Much like a fart, but much larger and alive, Scott Baio is one of those celebrity has-beens who has managed to linger in the public consciousness for decades without contributing anything of value to the world. He’s also one of the few celebs who’s openly supported Unpresident-Elect Donald Trump.
The former Charles in Charge star was recently asked by Variety to explain his support of Trump. And, well, let’s just say he didn’t really choose his words very carefully.
After celebrating Trump’s alleged work ethic, Baio told those critical of Trump to “grow up,” proclaiming that the world is “not about going to safe spaces and wearing a safety pin and hugging a puppy.”
Baio then tried to make the case that Trump was just a regular guy, citing as evidence Trump’s love of … putting his hands all over people shortly after meeting them for the first time. Allegedly.
“He’s just a guy,” Baio told Variety. “He grabs you. Holds you. He puts his arm around you.”
Er, dude, in Trump’s case I don’t think that’s actually a good thing.
Yesterday we learned that former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos, one of the numerous women who came forward before the election to accuse the orange tycoon of sexual assault, has filed a defamation suit against Trump for disparaging statements he made about her after she went public with her allegations.
According to Zervos’ complaint, Trump “ambushed” her several times.
Mr. Trump suddenly, and without her consent, kissed her on her mouth repeatedly; he touched her breast; and he pressed his genitals up against her. Ms. Zervos never consented to any of this disgusting touching.
Maybe Gloria Allred, who is handling Zervos’ case, will call Baio to the witness stand to discuss Trump’s alleged handsyness.
It saddens me and scares me to my absolute core that fucks like this can get away with anything.
Could he try any harder to emphasize how much of a serial rapist Trump is?
Ugh. I’ve met men like that. Don’t like them. They’re especially scary to meet when you’re a teenager and you’re not sure how you feel about your body.
I frankly don’t want to get that close to His Fraudulency.
Didn’t Scott Baio just file a police report against the wife of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers drummer for doing that to him?
why is he so angry at puppies?
I’d be totally unsurprised if Trump’s handiness is a way of normalizing his own behavior to outside observers, so he can excuse groping women. However, while we’ve had an avalanche of women accusing him of sexual assault, and he is generally unpleasant, we haven’t had people coming forward with rape accusations. Yet.
The more important question is – Why isn’t the world more about hugging puppies and less about this dude.
There have been rape accusations.
I’m not sure Scott Baio is helping his case by describing Trump as someone who just grabs you. Most people consider non-consensual grabbing a form of assault.
What a shining example of male privilege we have here. It most likely did not even occur to Bob Loblaw that this was description was even in bad taste.
‘Young people’ is henceforth a slur. Only we can use it. Them’s the rules!
Why not? Also, safety pins are the harbinger of the fall of Western civilization now
Holy shit, there have been rape accusations. Several.
The irony of anyone using the phrase “grow up” to justify supporting that petulant man-child Trump is glaring indeed.
I forgot about Bob Loblaw. It’s been all downhill for Baio from there.
Things we should send into space:
A jar of mayo
Magazine clippings of Scott Baio
That song that starts with “Day-O”
A poem by Gayle from Bob’s Burgers. Now, if only we could send Baio himself into space. That’d be a lot better.
In more fun news, Blue Rose: The AGE RPG of Romantic Fantasy is here at last, updating the original Blue Rose. Green Ronin president Chris Pramas had this to say about its release:
He would be the perfect lawyer for the Trump administration!
I’d actually love to learn all about how hard work will get me born into a wealthy and connected family that can get me into an ivy league school and give me lots of money to start a business. How does one achieve this? Do I have to learn to astrally project and then possess the fetus a rich person is carrying? That sounds pretty hard, but Trump’s bootstrapping successes have sure inspired me to try!
Didn’t Baio have a reputation as a lady’s man back in the day? If he was like another PUA he’d probably did the same shit as Trump. Which is probably why he likes him so much.
I’mma just leave this right here:
Cat lover?
Odd thing: when I read the “He’s just a guy” bit, my brain immediately went to “Zaphod… he’s just zis guy, you know?” from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
But that might be just because I’m tired, and a big HGttG fan.
The sort of actions Baio describes are typical of conmen and fraudsters. It is done to unsettle and distract with the fraud using the excuse that he is “really feeling a connection with you” and “regards you as one of the family,”
‘That song that starts with “Day-O”’
Hey, my mom (dead a year today) loved Harry Belafonte. She also loved the Stan Freberg version.