aggrieved entitlement alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse homophobia irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism reactionary bullshit trump twitter

Complete idiots respond to the #WomensMarch on Twitter

Trump’s worst nightmare?

You may be wondering what the dregs of humanity are saying on Twitter about the Women’s March.

The answer? Some pretty amazingly dumb things. Here’s a sampling:

That last one makes me embarrassed to be a David.

Let’s end this with a few tweets from the lovely Ann Coulter. She mad.

What really strikes me about so many of these Tweets is how defensive they are. These are people who know the world is against them and are desperately trying to convince themselves that this is not the case. Get used to it, guys.

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8 years ago

One day I’m gonna learn not to subject myself to this inane bulls**!
One day…

How does a person go so wrong, and not notice?

Unless of course there was never anything to go wrong from. There is that.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

You forgot Piers Morgan!

He said he’s going to do a march to “protest the feminization of men” and asked who’s with him.

Apparently not many people.

8 years ago

They’re just mad that more people probably came out for the march than came out for Cinnamon Hitler’s inauguration.

8 years ago

“I won’t have sex with you if you have a back-bone!” the men squeal into the crowd of women, choking back tears. The bleating of the alt-right is so boring and predictable. No wonder they love someone as incompetent as Donald Trump: similar skin thinness. They really believed that his election would finally earn them the respect they don’t deserve. But when he fails, when the economy collapses under his billionaire tax cuts and arbitrary roll-back of regulations and cuts to scientific research, the one bright side will be how much they are blamed and ridiculed.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

Sigh. People didn’t object because Trump said the word pussy. People objected because he boasted about how he sexually assaulted a women. What a disingenuous fuckwit.

I’m also not clear on what women are supposed to be grateful to Trump for?

8 years ago

Yeah, the Apricot Abomination’s press secretary just accused the media of deliberately understating the size of trump’s crowd yesterday . . .

8 years ago

The number of people who are like “So what if Trump spoke in grope terms, listen to all this rap music talking about consensual acts” really makes me worry for people’s clarity on what consent is. Like, really.

8 years ago

“B-But it was raining so that’s the sole reason why there wasn’t as many people at Trump’s inauguration compared to Obama’s” or some shit. Like always it’s the right to protest that always on the firing line in every country that is currently dealing with the threat of fascism.

8 years ago

I’m also not clear on what women are supposed to be grateful to Trump for?

He’s done absolutely nothing of worth for women, but let me see if I can take a stab at it:

That he didn’t grope more crotches?

That he didn’t pay to rape more children?

That he didn’t pay more Russian women to pee a bed in the presidential suite at the Moscow Hilton while he watched?

That he didn’t openly snort coke off Melania’s ass in front of the TV cameras during the debates, and that he only sniffled like an adenoidal walrus instead for our amusement?

That he hasn’t tried to dictatorially erase Roe v. Wade…YET?

Bleah. That was…difficult.

I dunno about you, but the only thing I’ll be thankful to him for is if he resigns or pops off in a fit of apoplexy before he can do any more damage.

8 years ago

The global marches today sent a clear message to the trolls and the Drumpf loyalists:

You’re outnumbered, and we’re coming for you.

8 years ago

I have seen several clueless Facebook “friends” either wringing their hands about “why don’t we give the man a chance” or “he hasn’t enacted any policies yet.” Now, these people on Facebook are just clueless and misinformed for the most part whereas these jerks in twitter are clearly trying to delegitimize the protests.

For Ann Coulter, this is just her schtick, there’s no surprise that she would post such ignorant ramblings.

On another note, “paid protest buses” doesn’t mean anything one way or another. I know this person is trying to imply that a chartered bus that received payment to get attendees to a protest indicates that the people are paid and not sincere protesters, but bus companies need to earn a living too. I know that there were several chartered buses from my area and participants paid to go. Gas (petrol for our British readers) and drivers, not to mention tolls all cost money.

None of that has anything to do with whether the participants were sincere or not. I know lots of people who paid to go on a bus. They were real protesters.

8 years ago

@ScarlettAthena: OHHHHH That’s what was meant! I was so confused by that, because of course those buses were paid for! You *charter* a bus so you can get to places. I feel like that tweet could have been worded better. ‘buses for paid protesters’ would have worked.

I mean, it’s still ridiculous. Who would have paid for all of those people across the world to get out there? How do I get some of that? I’m owed at least a few bucks for my time, right??? /s

There were apparently buses going from my city down to Washington too, and I’m sad I didn’t know before. I think it would have been something to be able to go down there.

Plus I could see Samantha Bee’s bus! hahaha

pi male
pi male
8 years ago

I just can’t get over how stupid these tweets are. Yes they’re hateful and gross but these people seem to think they’ve scored some sort of rhetorical point and really they are just showing their ignorance.

Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Wow. The cluelessness burns.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I don’t think they quite recognize just how opposed they are. They’ve got the mechanisms in place to shield them from outside opinions – they really have no idea that they’re the minority. These gormless twitter trolls will keep bleating while we’re battering down the gates of the Bastille.

I certainly have to wonder what the rich old white men are thinking about today, though. Whether they have any sense in them, or if they’ve drunk the same poison. I sorta think the latter.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

Does anyone remember during the Olympics, US viewers complained about NBC Sports having horrible coverage. They didn’t show enough live complete coverage. The NBC Sports head said it was because most viewers were women and women didn’t want sport, they wanted more reality show type coverage. There was a huge backlash from female sports fans.

What does NBC do? They fucking double down with horrible, horrible coverage of the US figure skating championships. They skipped all but the top ice dancers this afternoon to replay the women’s short programs. Which I already watched Thur night. They are currently not showing the early groups of the women’s free skate to replay the men’s short. Which I’ve already watched last night. Twitter is full of complaints about the terrible coverage. They learned nothing.

It’s sexism. Pure and simple. It’s a sport women typically watch more than men. So NBC figures they don’t need to provide decent coverage. After all, women aren’t real sports fans. Can you imagine if they preempted live footage of an NFL or NBA game to replay games from the day before? I can’t either because they would never, ever do that to sports that have a big male fan base.

I know the rant is off topic, but I’m getting sick of all Trump all the time. I can’t deal with it. I need a break. And it is about misogyny. So I’m posting it anyway.

Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

@weirdwoodhugger yes, funny how these people can’t wrap their minds round the concept of sexual assault. That whole business of “locker room talk” made it sound like the whole thing was about Trump saying a naughty word or two.

8 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes
From what I’ve seen from Freep threads even now with every position in their favor they still aren’t happy.

My dad and his chiropractor was just talking about “jobs that aren’t meant for you to make a living and will bring the rest of us down” I assure you it’s not exclusive to old white men, middle chinese men can be prone to “kick the ladder” syndrome too.

That is some petty as fuck bullshit.

8 years ago

That last Ann Coulter tweet: “You Nazis are unoriginal for calling someone a Nazi!” …k.

Our Women’s March was probably at least a third men. The Communist/Socialist march after it was pretty much 50/50. The women’s march was lovely, but GODS did I need the fire of that leftist march. I feel so much less helpless and more energized to fight.

It helps that a woman who does activism work in Chicago decided to bring it closer to home and start a Writer’s Resist/Write Our Democracy group in our city. We had a better turnout at the first meeting today than we thought we might, and we have plans to keep the momentum from the rallies going and unite our art and small business communities against fascism and bigotry. I’m proud of my city today. We had a few assholes flip us off (and one threw pacifiers at us, then pealed off so fast they ran a light, which was a bit of a mixed message–we’re children but we terrify you?), but most of the cars driving by honked or cheered in solidarity.

Fuck yeah, Rockford 🙂 And fuck you, MRAs and fascists.

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

Female misogynists are so very strange. It must take a lot of detachment (emotional and logical) to call fellow women “cunts” and suggest the reason for them wanting equal treatment to men in society is because they are ugly. Sorry for having to use this term, but they’re the “uncle Toms” of women – more often than not, these women genuinely believe they are somehow inferior to men, or believe that being against feminism or women in general is going to make them more favourable with men. Well, if those men are bitter, bigoted, conservative neo-Nazis who blog about how all women are whores, probably. Also –

ungrateful, deceitful trash spewing their anti-American rhetoric

– this is interesting, because it’s as if the underlying suggestion here is that women and men having completely equal status is “anti-American.” I’m not American, and can’t speak for any of you, but I’m sure America is supposed to be “land of the free.” In this human’s (I think) brain, the ideal vision for America is a white male supremacist conservative society. Vomit. There’s a reason that progression of societies always involves the elevated status of women and minorities. That sign saying “the future is feminist” is 100% true. Moving towards equality is inevitable. Hilarious to see the last death rattles of all the triggered regressives having tantrums on Twitter.
Best wishes over the next few years, America!
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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@ooglyboggles, I don’t know what a freep thread is, but i’m not surprised that they’re unhappy! That sort of defines them well – eternally unhappy.

@wwth, uggghhhhh, ain’t it the truth. I don’t watch sports myself, but the sheer unexamined sexism and bigotry and racism of the major TV stations makes my hairs stand on end. I don’t watch TV anymore, and whenever it’s on or someone I know is watching it, I get utterly shocked at how they don’t see it. Desensitization at its worst.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

I wonder if there’s a feminist sport’s fan forum out there somewhere? In general, the current crop of commenters here don’t seem to be sports watchers. General sports sites are full of dudebros and usually only cover a few sports and only the men. My meat space friends aren’t into sports at all. So I have no one to have decent conversations about these issues.

8 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Freep is short for Free Republic, a dogmatic site filled with old boomers who became too right wing for mainstream GOP. They’re the old guard in racism compared to the new neo fascism of today. They’re pretty much what you see in the tweets, love the us in name but not in spirit.

