aggrieved entitlement alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism bad science crackpottery daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies f. roger devlin hypergamy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA sexual assault trump

Daily Stormer: Women’s March participants all secretly want Trump to sexually assault them

Hey ladies!

The millions of women who marched yesterday don’t really hate Donald Trump, at least according to Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer. No, they’re actually really into him.

Anglin, who apparently knows all the secrets lurking in the hearts of women, tells his readers in a post today (archived here) that women “generally say they opposite of what they want, especially when it comes to issues relating to sex.”

When marchers chant “this pussy grabs back,” or carry signs with mocking slogans like “we shall overcomb,” they’re just trying to cover up the fact that they want Trump to grab their own personal pussies.

“Hating on a man and talking about how awful he is is generally a sign that a woman wants to have sex with that man,” Anglin explains. The marchers wearing pink “pussy” hats were actually

demanding they be sexually assaulted by President Donald Trump.

Seriously, you don’t have to be a psychoanalyst to pick up on this. Every single one of these women is sexually fixated on Donald Trump. …

[T]his is what happens when you give women “freedoms.” They become outrageous – and dangerous.

So what is it about Trump that is allegedly so irresistible to so many women? Professor Anglin has an explanation.

To understand why all of these women want to have sex with a single man who is 70-years-old and slightly overweight, and wasn’t even explicitly handsome when he was young, one must understand the concept of hypergamy.

If you’re thinking that this sounds awfully familiar, it’s because Men’s Rights Activists and assorted other Manosphere types have a bit of an obsession with this pseudoscientific explanation of female psychology, which originally came from white nationalist F. Roger Devlin.

While the term itself means nothing more than “marrying up” as Anglin notes, in the minds of the internet’s misogynists it’s become the favorite explanation as to why women would rather sleep with dudes other than them. “Hypergamy” is the reason that women allegedly ignore perfectly decent hard-working beta males, hungering instead for the hottest, sexxxxxiest, most alpha dudes out there. And right now the world’s biggest alpha dog is none other than Donald Trump.

“[E]very woman on the planet is seeking the perfect male,” Anglin explains. And so, regardless of their politics, they find themselves secretly longing for an elderly man with artificially orange skin and the world’s most ludicrous hairstyle.

Donald Trump is the ultimate alpha male. He is an aggressive, hostile conqueror who became ruler of the world through force of will. As such, he is the object of sexual fixation of all women on the planet.

Hence, hundreds of thousands of women across the globe marching with the demand to have sex with him.

It’s just SCIENCE, Anglin insists. A woman

only has one womb, and it takes an extremely long time to produce and raise a child. Why would she not want that child to be the best possible child?

Apparently the women of the world look on the American-Psycho-looking Eric and Don Jr. and think to themselves: if only I could have sons just like that!

While Anglin himself has a giant man-crush on Trump, he think’s all this alleged Trump-lust amongst women is a sign that the sexual revolution that kicked off in the 1960s is ruining just about everything. In a “sexually liberated society,” Anglin writes,

where there is no obligation to marriage and monogamy, all women will seek sex with the highest-ranking males, and the other 90% of males will be left without sex partners, or at least without the prospect of a permanent partner. …

This is not conducive to civilization. At all. It creates an army of sexually frustrated men incapable of landing a partner, as average women seek out one-night stands with above average men that they believe they can somehow swoon, manipulate or otherwise trick into being with them forever.

Yep, Anglin is rehashing the same tired arguments made a thousand times before by MRAs and MGTOWs and assorted other lady haters.

As Anglin — and countless other internet misogynists — see it, the only solution here is some form of mandatory monogamy that can put “these dirty sluts in check.” Specifically, Anglin wants to ban abortion, get rid of child support, and end “affirmative action for women, making it impossible for women to support themselves (no, they can’t compete in the workplace without affirmative action).”

As Anglin sees it, the future of Western Civilization is at stake!

Only by restricting the deranged sex practices of women can we save our civilization. And a vow to fix this problem is a sure way to get young men on board with a war against the Jews.

