off topic open thread

Open Thread to boycott the inauguration and talk about anything but Trump

Not Donald Trump

If you’re sick of talking about That Man, talk about anything other than him here. And enjoy the weirdest pic I could rustle up on short notice.

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8 years ago

Thank you for the advice of reading and watching translated media and comparing them to the raws, it’s a really enjoyable exercise in trying to understand Japanese on the fly.
Thank you for the encouragement in math :). As far as Rosetta stone, I’m using Anki as a freeware replacement. Yeah some of the custom decks for core 2k/6k don’t have pictures, but they do have the kanji, verbal/written pronunciation and example sentences in both english and Japanese.
I hope that the survivors can get the help they need.
That sounds like a very stressed relationship. Congratulation on being more confident in your decision making.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
8 years ago

I made a knit stitch two days ago.

Some of you may remember Ravelry. It’s a textile arts website. I’ve wanted to learn to knit for years now; at this point, it’s more about proving to myself that I *can* learn how. I started a thread in the Techniques subforum, asking people to explain what is actually supposed to happen to the yarn when a knitter knits.

Long story short, the commenters were able to explain it well enough that the instructions in the multiple knitting books were now comprehensible. I had my cast on stitches, tried to do what the instructions said – and there was a recognizable knit stitch. It was like doing a card trick and having it work.

I’m going to do some more rows, take a picture and post it to the thread so they can see how much help they provided.

Amusingly, one of the commenters was politely skeptical of my request – the idea of someone having to understand the stitch in order to do it baffled her. Why not just follow the instructions and see what happens? Well, if I could do that, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Not sure if it’s going to get easy enough for me to want to do it, but it’s definitely a good feeling to know that I’ve accomplished this.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I’m trying to apply a process to the troll dissections. Yor will be the first one to test it. Then society gets to shred it.

It’s distilled out of five years of anger and more from two schisms (atheist/skeptic, Ponychan), experiences as a substitute teacher, and that general anti-science/anti-evolution arguing hobby. It’s what I do to burn off the hate. Focus it at behaviors and generalized things that would work on me too.

It’s so ugly right now though!
Little sterile symbols in PowerPoint that maximize concepts and relationships. It needs refining and made more approachable. I’m folding in affordances and trying for something that looks like general simple conflict strategies, dispositions, tactics, location and use of feeling, specificity and literality as it applies to insulting characterizations…

The thing makes me think about our social processes as being copies of the physical one made by evolution.

The other slides establish relationships and outline the flow of a conflict on a blog in a temporal/numerical fashion. I am rough drafting symbols for:
*Direct/Indirect content (Is the characterization follow-able as a symbol? Are people actually identifiable? Is text actually quoted and referred to?)
*Explicit/Implicit content (Intensity and proximity related)
*Overt/Covert content (the components of reputation that can reasonably be identified).
*And a positive/negative, +/- general category for analysis of new patterns

It’s gotta play like a cartoon/game but still advantage people that need advantaging. The best learning works that way. I feel like I’m “preening”.

8 years ago

@Handsome Jack

It’s primarily muscle memory – on top of regular memory – so yeah you could call that “instinct” in a way. You need to know the operation of the game inside and out, and you need your fingers to perform many of the inputs faster and more consistently than you’re able to intentionally think about them. For example, there’s a jump that I probably practiced at least 100 times before I started to *feel* when to make the jump rather than *think* about it, and was able to hit it more than 50% of the time.

I have seen one of the top SMW players beat it while literally blindfolded, so what you’ve heard isn’t an exaggeration, though I know I’ll never get to that level. I practice most days, but my threshold for practice tops out at about 30-60 minutes at a time, where top speedrunners can be at it 3-4+ hours per day.

8 years ago

@Robert Walker-Smith
I remember you asking about that and the answer you got here actually helped me understand and I feel like I might be able to try it. By the way, I’m the same way with needing to understand the end product to follow the instructions. I have to know the why behind what I’m doing or it all becomes a jumbled mess in my mind. Drove my math teachers crazy with all my questions about what the end goal was before I could figure out how to do the math. Anyway, glad it worked out for you. Also, I think I saw you in the comments section of a Cracked article on FB. 🙂

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Whoops! That was version one of that slide. This is the second one and I can still see things I want to adjust like representing aggression being attracted and enacted (Implicit in [C]na acting, but not being acted upon).

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I have to ask the source for that shark image. Is it from a live action version of Gyo?

I don’t recall who took it, but the picture is from the back halls of a natural history museum. A photographer was wandering around back there one day and found this stuffed shark in the hallway and snapped a photo. It found some brief internet fame when someone posted it on Twitter as a picture of a live shark swimming through the subway in New York during that big storm a few years back.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

In Good News For Once, they’ve found ten survivors so far at that Italian hotel that was destroyed by an avalanche, including the family of a man who was in the parking lot when the avalanche happened. 🙂

Rigopiano avalanche: Ten found alive in Italy hotel after two days

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Also, I made a nice comforting mushroom soup for dinner tonight, and I wish I could share it with everyone here who needs comforting. Here’s the recipe:

Combine 3 tablespoons butter, 5 tablespoons flour, 12 oz of mixed mushrooms and 1 chopped shallot in a large saucepan. Saute on med-high heat until the mushrooms are tender, about 10 to 12 minutes. This is going to seem challenging because the flour will make everything sticky, but endure.

