aggrieved entitlement alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism bad science crackpottery daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies f. roger devlin hypergamy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA sexual assault trump

Daily Stormer: Women’s March participants all secretly want Trump to sexually assault them

Hey ladies!

The millions of women who marched yesterday don’t really hate Donald Trump, at least according to Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer. No, they’re actually really into him.

Anglin, who apparently knows all the secrets lurking in the hearts of women, tells his readers in a post today (archived here) that women “generally say they opposite of what they want, especially when it comes to issues relating to sex.”

When marchers chant “this pussy grabs back,” or carry signs with mocking slogans like “we shall overcomb,” they’re just trying to cover up the fact that they want Trump to grab their own personal pussies.

“Hating on a man and talking about how awful he is is generally a sign that a woman wants to have sex with that man,” Anglin explains. The marchers wearing pink “pussy” hats were actually

demanding they be sexually assaulted by President Donald Trump.

Seriously, you don’t have to be a psychoanalyst to pick up on this. Every single one of these women is sexually fixated on Donald Trump. …

[T]his is what happens when you give women “freedoms.” They become outrageous – and dangerous.

So what is it about Trump that is allegedly so irresistible to so many women? Professor Anglin has an explanation.

To understand why all of these women want to have sex with a single man who is 70-years-old and slightly overweight, and wasn’t even explicitly handsome when he was young, one must understand the concept of hypergamy.

If you’re thinking that this sounds awfully familiar, it’s because Men’s Rights Activists and assorted other Manosphere types have a bit of an obsession with this pseudoscientific explanation of female psychology, which originally came from white nationalist F. Roger Devlin.

While the term itself means nothing more than “marrying up” as Anglin notes, in the minds of the internet’s misogynists it’s become the favorite explanation as to why women would rather sleep with dudes other than them. “Hypergamy” is the reason that women allegedly ignore perfectly decent hard-working beta males, hungering instead for the hottest, sexxxxxiest, most alpha dudes out there. And right now the world’s biggest alpha dog is none other than Donald Trump.

“[E]very woman on the planet is seeking the perfect male,” Anglin explains. And so, regardless of their politics, they find themselves secretly longing for an elderly man with artificially orange skin and the world’s most ludicrous hairstyle.

Donald Trump is the ultimate alpha male. He is an aggressive, hostile conqueror who became ruler of the world through force of will. As such, he is the object of sexual fixation of all women on the planet.

Hence, hundreds of thousands of women across the globe marching with the demand to have sex with him.

It’s just SCIENCE, Anglin insists. A woman

only has one womb, and it takes an extremely long time to produce and raise a child. Why would she not want that child to be the best possible child?

Apparently the women of the world look on the American-Psycho-looking Eric and Don Jr. and think to themselves: if only I could have sons just like that!

While Anglin himself has a giant man-crush on Trump, he think’s all this alleged Trump-lust amongst women is a sign that the sexual revolution that kicked off in the 1960s is ruining just about everything. In a “sexually liberated society,” Anglin writes,

where there is no obligation to marriage and monogamy, all women will seek sex with the highest-ranking males, and the other 90% of males will be left without sex partners, or at least without the prospect of a permanent partner. …

This is not conducive to civilization. At all. It creates an army of sexually frustrated men incapable of landing a partner, as average women seek out one-night stands with above average men that they believe they can somehow swoon, manipulate or otherwise trick into being with them forever.

Yep, Anglin is rehashing the same tired arguments made a thousand times before by MRAs and MGTOWs and assorted other lady haters.

As Anglin — and countless other internet misogynists — see it, the only solution here is some form of mandatory monogamy that can put “these dirty sluts in check.” Specifically, Anglin wants to ban abortion, get rid of child support, and end “affirmative action for women, making it impossible for women to support themselves (no, they can’t compete in the workplace without affirmative action).”

As Anglin sees it, the future of Western Civilization is at stake!

Only by restricting the deranged sex practices of women can we save our civilization. And a vow to fix this problem is a sure way to get young men on board with a war against the Jews.

I hereby vow that any system that I help to install will ensure that you all get wives. As long as you aren’t a complete weirdo and do spend some time in the gym.

Apparently the whole point of the alt-right is to find some nice ladies for the world’s lonely Nazis. Who knew?

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Hating on a man and talking about how awful he is is generally a sign that a woman wants to have sex with that man

I think he wants to believe that women only hate him because they want to do him. But really, we just hate him.

Hell, there are fictional characters I want to fuck who are horrendous assholes who would be (or are) better off six feet under for everyone involved. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t fuck them though.

