Several days ago the neo-Nazi newsblog Infostormer warned its readers of a dire threat to the incoming Trump regime.
“Protesters Plan To Use Gay Orgies And Street Barricades To Disrupt Trump Inauguration,” a headline screamed. In the post itself, blogger “Marcus Cicero” declared that
it appears as if we’ll get to see the true face of the Leftist resistance come Friday, which will consist mainly of huge homosexual orgies in front of Vice President Mike Pence’s house, followed by hastily constructed barricades along the route to the Inauguration venue itself.
In the comments, Infostormer readers offered their own deep thoughts on the matter.
A fellow calling himself Brutal_Reality wrote:
The Cultural Marxist leftists have only militant negroes, cuckolded fairies, fat, angry feminists, and disgusting ass pirates to fight for their nation wrecking “cause”. The only people you don’t ever see among the late night freaks are the working White Men who actually pay taxes. Imagine that.
theDude added
I hope it’s a graphic in your face display of degeneracy. The more “normies” are exposed to that kind of crap, the better.
A commenter called huwaif wondered WWAD (What Would Adolf Do)?
What would the awakened people of GERMANY have done to deluded/ willing scum like this if they tried it during the celebration of Uncle Adolf? They would have rightfully torn them to shreds. All fags must go. Pink triangles are now in order.
Needless to say, there are no orgies scheduled in the vicinity of Mike Pence’s house in Chevy Chase (the city, not the person).
True, there is an event scheduled, and it will involve gay people. But it’s not an orgy. It’s a protest in the form of a “Queer Dance Party.” And it’s not taking place on Friday. It’s taking place tonight, starting at 6 PM.
Organizers promise a memorable night.
We plan on leaving behind [biodegradable] glitter and rainbow paraphinalia that he can NEVER forget. #WeAreQueer #WeAreHere #WeWillDance That’s right, get ready to WERK it and tell Daddy Pence: homo/transphobia is not tolerated in our country!
It might look something like this:
Or possibly this:
I’m not sure. I don’t go to a lot of dance parties these days, queer or otherwise, so I don’t quite remember what they look like.
There may be orgies afterwards, who knows? But I’m guessing they will be indoors, as most orgies are. Or so I’ve heard.
EDIT: I added that paragraph about Germans and pink triangles.
Added bonus points for Mantak Chia apparently being Thai, not Chinese.
Fishy Goat:
By being invisible to right-wingers, of course. Ideally, the protesters would dance individually, at home, possibly in their own closets. But perhaps some kind of “free speech zones” can be arranged, where they can protest well away from those who might be upset.
David, I think you’re great and I donate to this site, but please maybe reconsider this FP pic. I have no idea if this is consensual kangaroo behavior or not, but it looks an awful lot like a human gang rape and it’s a little hard to take. Sorry.
Welp, seems like I missed most of the festivities. Oh well.
An interesting thing that happened:
I was out chasing pokémon the other day, and ran into a homeless man asking for money. He explained that the shelters close down at 9 in the morning and open back up at 10 in the evening, so every day he has to wander the streets for 13 hours in the freezing cold. He said he would use the money for one of three things:
1. A cup of coffee so he could hang out in a warm coffee shop for a few hours.
2. Lunch. He knew of a place where you could get a decent meal for 25 SEK ($2.80).
3. A copy of the magazine Faktum.
The third option was pretty interesting. Faktum is a monthly magazine founded in 2001, which mainly contains material regarding social issues and politics, especially as it pertains to the homeless. It is mainly sold in the streets by homeless people who can buy a copy for 25:- and sell it for 50:-, making a 100% profit off each copy sold. The idea is to give the homeless a (small) source of income, as well as some level of order and routine in their everyday lives.
I walked with the man for a bit, while asking a few questions and letting him vent about his situation. When he mentioned Faktum, I asked where he would need to go in order to pick up a copy. I then asked how many copies he would need to sell in order to have a decent day. After a while, he stopped to open his backpack and take out his name tag as proof that he’s authorized to sell the magazine. “See? I’m not lying.” he said. I did not think he was lying! But I realized being asked questions by a stranger, to him usually meant some asshole was trying to poke holes in his story.
I happened to have 25:- in cash, so we went to the office and picked up one copy of the magazine. We went to one of the busiest squares in the city, and I stayed with him until we managed to make a sale. After that, we went back to the office and picked up two more copies. It took a while, but eventually he made another sale. At that point, I needed to get going. But now the homeless man had 50:- (lunch and coffee), and a copy of Faktum to sell.
