man that picture makes me want to read Junji Itou’s Gyo again.
I think reading that for the first time, I legitimately laughed in horror. I think you know which scene I did that with too.
Goddamn that book is fucked up.
8 years ago
I am going to make beetroot curry in a minute. Dead simple – onions and garlic, coconut cream or milk, lots of boiled beetroot, a pint of gravy, perhaps some paneer and/or peas, and of course plenty of seasoning. Beetroot has come back in a big way where I am – much more of a demand for it because of its nutritional value.
I am probably vitamin deficient again – it is winter and I am fat so vitamin D is probably low. I was low on iron too (am veggie) last time. I am not really surprised because I do eat far too many empty calories – I empathise Imaginary Petal – I can eat chocolate 3x a day no problem.
It has over 100 mods including everything I have heard people mention here. It’s a very tech-magic combo. It’s even got a mod for space exploration in addition to godzilla.
I was just dipping into Railcraft when I stopped previously. It had so much content that related to expanded engineering and technology that it intimidated me (ex: Industrialcraft). You can build reactors, automatic quarries…
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago
@numerobis, I’m sorry! Not sorry, but also sorry! I’ve never actually tried the campaign/story mode, I’ll have to give it a try!
@Brony, Railcraft meshes with a lot. It’s been a long time for me, though, so I can’t recall everything. I played with most of them – really enjoyed Thaumcraft, I did Reactorcraft and another power-generation one that had, like, realistic nuclear reactors. Lots of great mods out there for Minecraft!
If you want to get a good idea of what Factorio is, it’s a bit like Industrialcraft on a 2D world. Conveyor belts and grabbers and assembly machines and electrical generators and whatnot. And – oh gosh the mods. IC2 has *nothin* on Bob’s Mods or Angel’s Ores.
8 years ago
@Scildfreja (oh no I’ve been spelling your name wrong all this time!)
Thank you for the encouragement and support! I really appreciate it, it truly does help.
That diet does sound horrifying. I’m trying to do things I can actually stick with and keep up long-term, which means regular food and making choices about portions and when I’m at a restaurant, etc. I still have to live in the real world!
You know what I’ve discovered though? I still ate a little ice cream even in the past 3 weeks. I still had a couple of cookies. I still had french fries. I don’t have to restrict myself to nothing but protein or anything like that. I can still eat my favorite thing, beans & brown rice. The difference for me is I have to PLAN those things – that’s where the food journal comes in handy, I can plan out my menu for the day based on what I have and where I’m going.
Another useful thing for me and maybe for others here: most of my life, I have lived “in my head”. My internal life has always been very active and engaging for me, and my body, my physical self, has always been mostly just an ambulatory braincase, you know? I was still always very physically active but that was more for social reasons/just because. I injured my knees repeatedly, then I had a child which restricted my physical movement a little, then I moved to a tiny small town without any gym/pool resources, and eventually I just gained a huge amount of weight to the point that I cannot exercise.
But I’m starting to really try to pay attention to the ol’ body now. I know, 52 years old but better late than never lol. Things like, what does hunger actually feel like? What does being full feel like? What about feeling satisfied, how does that feel? How long does it last? What makes it happen? Maybe those are skills most people learn earlier. Maybe I got used to how it all felt when I was very active and just never adjusted after I became less and less so.
Anyway, rambling, but I really appreciate everyone’s good thoughts.
No Man Rules Alone | January 21, 2017 at 12:15 pm
@Paradoxical Intention
First I would, admittedly, have to have a computer worth a damn, and since I’m thinking of waiting for the release of the Ryzen processors, it may have to wait until March/April. Secondly, we need to figure out a decent list of mods to use, because while I love tech-based mods, it seems to me that others may prefer using magic mods or other things.
Well, a good mod pack that my old computer’s had absolutely nil trouble with is Crackpack via the ATLauncher, which I mentioned up thread. I booted it up recently and it makes me SO HAPPY. It’s got a pretty good balance of magic/tech from what I’ve seen, and it might be a good place to start.
If you want suggestions for magic mods *wink*, I really like the obvious ones like Thaumcraft (The closest description I can give you is “Alchemy”), Witchery (this makes me so happy as a person who does actual witchcraft, like srsly it’s exactly what it says on the tin), Blood Magic (Do you want cults? Because that’s how you get cults.), Botania (PLANTS), and Ars Magica (Build-A-Spell Workshop).
