Several days ago the neo-Nazi newsblog Infostormer warned its readers of a dire threat to the incoming Trump regime.
“Protesters Plan To Use Gay Orgies And Street Barricades To Disrupt Trump Inauguration,” a headline screamed. In the post itself, blogger “Marcus Cicero” declared that
it appears as if we’ll get to see the true face of the Leftist resistance come Friday, which will consist mainly of huge homosexual orgies in front of Vice President Mike Pence’s house, followed by hastily constructed barricades along the route to the Inauguration venue itself.
In the comments, Infostormer readers offered their own deep thoughts on the matter.
A fellow calling himself Brutal_Reality wrote:
The Cultural Marxist leftists have only militant negroes, cuckolded fairies, fat, angry feminists, and disgusting ass pirates to fight for their nation wrecking “cause”. The only people you don’t ever see among the late night freaks are the working White Men who actually pay taxes. Imagine that.
theDude added
I hope it’s a graphic in your face display of degeneracy. The more “normies” are exposed to that kind of crap, the better.
A commenter called huwaif wondered WWAD (What Would Adolf Do)?
What would the awakened people of GERMANY have done to deluded/ willing scum like this if they tried it during the celebration of Uncle Adolf? They would have rightfully torn them to shreds. All fags must go. Pink triangles are now in order.
Needless to say, there are no orgies scheduled in the vicinity of Mike Pence’s house in Chevy Chase (the city, not the person).
True, there is an event scheduled, and it will involve gay people. But it’s not an orgy. It’s a protest in the form of a “Queer Dance Party.” And it’s not taking place on Friday. It’s taking place tonight, starting at 6 PM.
Organizers promise a memorable night.
We plan on leaving behind [biodegradable] glitter and rainbow paraphinalia that he can NEVER forget. #WeAreQueer #WeAreHere #WeWillDance That’s right, get ready to WERK it and tell Daddy Pence: homo/transphobia is not tolerated in our country!
It might look something like this:
Or possibly this:
I’m not sure. I don’t go to a lot of dance parties these days, queer or otherwise, so I don’t quite remember what they look like.
There may be orgies afterwards, who knows? But I’m guessing they will be indoors, as most orgies are. Or so I’ve heard.
EDIT: I added that paragraph about Germans and pink triangles.
@Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Yeah, and some other breeds also have developed some weird issues lately. like Cocker Spaniels have Rage Syndrome (or Sudden Onset Agression). It’s something that’s cropped up in recent generations and my parents’ dog had it. essentially the dog will just suddenly up and lose it’s s**t for a few brief moments. Then it will go back to normal and be confused as to why everyone is so worried. There’s no known triggers and it’s assumed to be genetic, possibly epileptic too. So yeah, inherited doggy mental illness with no known treatments beyond letting the mood pass or some recent trials with antiepileptics.
It was so scary with her. She was this small fat dog but suddenly she’d go berserk for like half a minute and then go right back to normal.
@Jenora Feuer
I tried this and she gave me the sad eyes so I just let her sit in my lap. Nailed it.
Yeah, I’ll be holding my breath fir an outdoor orgy in January. Also for only white men to ever buy taxed things, or own taxed things, or earn taxed income. Absolutely holding my breath.
When is the next train back to the zone of marxist culture tho, asking for a friend?
“Pit bulls” are not an actual breed though, they’re an amalgam of mixed breeds and mutts based on morphology. Which is why bans are bad law and bad science. There’s no pedigree and the identification of a dog as being of a pit bull breed is basically an arbitrary qualification, which in a way is basically the point: when you make a law where the definition of the offense is left intentionally vague (see: “obscenity”), it makes those who are in positions of authority the arbiters of who or what contravenes the law, rather than the standard being set for everyone. This opens the door to cronyism and bullying. While liberal “rule of law” is far from perfect (hey, i’m an anarchist ya know), at least when law gives a certain amount of lip service to being applied to all equally independent of their place in a power structure it is infinitely better than when all such pretense is thrown out the window and authority figures are given the leeway to interpret at will based on their prejudices or self-interest.
Excessive inbreeding can definitely be a problem; there’s a balance to be struck, clearly. The other thing to keep in mind, though, is the many breed types are the way they are for reasons that actually still obtain; herders of sheep and cattle are still assisted by dogs, as are many subsistence hunters, terriers still root out pests in garden and field, etc. For that matter, seeing eye dogs are mostly retreivers and herd dogs for a reason, and it’s because other breeds aren’t as good at it, and may not be able to do it at all (many smaller breeds, frex.) The list goes on.
A friend referred to their rottweiler as a lapsdog.
And yea, the whole bit about pit bulls not being an actual definable breed has been brought up here in Ontario where such a ban was set up. A bad case of the government more interested in being seen to do something than in actually dealing with the real problem.
Of course, that’s partly because the real problem has edges at least as fuzzy as the breed definition. While most of the ‘pit bull’ problem is bad owners, putting all the legal blame on the owners will also mean that people will likely be less willing to try and do ‘rescues’ for such dogs for fear of getting hit with the lawsuits due to leftover twitchiness from a previous owner’s mistreatment.
The example of Ontario is telling, since the number of injuries due to dog bites has actually increased since BSL was passed.
The only dog that ever bit me was one of those little yappy white dogs that are ubiquitous in upper middle class suburbs. The owner didn’t seem to care either. It bit me on my denim clad and it didn’t break the skin so I was fine. More annoyed with the owner than anything. I’ve never been so much as threatened by one of the dogs that get labelled as menaces though.
I stayed in a B&B once where their two Great Danes were lapdogs. Oof.
Ditto at the place I work. People bring in their dogs, which is fine by me as I like dogs and it’s a warehouse. It’s the little yippy ones that are far far more prone to bite. All the big ones are either shy or the happiest drool monsters ever. Especially the pit bulls. The only mortal danger I’m ever worried about from them is drowning in slobber from being licked to death.
I have been attacked by a rottweiler, though not at all seriously. As a teenager I was running to get help for a friend who had severely injured his leg on a beach (this was before cellphone coverage made it outside towns and cities) when I found myself being chased by a large dog. He lunged at me, missed his bite, and knocked me down. I landed far enough away that I was able to pick up one leg and kick the dog in the jaw, which surprised it enough for its owner to get to us and for me to get up and keep running. And if I thought I had been running fast before…
Still, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the breed, or even with that particular dog or dog owner. It was very scary at the time, but I think the reaction was of an overzealous guard dog, rather than an uncontrolled animal. Though it definitely helped I was already full of adrenaline so I didn’t feel any pain when I fell or any compunction about kicking the dog.
“It’s a brilliant idea,” an incoming member of the Trump administration told reporters. “The image of Trump dancing with Caitlyn would send a strong message that he supports gay rights and trans rights,” the Republican told reporters. “A picture is worth a thousand tweets.”
I saw it. It’s definitely worrying that propaganda groups create fake “fact checking” sites to confuse readers. Luckily, this particular one is laughably transparent. It’s an entirely anonymous group that just stamps TRUE or FALSE on various stories without even attempting to argue their case, and the verdict is always 100% in line with the usual neo-Nazi narrative. Yaaaawn.