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Neo-Nazis think protesters are planning “gay orgies” outside of Mike Pence’s house

Not on the schedule

Several days ago the neo-Nazi newsblog Infostormer warned its readers of a dire threat to the incoming Trump regime.

“Protesters Plan To Use Gay Orgies And Street Barricades To Disrupt Trump Inauguration,” a headline screamed. In the post itself, blogger “Marcus Cicero” declared that

it appears as if we’ll get to see the true face of the Leftist resistance come Friday, which will consist mainly of huge homosexual orgies in front of Vice President Mike Pence’s house, followed by hastily constructed barricades along the route to the Inauguration venue itself.

In the comments, Infostormer readers offered their own deep thoughts on the matter.

A fellow calling himself Brutal_Reality wrote:

The Cultural Marxist leftists have only militant negroes, cuckolded fairies, fat, angry feminists, and disgusting ass pirates to fight for their nation wrecking “cause”. The only people you don’t ever see among the late night freaks are the working White Men who actually pay taxes. Imagine that.

theDude added

I hope it’s a graphic in your face display of degeneracy. The more “normies” are exposed to that kind of crap, the better.

A commenter called huwaif wondered WWAD (What Would Adolf Do)?

What would the awakened people of GERMANY have done to deluded/ willing scum like this if they tried it during the celebration of Uncle Adolf? They would have rightfully torn them to shreds. All fags must go. Pink triangles are now in order.

Needless to say, there are no orgies scheduled in the vicinity of Mike Pence’s house in Chevy Chase (the city, not the person).

True, there is an event scheduled, and it will involve gay people. But it’s not an orgy. It’s a protest in the form of a “Queer Dance Party.” And it’s not taking place on Friday. It’s taking place tonight, starting at 6 PM.

Organizers promise a memorable night.

We plan on leaving behind [biodegradable] glitter and rainbow paraphinalia that he can NEVER forget. #WeAreQueer #WeAreHere #WeWillDance That’s right, get ready to WERK it and tell Daddy Pence: homo/transphobia is not tolerated in our country!

It might look something like this:

Or possibly this:

I’m not sure. I don’t go to a lot of dance parties these days, queer or otherwise, so I don’t quite remember what they look like.

There may be orgies afterwards, who knows? But I’m guessing they will be indoors, as most orgies are. Or so I’ve heard.

EDIT: I added that paragraph about Germans and pink triangles.

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8 years ago

Yes, what is the difference between ‘cuckolded fairies’ and ‘disgusting ass pirates’? I was under the impression that you were referring to gay people with the former until I reached the latter in the same sentence. Do you mean real-life fairies and pirates, sir? Can I take this to mean that magic truly exists?

Maybe someone else in the room was watching Peter Pan and it was distracting him?

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

Disgusting-ass pirates? (who never bathe)? or Disgusting ass-pirates? (who raid shipments of donkeys)? Who knows?

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Oogly, yeah, I don’t think this magazine is as neutral as they would like to appear.

Next article featured:

Whose Side Are You On, Anyway?
Meet the women who hate feminism

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Disgusting ass pirates could also refer to people who illegally download porn featuring lots of butt play. Maybe he’s just really opposed to and disgusted by movie piracy.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

Is it just me, or do these Nazi chucklefucks reek of terror.

I get the impression that they regard people who are different with a blind animal panic. Everything scares them, everything triggers them and they claim to love their country while hating 99 percent of the people who live there.

Also just saying, there’s a statistically significant amount of white working class men who aren’t down with the whole Heil hitler Bit.

I may be reaching here, but I do know for a fact that a number of white men want to puke at the sight of these Nazi filth. That’s not to denigrate other non-white Americans of all stripes.

I’m just saying that as a white cis man, these guys make me want to vomit

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

I think they’re just spreading the orgy rumors in a last, desperate attempt to get ANYONE to show up for the inauguration.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

@ Tara: *snerk*

8 years ago


I was thinking ‘Peter Pan’ too!

Maybe he’s trying out his pitch for an alt-right kids’ cartoon. “Like Peter Pan, but he’s homophobic and all the pirates are gay cuckolding the fairies”

8 years ago

So it’s like BLACKED but instead it’s HOOKED?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


So it’s like BLACKED but instead it’s HOOKED?
This thread is yours ???

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

Fairies and pirates? What is this, Peter Pan?

8 years ago

I concur with Axe. Please also take my internets, I don’t trust myself with them anyway.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)


Cultural Marxist leftists

Assuming this isn’t a tautology, I’d love to see the taxonomy of different kindsa ‘leftist’

“Cultural Marxist” is neo-Nazi slang for an educated, progressive Jew. As such, this line should read “Jewish leftists.”

It is their belief – I’m serious when I say this – that all progressive causes are down to Jewish infiltrators secretly trying to undermine Western society like something out of the Protocols of the Learned Elders. This is where the dog whistle originated.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

If I may make a suggestion for David’s next ResistTrump post:

There is currently a mass epidemic of neo-Nazi vandalism going on at Wikipedia. Just a few hours ago there was a guy who kept adding the same spiel to the Chelsea Manning talk page; racist slurs against President Obama, calling Manning a “thing”, and calling for vigilante hangings.