There’s also a mod called Technomancy which integrates magic and tech if that tickles your fancy.
I also really love Magical Crops, but that gets OP super fast, but I love it because that way I can devote more time to studying magic and less time to harvesting resources I need for said magic. :U It might not be as necessary on a server with a few other people though if people specialize and we cooperate.
I also like food mods like Pam’s Harvestcraft (Adds tons of new plants and a METRIC TON of recipes for TONS OF FOODSTUFFS), Growthcraft (BOOZE), and Cooking for Blockheads (Helps the cooking along. Adds a fridge, etc.).
(If you do the food mods, I’ll totes bring back The Crow Bar I had on the old server, it’ll be gr8 m8.)
If you want decorative mods, then I’d suggest Chisel (Wanna build out of cobble? This mod makes it not look like poop!), Mr. Crayfish’s Furniture Mod (MOAR FURNITURE), and Bibliocraft (All kinds of interactive furniture and some other cool bits and bobs).
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite | January 21, 2017 at 3:46 pm
I found the mod pack that I remember loving. Ultra Modded Survival.
It has over 100 mods including everything I have heard people mention here. It’s a very tech-magic combo. It’s even got a mod for space exploration in addition to godzilla.
Are you trying to ask me to play Minecraft or set my computer on fire?
I have not played Minecraft for a hot minute or two, but I was 100% into it for the building aspect. One of my favorite builds ever was a cathedral–I love trying to recreate big, ornate structures. I also got reasonably good at creating big statues and such (one of my favorites being a 3D Alot). This unfortunately means that I never really poked around with mods much, except for microblocks, which are simultaneously the best and worst thing for an obsessive builder. 😀
I helped moderate a medium-ish size server, so my time was split between building stupidly big and/or complicated things, fending off griefers and trolls, and helping explain the server commands to new players.
I’ve been kinda itching to build again, but my gaming time is being eaten by Planet Coaster at the moment (which is excellent, by the way).
I’ll look at Factorio more closely. It sounds interesting. What is the scope of the game in terms of the interacting elements you can play with?
Robert Walker-Smith
8 years ago
Just got an update from the Oakland PD – the women’s march was officially counted at sixty thousand marchers, zero arrests.
8 years ago
I love minecraft, but have never played it modded. You all are making me want to try some of these! I like building things, and one day I’d like to pick it back up again with someone who is interested in being a collaborator in tasks, instead of someone who just does what I suggest. I had to basically direct this person all the time, and it wasn’t super fun. :C
I do need to contact my other friends though, maybe they want to play on their PS4 server at some point? :DDDD That would be nice, I like hanging out with them, even when it’s online.
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
8 years ago
Dumb question: does anyone have any simple tricks for getting underarm deodorant buildup out of shirts? I have several old shirts that, over the years, have gotten such a buildup on them, to the point it’s showing up on the outside of the shirt. D:
I’ve tried using a stain remover gel to get rid of that stuff, but it doesn’t work right somehow. Like, the buildup looks like it’s gone when I pull the shirt from the dryer, but when I grab it to wear a few days later, the buildup is right back where it was on the shirt before I washed it. Any suggestions to fix that problem?
Also, does anyone have any tips for downsizing a wardrobe? One of my New Years resolutions is to do some downsizing of my hoard of things, and that seemed like as good a spot to start as any.
To return this post to games, I think after reading the latest National Examiner headline about how the late Liberace murdered three of his lover (three guesses who the source of that one is >.< ), I need to create a Liberace dragon on Flight Rising. There needs to be more flamboyant dragons with a pompadour in the world, methinks.
@PI, I’ve only heard of like half of those. Sounds awesome 😮 I have always enjoyed farming and that sort of thing in Minecraft. Anything that’s an excuse to build stuff \o/
@Brony, please excuse me while I dork out! I will explain the fundamentals of Factorio. The basics are very simple! But oh, the glorious spaghetti mess you can make.
There are four ores in the world – iron, copper, coal and stone. There’s also trees and water as resources. There are also aliens, which I guess are technically resources. They are the bitiest of resources. You collect them, but can’t really use any of them raw, they all have to be processed.
