If you’re not going to Washington to protest the inauguration, don’t worry! There are literally hundreds of local protests scheduled to take place across the country — local marches scheduled to coincide with the Women’s March in Washington on Saturday. as well as plenty on inauguration day itself.
FRIDAY: Inauguration Day
I haven’t found a central directory of all the marches planned for Friday. But the Huffington Post has information on dozens around the country here.
If you don’t see one near you on that list, don’t worry; it’s a very incomplete list. Check your local alternative press for other protests and events near you.
SATURDAY: The day of the Women’s March
Find one of the more than 600 sister marches in cities across the country here. You don’t have to be a woman to participate.
And if you ARE going to be in DC for the Women’s March, and have some extra time or energy, see here for other anti-Trump protests in the area on and around the inauguration.
If you have info about any other Trump-related protests and events, or if you want to see if any other WHTM readers are going to a protest near you, please post in the comments below.
Let Trump know that he’s Not Our President.
There’s a protest going on in my city as well. I’ve started picking up the local free arts-leaning paper because there’s lots of stands by my internship, and they’re promoting using the hashtags #WomenMobilizeNC and #NoisyMajority.
And they also published an article reporting that yet ANOTHER report was published on the wage gap, specifically here in NC.
White women make an average of 86 cents to their male counterparts’ dollar, and it gets worse as you go by race.
Asian American women: $0.78
Black women: $0.64
Native American women: $0.58
Latinas: $0.48
Oh, and they even broke it down by specific counties, and found that one county had an average Latina pay at 11 CENTS to a white man’s dollar.
This magazine is great, even if there was a letter from a reader arguing that it was okay for Elvis to steal music from PoC because he gave them exposure, and he never would have noticed them if it wasn’t for Elvis stealing their music!
As a Brit, I will be marching on Saturday in London. If any local Mammotheers want to march, but would be marching alone otherwise, let me know and we’ll make plans to meet up beforehand.
For people unable to march (for whatever reason), this website might offer some achievable activist alternatives:
I’m really looking forward to Saturday. I’ve had rage boiling up in me ever since the Brexit result, and it feels good to be doing something constructive. Plus I haven’t been on a woman-centred march since Reclaim the Night marches at university (early nineties), and I’m looking forward to seeing whether the experience is notably different from other political marches. I went on a Refugees Welcome march last summer and there were many more young families present. It felt quite different from other left wing marches I’ve been on.
I’ll be attending the protest in Ottawa. I want all liberal Americans to know that Canadians stand with them. I also want any of my fellow Canadians dreaming of a Trump-like prime minister that they will face widespread and determined opposition.
Bad hombres and nasty women unite!
I’ll be at the Seattle march on Saturday.
Also, don’t forget about the general strike tomorrow! No work, no shopping. Obviously only if you’re able.
I’ll be at a sister Women’s March in Whitehorse YT. We’re meeting 10:30am Sat. at l’AFY building, if anyone here can make it. March starts @ 11:30 @ KDCC.
You have to be a special kind of privileged, economically and socially sheltered to even ASK that question…
(oh, and the answer? FUCK, NO!!)
@Weird Eddie
It’s amazing how often the best and brightest turn out to be rich white men, isn’t it? And as for “enacting real change”, yes rich white men are excellent at that.
@ Weatherwax
Yeah… and that “privileged, socially and economically sheltered” thing seems to be very efficient at shading white people’s attitudes… two of my friends have told me since the un-election how grateful they are to be white (and male in the one case)…. Two people I had thought would at least have the good taste not to fucking SAY it…. Yeah, the vultures will take away my health coverage, and it looks like they’ll get a yuuuuuuuge chunk of my social security, but my whiteness male-ness will insulate me from the brunt of what’s likely coming. My kids and grandkids don’t have whiteness to shield them, and I have friends who don’t… some of them were on the sharp end of ALL of the dumpster’s “campaign rhetoric”…
How can people just not care?????
ETA: Laura Wortman singing
“You say we’ve been put to the purpose
What we gave gone on to the greater good
But the giving was never about us
The greater good was never for the greater good”
I’ll be at the Rockford Women’s March on Saturday. Carpooling with a friend, but if anyone’s in the area and needs a ride, I do have a vehicle at my disposal.
