You may be wondering what the dregs of humanity are saying on Twitter about the Women’s March.
The answer? Some pretty amazingly dumb things. Here’s a sampling:
women's marches seem designed to allow puerile silly 19 year olds to pretend they're bitter haggard 54 year olds, and vice versa
— Convicted Felon Ace of Spades (@AceofSpadesHQ) January 21, 2017
#WomensMarch is really about the right to play the imaginary victim card aka the loser in life card or i'm one ugly cunt card.#Justsaying
— Miss Vivien (@vivienmiss) January 21, 2017
Out: Virtue signalling.
In: Vulva signalling.#vulvahats https://t.co/Cvcn5Vdtec— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 21, 2017
Quote from a friend: "The irony is those broads [#WomensMarch] would claw each others eyes out for the chance to gargle trumps balls"
— The Private Man (@man_private) January 21, 2017
What #WomensMarch is all about: pic.twitter.com/kypxkYPgtS
— Hannah Wallen | Professional Smartass (@Oneiorosgrip) January 21, 2017
Thus confirming my previous prognosis, #WomensMarch is a shit test that males should collectively neg. Its anti-western, not pro women. pic.twitter.com/66Pgphjdjp
— Andrew Quackson (@AndrewQuackson) January 21, 2017
Women are like juice cartons, It's not the shape or size or even how sweet the juice is. It's getting those fuckin' flaps open #WomansMarch
— Bob Kostic (@causticbob) January 21, 2017
paid protest buses arriving Washington DC for the #WomensMarch. https://t.co/0oSKCg7pMk
— Trump We Trust🇺🇸 (@TrumpWeTrust) January 21, 2017
That last one makes me embarrassed to be a David.
Let’s end this with a few tweets from the lovely Ann Coulter. She mad.
Women marching to protest Trump policy of… uh his policy that… well they're protesting against Trumps position that uh…
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 21, 2017
Women's March protests democratic transfer of power & the rts of 65 mill Americans. Remember Brown shirts? This is the Brown Blouses March.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 21, 2017
Women's Brown Blouse March called Trump Hitler. Wow! How long did it take them to come up with that? They are nothing if not original.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 21, 2017
What really strikes me about so many of these Tweets is how defensive they are. These are people who know the world is against them and are desperately trying to convince themselves that this is not the case. Get used to it, guys.
Do these comments work?
When Ravelry gets mobilized….
And yeah, it’s a simple pattern that can be knitted flat or in the round. If I were up to my earlier knitting speed, I could knock one out in a day, depending on the weight of the yarn.
Yes. Unfortunately for people like this, the election of Trump hasn’t proved to these people that they are supported- in fact it has made it even more clear just how much they are failing to get anyone onside.
They’ll keep being just as desperate as before, but it won’t help them. The world is against them and they know it, they’re just too scared to admit it and accept that the world isn’t going to help them get happier.
Hi there,
I’m a long time reader and first time poster. I really appreciate the writing that Mr. Futrelle has done on Trump. This might be asking a little much, but I’ve been lurking a lot of left leaning sites and I’ve been seeing a lot of decrying of identity politics by liberals – as Axecalibur mentioned. They’ve gone so far as to viciously attack minority members of the Democratic party such as Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren. Meanwhile, Sanders gets a free pass for some of his less than ideal support for the gun industry.
I’m not saying that the the Democrats are perfect and above criticism but the amount of venom from mainly white straight and male groups directed towards these Dem party members is far over the top.
I am hoping that Mr. Futrelle would be interested in covering these “brogressives” as well.
I think its easy to say that we expect the right to be misogynist and racist but the left can be just as toxic but not as obvious about it – so while they may criticize Trump, they also cause damage to progressive causes.
This opinion article by Marcus H Johnson sums up the issue perfectly. https://medium.com/@marcushjohnson/we-should-call-brocialism-what-it-is-white-populism-ad257608ed52#.sxksdb65e
I apologize if Mr. Futrelle has already done articles like this. A lot of the left leaning sites that I lurk – such as Daily Kos have been overrun by this type of “progressive” and its started to become a little worrisome. Thank you for your time.
I found, to my disappointment, a lot of tone-policing on my FB, with people complaining about the “vulgarity” and others reposting articles doing the same.
I am pleased that most of the reporting I’ve seen is talking about Trump’s “misstatements, errors, and falsehoods.” It’s still too kind to him, but his mostly free ride with the press may finally be coming to an end.