Yep. I would do Spike from Buffy and I would do Khal Drogo and I would do several James Bond incarnations. Although there’s a limit on how much of an asshole even a fictional character can be. Ramsay Bolton and Negan are unfuckable even though the actors who play them are fuckable.

Trump and Anglin?

And I’m not just saying that! To be a hot asshole, you have to actually be hot and you have to have a few redeeming qualities.

8 years ago

Donald Trump was definitely conventionally handsome when he was young. He looked like a douchier, ginger Owen Wilson. Now he has the face that he earned.

8 years ago

@ wwth

Heh. Watching ‘Vikings,’ I find myself attracted to various characters, and then slightly appalled at myself because they’re all killers. But they’re hot… and they’re Vikings.

8 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention – perfect!

8 years ago

Yep, ya caught us. We are just hiding our obvious hots for the grossest sack of orange garbage that ever lived.

These clueless sickfuxx are perpetuating the highly delusional belief that women’s “No” always actually means “YES!! YESSSS!!”, and it’s sickening. Or wait, is my nausea actually arousal?

Darn, I can’t upload the two pics of Pepe(!) Le Pew horrendously perving upon that beautiful black kitty who got a white paint stripe on her back… A shame, because both pics show her fighting back 😀

(I can’t believe how that cartoon normalized male sexual aggression while no one ever felt pity for her. I also shudder at myself for sounding so much like… well, like the MRAs’ definition of a man-hating feminist when I’m not any such thing :\ )

8 years ago

[E]very woman on the planet is seeking the perfect male

I wasn’t seeking the perfect mate. I just sort of stumbled into him when I was looking for something else (a map in the library, actually, since he was the map librarian where I did my masters).

I compare my husband to D. Trump, and I can see no earthly reason why I would want D. Trump. I have someone so much better, and someone who sees me as a human being, and not a pussy to be grabbed.

8 years ago

You know the more I hear about “alpha males” and what they are supposed to be like (seriously they don’t exist, humans and wolves don’t actually work like that), the less attracted to them I am.

Seriously figuratively screw these guys.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago

That was the longest way ever to say “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Heh. Watching ‘Vikings,’ I find myself attracted to various characters, and then slightly appalled at myself because they’re all killers. But they’re hot… and they’re Vikings.

Yes. Vikings and GoT are the two main shows that conflict my pantsfeels.

Although I’m of the opinion that Vikings were no worse than the English or the French. They just weren’t the ones who wrote the histories. So there’s that.

8 years ago

This post makes me randy, in the sense that “women want to be sexually assaulted” is something Ayn Rand would say.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

Katheryn Winnick is too gorgeous for my mind to even fully comprehend.

Edit: my bad, misspelled her name.

8 years ago

@ Viscaria

And then they make her character bi. *swoon*

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I can’t adopt a new kitty anytime soon, but Legertha is definitely on the short list for female cat names for whenever the time comes that I do get another cat.

8 years ago
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

That’s amazing. Although I can’t imagine many cats not making their humans pay dearly for trying to dress them in something like that.

8 years ago

I would like to thank Anglin for promoting taxpayer support of single mothers who can’t abort, get paternal support, or work.

How much of his own taxes is he willing to use to support the children of women he didn’t personally impregnate?

8 years ago

As long as you aren’t a complete weirdo and do spend some time in the gym.

Well, it’s lovely to see that he’s looking out for all men.

8 years ago

I guess, in this case, all the conservative Tea-Partier men who hated Obama were/are closet homosexuals who secretly wanted to have sex with him, then?

8 years ago

“Hating on a man and talking about how awful he is is generally a sign that a woman wants to have sex with that man,”

By that definition Anglin must be gagging for BBC. /snark

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Legertha: <3

This Post: o_o

Sweet Celestia, these guys. So fucking stupid!

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
8 years ago


If ‘no = yes’ because women always say the opposite of what they really mean, then wouldn’t the fastest way to get rid of these guys be saying ‘yes’ to them? Because by their logic that would mean ‘no’, right? Right?

Or does that rule only take effect when women tell men what they don’t want to hear?

I think the original Bizarro World made better sense than the OP. >.<

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Redsilkphoenix gets it in one. If a woman tells them something they don’t like, then she’s obviously either lying or just too stupid/hormonal/feeemale.

But no, there’s no rape culture.

8 years ago

This honestly just confirms my personal theory that anything women do in large groups that isn’t for the pleasure of such men is highly offensive to their fragile egos.

I mean, THE ONLY RATIONAL EXPLANATION is that they want to be assaulted, ya know??

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

@ LindsayIrene

Unfortunately, I can’t look at that armor without thinking of it as barding. Which means there has to be a rider.