Coal plus Stone/Copper/Iron, placed inside of a furnace:
gets you either Iron Plates, Copper Plates, or Stone Brick. These are used to build stuff according to recipes. Much like Minecraft, though… well. You’ll see.
You can “pocket craft” things without using the Factorio version of a workbench, an Assembly Machine. You can’t do that with everything, though, and it’s slow (it takes time to complete a recipe), and you can only do one thing at a time. So you build Assembly Machines, supply them with Electricity. Tell it the recipe you want it to build, stuff in the inputs, and it spits out the output.
Of course, you don’t want to be running around from machine to machine, supplying inputs and grabbing outputs – the game is about automation. So you get a few things for that:
Mines will mine any resources underneath them. They take electricity or coal, and output the resource at a known rate. Inserters will grab any item on the square in front of it and move it to the square behind it. They are used to grab stuff and stuff’em into machines, or take outputs from assemblers. Chests do what you imagine. Conveyor Belts move objects. Eight objects fit on a section of belt, four per side. There’s no requirement that the objects on a belt have to be the same. Left side and right side of a belt are often used to carry different things. Splitters split the contents of a belt into two Underground Belts run a conveyor underground for a distance, and are how you can let belts cross one another.
Here’s a picture of a train pulling up into a station, offloading copper ore into a column of electric furnaces:
An assembler, building iron gear wheels. The fast, blue inserter is grabbing iron plates from the horizontal conveyor belt, while the yellow, slow inserter is taking out the gear wheels onto the vertical belt. You can see the yellow and blue underground belt passages cross where the yellow inserter puts down the gears:
I haven’t talked about Oil (oil cracks into 3 basic fluids, which is put into chemical plants, makes suphuric acid for batteries and plastic and stuff) or Technology (You have to do science to gain tech to build things) or the Environment (Grrr biters!) or any of that, but that’s the basics. Here’s a glorious spaghetti mess:
with a nice tidy main bus and assemblers branching off from it.
The end goal is technically to launch a rocket to escape the planet you’re on, but most people play to build cool factories. In that respect, it’s sort of like SuperTetris, or SuperTekkit – flow optimization, resource management, and conservation of space.
Do look at some videos if you’re interested in that sort of stuff!
No Man Rules Alone
8 years ago
@Paradoxical Intention
While I agree that Crackpack would be a very good place to start, I’d definitely want to customise it to some amount because certain mods that I enjoy are not present. as for magic mods, while I have at some point or other played with most of the mods mentioned, I haven’t tested Technomancy and I haven’t ever really done much in any of the mods. Also, if you want booze in your game, you can’t go much better than Psychedelicraft. It adds not only booze but all sorts of other drugs including tobacco and weed. plus, it uses shader effects for even more disorientation.
No Man Rules Alone
8 years ago
Addendum to previous post:
Firstly, if you’re bringing in the Crow Bar, then I’m going to have to add the RWBY mod because references. In terms of mods that I’d want to add, certainly securitycraft would be one, but also Flan’s mod, bigreactors, computercraft, defensetech, IC2, Matter Overdrive mod and some others (probably something to add more planets to Galacticraft, amongst other things). Beyond that, I’m going to want to have a decent spawn point built up as well (given Galacticraft, most probably on a space station orbiting earth), along with some server plugins, particularly adding an in-game economy.
8 years ago
Peeps who are interested in political documentaries check out Adam Curtis, esp Hypernormalisation (currently available in the UK on iplayer) – there is some stuff on youtube – really interesting, LOADS of stuff I had no idea about.
Robert Walker-Smith
8 years ago
Random non-Minecraft related item – the Oakland Museum of California is having a retrospective exhibition on the Black Panther Party. The first Sunday in February will feature free admission, and I’m going to bring our older son (the one with schizophrenia who is living in a board and care home). Looking forward to it.
I’d bring our younger son as well, but he cordially detests any activity that requires walking more than a block.
Of their two fathers, I’m definitely the museum/library one; I take after my own father that way.
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago
Well, tonight is Shit Night. As in, I’m all out of The Stuff, so no sleeps. Actually, it’s been Shit Week too, because The Stuff was seriously lacking in the quality department this time, and falling asleep was pretty hard.