Now I have a better understanding of how hugely important it can be for someone to make just one sale of Faktum. It’s literally the difference between having a meal or not. I’ll now make a point to buy at least one copy of Faktum each month.
Also: talk to homeless people sometimes, if you can. They know stuff.
@ IP
Faktum sounds a bit like a magazine we have here called The Big Issue.
That too contains a bit about politics and social issues, and articles written by vulnerable people which gives you a bit of an insight into the issues they face.
It does cover a lot of general issues now though and attracts some really top writers. There is a bit of a debate about whether that’s a betrayal of its original roots and purpose. It is a good read though whichever way you look at it.
Speaking of Sweden, have you seen this?
Mediekollen, the fake fact-checker
I guess we’ll be seeing more of these, around the world.
Spaniard in the Works,
Not only whitesplaining but mansplaining to the cis woman gynecologist* about how vaginas work. Charming fellow.
* You know you post here too much when your phone’s autofill dictionary suggests gynocracy before gynecology when you type in “gyn.”
Wait, he’s editor-in-chief of the Walrus???? Welp, there’s the problem right there. Ol’ momma’s boy Johnny doesn’t do anything without Babs’ approval, and Barbara Kay has been on an MRA kick for years.
Barbara Kay has 3 topics she writes about in the National Post: Pit bulls, Muslims and feminists. Standard 2-Minute Hate type stuff. The comment sections are both really sad and strangely hilarious.
That’s why I stick to The Star.
@Alan – “Master the art of INSTANTANEOUS DEATH” with no bodily contact or physical exertion?
That sounds less like Kung Fu and more like open carry.
@ buttercup
I was once at a seminar where someone bragged that they could knock me down with one finger then shot me with a bean bag gun.
@Fishy Goat
I keep seeing an image and story in my FB feed about a silent protest in Turkey and it talks about how “we” (I assume here it means Americans) need to be more peaceful in our protests. I can only assume this is going around right now in response to the upcoming women’s marches, especially since they came from a Trump supporter and a “both sides are equally horrible! Emails!” guy. Which are, of course, peaceful marches. And I can’t help but notice they’re basically telling uppity women to shut up.
@kupo, Moggie I was so, so hoping that wasn’t the case. But, yeah. 😛
Oh, she’s one of those.
Been fighting against Breed Specific Legislation here in Montreal, and I’m deathly phobic of dogs (in high school I was known to run away from chihuahuas… I’m better at keeping my wits about me and not run away in sheer terror these days), so it’s not like I’m a “pitbull fanatic” like Ms. Kay proclaims. Those laws are bad science and bad legislature.
I think my next door neighbor’s dog is a pit or a pit mix and he’s really mellow and sweet. It annoys me that people hate and fear the whole breed because some assholes exploit them and turn them violent. Poor doggies.
Gaea. Is. Not. Dangerous! Of course, pitbulls and rottweilers are black people dogs, so they must be just hankerin to attack your white children. Fuck off…
Pitbulls and Rottweilers don’t scare me, they make me sad :c The poor little puppers and their medical problems, all because people breed them into that shape! I just wanna hug the little scrunchy puppies and then play tug-o-war with’em, otherwise.
OT: Maybe posted here before, but Obama’s rationale for/thoughts on commuting Manning’s sentence
To be fair, all domestic animals (humans included) have problems of that nature. Kinda comes with the territory.
Oh yes, I know, Dalillama, but that’s a trait that’s specifically selected for in those breeds. It’s just a knock-on effect for most animals, but for those it’s a pretty serious thing. Poor little guys :C
(I don’t like selective dog breeding. I love the animals, but wish the practice would go away and never come back)
I hate this meme that’s going around that a protest that causes any inconvenience to anyone, or is the slightest bit confrontational, is bad. How do they want us to protest, stand around with signs saying “ALL IS WELL!” like in the Simpsons episode where Lisa went to Washington?
Maximum irony points if they use Martin Luther King’s words to argue their view.
Here is the head organizer of Werk for Peace at the dance party:
This makes me very happy.
My cousin used to have a rottweiler. Lovely, friendly dog.
As my cousin used to say, though: “Have you ever tried to teach a two year old rottweiler that she’s not a lap dog anymore?”
They’re such nice dogs! I’ve never felt any fear around them. They’re really great.