aggrieved entitlement alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism bad science crackpottery daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies f. roger devlin hypergamy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA sexual assault trump

Daily Stormer: Women’s March participants all secretly want Trump to sexually assault them

Hey ladies!

The millions of women who marched yesterday don’t really hate Donald Trump, at least according to Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer. No, they’re actually really into him.

Anglin, who apparently knows all the secrets lurking in the hearts of women, tells his readers in a post today (archived here) that women “generally say they opposite of what they want, especially when it comes to issues relating to sex.”

When marchers chant “this pussy grabs back,” or carry signs with mocking slogans like “we shall overcomb,” they’re just trying to cover up the fact that they want Trump to grab their own personal pussies.

“Hating on a man and talking about how awful he is is generally a sign that a woman wants to have sex with that man,” Anglin explains. The marchers wearing pink “pussy” hats were actually

demanding they be sexually assaulted by President Donald Trump.

Seriously, you don’t have to be a psychoanalyst to pick up on this. Every single one of these women is sexually fixated on Donald Trump. …

[T]his is what happens when you give women “freedoms.” They become outrageous – and dangerous.

So what is it about Trump that is allegedly so irresistible to so many women? Professor Anglin has an explanation.

To understand why all of these women want to have sex with a single man who is 70-years-old and slightly overweight, and wasn’t even explicitly handsome when he was young, one must understand the concept of hypergamy.

If you’re thinking that this sounds awfully familiar, it’s because Men’s Rights Activists and assorted other Manosphere types have a bit of an obsession with this pseudoscientific explanation of female psychology, which originally came from white nationalist F. Roger Devlin.

While the term itself means nothing more than “marrying up” as Anglin notes, in the minds of the internet’s misogynists it’s become the favorite explanation as to why women would rather sleep with dudes other than them. “Hypergamy” is the reason that women allegedly ignore perfectly decent hard-working beta males, hungering instead for the hottest, sexxxxxiest, most alpha dudes out there. And right now the world’s biggest alpha dog is none other than Donald Trump.

“[E]very woman on the planet is seeking the perfect male,” Anglin explains. And so, regardless of their politics, they find themselves secretly longing for an elderly man with artificially orange skin and the world’s most ludicrous hairstyle.

Donald Trump is the ultimate alpha male. He is an aggressive, hostile conqueror who became ruler of the world through force of will. As such, he is the object of sexual fixation of all women on the planet.

Hence, hundreds of thousands of women across the globe marching with the demand to have sex with him.

It’s just SCIENCE, Anglin insists. A woman

only has one womb, and it takes an extremely long time to produce and raise a child. Why would she not want that child to be the best possible child?

Apparently the women of the world look on the American-Psycho-looking Eric and Don Jr. and think to themselves: if only I could have sons just like that!

While Anglin himself has a giant man-crush on Trump, he think’s all this alleged Trump-lust amongst women is a sign that the sexual revolution that kicked off in the 1960s is ruining just about everything. In a “sexually liberated society,” Anglin writes,

where there is no obligation to marriage and monogamy, all women will seek sex with the highest-ranking males, and the other 90% of males will be left without sex partners, or at least without the prospect of a permanent partner. …

This is not conducive to civilization. At all. It creates an army of sexually frustrated men incapable of landing a partner, as average women seek out one-night stands with above average men that they believe they can somehow swoon, manipulate or otherwise trick into being with them forever.

Yep, Anglin is rehashing the same tired arguments made a thousand times before by MRAs and MGTOWs and assorted other lady haters.

As Anglin — and countless other internet misogynists — see it, the only solution here is some form of mandatory monogamy that can put “these dirty sluts in check.” Specifically, Anglin wants to ban abortion, get rid of child support, and end “affirmative action for women, making it impossible for women to support themselves (no, they can’t compete in the workplace without affirmative action).”

As Anglin sees it, the future of Western Civilization is at stake!

Only by restricting the deranged sex practices of women can we save our civilization. And a vow to fix this problem is a sure way to get young men on board with a war against the Jews.

I hereby vow that any system that I help to install will ensure that you all get wives. As long as you aren’t a complete weirdo and do spend some time in the gym.

Apparently the whole point of the alt-right is to find some nice ladies for the world’s lonely Nazis. Who knew?

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8 years ago



Spike from Buffy is of course on the list. Best Brit accent from a non-Brit actor I can remember ever hearing, too ? )

I agree. Although I have to wince every time he mispronounces “poof”. What he’s trying to say is a derogatory term for a gay man. What he actually says is “pouffe” which is a sort of bean bag thing you sit on. I always wondered why Anthony Stewart Head never corrected him.

Otherwise, perfect.

8 years ago

cruel and inhuman that was, cruel and inhuman. How could you.
(incidentally, have you heard James Marsters doing Brit-speak? I’d never come across the actor before, and initially thought he was the real deal (along with the bloke who plays Giles, whom he was apparently imitating)).

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
8 years ago

January 22, 2017 at 7:30 pm
I think reading this actually made my vagina retreat even further into my body out of fear and disgust.