There was something else but I spent two hours typing it out then deleting while crying all the while because I’m a dumb emotional fuck. I’m gonna stare at cat videos or something.
Nathan Chen just won the US Champ men’s gold with 5 quadruple jumps! That’s never been done before. It’s making me all giddy and squeeful right now. A bright spot in an otherwise gloomy (both weather and Trump-wise) weekend. Yay!
@Paradoxical Intention
I do have a poor understanding of the load of minecraft and all of those mods. I have a computer that I designed to be a good minecraft computer, until I ran into doubts about competently running a server. So I’m not really sure lots of ram, solid state hard drive, on-board video and cheap was the solution.
I’m confident I could find fun in anything new with minecraft. I like thaumcraft, and was positive about some of the others you mentioned but had not gotten to the content in much depth.
So administratively organizing resource location, collection, transport, processing. I think I see the fun. It’s civilization from a builders perspective and I like red stone contraptions enough to see how I could enjoy it (I think unaccounted for ADHD issues makes me bad at project completion and aesthetics though). Is there a multiplayer element?
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago
@Brony, yes! They’re still working on the code, but, uh, well. They’ve managed to get a lot of people on at once.
So, this morning, i read that.
Being the most seen person on youtube seems to make you full of yourself. And do you think he has made apologies ? Of course not. He even said that “i don’t want to offense people. If you feel offensed, that is your fault” (rough translation). Because of course.
And, obviously, his channel will not be closed.
Have a nice day.
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago
Oooh I got a riddle. It’s a good one, I’m great at making riddles.
So, picture yourself as a 60-something parent with a 20-something child. The child has insomnia, depression, and the full package of other mental illnesses that inevitably pop up when you combine those first two. One morning, you find them crying in the attic that they inhabit – not that you actually cared to go up there and see them, but the damn sobs are loud enough that you hear them from the other side of the house. What do you do ?
Answer : the only thing to do, eh. Stand at their doorstep and tell the bitch to grow up and behave like an adult.
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago
‘Tis my birthday today – and I managed to succeed at my little challenge of saving up $1000, which means I’ll be picking up a PS4, Fallout 4, Doom and RESI 7 HELL YEAH tomorrow.
Also, happy birthday M. (I envisage you getting the PS4 plugged into you in the manner of a Personality Core into GlaDOS. If this is not the case then please don’t spoil my image.)
I think reading that for the first time, I legitimately laughed in horror. I think you know which scene I did that with too.
Goddamn that book is fucked up.
I am going to make beetroot curry in a minute. Dead simple – onions and garlic, coconut cream or milk, lots of boiled beetroot, a pint of gravy, perhaps some paneer and/or peas, and of course plenty of seasoning. Beetroot has come back in a big way where I am – much more of a demand for it because of its nutritional value.
I am probably vitamin deficient again – it is winter and I am fat so vitamin D is probably low. I was low on iron too (am veggie) last time. I am not really surprised because I do eat far too many empty calories – I empathise Imaginary Petal – I can eat chocolate 3x a day no problem.
I found the mod pack that I remember loving. Ultra Modded Survival.
It has over 100 mods including everything I have heard people mention here. It’s a very tech-magic combo. It’s even got a mod for space exploration in addition to godzilla.
I was just dipping into Railcraft when I stopped previously. It had so much content that related to expanded engineering and technology that it intimidated me (ex: Industrialcraft). You can build reactors, automatic quarries…
@numerobis, I’m sorry! Not sorry, but also sorry! I’ve never actually tried the campaign/story mode, I’ll have to give it a try!
@Brony, Railcraft meshes with a lot. It’s been a long time for me, though, so I can’t recall everything. I played with most of them – really enjoyed Thaumcraft, I did Reactorcraft and another power-generation one that had, like, realistic nuclear reactors. Lots of great mods out there for Minecraft!
If you want to get a good idea of what Factorio is, it’s a bit like Industrialcraft on a 2D world. Conveyor belts and grabbers and assembly machines and electrical generators and whatnot. And – oh gosh the mods. IC2 has *nothin* on Bob’s Mods or Angel’s Ores.
@Scildfreja (oh no I’ve been spelling your name wrong all this time!)