Meanwhile someone else was editing an article about a historically black college referring to it as a “zoo” and the students as apes.

Most of these editors hide behind IP addresses and use proxies (so if one IP is blocked they just hop to another one). Keeping Wikipedia articles clean and vandalism-free is an ongoing task, and especially important when the vandals are trying to spread Nazi propaganda.

8 years ago

Neo-Nazis always worried about Purity of Essence

Vaginal Jade Egg is the name of my “Blondie” cover band

Also could the energy our Gwyneth is feeling have anything to do with low level sexual stimulation?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

That’s the thing tho. According to (at least some versions of) the Great Jewish Conspiracy, the ‘left’ are all Cultural Marxist Jews. Black people especially, are too stupid to get dressed in the morning let alone destroy Western civilization. Therefore, we submit (hint hint) to the Elders, becoming as Jews ourselves. That’s why I mentioned it. Does that particular nazi think all ‘leftists’ are CMs, only the Jews among us, or are they just not so good with the grammar?

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Now with video!

Protesters, LGBT activists hold dance party in front of Mike Pence’s DC home

Love the concern troll near the end:

“I believe this was a great demonstration by them and a great demonstration of their constitutional rights, but I believe we need to find a peaceful, more helpful way to come together as a united nation.”

How exactly does an hour long dance party that the police described as peaceful need to be more peaceful?!

Spaniard in the Works
Spaniard in the Works
8 years ago

@WWTH, I think my favourite comment on the vaginal eggs article is this absolutely pure, book-definition example of westsplaining:

MJ: For all those people who are talking about how this is an Eastern culture thing- I’m *from* an Eastern culture (Chinese, actually) and nowhere in any of our texts or stories or anything mentions these rocks as things to be used in the manner Paltrow has suggested. And since there isn’t any such bullshit, stop fucking misappropriating our culture and using it as a blanket cover for your bullshit.

Charles Soupios: MJ look up the name Mantak Chia. He’s Chinese, and he introduced the Chinese version of these practices to this country over 30 years ago. Many Chinese people got mad at him for divulging these secrets to the west. Some of his books on the subject are available online for free.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

the working White Men who actually pay taxes.

Literally no one has a job in America except for white men.

…Wait, aren’t they always complaining about the brown people who took their jobs? Are they somehow magically tax-exempt?

militant negroes, cuckolded fairies, fat, angry feminists, and disgusting ass pirates

Everyone’s after me Lucky Charms…

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

MJ look up the name Mantak Chia. He’s Chinese, and he introduced the Chinese version of these practices to this country over 30 years ago. Many Chinese people got mad at him for divulging these secrets to the west. Some of his books on the subject are available online for free.

Heh, I’m getting all nostalgic. That’s exactly the spiel that you used to get with dodgy martial arts training.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Having reread the particular screed, I think it parses as follows.

The Jews (“Cultural Marxists”) have raised their banners, demanding that their vassals assemble to fight for the nation-wrecking cause. These vassals consist of:

– Black people who don’t feel like indulging in Uncle Tommery (“militant negroes”)
– Men who don’t want to uphold rape culture (“cuckolded fairies”)
– Women who have ambitions other than being a doormat (“fat, angry feminists”)
– LGBTQA people who selfishly insist on existence (“disgusting ass pirates”)
– The reverse vampires (not named, but implied)

Together, these varied groups combine to form Voltron Captain Planet The Left.

The Cultural Marxists review their assembled forces. Elrond turns to Aragorn Elessar. “It’s not enough”, he says, “You need more soldiers.”

“There are none.”

“There are those who dwell in the mountain.” An ill wind picks up.

“They voted for Trump.”

“Oh yeah.” Elrond looks dejected. “Then I guess we’re boned.” Slumping, he hands Aragorn a package. “It’s a sword. I bought it for you as a coronation present. You might as well have it anyway.”

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
8 years ago

I’m sure I should be repulsed by their sheer hatred on some level, but it just makes me want to laugh. It’s such a last desperate bid at shocking people the only way homophobic Nazis know. Think how sad they’ll be when they don’t get any gay orgies to be disgusted by. (And yes, they totally need to learn how many straight white working-class men don’t agree with their Nazism.)

Totally hope there’ll be some real fairies and pirates protesting Pence.

And yeah, loads of Orientalism and “benign” racism in that jade egg rubbish.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


> Alan Robertshaw
Ah, i know this technic to kill a person with no bodily contact. I use it often, in fact, especially after a good bean meal.
In fact, the core of the technic is the use of a deadly gaz with one good bowel movement. No body contact. Truly, this is martial farts.

Have a nice day.

8 years ago

Alan Robertshaw – I need to sign up for that! The idea of sending wisecracking bullies flying in terror, without even spoiling the crease in my trousers, is too good to pass up on.

8 years ago

“Five years ago, I was a four-stone apology. Today, I am two separate gorillas. No tiresome excercises. No tricks. No unpleasant bending. Wrestle poodles and win!”