You may be wondering what the dregs of humanity are saying on Twitter about the Women’s March.
The answer? Some pretty amazingly dumb things. Here’s a sampling:
women's marches seem designed to allow puerile silly 19 year olds to pretend they're bitter haggard 54 year olds, and vice versa
— Convicted Felon Ace of Spades (@AceofSpadesHQ) January 21, 2017
#WomensMarch is really about the right to play the imaginary victim card aka the loser in life card or i'm one ugly cunt card.#Justsaying
— Miss Vivien (@vivienmiss) January 21, 2017
Out: Virtue signalling.
In: Vulva signalling.#vulvahats https://t.co/Cvcn5Vdtec— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 21, 2017
Quote from a friend: "The irony is those broads [#WomensMarch] would claw each others eyes out for the chance to gargle trumps balls"
— The Private Man (@man_private) January 21, 2017
What #WomensMarch is all about: pic.twitter.com/kypxkYPgtS
— Hannah Wallen | Professional Smartass (@Oneiorosgrip) January 21, 2017
Thus confirming my previous prognosis, #WomensMarch is a shit test that males should collectively neg. Its anti-western, not pro women. pic.twitter.com/66Pgphjdjp
— Andrew Quackson (@AndrewQuackson) January 21, 2017
Women are like juice cartons, It's not the shape or size or even how sweet the juice is. It's getting those fuckin' flaps open #WomansMarch
— Bob Kostic (@causticbob) January 21, 2017
paid protest buses arriving Washington DC for the #WomensMarch. https://t.co/0oSKCg7pMk
— Trump We Trust🇺🇸 (@TrumpWeTrust) January 21, 2017
That last one makes me embarrassed to be a David.
Let’s end this with a few tweets from the lovely Ann Coulter. She mad.
Women marching to protest Trump policy of… uh his policy that… well they're protesting against Trumps position that uh…
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 21, 2017
Women's March protests democratic transfer of power & the rts of 65 mill Americans. Remember Brown shirts? This is the Brown Blouses March.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 21, 2017
Women's Brown Blouse March called Trump Hitler. Wow! How long did it take them to come up with that? They are nothing if not original.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 21, 2017
What really strikes me about so many of these Tweets is how defensive they are. These are people who know the world is against them and are desperately trying to convince themselves that this is not the case. Get used to it, guys.
It may well have been. It was one of the most surreal things I saw that day.
Sort of related.
My music biz friends are having a bit of a giggle over the fact that Toby Keith sang “Made in America” whilst playing a Japanese manufactured Takamine guitar.
(In fairness they’re great guitars)
Oh, he knows. He’s just deeply in denial. And pants-stainingly terrified of the day when, by one means or another, he must leave office, because he knows every headline in America and maybe the world is going to say the same thing:
So, I’m still marveling at the logistical coordination involved in thousands? of women making tens? of thousands of “pussyhats”, including consensus on name, basic design, and colour, in a very short space of time. I realize this is an odd detail to fixate on, when the other logistical achievements, never mind the awe-inspiring oh-holy-shit-wow of it all, are so big.
And then I read, above:
(retyped here in sentence case)
Oh well, never mind.
To re-warm your hearts, I offer these links (assuming I can make it link)
They’re scared of us.
Naturally, a real “grass roots” movement could never have accomplished this, and as such these hats are yet another indication that the whole anti trump, anti-america movement is bankrolled and orchestrated by Soros.
Aaaaaand, here you go:
Thought I’d remembered seeing this. Not happy that it’s in the New York Times.
Actually, fun story: I couldn’t make the march in my city because I had to work.
Not only did I have to work, I had to work at my unpaid internship (thanks capitalism!), which is for a government subsidized organization that plans events and helps businesses in the area get the word out about themselves to help brand their area as a tourist destination (and also works directly with another group that’s there to make sure everything’s clean and tidy on the street so they’re both pretty beneficial to the area). So, go fuck yourself.
And on top of that, I’m trying to quit my awful retail job that isn’t giving me enough hours to live on (thanks capitalism!), and I’m going to training TODAY for a job at a restaurant close to my internship. If that goes well, I’ll be working THREE JOBS for the course of two weeks, and then after that, I’ll hopefully be working seven days a week between my two jobs. No days off, always working.