Thank you for the encouragement and support! I really appreciate it, it truly does help.
That diet does sound horrifying. I’m trying to do things I can actually stick with and keep up long-term, which means regular food and making choices about portions and when I’m at a restaurant, etc. I still have to live in the real world!
You know what I’ve discovered though? I still ate a little ice cream even in the past 3 weeks. I still had a couple of cookies. I still had french fries. I don’t have to restrict myself to nothing but protein or anything like that. I can still eat my favorite thing, beans & brown rice. The difference for me is I have to PLAN those things – that’s where the food journal comes in handy, I can plan out my menu for the day based on what I have and where I’m going.
Another useful thing for me and maybe for others here: most of my life, I have lived “in my head”. My internal life has always been very active and engaging for me, and my body, my physical self, has always been mostly just an ambulatory braincase, you know? I was still always very physically active but that was more for social reasons/just because. I injured my knees repeatedly, then I had a child which restricted my physical movement a little, then I moved to a tiny small town without any gym/pool resources, and eventually I just gained a huge amount of weight to the point that I cannot exercise.
But I’m starting to really try to pay attention to the ol’ body now. I know, 52 years old but better late than never lol. Things like, what does hunger actually feel like? What does being full feel like? What about feeling satisfied, how does that feel? How long does it last? What makes it happen? Maybe those are skills most people learn earlier. Maybe I got used to how it all felt when I was very active and just never adjusted after I became less and less so.
Anyway, rambling, but I really appreciate everyone’s good thoughts.
Well, a good mod pack that my old computer’s had absolutely nil trouble with is Crackpack via the ATLauncher, which I mentioned up thread. I booted it up recently and it makes me SO HAPPY. It’s got a pretty good balance of magic/tech from what I’ve seen, and it might be a good place to start.
If you want suggestions for magic mods *wink*, I really like the obvious ones like Thaumcraft (The closest description I can give you is “Alchemy”), Witchery (this makes me so happy as a person who does actual witchcraft, like srsly it’s exactly what it says on the tin), Blood Magic (Do you want cults? Because that’s how you get cults.), Botania (PLANTS), and Ars Magica (Build-A-Spell Workshop).
There’s also a mod called Technomancy which integrates magic and tech if that tickles your fancy.
I also really love Magical Crops, but that gets OP super fast, but I love it because that way I can devote more time to studying magic and less time to harvesting resources I need for said magic. :U It might not be as necessary on a server with a few other people though if people specialize and we cooperate.
I also like food mods like Pam’s Harvestcraft (Adds tons of new plants and a METRIC TON of recipes for TONS OF FOODSTUFFS), Growthcraft (BOOZE), and Cooking for Blockheads (Helps the cooking along. Adds a fridge, etc.).
(If you do the food mods, I’ll totes bring back The Crow Bar I had on the old server, it’ll be gr8 m8.)
If you want decorative mods, then I’d suggest Chisel (Wanna build out of cobble? This mod makes it not look like poop!), Mr. Crayfish’s Furniture Mod (MOAR FURNITURE), and Bibliocraft (All kinds of interactive furniture and some other cool bits and bobs).
Are you trying to ask me to play Minecraft or set my computer on fire?
I have not played Minecraft for a hot minute or two, but I was 100% into it for the building aspect. One of my favorite builds ever was a cathedral–I love trying to recreate big, ornate structures. I also got reasonably good at creating big statues and such (one of my favorites being a 3D Alot). This unfortunately means that I never really poked around with mods much, except for microblocks, which are simultaneously the best and worst thing for an obsessive builder. 😀
I helped moderate a medium-ish size server, so my time was split between building stupidly big and/or complicated things, fending off griefers and trolls, and helping explain the server commands to new players.
I’ve been kinda itching to build again, but my gaming time is being eaten by Planet Coaster at the moment (which is excellent, by the way).
I’ll look at Factorio more closely. It sounds interesting. What is the scope of the game in terms of the interacting elements you can play with?
Just got an update from the Oakland PD – the women’s march was officially counted at sixty thousand marchers, zero arrests.