@ Laugher at Bigots
Nearly the same with me, but with just one person! I responded by sharing various march-related support.
Solidarity. I’ve got two jobs and a seven day schedule right now as well.
Man the new Bladerunner is really nailing down the cyberpunk aesthetic

@SciFiGeekForever and @Victorious Parasol: There were some cool variations on the pussy hats. Mom said the stores were running out of pink yarn. She had a gorgeous shades of pink one she was making. And a friend of mine did one in multiple people colors instead of pink, which was kind of awesome.
My mom took up crocheting and then knitting during the Iraq War. She had to do something to calm herself down and channel her feelings. Now she knits up a storm.
It’s really vital to call out ALL the lies, not just the “important” ones, and not to get distracted by the temper tantrums while the Heritage Foundation and Focus on the Family quietly takes over. I wish the media weren’t so hesitant to use the “l” word, as in “lies.” “Falsehoods” sounds prettier, which is a good reason not to use it.
Ooglyboggles wins the internet.
Hiya, newbie, call me Axe! Way easier to spell ?
And, of course, Hillary Clinton
Funny what they’ll let you get away with if you’re a white dude…
^^^^^Thisssss, like a trillion timesssss^^^^^
There’s a lotta overlap between brogressives and the manosphere, so it comes up. Then there’s this from a while back:
Welcome package on the right side of the page. And don’t be a stranger, eh? 🙂
I’ve been reading accounts of people criticizing the pink pussy hat theme and calling them cissexist, because ‘pussy’ is in reference to vaginas, and not all women have those.
I know this forum is very strong on inclusiveness and trans advocacy, but I’m observing that most of the posters here are supportive of the concept of the pink hats, so what do people think about this?
Could it be that the accusations of cissexism/transphobia are coming from trolls trying to stir up dissent? Or do people here think this might be a legitimate issue?
@EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Thank you, thank you, I aim to please.
Welcome to WeHuntedTheMammoth! There have been a few articles pertaining to brogressives. You bring up a very valid point that we should make sure that we don’t allow the types of classist/sexist/bigoted rhetoric of the economically liberal&socially conservative to go unnoticed. While I am a fervent Sanders supporter and support many things of his like bills to negotiate drug prices, I’d rather have you be able to criticize the bad points of his rather than be silenced when it is inconvenient to other parties of interest. Again welcome to WHTM I hope you have a good time posting and lurking here 🙂
Sadly there is often still cissexism/transphobia in progressive groups, and it’s possible that there are people who do exclusively equate pussy=woman.
The pink pussy hats AFAIK are a response to Trump’s ‘grab ’em by the pussy’ remarks. Transmen (who also have vaginas) would just as likely (if not moreso) be vulnerable to such sexual assault, so I don’t see the cissexism as a foregone conclusion.
Idiot was saying?
Also, speaking of idiots saying dumb shit about women: Here’s Drumpf, wondering why the estimated 3 million + marchers “didn’t vote”.
Uh, as I recall, wasn’t that also the approximate number of voters who DID vote, but not for him? The number of the popular vote, in fact, by which he was beaten? (And that’s not counting disenfranchised voters and uncounted votes in three contested states, which constitutes a likely vote theft on his part.)
@Snork Maiden:
I saw plenty of male marchers happily wearing pussyhats in pictures and videos yesterday, so it’s obvious you don’t have to be a pussy-haver to wear a pussyhat or support those who don’t want their crotches grabbed by a Drumpf. Therefore, I’m leaning trolls. They will literally use anything to try to split movements, whether the issue they’re using is legit or not. In fact, legitimate causes tend to be more effective than something just ginned up out of thin air, because they are bound to cause lengthy derailments.
Could of course be a legit person with a legit grievance, but the timing makes me wonder. I’ve just dealt with way too many trolls not to recognize the signs. Trolls always come out of the woodwork when something big is brewing and someone is desperate to disrupt it.
The only real way to know is to do a search and see if the people in question have long been advocating on the issue on other forum threads, and if they’re doing the same on stories germane to trans issues. Also, watch the frequency of their posts: Do they post regularly in good faith on the subject, or do they just do a drive-by and then buzz off? If they’re new and only bringing it up now and because of this march, they are very likely trolls looking to stir some shit.
I agree with Bina. Trump feels entitled to grab women’s genitals. The fact that not all women have the same kind of genitals is not going to stop him from grabbing.