Add 1 cup chicken broth and a generous shake of pepper and bring to a boil. Add another cup of broth and bring back to a boil, boiling about 5 minutes until the soup thickens. Add 1 more cup and boil for about 5 more minutes. Salt to taste. Remove from heat, add 1 cup half-and-half or cream, then eat immediately.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

What “kinds of minecraft players” are there?

I get why I want to build glass tunnels in the nether. I get to make and analyze pretty things while observing the behavior of predators. Ghasts can’t see you through glass, but as you see them move and react to glimpses of you learn when to snipe and then then do another row, or three on occasion. I have a wonderful field full of impact craters that looks neat out the window. (I like lime green panes and black panes.

The rest of the time I like to make farms, grinders, long railroads…
I’m practicing finishing and detailing projects now. 3×3 doors are fun. My wife will soon convince me to finally do creative mode.

8 years ago

I’ve been enjoying b movies that I didn’t know before during the last few days. 🙂 I’m also planning on training, so that I can go on a holiday trip next summer with this:comment image

Last year (2016) I made a cycling trip throughout several countries with a ”normal” bike and it was great fun, interacting with so many people in other countries, who were so helpful when I asked them for directions or anything as they went out of their way in explaining things and helping me out! Great memories.

I’ve recently visited a Jean Tinguely exhibition, was great!

….there’re still many good things out there.

8 years ago

@Robert Walker-Smith

Welcome to the knitting community! I’ve been getting back into it recently, and have just completed a pink hat for [event deleted given thread topic].

Interestingly, both my mum and I are left-handed but both knit right-handed, because we both learned how to from her right-handed mum.

@Policy of Madness

That sounds scrummy, although as a vegetarian I’ll take your leave to substitute vegetable stock.

Quick question: what is half-and-half? I’ve always assumed it’s what Brits call semi-skimmed milk, but if it’s interchangeable with cream (as in the recipe above), I’ve got that wrong. Can any bicultural person translate?


Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


It’s just milk and cream mixed together.


Thanks for all your replies. I can’t write a longer comment right now, but I will tomorrow.

8 years ago

@Fishy Goat: Thank you for mentioning that, I’m going to watch it 🙂

@Imaginary Petal: I wish you strength/the best. I can’t imagine what it’s like talking about such a thing for the first time.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I made nettle soup!

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I want to make soup like Policy of Madness. I am having store bought “old fashioned vegetable beef”. From scratch mushroom soup sounds good.

@Imaginary Petal
You can make soup from nettles? What does it taste like?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Half-and-half is just half milk and half cream. It’s a substitute for cream when you don’t want/need the extreme heaviness of pure cream.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

What’s inside of a Ghast?

It’s just milk and cream mixed together.

Ghasts are now balloons of milk and cream in my head-canon.

8 years ago

So, I already mentioned building Gundam models earlier but something more personal had been happening in the past few months. I made a friend, let’s call her Cee, and she has gone through so, so much. She needed some rndometriosis surgery and it came with complications, including and not limited to: Several ovarian cysts, needing to take hormone pills, several times she’s had pain bad enough to knock her out, and she also has an addiction due to needing painkillers in the hospital, and those aren’t helping much anymore. Additionally she can’t seem to get admitted so she just keeps going in and out of the ER. On top of all this, the pressures of school remain (although she’s taking classes online and has done a lot of work), and she’s had multiple breakups, including with her long-term boyfriend. She hasn’t been single in years and has asked several people out, and even dated me for a bit. Either the other person said no or it just didn’t work out, and she feels very lonely because of all this. Can people keep her in their thoughts please?

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

So that’s hot it attracts the cats.

I have a head cannon where creepers are simply protecting thier world from an invasive introduced species.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I hope your friend finds solutions and comfort. I can sympathize with medically related loneliness.

8 years ago

I decided it’s past 5pm over on in DC so I’m now enjoying some wine. I decided to skip the edx class today and am watching a bunch of old DVDs while solving bioinformatics problems. That’s a normal way to unwind, right? I also baked bread. 🙂

I like to wander around until I find a location that inspires me to build. I have an idea to make a mine track going through a glass tunnel in the water, but haven’t tried it yet. Not sure where it would go to or from. It’s just that I had a dream once where I rode in a capsule along a track that went into a glass tube through the water and always thought it would be neat to build that in minecraft. I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal: Thank you for sharing.

@PoM: Was there a big storm that flooded a New York subway, or was it when Union flooded?

(I would believe either, because these are different pictures than the one David used in the post. I think it’s pretty funny that ‘this place is flooded, put sharks in it!!!’ is a common idea, haha.)

That was a heck of a day, I did not realise how many people the subway moved until they were all walking on the street. It is a lot!

Fun fact: The name ‘Union Station’ in Toronto is the first ‘union station’. (Though I can’t find a link to back me up on this right now.)

re: Knitting: The site that I was going to recommend doesn’t seem to exist anymore! They had a lot of videos, that’s unfortunate. But there’s also this video with knitting in slow motion that I liked:

8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal
@Policy of Madness

Thanks! Obvious when you know the answer.