8 years ago

To elaborate on Oogly’s comment: they were being online rightwing dickholes when the Reddit types were still playing with their toes.

8 years ago

Let’s see…I’m gonna try some Numbskull-to-English translations here:

#DearMrPresident, the ungrateful, deceitful trash spewing their anti-American rhetoric at the #WomensMarch today – don’t live in reality.

“I, David Duke, am drunk and projecting like a motherfucker right now.”

women’s marches seem designed to allow puerile silly 19 year olds to pretend they’re bitter haggard 54 year olds, and vice versa

“Waaaaa, look at all these women who don’t give a shit whether I find them fuckable or not!”

Mass feminization of society is the last dying breath of a civilization.

“I know absolutely fucking shit-all about history and civilizations, but I’m gonna fake it and hope that SOMEBODY respects mah authoritah!”

#WomensMarch protesting a man who said pussy while supporting every degenerate sexual deviant, Hollywood & porn

“Notice me, Senpai! Make me your next mistress-turned-wife!”

#WomensMarch is really about the right to play the imaginary victim card aka the loser in life card or i’m one ugly cunt card.#Justsaying

“I am a complete nobody with nothing to offer, but I’m in major denial. That makes me a right-wing dreamgirl! Any men interested? Anyone wanna hire me? Hello?” (crickets)

Out: Virtue signalling.
In: Vulva signalling.#vulvahats

“I am a right-wing has-been trying to signal my own virtue to a diminishing audience that’s sliding rapidly into Nazism. I hope this somehow outweighs the fact that I’m not white.”

I’m smarter and superior to my wife, that’s nature. Women’s suffrage was a massive mistake we’re still enduring.

“I’m nobody and I’m not married. Also, I am bitter as fuck. I hope this macho braggadocio distracts everyone from the fact that I’m #ForeverAlone.”

The womens March has turned into the Hollywood Whore Parade

“Waaaaa, none of these women will ever sleep with me, especially now that I’m out of the closet as a fascist loserwank!”

time to crack open a cold one and kick your whore wife down the stairs on this special day #womensmarch #respectwomen2k17

“Maybe, if I talk tough enough, no one will realize how unattractive I am.”



Quote from a friend: “The irony is those broads [#WomensMarch] would claw each others eyes out for the chance to gargle trumps balls”

“I have no friends, and my imaginary friend and I literally know nothing about women’s desires. I really need to get out more, but I’m too scared to even get a Drumpf spray tan to cover my prison pallor.”

What #WomensMarch is all about:

“Behold my mad photoshop skills. Also, behold me imposing my own sexual fantasies on a random stranger.”

They fly CUNTAS

“All this pussy I ain’t gettin’, even if I offer to pay for it, makes Jack Schitt a bitter boy.”

America is under seige by #NeoBolsheviks, these people have been aided and abetted by @DNC and other leftists since the 1970s

“My empty head is about to implode under this onslaught of unbearable reality!”

Thus confirming my previous prognosis, #WomensMarch is a shit test that males should collectively neg. Its anti-western, not pro women.

“Unga bunga inga binga BUNG-ga.”

(Sorry, that was literally untranslatable gibberish, so I did the best I could.)

Women are like juice cartons, It’s not the shape or size or even how sweet the juice is. It’s getting those fuckin’ flaps open

“I, too, know nothing about women. I don’t even understand that they are HUMAN. And I am totally bewildered that they could find me repugnant!”

tfw u accidentally slept all day and missed the opportunity to pick up that #ProtestPussy

“I am bitter that I spent all day negging these women and not one of them paid me the slightest attention, except to point and laugh.”

If you know a chick attending the #WomensMarch delete her number.

No doubt she’s an unsufferable unattractive cunt.

“I labor under the delusion that any woman could find me attractive. Also, I sell snake oil for a living.”

paid protest buses arriving Washington DC for the #WomensMarch.

“I literally cannot fathom that anyone would not be in this for money, and that they actually pooled their own hard-earned money to pay for buses to take them to Washington to protest the National Misogynist!”

I wonder how much all that rancid cunt smell in DC tomorrow will effect global warming

“I, too, am bitter that no one is interested in my stale, overcooked cocktail wienie.”

And finally, the Coultergeist:

Women marching to protest Trump policy of… uh his policy that… well they’re protesting against Trumps position that uh…

“I have no idea what his policies are, and I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t either, so I’m going to try to cover both of our unimpressive butts with a limp show of attempted wit.”

Women’s March protests democratic transfer of power & the rts of 65 mill Americans. Remember Brown shirts? This is the Brown Blouses March.

Women’s Brown Blouse March called Trump Hitler. Wow! How long did it take them to come up with that? They are nothing if not original.

“I am a real Nazi, and I secretly dream of running the next Frauenschaft, but I’m going to project all that on the other side because they outnumber us and I am shit-myself SCARED of them!”

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