Mr. Alpha Conqueror, Ruler of the World Through Force of Will™ feel demoralized.

Ooooooh I’m all a-tingle.

8 years ago

I’m generally nonviolent myself, and all in favor of peaceful protest wherever possible (and wherever it works). But I’m not above fighting back if I have to, and in the case of Richard Fucking Spencer, who “heiled” Drumpf in DC (and called the press liars in badly pronounced German) a smack upside the head is the very least he’s got coming. This is not a debate about which flavor of ice cream one prefers, it’s about whether people of certain colorations, religions and ethnicities even have a right to live on this Earth. That shit should not even be up for debate, and anyone who thinks it should, should be the first to volunteer their own ass for a solid kicking with a steel-toed boot.

Genocidal viewpoints don’t deserve our tolerance OR nonviolence, because they are de facto intolerant and violent themselves. Politeness and tolerance and kumbaya didn’t work for SHIT on the original Nazis (just ask my German ancestors!). A TKO is the only language these lunkheads understand. They don’t respect anyone who isn’t willing to fight them physically. Those who DO fight them, they fear.

And I think it’s time to make racists afraid again.

8 years ago

Oh look, Sean Spicer said some shit:

Sean Spicer defends inauguration claim: ‘Sometimes we can disagree with facts’

Trump’s press secretary said he intends to be honest with the American people as he rehashed false statement on crowd size during first White House briefing

But this part of the story might be even funnier:

Trump’s inaugural speech declared that he would put “America first” and argued that patriotism could heal the nation’s divisions. On Monday, paperwork was filed with the federal government declaring officially that the day of his inauguration, 20 January 2017, would officially be known as the “National Day of Patriotic Devotion”.

It’s time to demand Donald J. Trump’s birth certificate — the longest form there is. As everyone knows, Americans don’t talk about “patriotic devotion.” I say that he and his good friend Vlad are actually brothers.