I hereby vow that any system that I help to install will ensure that you all get wives. As long as you aren’t a complete weirdo and do spend some time in the gym.

Apparently the whole point of the alt-right is to find some nice ladies for the world’s lonely Nazis. Who knew?

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8 years ago

I think reading this actually made my vagina retreat even further into my body out of fear and disgust.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago

My soul just vomited.

I am generally heterosexual going on asexual, but honestly, if I were stuck on a desert island and my choices of compulsory mate were a nice lesbian or bi woman or Donald Trump, I would switch teams in a heartbeat for so many reasons it’s not funny. One of the main reasons being I don’t want to have to change the diapers of a whiny compulsively lying manchild.

8 years ago

I think I may have just spontaneously developed vagina dentata over that essay.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago


But but but I want some vagina dentata tooooo!

8 years ago

Dang he got us. Yeah it’s all reverse psychology. You see, when we were all chanting “keep your tiny hands far away from our underpants” what we all meant was “take me now you cheeto dusted, caterpillar haired hunk of man you”.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

I wonder what he thinks of all the men who marched. Do I want to have sex with that asshole in the White House, too?

Actually no, I don’t wonder. That’s almost certainly what he thinks.

Specifically, Anglin wants to ban abortion, get rid of child support, and end “affirmative action for women, making it impossible for women to support themselves (no, they can’t compete in the workplace without affirmative action).”

So he insists women want the “perfect male,” who’s virile and probably rich, and that this is a bad thing…but his ideal world would make no other situation tenable for women.

I know that camel’s back is already completely fractured, but each new straw added just makes the situation more ludicrous.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Anglin might want to keep a lower profile. I hear that nazi-punching is coming back into style.

8 years ago

To me this seems like proof positive that the favorite movie genre of both Neo-Nazis and MRAs is romantic comedy.

8 years ago

TW: sexual assault, domestic abuse

I know this is said every time somebody talks about hypergamy, but I still can’t wrap my head around this. The reason we are upset about him sexually assaulting women is because he didn’t sexually assault us?? Being a hyper aggressive narcissistic asswipe somehow makes him more desireable to have his children?? Why would anyone intentionally want to tie themselves to that in the absence of financial incentives or in the context of abuse?

It’s almost like these idiots don’t know how abusive personalities work, and why their victims stay because they have internalized the abuse or they feel like they can’t escape, and not because their abuser has somehow demonstrated themselves to be a superior specimen.

Fuck these guys.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago

@Judas Peckerwood

I know we shouldn’t support violence, even towards hemorrhoid scrapings such as Anglin, but if someone WERE to put fists above restraint when dealing with him, well… “he had it coming” is all I can think of the possibility.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m glad I have that make America kittens again Chrome extension and whatever sure to be horrendous picture up top has been replaced with an adorable gray and white kitten nomming on a stuffed (whore?*) penguin.

On Trump grabbing my pussy or any other part; I wish for no.

Only by restricting the deranged sex practices of women can we save our civilization.

It’s been said a bazillion times before and I’ll say it again. If women are naturally hardwired to be submissive virginal housewives, how come it takes completely restricting our sexuality and money making ability to force us all into that role?

* For those who don’t know, the same MRA who sued over hard chairs at a library, Tom Martin, trolled here and gave us a helpful biology lesson about how female penguins are whores.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
8 years ago

There are loads of rich and successful people to fantasize about that *aren’t* rusty-faced, yellow-crested howler monkeys, MRA/MIGTOW/PUA, or nazi dudebros. Anglin knows that, right?

8 years ago

Possible TW (abuse, sexual violence, rape)

@Flora – well, Anglin’s “solutions” to making sure all men have wives is basically to imprison women both economically and physically.

So, yeah, they understand abuse just fine, they just don’t care. Women aren’t people to them, so they don’t have to be permitted basic human rights.

And this essay also illustrates that they’ve extrapolated the idea that “some people have rape fantasies” to mean “all women want to be raped”.