So you can suck an egg about the whole “WIMMENS ARE LAZY AND DON’T WORK AND MOOCH OFF OF MEN!” bullshit.
That NYT article is such spin. These protests happened everywhere. They happened in small towns. Of course Planned Parenthood was involved. Of course no Republican orgs contributed. They’re the misogynists who voted for Trump in them first place.
Pie, are you serious? The pink hats mean women are just puppets of George Soros? Bullshit.
Of course the efforts begin to discredit and ignore such a huge turn out in support of women. Of course attempts to gaslight those women has begun. Why would this be any different from anything else?
I often wonder about adding sarcasm tags, but generally don’t because seriously, who’d imagine that anyone could believe this stuff? Poe strikes again.
Personally, I’m waiting on the stories saying that all the protestors were actually paid $1000 each and bussed in by organisations controlled by Soros. Because blasting a billion dollars on a faus protest is exactly the sort of thing billionaires do and an entirely sustainable activity, and way more likely that people objecting for free.
That’s… kinda surreal. The author purports to be a muslim woman, unhappy about the failure of “the left” to deal with islamic extremism. So she felt that voting for trump was the only reasonable thing to do.
I generally even, but this time I think I just can’t.
They sure are sore winners.
Also, I didn’t realise Donald has cancelled the 1st Amendment already. Lol, silly ladies with your lady parts and lady brains must have missed that bit of news. /s
Protest is Patriotic!
Protest is Democratic!
Protest is American!
I am not afraid of sore-winner anti-democratic rightwing nationalists any more. Come at me bro!
Oh fuck off. Fuck off with this mentality. Fuck off with this “he won the election therefore if you have any problem with him you are ANTI-DEMOCRACY.” Democracy is a fluid, ongoing process. Winning slightly more votes than the other side on ONE day (and yes I’m aware he didn’t actually win the popular vote) does not mean that the winner takes all. It does not mean that the winner shouldn’t ever be challenged, even if the challenge is towards their electoral victory itself. When democracy is used and abused for wicked ends it is in fact our duty as citizens to fight back.
Christ I’m sick of this shit. /rant
@guest: I made it through about five paragraphs before nope-ing out of that tab. Railing against “identity politics” and “hijacking the issues” indeed.
I don’t understand what identity politics actually are, honestly. Do they mean people saying ‘Hey, I’m a lady and a person, let’s get some laws in place that will assure my treatment as such’? Or ‘I’m LGBTQ+ and a person, and would like some laws that will protect me?’ Or ‘I’m a PoC and also a person’ etc etc etc. Or, of course, “I fall under one or more of the above categories and really need protection.”
I guess these things are identities, but so is ‘blue collar white america’. How is one okay to rally around, and ALL THE OTHERS not?
(It’s partly because blue collar america votes haven’t been gerrymandered into non-existence, I know, but how is the blatant voter suppression legal in the first place…?)
Is it hard to believe that non-partisan groups will have problems with a politician? They aren’t anti-trump, they are anti-hate. And if being anti-hate happens to coincide with being anti-trump, that should give all the trumpsters pause.
I admit I don’t know much about Soros, besides the fact that he apparently is running half of America. 9__9 Is it surprising that someone with a lot of money who apparently donates to groups that help to fight oppression would donate to multiple groups, and then that people that fight oppression might find common ground fighting an oppressor??
The key thing to remember is that the people who think Soros is behind everything simply cannot comprehend that anyone would oppose them of their own free will. They’re just totally assured of their own rightness and reasonableness. It must be a conspiracy, and Soros is literally the only person they can think of who might be behind such a thing, because most american billionaires appear to be either actively supporting trump or just letting him do his stuff.
They’re also projecting light a fleet of imax rigs, because of the number of billionaires supporting the regressive right. If the backers of the regressives are engaging in dirty tricks, then surely, surely the backers of the left are doing the same, right?
America first? America voted for Clinton.
Kelllyanne Conway said this morning that Spicer was presenting “alternative facts” about the size of the crowd.
CNN in a rare act of fact checking this morning posted a side by side comparison. A picture of Trump’s inauguration next to a picture of Obama’s. The difference was clear. But the right has long been of the mindset that facts are whatever they want them to be. So I’m sure they’ll find a way to disbelieve the pictures.
