alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis reddit

Incomprehensible Neo-Nazi philosopher wannabe launches war on the “Jew mind space of uprooted thought”

Prepare to have your MIND BLOWN

So over on the alt-right subreddit, because of course there is such a thing, the regulars are discussing an article from a  century-old encyclopedia suggesting that Jews are many times more likely to be insane than their goy counterparts.

A fellow calling himself Motor_City_Cobra offers a rather, well, perplexing explanation for this alleged fact. See how many sentences you can make it through before getting completely baffled! (I got through four!)

Motor_City_Cobra 5 points 4 hours ago They're inbred. Every industry they're in creates some type of malady. Hollywood culture, academia style liberalism, D.C. corruption, Wall st cronyism & fraud, empty calorie media/news, porn. Psychoanalysts were Jewish. If you know Heidegger you'll learn psychology was/is the last major 'philosophy of the subject'. Jews created 'the subject'. The self as a discarnate entity outside of a world, culture, community is a construct. From here it gets complicated, but as a people we need to live in pragmatism. We need to live with passions and see everything in terms of circuits and orbits instead of an ego in a static x, y, z space. Man, this is hard to describe. Instead of weaving thoughts over & over getting lost in thoughts that are derivatives of derivatives we will live in equilibrium and exploit disequilibriums. I hope I'm getting to the distinction. We can't live in a Jew mind space of uprooted thought, we live in a world that draws us into things that matter and we push intensely to bridge new connections. Steve Jobs worked like this. It could be the love of your life or it could be in politics. If it's in business it will be in computer science.

You guys should probably just stick with the “Happy Merchant” memes, because that makes no damn sense at all.

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8 years ago

Is it bad that I understand this? It’s classic wannabe philosophy covering the idea that the external world’s changes matter in layers of bullshit and an outer layer of anti-Semitism.
(I’m sort of used to picking out meaning from word salad)

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The self as a dicarnate entity outside of a world, culture, community is a construct

Is that… I think… But what about biotroofs?

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
8 years ago

I’m not sure what it says about me, but I think I know what this person was trying to say.

ISTM that he’s trying to say that Jews think purely in logical (i.e., passionless) abstraction (i.e., “uprooted [from reality]” thought), and that Jewish psychoanalysts hypothesized humans as abstract “selves.” Somehow or other this is supposed to lead to graft, loveless sex, and gerbils shoved up asses, along with [some type or other of] mental illness.

He’s calling for people to embrace empirical reality (as opposed to pure abstraction), the passions, imprecision, and interpersonal connections. Unlike them thar Joos, who have rejected all of those things.

Except for the fact that everything he says is [citation needed] and/or non-sequitur, I’m pretty sure that’s what he’s trying to say.

*ponders further*

I’m guessing that he arrived at this theory by starting with the premise that Jews have cash registers where their hearts should be. It’s not that big a leap from there to concluding that they’re coldly calculating, impersonal, amoral agents, etc.

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago
(Image description: three pugs quizzically tilting their heads)

Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
8 years ago

Well, Ashkenazim are kind of inbred, (the rest of humanity gets a gene pool. We have a gene puddle.) and I wouldn’t be surprised if living in times of extreme anti-Semitism didn’t improve our mental health at many points. As for the rest of it…well. He can spell ‘Heidegger’.

8 years ago

A Rose for Emily:

ISTM that he’s trying to say that Jews think purely in logical (i.e., passionless) abstraction (i.e., “uprooted [from reality]” thought), and that Jewish psychoanalysts hypothesized humans as abstract “selves.” Somehow or other this is supposed to lead to graft, loveless sex, and gerbils shoved up asses, along with [some type or other of] mental illness.

He’s calling for people to embrace empirical reality (as opposed to pure abstraction), the passions, imprecision, and interpersonal connections. Unlike them thar Joos, who have rejected all of those things.

8 years ago

They’re inbred

Yet somehow spread across all ethnicities too?
And aren’t most of those in those industries you know, rich white christian males? “Circuits and orbits” what does that even mean?

8 years ago

Just think what these alt-rightists could achieve if they focused this single-mindedness on something harmless and uplifting. Like a website devoted to animals on swings. I mean, I’ve just spent two minutes and found some lovely pictures. I think one was a dormouse.

They’ll have to be more inventive than me, though, because it turns out the animals on swings thing is already covered. Hey, who am I kidding? If they had wanted to be inventive, they might not have picked Jews as the object of hate. It’s been done.