Mine too, which is strange as I’m a man.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ opposablethumbs

have you heard James Marsters doing Brit-speak?

I had to check youtube. The only thing I could find was some blooper reel stuff. That was interesting as he skips instantly back into his regular accent when he’s not doing the character voice; so not a Stanislavski fan.

His English accent reminds me of someone else though. It’s bugging me trying to place it. But I’m wondering if he practiced his accent by basing it on another Brit.

8 years ago

I refuse to believe even a single person would genuinely mean it when they spout that kind of nonsense, yet it’s as hard to believe that anyone would spend their free time like that just for trolling.

No wonder they don’t understand women when they think like this. I would be confused as well if I treated half of the population like beings from a parallel universe.

Also I think I’m gonna need some pictures of lizards with hats to cleanse my brain from the mental image of that title. And a barf bucket maybe.

8 years ago

The whole “yes means yes, no also means yes, and nothing means no” thing has got to die — not in a fire, no, not a mere fire. A towering inferno, more like it. An inferno the size of a Trump Tower, no less.

Oh, and here’s your giggle of the day, while we’re on the subject of what No actually means:

8 years ago


Yes, but punching Nazis is a bad thing that we shouldn’t do.

Something else that absolutely no one should do right now is go to YouTube, search “Richard Spencer punched remix”, and enjoy the hell out of the internet doing its thing for once.

I’m not going to lie, after seeing a few of said videos and vines, I spent part of my morning fantasizing about nazi-punching-on-camera becoming a regular thing so I could make a full-length music video for Der Fuehrer’s Face featuring nothing but an assortment of nazi-punching.

When der Fuehrer says: “we is de master race”
We heil *punch* heil *punch* right in der Fuehrer’s face

I don’t know, I guess my patience for literal nazis spouting their disgusting nonsense in full view of the public without any repercussions has run out or something, so no sympathy for them here. Go figure.

Cynical Optimist
Cynical Optimist
8 years ago

Does anybody have a good way to break apart the “Just Joking” bullshit? Because I just had a conversation with a classmate about how the alt-right doesn’t really mean what they post, and Milo’s just using his tactics because the SJWs won’t give him an honest debate, and I’m sick of hearing this garbage accepted as joke.

8 years ago

The “just joking” tactic is commonly used by emotionally abusive people. Even if the alt-right is “just joking,” it’s meant to be harmful.

8 years ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if Milo was just saying shit to get clicks.

The neo-nazis tend to be dead serious.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


I know Viking isn’t an ethnicity. I’m a part Norwegian and Swedish Minnesotan. I’m just saying what they did is no worse than the imperialism from Britain and France over the centuries.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@DL Here you go. 🙂 I had no idea this was such a thing! LOL!

comment image
comment image

@LindsayIrene Good link to post whenever one gets an on-line ‘just joking!’ WEG

8 years ago

But I’m wondering if he practiced his accent by basing it on another Brit.

He says he based it on wossname who plays Giles, who is from this part of the forest – he’s also the bloke in the memorably execrable nescafé Gold Blend advert series.
The rule of thumb is apparently to speak as if with the “greatest possible self-deprecation founded on a breathtaking and absolutely impregnable sense of superiority”. Or words to that effect.
Apologies, all, we’re derailing. Sorry.

I’m seeing a lot of coverage still continuing in the Grauniad of the Saturday marches around the world – opinion pieces and the like. The more Trump is despised, mocked and repudiated, the easier it will be – hopefully – for some at least of his current allies eventually to start edging away, not out of principle (after all, if they had principles they wouldn’t be his current allies) but out of self-interest.

8 years ago

@Cynical Optimist:

Does anybody have a good way to break apart the “Just Joking” bullshit? Because I just had a conversation with a classmate about how the alt-right doesn’t really mean what they post, and Milo’s just using his tactics because the SJWs won’t give him an honest debate, and I’m sick of hearing this garbage accepted as joke.

Just tell him that even if a person fucks goats “just as a joke”, he’s still a goat-fucker. Works for me…

Also, Milo looking for “honest debate”? Now THAT’s a joke. He’s not debating, he’s LECTURING. If it were a debate, there would be a moderator and a buzzer to let him know his babbling time is up. And he’d actually have to make cogent points and refute those of his opponent equally cogently, not just hurl shit at a wall and hope that some of it sticks. Milo chose the lecture format to AVOID debate and make it look like he’s right, because he knows that in a real debate, he’d get creamed — or thrown out. Maybe even both.

8 years ago

Fun fact about the franks: they ran most of western europe and led the crusades, so the arabs knew the crusaders as the franji (softening the ‘k’ to a ‘j’ — sort of like the english ‘french’ versus ‘frank’), regardless where the crusaders were actually from. It didn’t seem to generally matter so much to them which nation was sending religious warriors to come chop heads and plunder their land and destroy their learned civilization.