Apparently they think we’re still ladylike enough to mask that desperate non-desire with outward disgust and disdain.

8 years ago

Given the tendency these guys have to project, I’d hate to see Anglin’s porn stash.

8 years ago

Are they against Trump because of dozens of crimes against humanity? Nope

*~They’re just tsundere~*

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Hating on a man and talking about how awful he is is generally a sign that a woman wants to have sex with that man

If by men and women you mean 4th grade boys and girls, and by have sex with you mean hold hands under a tree, then sure. Otherwise, the fuck?

any system that I help to install will ensure that you all get wives

comment image
Look, there’s more women than men in the world. Millions more. Supply already favors you. Just cos you can’t gin up the demand…

8 years ago

Every single one of these women is sexually fixated on Donald Trump.




Donald Trump is the ultimate alpha male. He is an aggressive, hostile conqueror who became ruler of the world through force of will. As such, he is the object of sexual fixation of all women on the planet.

Hence, hundreds of thousands of women across the globe marching with the demand to have sex with him.


Or, as we of the reality-based world (remember that phrase?) would call it, TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT!


I hereby vow that any system that I help to install will ensure that you all get wives. As long as you aren’t a complete weirdo and do spend some time in the gym.

Sorry, but being a reader/believer of Anglin’s #altfacts site automatically makes you a complete weirdo.

8 years ago

How is trump whining about the mean ol’ nasty media “alpha?”

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
8 years ago

Nice of him to set up his theory such that no form of data collected from or about actual women can disprove it.

8 years ago

Nazis constantly confuse their fantasies for facts. They can’t even seem to remember that Hitler ended up in a ditch, on fire and his cronies were hung.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

Through force of will

Durch den Triumph des Willens!

8 years ago

(In all seriousness, though: I no longer wonder what life is like through the Looking Glass, in Imaginary Backwards Bizarro World. All I have to do is read snippets of Anglin’s “thoughts” and I know all!)

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

The thing I don’t understand is why do these assholes believe that we feeemales are literally fucking incapable of saying what we mean? I mean, I know they want to think that when we say “fuck off you facist fuck” we mean “plz sweep me off my feet and make me your little house frau Mr. Nazi~ *swoon*” But, sometimes a “fuck off” is just a “fuck off” m8.

Hell, there are fictional characters I want to fuck who are horrendous assholes who would be (or are) better off six feet under for everyone involved. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t fuck them though.

But the thing is, I’m fucking open about that. There’s no coy tsundere bullshit here. If you’re an asshole that I would fuck, I would just say it. No shame.

Of course, that also makes me a bad, bad, slutty feeemale because we’re not supposed to like sex, even though we all want sex with assholes because BIO TROOFS.

(I mean, I most likely wouldn’t actually fuck them due to the asshole bits and the fact that most of them are fictional and if they were real I’d run for the fucking hills, but I would at least admit that there’s some sexual attraction there despite the asshole bits. Does that make sense?)

dreemr | January 22, 2017 at 7:37 pm
I think I may have just spontaneously developed vagina dentata over that essay.

Vagina Dentata~
What a wonderful phrase!
Vagina Dentata~
Ain’t no passing craze!

It means no intercourse
for the rest of your daaaaayyyys~

It’s a phallic-free
Body cavityyyyy

Vagina Dentata~

(Slightly edited from the quote here)

Ray of Rays | January 22, 2017 at 7:41 pm
I know that camel’s back is already completely fractured, but each new straw added just makes the situation more ludicrous.

Pretty sure we’ve gone beyond “breaking the camel’s back” and are now just trying to fold it in half from the sheer weight of the straw.

8 years ago

Hating on a man and talking about how awful he is is generally a sign that a woman wants to have sex with that man

Someone has watched too many romcoms written by men.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

To understand why all of these women want to have sex with a single man who is 70-years-old and slightly overweight, and wasn’t even explicitly handsome when he was young

Wait… explicitly handsome? What? Was he… was he implicitly handsome in his youth?

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