8 years ago

needz moar chem-trailz

8 years ago

Was this written by a human? It feels like reading Cleverbot on a bender.

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

From here it gets complicated.

From here???

For several reasons, it’s good that these fools are preaching to the choir, because no one else would even listen BEFORE it got complicated.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Instead of weaving thoughts over & over getting lost in thoughts that are derivatives of derivatives we will live in equilibrium and exploit disequilibriums. I hope I’m getting to the distinction.

Keep hoping.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Neo Nazis on shrooms.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Welp. I dunno what this guy takes, but I want some.

Serebrianyi Golub
Serebrianyi Golub
8 years ago

Agreed with A Rose for Emily, I think: he seems like he’s a Dark (Dork?) Enlightenment type, urging that gentile live “in pragmatism,” within “circuits and orbits,” (live in the world) rather than as a Cartesian-and-onward “disincarnate” subject living “outside of a world,” analyzing it deductively through logic and inductively through empirical experimentation in which objective researchers find universal truth, with a clear self/other distinction. Citing Heidegger, the original Nazi Hippie, also points to this kind of ideology.

Does that make sense? It seems very different from the LEET STEMLOGIC type of manospherian. 50% premodern, 50% postmodern, 100% toxic.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite


Phenotype alone is not indicative of excess homozygocity. There groups of “white people” (the way they use it) who can grouped by a common health diagnosis.

That is reason and logic broken that “fractally wrong” was coined for.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Yeah, this kind of does make sense, in a first-year-philosophy-major-while-high kind of way. I do like the last sentence.

If it’s in business it will be in computer science.

Of course it will be in computer science. There is no other kind of business that an enlightened philosophybro would consider worth doing. Because computer science is business, that’s why an MS in computer science is just a subset of MBA, really.

Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
Anne Lewis, Jib Creatr
8 years ago

What the hell did I just read?

8 years ago

Timecube is back! ???

Well, maybe not, he didn’t mention the four corners of the day, or whatever.

Skeptical Scully
Skeptical Scully
8 years ago

It’s always clear that MRAs have no idea what they are actually talking about when they go off about evopsych, psych, STEM, or anything really. Psychology (as a discipline) really took off as a result of German research institutions; psychoanalysis is not the heart of psychology. Wilhelm Wundt is generally considered to have founded it with his research lab, studying psychophysics at the University of Leipzig. And… of course… psychoanalysis ≠ Judaism or that ever-threatening, looming, dooming, “Jewish Agenda” that these posters are always frothing at the mouth about.

But yeah, as other commenters have already stated: high school philosophy on shrooms with a nice oily layer of anti-Semitism.

Handsome (Punkle Stan) Jack

Well, Ashkenazim are kind of inbred, (the rest of humanity gets a gene pool. We have a gene puddle.) and I wouldn’t be surprised if living in times of extreme anti-Semitism didn’t improve our mental health at many points. As for the rest of it…well. He can spell ‘Heidegger’.

You mean segregating people to ghettos for centuries and then wiping out several million of them in a few short years would create smaller gene pools? Who’d have thunk.

Handsome (Punkle Stan) Jack

Here, let me just put this into my calculator…

comment image


Well, Ashkenazim are kind of inbred, (the rest of humanity gets a gene pool. We have a gene puddle.) and I wouldn’t be surprised if living in times of extreme anti-Semitism didn’t improve our mental health at many points. As for the rest of it…well. He can spell ‘Heidegger’.

You mean segregating people to ghettos for centuries and then wiping out several million of them in a few short years would create smaller gene pools? Who’d have thunk.

8 years ago

completely OT, but have you seen this yet? New Hampshire bill would require corroboration in sexual assault cases
I @ed you on tumblr, too.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

Fucking spam filters have been bugging me again and I really don’t wanna get rid of the Punkle Stan part of my name come on.

8 years ago


Republican Rep. William Marsh, who filed the legislation, hopes it protects adults from the lies of children.

According to ABC News, Marsh created the bill after hearing the story of a New Hampshire psychotherapist who was convicted in 2016 for molesting a minor. Marsh maintains that the man was innocent, and that the criminal justice system failed him.

“If the person charged is innocent, they will have little ability to defend themselves, as the only testimony is that of a young child who may not be able to provide a reliable story,” Marsh said during a hearing for the bill on Tuesday.

ugh ugh ugh ew ugh ew ugh ugh ew

this makes me wish for a puke emote

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