That term moved across the trade routes from the levant to mesopotamia and then throughout the Indian ocean basin to become the Thai “farang” meaning white foreigner, and several other equivalent terms in other languages. Then across the Pacific to become the mercantile assholes in Star Trek.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Cynical Optimist, that’s a tough one I’ve been thinking about a lot over the past year. Best thing I’ve been able to think up is finding examples of people whoa re “Just Joking”, but then seriously expressing the same opinions later. Honestly, I’d love it if David did that sort of an article – convincing evidence of the MRA’s and Nazi’s hands in the cookie jar.

It’s a tough one, though. That fight is against the “boys will be boys” reaction, which is super resilient. Getting through that involves waking people up to the sexism and racism and bigotry in the world, and people have strong defenses against it.

EDIT: Bina’s reply is better. I like that one.

8 years ago

Marsters is both lovely (I mean you could platform dive off of those cheekbones, I swear) (and aging well, too!!!), but also very good with accents. He reads the Dresden Files audiobooks. He actually reads Harry with a Chicago accent. Not an over-the-top exaggeration, but an actual Chicago accent. Other characters all have appropriate accents, and again, never over the top, often noticeable only if you are listening for them. Highly recommended both for the series and for the performance. They had someone else read one of the books because he was busy, and fan outrage was so bad they actually paid him record the book too.

Now if only they had cast him as Harry when they tried to make a TV show from the series… Oh, well, I have a good imagination.

ETA: Oh, and John Barrowman says he kisses pretty good for a straight boy.

Angry Since 11/09/2016
Angry Since 11/09/2016
8 years ago

Well, they none get wives since they are all weirdos and belong to a cult of hate.

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago


And as you’ll know ‘Norman’ might be synonymous with French but it’s just a contraction of Norseman.

It bloody well isn’t. It means a French person from Normandy. Which was the jumping off point for the 1066 invasion, on account of William being duke of Normandy before he made himself king of England.

@Occasional Reader

from a strict semantic point of view, indeed, Frenchs descend from Franks. Now, from a civilizational point of view…

I’d put it the other way, myself; from a genetic perspective, the modern French population is descended from Gauls and Franks and Romans and a bunch of other people. Linguistically, it’s mostly Gallo-Roman. The Franks mostly just put their name on it during a period of political ascendancy, and after a while it became more important if you were a Gascon or a Breton or a Burgundian or what have you. And a while after that it started being French vs. non-French. (Hell, it wasn’t until sometime in the 16th century that everyone in France actually even spoke the same language).


I wonder where Anglin gets his “90% of men are sexless” stats?

Really sounds more like what you see in places that practice polygyny, where rich powerful men marry lots of wives (who have no choice in this, so it still doesn’t support Anglin’s bs) and lots of other men have no chance of ever getting married, or even laid. Commonly the rich old men solve the problem by sending the young men off to be killed in a war somewhere.


I’m just saying what they did is no worse than the imperialism from Britain and France over the centuries.

I don’t doubt they would’ve, if they’d had deep-ocean ships and a significant population base. Gustavus Adolphus made a decent start even without that, and if he hadn’t’ve got shot when he did, who knows where he’d’ve ended up.

@Angry since 11/09/2016
Valid point. It’s totally possible that 90% of the guys Anglin knows can’t get a date, because they’re fucking Nazi scum,

8 years ago

Oh, a reverse ‘he only hits you because he likes you!’ with a dash of cold congealed nazi in it, too. Like gravy skin to the soul.

Cynical Optimist
Cynical Optimist
8 years ago

Re: everyone who replied

Thanks for the advice. I would have replied sooner, but class was in progress. I’ll try to open up the conversation tomorrow, and see if can’t actually make some headway against the wall that is denial.

Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
8 years ago

“Fun fact about the franks: they ran most of western europe and led the crusades, so the arabs knew the crusaders as the franji (softening the ‘k’ to a ‘j’ — sort of like the english ‘french’ versus ‘frank’), regardless where the crusaders were actually from. It didn’t seem to generally matter so much to them which nation was sending religious warriors to come chop heads and plunder their land and destroy their learned civilization.”

The Knights Templar, when they were active in the Middle East, made efforts to seem less odd to local people, so they grew beards, among other things. There’s a delightful story of a local ruler (somewhere in Syria) meeting with a European delegation. His small daughter was sitting in on the court, and as the knights filed in, she ran screaming…to the Templar assigned to her daddy’s court…begging him to save her from the Franks, who were going to eat her.

He explained that he was a Frank too, and it was OK, which got the sensible seven-year-old response–basically a medieval version of “No you’re not, you’re NORMAL LOOKING.”

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago


Oh, and here’s your giggle of the day, while we’re on the subject of what No actually means:

I admit it: I laughed.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ dalillama

It means a French person from Normandy

Yup, but Normandy is derived from
‘Northman’ after some Viking settlers were granted the place in some treaty.

8 years ago

@Podkayne Lives

This is what I love about this site. Come for the mocking of vile misogyny. Stay for the interesting facts about Star Trek and the Templar Knights.

Once again, thank you all.