actual activism advocacy of violence alt-right homophobia literal nazis racism transphobia trump

Neo-Nazis think protesters are planning “gay orgies” outside of Mike Pence’s house

Not on the schedule

Several days ago the neo-Nazi newsblog Infostormer warned its readers of a dire threat to the incoming Trump regime.

“Protesters Plan To Use Gay Orgies And Street Barricades To Disrupt Trump Inauguration,” a headline screamed. In the post itself, blogger “Marcus Cicero” declared that

it appears as if we’ll get to see the true face of the Leftist resistance come Friday, which will consist mainly of huge homosexual orgies in front of Vice President Mike Pence’s house, followed by hastily constructed barricades along the route to the Inauguration venue itself.

In the comments, Infostormer readers offered their own deep thoughts on the matter.

A fellow calling himself Brutal_Reality wrote:

The Cultural Marxist leftists have only militant negroes, cuckolded fairies, fat, angry feminists, and disgusting ass pirates to fight for their nation wrecking “cause”. The only people you don’t ever see among the late night freaks are the working White Men who actually pay taxes. Imagine that.

theDude added

I hope it’s a graphic in your face display of degeneracy. The more “normies” are exposed to that kind of crap, the better.

A commenter called huwaif wondered WWAD (What Would Adolf Do)?

What would the awakened people of GERMANY have done to deluded/ willing scum like this if they tried it during the celebration of Uncle Adolf? They would have rightfully torn them to shreds. All fags must go. Pink triangles are now in order.

Needless to say, there are no orgies scheduled in the vicinity of Mike Pence’s house in Chevy Chase (the city, not the person).

True, there is an event scheduled, and it will involve gay people. But it’s not an orgy. It’s a protest in the form of a “Queer Dance Party.” And it’s not taking place on Friday. It’s taking place tonight, starting at 6 PM.

Organizers promise a memorable night.

We plan on leaving behind [biodegradable] glitter and rainbow paraphinalia that he can NEVER forget. #WeAreQueer #WeAreHere #WeWillDance That’s right, get ready to WERK it and tell Daddy Pence: homo/transphobia is not tolerated in our country!

It might look something like this:

Or possibly this:

I’m not sure. I don’t go to a lot of dance parties these days, queer or otherwise, so I don’t quite remember what they look like.

There may be orgies afterwards, who knows? But I’m guessing they will be indoors, as most orgies are. Or so I’ve heard.

EDIT: I added that paragraph about Germans and pink triangles.

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8 years ago

I will not lie. Every time I see a White Lives Matter bumper sticker, it makes me want to sit on the hood of the vehicle and make out with my beloved. (I am a white woman, and my beloved is not.)

8 years ago

Although that would be really funny.

8 years ago

Orgies? No need to bring out the big guns. If anything, it’s probably gonna go a little more like this:

EDIT: whoops, wrong link

The Last Unicorn
The Last Unicorn
8 years ago

I would love to go to this party, if I was able. Though I have to be honest that I don’t feel safe even in my hometown pride parade after what happened in Orlando.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

cuckolded fairies

Cuckolded by who? Other gay men? I thought only women were evil cuckolders? Or is every man who’s not a Nazi a “fairy” regardless of sexual orientation now?

8 years ago

What would the awakened people of GERMANY have done to deluded/ willing scum like this if they tried it during the celebration of Uncle Adolf? They would have rightfully torn them to shreds. All fags must go. Pink triangles are now in order.

As an actually awake, actually German-speaking person of actual German descent, I have only this to say:


8 years ago

Story tip: you need to check out what’s happening in Canada. A local magazine The Walrus (known though not widely read, sort of Harpers-y) has been running a bunch of pro-Trump, MRA-supporting, anti ‘SJW’ stuff and writers are starting to pull their stories in progress. The MRA is almost shockingly supportive of CAFE in an offensively fake naive way (so Canadian, and I say that as a Canadian). Co-authored by the editor in chief whose MOTHER is an advisor to the group! And he claims he’d forgotten. Also quotes female MRAs at length, the editorial equivalent of hiring a female lawyer for assault charges…

Something tells me there will be more. If anyone cares about Canada right now!

Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
8 years ago

Are you sure he wasn’t trying to pitch some bizarre sitcom?
“Mike Pence was living a nice quiet life inside actor Chevy Chase when… Uh oh….. A gay orgy moves in next door! Watch hilarity unfold in Pence VP of Fun!”