I love minecraft, but have never played it modded. You all are making me want to try some of these! I like building things, and one day I’d like to pick it back up again with someone who is interested in being a collaborator in tasks, instead of someone who just does what I suggest. I had to basically direct this person all the time, and it wasn’t super fun. :C
I do need to contact my other friends though, maybe they want to play on their PS4 server at some point? :DDDD That would be nice, I like hanging out with them, even when it’s online.
Dumb question: does anyone have any simple tricks for getting underarm deodorant buildup out of shirts? I have several old shirts that, over the years, have gotten such a buildup on them, to the point it’s showing up on the outside of the shirt. D:
I’ve tried using a stain remover gel to get rid of that stuff, but it doesn’t work right somehow. Like, the buildup looks like it’s gone when I pull the shirt from the dryer, but when I grab it to wear a few days later, the buildup is right back where it was on the shirt before I washed it. Any suggestions to fix that problem?
Also, does anyone have any tips for downsizing a wardrobe? One of my New Years resolutions is to do some downsizing of my hoard of things, and that seemed like as good a spot to start as any.
To return this post to games, I think after reading the latest National Examiner headline about how the late Liberace murdered three of his lover (three guesses who the source of that one is >.< ), I need to create a Liberace dragon on Flight Rising. There needs to be more flamboyant dragons with a pompadour in the world, methinks.
@dreemr, 😀
It’s okay. It’s not an easy name!
@PI, I’ve only heard of like half of those. Sounds awesome 😮 I have always enjoyed farming and that sort of thing in Minecraft. Anything that’s an excuse to build stuff \o/
@Brony, please excuse me while I dork out! I will explain the fundamentals of Factorio. The basics are very simple! But oh, the glorious spaghetti mess you can make.
There are four ores in the world – iron, copper, coal and stone. There’s also trees and water as resources. There are also aliens, which I guess are technically resources. They are the bitiest of resources. You collect them, but can’t really use any of them raw, they all have to be processed.
Coal plus Stone/Copper/Iron, placed inside of a furnace:
gets you either Iron Plates, Copper Plates, or Stone Brick. These are used to build stuff according to recipes. Much like Minecraft, though… well. You’ll see.
You can “pocket craft” things without using the Factorio version of a workbench, an Assembly Machine. You can’t do that with everything, though, and it’s slow (it takes time to complete a recipe), and you can only do one thing at a time. So you build Assembly Machines, supply them with Electricity. Tell it the recipe you want it to build, stuff in the inputs, and it spits out the output.
Of course, you don’t want to be running around from machine to machine, supplying inputs and grabbing outputs – the game is about automation. So you get a few things for that:
Mines will mine any resources underneath them. They take electricity or coal, and output the resource at a known rate.
Inserters will grab any item on the square in front of it and move it to the square behind it. They are used to grab stuff and stuff’em into machines, or take outputs from assemblers.
Chests do what you imagine.
Conveyor Belts move objects. Eight objects fit on a section of belt, four per side. There’s no requirement that the objects on a belt have to be the same. Left side and right side of a belt are often used to carry different things.
Splitters split the contents of a belt into two
Underground Belts run a conveyor underground for a distance, and are how you can let belts cross one another.
Here’s a picture of a train pulling up into a station, offloading copper ore into a column of electric furnaces:
An assembler, building iron gear wheels. The fast, blue inserter is grabbing iron plates from the horizontal conveyor belt, while the yellow, slow inserter is taking out the gear wheels onto the vertical belt. You can see the yellow and blue underground belt passages cross where the yellow inserter puts down the gears:
I haven’t talked about Oil (oil cracks into 3 basic fluids, which is put into chemical plants, makes suphuric acid for batteries and plastic and stuff) or Technology (You have to do science to gain tech to build things) or the Environment (Grrr biters!) or any of that, but that’s the basics. Here’s a glorious spaghetti mess:
And here’s how I prefer to build my factories:×330.jpg
with a nice tidy main bus and assemblers branching off from it.
The end goal is technically to launch a rocket to escape the planet you’re on, but most people play to build cool factories. In that respect, it’s sort of like SuperTetris, or SuperTekkit – flow optimization, resource management, and conservation of space.
Do look at some videos if you’re interested in that sort of stuff!