The Pussyhat Project was launched Thanksgiving weekend to prepare for the Women’s March on Jan 21st. https://www.pussyhatproject.com/
Snork Maiden, “I’ve been reading accounts of people criticizing the pink pussy hat theme and calling them cissexist, because ‘pussy’ is in reference to vaginas, and not all women have those.”
Sorry, but this really irks me. Is gender only defined only by one’s genitals? No. Is pussy used as a slur on people, of whatever gender, who aren’t hypermasculine? Yes.
As FishyGoat points out, trans men can be sexually assaulted. Trans women have been beaten or killed when a potential partner finds out they aren’t “real women” and wants to punish them for “lying to them”. If you have a pussy, you’re a target. If you don’t have a pussy but identify with the sex that does, you’re a target.
Look, not all women have the same issues with sexism at the same time. Do we cease to support and identify with other women because “your problem with sexism is not my problem with sexism”?
For example, I am in my 60’s and many years postmenopausal, so issues of reproductive rights don’t matter to me any more. Should I whine that all this emphasis reproductive rights aren’t important because they are no longer important to ME personally?
Or do I care, as a woman, that they are very important to my fellow women and are a basic human right? (‘Cause, you know, they are.)
I think the hats are cute. I crocheted one in about half a day but I think I’ll knit the next one (which will take me longer.) No pink, though, don’t like it. I had some day-glo variegated yarn and used that.
I’m also hoping that there will be other rallies/marches to wear them to.
During the economic crisis in the 1970’s, most leftists realized that the white working class wasn’t a progressive force for change. So they shifted their focus to women and minorities and the working class in poor countries.
As a group, white working class men prefer to be dominant over some other group when they’re going through economic difficulty. The more “scholarly” MRA’s argue that improvements in the status of women and minorities in society are causing increases in white male depression and addiction. But studies tend to show this is because white men are taught that they’re entitled to have poor self control and express destructive emotions without consequences.
For example, a few generations ago white teenagers could get a slap on the wrist for pretty serious offenses (like stealing a car, making explosives, or child molestation).
Out of curiosity, I did a little googling on pussy hat anti-trans. I found one article and one tweet, both of which made the point that anatomy isn’t destiny. I found quite a few more posts from anti-trans people who were pre-emptively defensive about the criticism they thought the hats would bring.
So yeah, trolls.
@FluffPigeon, welcome, and a wonderful comment. The rise of the Asshole Progressive as a left-wing parallel to the Nazis, and their weird, nausea-inducing alliance, really has me concerned! I do hope David puts some time into exploring that side of things. Just go look at the comments on the Jimmy Dore show and you’ll no doubt have a pile of gross content, I’ve got no doubt.
Also, floofy pigeons are the best <3
Hello little floof!
As for the hats, I imagine they're going to become a thing for the left wing to wear. Simple, practical, iconic, and cute. Not only that, but a daily reminder about what’s going on. I hope they become a common occurrence.
CW: Possibly problematic TERFy issues? Because I just don’t know.
@Snork Maiden
Not just trolls, sadly. I was a member of a feminist group since its beginning and people there know me and know I’m “safe”. I’m friends with many of the admins. It’s a safe space group and you get booted for a problematic eep, so trolls are few and far between.
There was a post about the pink hats being TERFy and I was reading the conversation at first, not knowing how to express myself. Everyone was saying that it’s not inclusive how they connected vaginas with womanhood. I eventually opened my big mouth and said they’re called pussyhats, not womanhood hats because Trump said that awful thing.
I was booted without a warning. Unless “bye” counts as a warning.
I wasn’t the only one, the same “bye” message was also addressed to a non-cis person who tried to make a point that while their genitalia doesn’t define their gender identity, it certainly defines their oppression.
I am a bit dismayed that a feminist group pretended there is no such thing as oppression based on genitalia. But I guess TERFs make that same argument so everyone who says it, including known, self-crit ready allies, are out without strikes.
I am really sorry if this post was problematic, I hope David takes it down if it’s not appropriate. I admit this was a vent and I am still a bit salty over the boot. (Other admins were sending me messages saying they’ll get me back but I honestly don’t feel safe in the group after that.)
I have seen some pretty vehemently anti-hat posts on Tumblr. Basically, any mention of uteruses and pussies at the marches were considered cissexist and exclusionary and White Feminism. But that’s Tumblr social justice, which is a world unto its own.
Other than that, I saw one commenter on Instagram call this sign cissexist and transmisogynistic, even though the woman holding it is trans (that’s the person in my avatar, actually):

This sign has nothing to do with the rest of my post, I just thought it was cute: