alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis reddit

Incomprehensible Neo-Nazi philosopher wannabe launches war on the “Jew mind space of uprooted thought”

Prepare to have your MIND BLOWN

So over on the alt-right subreddit, because of course there is such a thing, the regulars are discussing an article from a  century-old encyclopedia suggesting that Jews are many times more likely to be insane than their goy counterparts.

A fellow calling himself Motor_City_Cobra offers a rather, well, perplexing explanation for this alleged fact. See how many sentences you can make it through before getting completely baffled! (I got through four!)

Motor_City_Cobra 5 points 4 hours ago They're inbred. Every industry they're in creates some type of malady. Hollywood culture, academia style liberalism, D.C. corruption, Wall st cronyism & fraud, empty calorie media/news, porn. Psychoanalysts were Jewish. If you know Heidegger you'll learn psychology was/is the last major 'philosophy of the subject'. Jews created 'the subject'. The self as a discarnate entity outside of a world, culture, community is a construct. From here it gets complicated, but as a people we need to live in pragmatism. We need to live with passions and see everything in terms of circuits and orbits instead of an ego in a static x, y, z space. Man, this is hard to describe. Instead of weaving thoughts over & over getting lost in thoughts that are derivatives of derivatives we will live in equilibrium and exploit disequilibriums. I hope I'm getting to the distinction. We can't live in a Jew mind space of uprooted thought, we live in a world that draws us into things that matter and we push intensely to bridge new connections. Steve Jobs worked like this. It could be the love of your life or it could be in politics. If it's in business it will be in computer science.

You guys should probably just stick with the “Happy Merchant” memes, because that makes no damn sense at all.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Makes me think this Rep. Marsh is a rapist or child molester who doesn’t want his victim/s to ever talk.

8 years ago

@PaganReader, @dlouwe

Better news:

New Hampshire sexual assault evidence bill meets strong opposition

On a related note, I keep wondering how long it will take a reasonable percentage of human beings in the USA and the world to say that Trump’s inappropriate remarks about Ivanka and his inappropriate touching of her are really not OK!

8 years ago

@dlouwe, like the only evidence is testimonial.

8 years ago

I, too, understood what OP was trying to say. Basically, “You are inextricably a part of your people and culture, and should live in a manner true to your Volk. Rootless internationalism and individualism will lead to the downfall of society. Skyrim belongs to the Nords. I’M RATIONAL.”

@Punkle Stan

I got two roots from that quadratic. Should I be worried?

Re: New Hampshire

Corroboration for allegations of sexual assault? What country does he think he is living in, Saudi Arabia? Does the corroboration have to be from male witnesses as well?!

epitome of incomprehensibility

Motor_City_Cobra seems to be saying that Jewish people are responsible for a culture of disconnected individualism. I thought the stereotype was the opposite – close-knit families, controlling mothers, scheming secret societies, etc.

Hey, M. C. Cobra? Since you don’t seem to be very good at racism, why don’t you… NOT be racist? I’m sure there are things you’d be better at. Like… I dunno, math, maybe. You mentioned x and y, derivatives, equilibriums, and then computer science at the end (not exactly a field of business, but whatever), so maybe you’ve got a math background of some sort. Why not do more math, and less racist-Reddit-ranting? The world would be a happier place.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

Melting wall. Solvable meaning. Self who can explain. Smoothness of changeable permeability. Transitioning time. Observation life and execution function. A pinky-less hand. Headless eyes. Rolling carpet. Once. Twice. Three times. 777 cages. Burst balloon. Unfulfillable promise. Unprotectable law. Death contract. Poison and honey. Red and afterbirth. Mercury lamp and bug light. Light refracting to countless dimensions. Swimming fish, singing at the ocean bottom. Tools, tools, tools. Towards endlessly reproducing stars without meaning, without will. Better than wishes. Another only me. Unraveling deep sea. Contradictory that appears from microscopic organisms. Detailed view of a quark. Rejection of everything. Formless form. An embryo within a hearse. I curse and celebrate their existence.

…oh, sorry, I was just remembering an example of uprooted thought that made more sense to me.

8 years ago

This is old-time Communist doctrine; it’s a rant against “rootless cosmopolitanism;” IOW against well-informed city-slickers and all that pertains to them.

That’s the payload; “the Jews” are just the vector or delivery system. Remember the way the Goopers back in the Reagan administration gussied up a war against poor people (which most Americans then would not accept) as a war against dastardly black inner-city welfare cheats? Remember when?

Well, pretty much the same thing is happening here.
No point in overthinking it.

8 years ago

Yeah man, plus the profligacy of the electorate indicates empirical consumerism in a despotic reverence poop buttcrack boobie fart booty train!!!

I feel like I made just as much sense as that rascal.

8 years ago

So over on the alt-right subreddit, because of course there is such a thing, the regulars are discussing an article from a century-old encyclopedia suggesting that Jews are many times more likely to be insane than their goy counterparts.

I grew up in the house my father grew up in, and there were artifacts there of the before-time.

One such antique was a medical encyclopedia from around 1900. (My grandparents tied the knot in 1899.) It was large and thick and had an impressive design on the edges of the pages, which was visible when the book was closed.

Less impressive was the medical advice. The MD-author stated that girls who went to school past the age of 12 would have trouble bearing children.

Snort. That’s what happens when you put ideology ahead of science.

That said, what I wasn’t taking into account when I read this opinion was that when the book was written, most Americans didn’t progress in their studies beyond the 8th grade. So there wasn’t that much opportunity in those early-20th-century days to prove this guy’s ideology false.

rogue angel
rogue angel
8 years ago

I’m happy that people were able to make sense of the OP’s ramble. My interpretation involved Gene Ray, acid tabs, and Dada.

8 years ago

@ Kat

My aunt had an old book like that, a mixture of medicine and folklore (including some really great engravings) which she had brought from her childhood home in Saratoga. There was one page on which the latest scientific opinion of 1893 (or whatever) was laid out: seems it had been definitely proven (as of 1893) that zits were in fact little bugs which had evolved a nasty habit of burrowing under the skin. “Many a fine complexion has been ruined by them.”

After skin-burrowing bugs, real life was bound to be a disappointment: nothing in my science classes was anywhere near as much fun.

8 years ago

Spheres and curves good / straight lines and right angles bad is some ancient bullshit. I forget if the Greeks were into it, but mediaeval Christians were. It got turned into a thing against Descartes. I should ask my dad what Heidegger said about it — i presume that’s where shroomface got it from.

It would blow this idiot’s mind to learn some geometry.

8 years ago

In response to the quote in the OP:

No no precious; that’s capitalism. Capitalism is the terminal cancer that has spawned the pustulant Trumor that’s going to burst forth from the face of the nation in just over 12 hours. Well, capitalism and nazis (who shall not be capitalized no matter how my spellcheck insists upon it), but nazis are really just another ugly lesion.

Now, back in the nineteen-forties they developed a cure for nazis, but the government suppressed it. It wasn’t the most environmentally-friendly treatment regiment, what with it being primarily composed of lead, trinitrotoluene, and jellied gasoline, but it was fairly effective. But Washington decided protecting capitalism was more important treating the sickness, and now we’ve got nazis in the most embarrassing and uncomfortable places.

Alas, as I said: nazis are just a symptom of the disease. Nazitizing facismiitis, if we’re to use technical-sounding terms, is merely one of the most unpleasant side effects of disease for which no known cure exists. There are some promising theories, like social anarchism, but small scale laboratory tests have yielded less-than-stellar results. It just doesn’t replicate quickly enough.

Before all is said and done, radical surgery may be required to save the patient. Even then, it would only buy us some time. Mammon’s Blight is tenacious, merciless, and worst of all, poisonous to the mind. And witness how it causes its victims to babble on about Jewish conspiracies and lizard people and whatnot; anything to avoid the terrible truth of the disease! Hence, nazis. nazis everywhere. Nope, not even at the beginning of the sentence.

Of course, part of its perniciousness is that it’s a sickness that co-opts our normal immune response. What do we usually do (in the good ol’ U. S. of A., anyway) when we have a problem? We throw money at it! But that just feeds plague, like killing cats during the bubonic plague. It’s also a bad thing all on its own. Like killing cats during the bubonic plague. Cats?

That’s right, cats are the solution to our problem.

This kind of hard to follow, but walk with me a while. You’ve never seen a cat pay for anything, have you? They don’t even have wallets! I mean, where would they keep them? Cats don’t wear pants. If cats have purses, it’s only to sleep in them.

We must be more like cats. Fellow human-people, throw out your wallets! Wad up your paper money and bat it around the floor! Eat your small change and throw it up on your beds; you sleep in the basket of clean laundry now!

Be free! Freed from wage-slavery and bills and taxes and pants! Poop in a box full of sand, and let the bourgeois capitalists scoop it up! Let me hear your yowls of liberty long into the small hours of the night!

And that is how you word-salad.

8 years ago

“The self as a discarnate entity” is where he lost me. Last time I looked, my own self was very much INcarnate; it’s just not the “blood and soil” bullshit that this assclown wants everyone to believe it is.

Of course, he has neither the verbal economy nor the brains to simply write “Blood and Soil!” and leave it at that.

8 years ago

The spiritual serfdom of the White meta-male essence can no longer be restrained by the democidal platitudes of Hollywood egalitarianism its sexually-confused, racially-vampiric anti-western cooch-gazing acolytes and their lisping yes-men. The transformative powers of western males who preserve their essences amidst the salty brine of degeneracy will change the cultural tide and bring forth a renaissance of blood and soil White-male friendly modes of expression that shall reorient the Western Male as the center of his universe.

Your vile socialism and philosophies of textual-miscegenation will be revealed for the anti-White sham that they are while Men regain their rightful place as our feminized, bureaucratic society collapses upon itself and brings a return to male-self governance. With his energies no longer sapped by the alienating cosmopolitanism of the female-controlled public school system, the energy of the average red-blooded White male shall reach historic highs and he will throw off the chains of globalist slave morality and reclaim his rightful place along with his White brethren as Kings of the West.

The hard-won civilization of the United States shall not be balkanized by the insidious designs of shrieking leftoids and their corporatist, cultural-Marxist handlers. Your efforts, to engage the perennially-embittered, red radical blackazoids and transform our unified White-nation into a loose conglomerate of mutually-hostile back-alleys that could be described as the Disunitied Ghettos of Funkistan shall not succeed, no matter what you pointy-headed technocrats and micro-chip hustling Nanny-State Commandos have to say about it.

8 years ago


There was one page on which the latest scientific opinion of 1893 (or whatever) was laid out: seems it had been definitely proven (as of 1893) that zits were in fact little bugs which had evolved a nasty habit of burrowing under the skin.

And almost no adolescent could escape these bugs while pretty much every other age group could fight them off.

8 years ago


Eat your small change and throw it up on your beds; you sleep in the basket of clean laundry now!

Pretty words; stirring words.

But your plan is completely impractical.

8 years ago

Makes sense to me, apart from the Jew bits. Philosophical sense, in that he’s expressing some coherent ideas, which sadly aren’t expressed in a way you could see he’s actually talking about the reality we live in and also mashing a load of disparate things together. I mean if I heard someone say that to me Id be like, “yes, interesting but firstly what have Jews got to do with it and secondly what does this actually mean in practice, because you seem to be denying science and aspects of reality.”

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

I’m really impressed that it made sense to everybody else, because it made no sense at all to me. Y’all are some smart folks.

8 years ago

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Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
8 years ago

And this is why the alt-right will lose.

@epitome of incomprehensibility:

Motor_City_Cobra seems to be saying that Jewish people are responsible for a culture of disconnected individualism. I thought the stereotype was the opposite – close-knit families, controlling mothers, scheming secret societies, etc.

Jews manage to be both. Just like how they’re simultaneously rich bankers and Communist agitators. Or like how Klatchians are savages who run at you with their scimitars when they’re not busy being cowards who run away as soon as they taste cold steel.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: corroboration

In England the requirement for corroboration in sexual assault/rape cases was only abolished in 1994.

It’s still a requirement in Scotland; although that’s because they require corroboration in relation to all offences.

Spaniard in the Works
Spaniard in the Works
8 years ago


The transformative powers of western males who preserve their essences amidst the salty brine of degeneracy

Did you just imply that the degeneracy is necessary to preserve your precious essences? Because try to can cockles without brine and then tell me how well they are preserved.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

“Renaissance Of Blood And Soil” is my DragonForce cover band.

8 years ago