@Paradoxical Intention
While I agree that Crackpack would be a very good place to start, I’d definitely want to customise it to some amount because certain mods that I enjoy are not present. as for magic mods, while I have at some point or other played with most of the mods mentioned, I haven’t tested Technomancy and I haven’t ever really done much in any of the mods. Also, if you want booze in your game, you can’t go much better than Psychedelicraft. It adds not only booze but all sorts of other drugs including tobacco and weed. plus, it uses shader effects for even more disorientation.
Addendum to previous post:
Firstly, if you’re bringing in the Crow Bar, then I’m going to have to add the RWBY mod because references. In terms of mods that I’d want to add, certainly securitycraft would be one, but also Flan’s mod, bigreactors, computercraft, defensetech, IC2, Matter Overdrive mod and some others (probably something to add more planets to Galacticraft, amongst other things). Beyond that, I’m going to want to have a decent spawn point built up as well (given Galacticraft, most probably on a space station orbiting earth), along with some server plugins, particularly adding an in-game economy.
Peeps who are interested in political documentaries check out Adam Curtis, esp Hypernormalisation (currently available in the UK on iplayer) – there is some stuff on youtube – really interesting, LOADS of stuff I had no idea about.
Random non-Minecraft related item – the Oakland Museum of California is having a retrospective exhibition on the Black Panther Party. The first Sunday in February will feature free admission, and I’m going to bring our older son (the one with schizophrenia who is living in a board and care home). Looking forward to it.
I’d bring our younger son as well, but he cordially detests any activity that requires walking more than a block.
Of their two fathers, I’m definitely the museum/library one; I take after my own father that way.
Well, tonight is Shit Night. As in, I’m all out of The Stuff, so no sleeps. Actually, it’s been Shit Week too, because The Stuff was seriously lacking in the quality department this time, and falling asleep was pretty hard.
There was something else but I spent two hours typing it out then deleting while crying all the while because I’m a dumb emotional fuck. I’m gonna stare at cat videos or something.
Nathan Chen just won the US Champ men’s gold with 5 quadruple jumps! That’s never been done before. It’s making me all giddy and squeeful right now. A bright spot in an otherwise gloomy (both weather and Trump-wise) weekend. Yay!
@Paradoxical Intention
I do have a poor understanding of the load of minecraft and all of those mods. I have a computer that I designed to be a good minecraft computer, until I ran into doubts about competently running a server. So I’m not really sure lots of ram, solid state hard drive, on-board video and cheap was the solution.
I’m confident I could find fun in anything new with minecraft. I like thaumcraft, and was positive about some of the others you mentioned but had not gotten to the content in much depth.
So administratively organizing resource location, collection, transport, processing. I think I see the fun. It’s civilization from a builders perspective and I like red stone contraptions enough to see how I could enjoy it (I think unaccounted for ADHD issues makes me bad at project completion and aesthetics though). Is there a multiplayer element?
@Brony, yes! They’re still working on the code, but, uh, well. They’ve managed to get a lot of people on at once.
So, this morning, i read that.
Being the most seen person on youtube seems to make you full of yourself. And do you think he has made apologies ? Of course not. He even said that “i don’t want to offense people. If you feel offensed, that is your fault” (rough translation). Because of course.
And, obviously, his channel will not be closed.
Have a nice day.
Oooh I got a riddle. It’s a good one, I’m great at making riddles.
So, picture yourself as a 60-something parent with a 20-something child. The child has insomnia, depression, and the full package of other mental illnesses that inevitably pop up when you combine those first two. One morning, you find them crying in the attic that they inhabit – not that you actually cared to go up there and see them, but the damn sobs are loud enough that you hear them from the other side of the house. What do you do ?
Answer : the only thing to do, eh. Stand at their doorstep and tell the bitch to grow up and behave like an adult.
‘Tis my birthday today – and I managed to succeed at my little challenge of saving up $1000, which means I’ll be picking up a PS4, Fallout 4, Doom and RESI 7 HELL YEAH tomorrow.
So if nobody sees me for a week, that’s why. =3
Hey, SFHC – well done! That takes a lot of discipline, you deserve your well-earned bonus!
Hugs, John.
Also, happy birthday M. (I envisage you getting the PS4 plugged into you in the manner of a Personality Core into GlaDOS. If this is not the case then please don’t spoil my image.)