If you’re not going to Washington to protest the inauguration, don’t worry! There are literally hundreds of local protests scheduled to take place across the country — local marches scheduled to coincide with the Women’s March in Washington on Saturday. as well as plenty on inauguration day itself.
FRIDAY: Inauguration Day
I haven’t found a central directory of all the marches planned for Friday. But the Huffington Post has information on dozens around the country here.
If you don’t see one near you on that list, don’t worry; it’s a very incomplete list. Check your local alternative press for other protests and events near you.
SATURDAY: The day of the Women’s March
Find one of the more than 600 sister marches in cities across the country here. You don’t have to be a woman to participate.
And if you ARE going to be in DC for the Women’s March, and have some extra time or energy, see here for other anti-Trump protests in the area on and around the inauguration.
If you have info about any other Trump-related protests and events, or if you want to see if any other WHTM readers are going to a protest near you, please post in the comments below.
Let Trump know that he’s Not Our President.
Is anyone aware of a similar level of simultaneous protest of sister marches? Maybe during the civil rights era? I think this is amazing.
I’ll be in London tomorrow.
Not planning on a sign, was tempted to do Father Ted “down with this sort of thing” / “careful now” – but I’ll just be wearing my pussyhat (not pink) and gloves!
thanks for that link Alan, will watch later.
Last I knew there was one in Santa Ana and we’ll probably be going to that one. It’s from 9 until 1, I think.
I’m 5’2″ and will be wearing a purple coat that resembles a duvet. Toby is a black and tan Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. My pussyhat is possibly more cherry red than pink.
Hope to see you both in the crowds.
I think i’ll go to the Toronto one tomorrow. I’ve also been nervous to go, because i don’t want to inadvetently wind up a neo-nazi target, but….
Also! Important for Torontonians, looks like the subway is closed along the yonge-university-spadina line between downsview and st.george. So if you are coming south to downtown, maybe take a different way. Great timing, TTC. 9___9
As an Austrian, I m going to the one in Vienna tomorrow with some friends from WAVE (Women Against Violence Europe). In the unlikely event that anyone else from Vienna is reading this, check it out and maybe see you tomorrow: https://www.facebook.com/events/1187352584653327/
I’ll be at the Women’s March in Austin on Saturday. Can’t make it to the Inauguration protest today because of work, but I’ll do what I can.
Republicans have majority and soon will have the Supreme Court so suck it up!
Soon Roe vs Wade will finally be overturned. Thank God!
Try harder, Joaquin. Compare the crowds that went to Trump’s inauguration to the crowds that were at Obama’s. Your penny-pinching cranberry-loaf toupee stand is the most hated president in modern history, and he just started. The American People don’t want him. You’re waking the dragon. This isn’t gonna turn out the way you want it to.
Go back to 4Chan, your shit don’t fly here.
Thank you for telling us what we already know, [all the slash-ess] Joaquin, you insufferable braggart. Fuck off.
Your president is the most hated in history in day fucking one. And you should know enough of history for your general trends. BTW /pol/ man your pres is going to sign TPP with a shit eating grin on his face when he isn’t eating Putin’s shit with a grin.
I think we need to start lobbying for rich, cishet white men to be forced to endure medical conditions they could easily get treated were it not suddenly made illegal for them.
“It’s not just your body, though. Think of the tick’s life for once! What were you even thinking going into the tall grass like that?”
Hello, Joaquin RL3!
Usually, I don’t like to assume just on the basis of a similarity in names, but: are you related to JoaquinRL1?
The JoaquinRL1 who said
And when challenged on the cool elevator law professor story, said
The reason I ask is: because of all the other yuk your cousin RL1 trotted out on that thread, he was banned
and couldn’t come back after next Wednesday to report back on the elevator law professor story. Enquiring minds want to know how that turned out! Please ask your cousin RL1 for me, and say hi to RL2 from me if they are a less douchy member of your family.
ETA: oops! forgot to caps-lock ELEVATOR!!1!1!!. Sorry.
Londoners: I’m about 5’7″ and have hair down to my butt dyed blue (fading, also purples and greens and red streaks.) If I make it I will almost certainly also have my cane (black) and pussyhat (very dark pink). I look a lot younger than I am – late teens, as opposed to mid twenties. I’m pretty distinctive so please approach me if you see me! I’ll need a friendly face, the last march I went on my cane got kicked out from under me a lot and it was very stressful.
Inquiring minds need to know:
Are you an asshole?
Or are you pious?
Pro tip for trolls: Stick to one philosophy per incursion into enemy territory. You’ll have to trust me on this one: your opponents are always way smarter than you think they are.
Warum nicht beide?
I’ll be going. (I didn’t have time to get a pussyhat, sadly.) I’ll be the 6’3″ man with a short beard wearing the warmest coat he owns, accompanied by a 5’2″ Frenchwoman.
I’ll look out for the rest of you.
For those unable to march there is a disabled march online link here: https://disabilitymarch.com/join-the-march/
::waves:: hi Londoners! Hi Mammotheers! Well no surprise that I wasn’t able to pick any of you out of the crowd – that crowd was (ha) HUGE! 🙂
Arrived at Bond St. at about 11:45 – and the crush started on the platforms inside the station; it took well over an hour to get as far as the starting point in Grosvenor Square! People were so tightly packed in the street just trying to get to the start that we could barely move; by the time we eventually got to Trafalgar Square (at about 2:30) it was almost impossible to get into the square – and there were a huge number of people behind us. Estimated 100k, and in all honesty I suspect that may turn out to have been a conservative estimate.
I think it was partly “thanks” to the fact that Trump and everything he stands for is dire on so very many fronts; people were protesting on all of them, some focusing on climate change, or austerity, or racism, or bigotry – and all focused on the protest against misogyny.