Fallout Troy
8 years ago

Thank goodness I read this, I was about to start an protest orgy, gosh how awkward it would be if I was the only one dtf.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Off topic but this gynecologist’s take down of the $66 jade vagina eggs Gwyneth Paltrow is selling is pretty amazing.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Okay, I have never heard of the jade egg thing until now, and frankly, I’m like, Ô.o.

I either need to get out of my bubble more, or…

Nope. Gonna stay in my bubble, thanks. 🙂

Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
8 years ago

Is it weird that I’m clenching my legs coz I’m clenching my legs….. And I thought her vagina steaming made me wince!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The comments are even better. There’s a whole lot “but they do it in the East/Asia!” Because everyone knows “Eastern” people are all magical and full of simple old timey wisdom!

8 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
Yeah don’t you know about our family tomes of knowledge? Everyone who marries into any Asian countryman/woman gets a peak into our night omniscient wisdom. It’s right next to our dick growth herbs and our eternal youth vials. Don’t mind the weird smell, that’s just lead.

8 years ago

That was amazing.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

the true face of the Leftist resistance

The jig is up!

huge homosexual orgies

I was unaware that only bears were invited to the festivities (this is what commas are for)

Cultural Marxist leftists

Assuming this isn’t a tautology, I’d love to see the taxonomy of different kindsa ‘leftist’

militant negroes, cuckolded fairies, fat, angry feminists, and disgusting ass pirates

Comma abuse continues. Also, you forgot the poor, the young, non Christians, Asians, Latinxes, and lesbians (unless they count as ass pirates as well?)

I hope it’s a graphic in your face display of degeneracy. The more “normies” are exposed to that kind of crap, the better

See, that doesn’t mean much when you deem everything not sufficiently naziesque as degenerate.



Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

The Cultural Marxist leftists have only militant negroes, cuckolded fairies, fat, angry feminists, and disgusting ass pirates to fight for their nation wrecking “cause”.

Even more comma abuse: After missing so many commas beforehand, using one here just makes it sound like the fat and the angry feminists are separate. Pissed-off women fighting alongside sentient lard golems… Wasn’t that a plotline from Dr Who?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

eternal youth vials.

Wait, are you saying the MGTOW are right about Asian wives being eternally young and hot? Do the people of Foreign also make a submissive love potion?

8 years ago

QT314: I’m Canadian and I try to pay attention but haven’t heard any of this. Links handy?

(Google “walrus MRA” gets two hits at the walrus, plus a chatelaine article. Also something about frostbite published in BMJ, but I can’t see enough of it to understand how.)

8 years ago

Vaginal jade eggs?

I . . .

. . .

. . .

I think I’ll go play chase the sock with my chihuahua.

8 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
Nah we no make love potion no more, last time we sold them bad thing happen, very bad thing.
Eh from what I’ve read it sounds like the stuff that sound half reasonable but the minute you give it some thought the thing falls apart. Like how he keeps mentioning the culture war and attempts to position himself in a neutral light.

The conference’s next speaker was David Shackleton, a self-described “thinker and writer on psychosociology and personal growth,” who provided a lengthy discourse on the history of identity politics. Shackleton has all sorts of ambitious sociological theories that carry the whiff of autodidactic eccentricity. Based on casual interviews conducted by The Walrus, this seems to be a common character type within the MRA movement. During the Q&A following Shackleton’s speech, for instance, a man claimed to have proven—in a self-authored monograph he was offering to provide to any interested parties—that men were responsible for every advance in human culture over the last 2,700 years. Again, not hateful per se, but odd (to say nothing of inaccurate).

You know when you have people like this as one of your speakers your message of being for all tends to sound insincere.

8 years ago


the editorial equivalent of hiring a female lawyer for assault charges

What does this mean? I’m genuinely confused here. Women lawyers aren’t able to be partial in assault cases but men are?

8 years ago

*raises hand*

Yes, what is the difference between ‘cuckolded fairies’ and ‘disgusting ass pirates’? I was under the impression that you were referring to gay people with the former until I reached the latter in the same sentence. Do you mean real-life fairies and pirates, sir? Can I take this to mean that magic truly exists?


I feel like I shouldn’t laugh, so it’s a good thing that I’m dead from that gif reaction.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


What does this mean? I’m genuinely confused here. Women lawyers aren’t able to be partial in assault cases but men are?

Or that an accused man might hire a woman to defend him, cos he thinks other people will make that conclusion. The accused would be using her as a shield, just as MRAs do with Honey Badgers. ‘I can’t be guilty of sexual assault/a raging misogynist if a feeemale says I’m cool.’ I think @QT314’s post was mocking that typa thinking. Least, that’s how I read it…

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