Oh, and this happened on our Facebook page:
I couldn’t help but laugh at the very lost MGTOW’s complaints–“I have to do housework, like literally every human who lives in a house!” Meanwhile, the friend I’m carpooling with is decorating her daughter’s stroller for the march because she takes care of her and her boyfriend’s kid (because her boyfriend is a firm believer in evo-psych gender roles…BARF) and does all the housework on top of working a high-stress 9-5 in a welfare office, volunteering with the YWCA and doing any project she can for any organization who needs it, and performing in a Scottish bagpipe group with her dad. No one’s sad about you having to wash your own dishes, miggy.
I’ll going to the DC march with my son and his girlfriend. I am very much looking forward to it.
OT bit
I have been massively distraught over the results of this fucking election since the early hours of November 9, which is why I disappeared for a while from the comments. That night I had to take a Xanax to stop screaming at my computer as I watched the results unfold. For a couple of Tuesdays afterward, I had an anxiety attack at the same time of night. This election may well have legitimately traumatized me. Like, psychologically.
End OT bit
I’m marching in Atlanta on Saturday, and a friend’s mother made me a pussyhat. WOO!
I’ll be at the march in L.A. Other SoCal Mammotheers, look for the sign that says “MY PUSSY IS NOT UP FOR GRABS AND NEITHER ARE MY RIGHTS”!
I know there’s a bunch of Albertans who frequent here – there are marches both in Edmonton and Calgary. I’ll be at the one in Calgary!
I really want to go Saturday, but I only realized my area would have one today and of course I have to work. No way I could ask off now :[
I’ll probably participate in the Women’s March in Salt Lake City. I’ll also strike tomorrow.
@ Weird Eddie
Yeah, that’ll be why I’m marching.
My privileges (ie why it’s easy for me to march): I’m white, cis, middle class, (in Britain it helps) reasonably south east England spoken and raised, well educated (Oxford still counts, right?), able-bodied.
Not so much: bisexual, woman, depressed and anxious, currently unemployed (as a result of previous), asthmatic.
I’m grateful that I can march. I also feel it’s my responsibility. My dog will be helping me do it. I’m marching for people who can’t.
ETA Forgot to say I also experienced Free School Meals and second hand school uniforms, which has an effect.
Forgot to mention, I’ll be bringing two extra copies of my sign in case I meet people who want one, and several pieces of cardboard and markers to give out so people can make (small) signs of their own with any slogan they choose.
I’ll definitely be at the Womens’ March in San Diego. News is promising huge rainstorms over the next few days…considering we didn’t get the rain we needed last year (fuck 2016), I’ll take it as a hopeful sign.
I’ll be about an hour late to the rally in Seattle tomorrow evening. (Goddamn work schedule.) I won’t be able to make it to the march on Saturday, though.
For what it’s worth, in the final hours of the Obama administration, Santa Ana, CA gave Trump a huge middle finger by declaring themselves a sanctuary city. Orange County, California has been going bluer in recent years and for the first time this past election the majority voted for the Democratic candidate.
It’s cold comfort but I’m taking what I can get right now. And looking into being in the Women’s March there with my husband Saturday.
@Banananana dakry
Are you going to the one in L.A. or does Santa Ana have its own? I know I’m not the only Mammotheer in L.A. and I’m really hoping to meet others in person on Saturday.
I’ll be in Cardiff tomorrow if anyone reading this is planning to be there and wants to meet up.
I’m going to the one in Melbourne tomorrow. This is the first protest I’ve ever gone to, and, to be honest, part of me is afraid that [A]; we’ll get into a street fight with neo-Nazis, or [B]; that I’ll inadvertently do something that renders me a target of alt-right harassment for years, in the same vein as “Big Red”, “Carl the Cuck” or “Trigglypuff”… Ah well, you can’t let that stop you – that’s precisely what they want.
Panorama is the BBC’s main current affairs programme. They’ve just covered Trump’s connections with Russia. They’ve dug up some very interesting, and damning, stuff.
@Weatherwax, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to make it to the London march, but if I do I’m 1.72m (aka about 5’7″) with short grey hair and very probably a slightly battered and discoloured old brownish fedora-type hat (dammed if the PUAs are going to ruin my favourite hat for me); if I make it I’ll look out for … well, a dog, and would you mind saying what colour your hair is?
Obviously I know the chances are vastly against spotting any one individual in the crowd, but anyway, you know 🙂