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Complete idiots respond to the #WomensMarch on Twitter

Trump’s worst nightmare?

You may be wondering what the dregs of humanity are saying on Twitter about the Women’s March.

The answer? Some pretty amazingly dumb things. Here’s a sampling:

That last one makes me embarrassed to be a David.

Let’s end this with a few tweets from the lovely Ann Coulter. She mad.

What really strikes me about so many of these Tweets is how defensive they are. These are people who know the world is against them and are desperately trying to convince themselves that this is not the case. Get used to it, guys.

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Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
8 years ago

I’ve been reading accounts of people criticizing the pink pussy hat theme and calling them cissexist, because ‘pussy’ is in reference to vaginas, and not all women have those.

I’ve seen that, along with some complaints about pictures of uteruses and such on signs. In general, I think there are a lot of kids out there now who have convinced themselves that talking about the ladybits of most ladies is cissexist (and also gross).

I disagree. Most women do in fact have these anatomical bits, although some, both cis and trans, don’t, or don’t have all of them (and conversely, some trans men do). They have been associated with womanhood for a very long time. And they are specifically politicized here, both because of Trump’s talking about grabbing ‘pussy’–not ‘whatever genitals a woman happens to have’–and because of legal, economic and social issues of health and reproductive justice related to those specific parts.

I think there’s a distinction between acknowledging and honoring and supporting trans women and promoting their issues as issues the whole feminist community should be concerned with, and pretending that it’s just sort of a flip of the coin who has a uterus and who doesn’t, and that talking about women having uteruses is oppressive of women who don’t.

I get a little annoyed with this, because especially on Tumblr, I see a lot of people trying really hard not to be cissexist, and sometimes it comes out ‘no one wants to hear about your gross vagina and uterus, shut up’, and I think, well, thanks, chica, glad to know that several of the major feminist issues of our day have been reduced to ‘don’t talk about dirty things’. I think that’s where we started from!

I could be wrong. I’m still just starting to learn about trans issues. But that’s where I stand until someone whose opinion I respect explains different to me.

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago

@Leda Atomica, Snork Maiden, others
I don’t have a lot of spoons for this discussion today, but the short answer is that yes, there are a whole lot of valid concerns about the lack of intersectionality involved in the Women’s Marches, and yeah, transmisogyny and transphobia are definitely part of it, and no, people complaining aren’t just trolls.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago


Oh and hello from Finland. ?

I’m knitting carepackage socks for my friend in Trumps US, as per her request.

Hello, and props to you for that.

The baby hat campaign was only in Pirkanmaa region (I live in Helsinki) and it greatly exceeded the goal (projected number of babies).

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Re: pussyhats
I’m not sure why it has to have been trolls complaining. It seems a valid enough concern. I’ve neither the experience nor the knowledge necessary to determine whether pussyhats are or are not phobic, but they might be, ya know? I didn’t think about it that way. Trump said he grabbed pussies, so I get the point here. It’s clever. Still, if this is the ‘Women’s March’, it could be a bit… passe to standardize a symbol which excludes some women. Again, IDK. And that’s far more than anyone needs to hear from me on this subject, so… *walks off awkwardly*

Usually takes a few dozen beligerently bullshit posts for someone to get banned over here, and they’re over there just handing out bans. I get it, but dayum. At least some people over there realize the hammer fingers are too hot…

8 years ago

@Axe Thank you for the welcome package and link to the story.
Also thank you for the reminder, I couldn’t possibly leave out HRC. The attacks on her saddened me considering how much good she has done. I believe I was just thinking about the most recent events (but there’s still plenty of them blaming her for everything still)

@Oogly Thanks for the welcome and as for Sanders, I was hoping for the BernieBro types to treat the other Dems similar to Sanders and give them the same amount of nuance. Regarding the prescription amendment, Booker voted for the Wyden amendment which was an amendment aimed at decreasing prescription drug prices so I’m inclined to give him the benefit of doubt.

@Scildfreja Thank you for the welcome as well and the adorable floofy pigeon. I think they’re wonderful birds and people far too often think of them as pests. I was hoping for the toxic “left” to calm down after the election but it seems to me that there was even more of a flood of attacks on Dems after the election. I’m worried that if this continues, 2018 and 2020 will also be in danger if they manage to split the party again.

As for the hats, I guess I couldn’t say since they originated from something the orange monstrosity said. I saw a few at our rally. I do think that there needs to be more of a conversation on trans issues since trans people are usually pushed to the side when it comes to LGBTQ issues.

8 years ago

Ann’s fucking hilarious

Were was she again when glen beck virtually called Obama Hilter every freaking show or those stupid Tea Party signs

Second no ones trying to stop the transfer there protesting the fact the power is in the hands of a sexist douche who will act on his sexist douchery of course coulter doesn’t care she would happily be enslaved and love every second of it

Nameless Girl
Nameless Girl
8 years ago

The problem with the argument that we should be talking about pussies because trump is specifically targeting them is that people with them aren’t actually in more danger of being assaulted, sexually or otherwise. When trump or a trump supporter goes to grab someone by the pussy, they aren’t going to know whether they’re gonna get one or not.

Now, playing that out, what do you think happens in that scenario when they grab for pussy and get what I got?

We are the most vulnerable group of women, especially when transness intersects with race. The pussy hats are cute and they’re pithy, and they’re a direct response to something he said, but it’s also really easy to forget that the attack on our right to exist in public (through bathroom bills/panics) was the wedge that kickstarted this recent wave of legislation on women’s bodies.

If our insistence on constantly reminding others that we exist at every opportunity leans on the aggressive side sometimes, know that its only because we’ve seen how easy it is to be forgotten and left behind as collateral damage when it’s expedient to do so.

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