Re: the NYTlive article and seconding Lea
That article seems really off to me.
The person claims to be a liberal, Muslim woman but rails against identity politics and complains that America isn’t doing enough against radical Islam. The vocabulary does not seem typical of the way liberals talk but is more in line with conservatives. I’m not saying it is false, but it smacks of “I’m totally on the political side of these people but I denounce everything they do.”
On another topic, despite all these cries of people saying we need to unite, I do not hear any talk that encourages me to do so. I see a president (who I didn’t vote for and whose policies I oppose) who is more interested in talking about himself, the attendance at his rallies, and the mean old press, who a couple of times, maybe, has said he wants to be president of everyone, but won’t even make some empty verbal gesture of outreach, and who has already begun work on hurting anyone who isn’t wealthy.
When the tea party started after Obama was elected, I saw very privileged people take the streets and enact protests that were horrible racist to oppose paying more in taxes (“taxed enough already”). They didn’t seem to listen to Obama’s actual words but listened to the carnival barkers on their teevee. I also saw people in power, like Mitch McConnell, overtly wish for the president to fail and they vowed to oppose him at every turn. Obama was always gracious, and in his speeches, I heard him address all Americans.
These marches, in contrast, address Trump’s actual words as well as the actions that the power of his position has inspired in other politicians and in private citizens. At my march in Trenton, while there was some anti-Trump talk, most of the talk was about maintaining the rights we have earned (women’s rights to control their bodies, LGBT and PoC rights in general), about rejecting various bigotries, especially Islomophobia but also racism, homophobia and transphobia, and about upholding the dignity of everyone, which included calls to treat people with disabilities with respect.
The march I was in also called people to individual action. It wasn’t just about asking the government for stuff, but it asked us participants to remove our complacency and take part in the political process through action.
There’s a lot of symmetry in this one, oddly. A lot of progressive people blamed the entire Tea Party movement on the Kochs, because the alternative was to admit that there were an enormous number of racists out there. Sadly, it turned out that regardless of how powerful the Kochs were, there were indeed more racists out there than anyone wanted to believe – myself included.
Similarly, a lot of fascist people blame the entire progressive movement on Soros, because the alternative is to admit that most members of their precious White race don’t fucking want them.
1)NYT has been clearly shit for months now. This is not an exception. Remember where the ‘economic anxiety’ shit gained traction
2)There’s nothing suspicious about someone who identifies as ‘liberal’ berating identity politics. Someone like that ran for President. This isn’t an anomaly, it’s a large contingent of the broader ‘left’. It was the dominant contingent, so most people just didn’t notice it til people like us became a strong enough alternative
3)Soros is Jewish. Just as a reminder…
Apparently Kellyanne has come up with this now: “It’s really time for [Trump] to put in his own security and intelligence community.”
If so…
Gestahpo/SS 2;American Edition
“Because we want to install the fourth reich don’t you call us neonazis this is for the good of the country.”
Pretty much where my mind went. Or all dictatorships etc. Apparently they really want to make up more alternative facts to justify everything, such as — oh, well, it is kinda war crime to rip off Iraq’s oil, but that’s just a word for these Humpty Dumpties and they can make “war crime” mean “give me pancakes” or whatever.
@Paradoxical Intention: I’ve felt your pain, in trying to juggle several jobs, just in order to get by. It was some 25 years ago, though. I think I probably had more jobs to choose from.
At least with an internship, you’re working towards something better, something with a future for you.
Things will get better for you, as they did for me, it’ll just take time.
From reading your posts over the years, I think you have strong convictions, and confidence in yourself and your abilities, something I Iacked when I was in my 20s.
I’ m fortunate to have a good job now, but if it were to evaporate, I don’t know what I’ll do. I’m pushing 50 years old.
In regards to the massive amounts of hats I saw at least one woman who during the rally was standing knitting more. If you know how to knit it seemed like a pretty simple pattern that could be done quickly. Plus others used pink felt to sped up the process.
I did see a few hateful posts on FB against the marchers. One woman confused me because after a really horrible rant she commented on a photo of me at the march super positively.