Do you remember way back, oh, about ten months ago, when Breitbart tried to convince the world that alt-rightists were really just a bunch of lovable scallywags who didn’t actually believe all the horrible racist and anti-Semitic garbage they were so energetically dumping on the internet (and in the email inboxes of their assorted enemies) every day?
“Just as the kids of the 60s shocked their parents with promiscuity, long hair and rock’n’roll,” wrote Breitbart star Milo Yiannopoulos and his less colorful colleague Allum Bokhari, “so too do the alt-right’s young meme brigades shock older generations with outrageous caricatures, from the Jewish ‘Shlomo Shekelburg’ to ‘Remove Kebab,’ an internet in-joke about the Bosnian genocide.”
They don’t really hate Jews and Muslims, the Breitbart duo insisted. They just love memes too much!
Tell that to former alt-right podcasting star Mike Enoch, who plummeted to earth last weekend like some kind of Neo-Nazi Icarus after his fans found out that he’s married to … A JEW!
Enoch — whose real name turns out to be Mike Peinovich — is the founder of the alt-right blog The Right Stuff and was the host of the rather depressingly popular podcast The Daily Shoah. Yes, the name is a HILARIOUS Holocaust pun.
“In his online persona,” Salon notes in a fairly detailed post on this imbroglio,
Peinovich routinely cracked jokes about killing Jewish people and forcibly deporting Muslims and people of African descent. The weekly program had roughly 100,000 regular listeners, many of whom regularly sent in financial donations by PayPal or bought merchandise from the site.
Peinovich’s secret life as a Jew-loving Nazi ceased being secret after he was pretty thoroughly doxed — apparently (as far as I can figure out) as a result of some complicated internecine warfare between The Right Stuff and 8chan, with an assist from some anti-fascist activists and a cameo from none other than Juicebro Lawyer Mike Cernovich.
After initially lying to Salon about his identity, Peinovich ultimately decided to fess up.
“As I am sure you all know,” he wrote in a message to his fans and detractors,
I was doxxed and an ill advised attempt to fool the media about my identity led me to not talk to you people and to try to simply ride it out by being silent. This was irresponsible and a disservice to all of you. Yes my wife is who they say she is, I won’t even bother denying it, I won’t bother making excuses. …
I could try to explain my whole life for the last ten years to you but what difference at this point would it make. Life isn’t perfect.
Shortly afterwards, he resigned from TRS.
You may be wondering: did his wife know? Yes. Weirdly, as Salon notes,
Peinovich’s wife … even appeared on “The Daily Shoah” several times, including a special holiday-season segment in 2015 where she read a neo-Nazi parody of “The Night Before Christmas.” Introducing the clip, which can be found online, Peinovich said his wife was “very proud of it.”
I’m afraid I will have to resort to a gif to convey my thoughts on this aspect of the story.
As Salon points out, “[s]ome listeners of ‘The Daily Shoah’ were crestfallen” about the Jewish wife revelations, with one poor fellow complaining:
It’s pretty bad for your WN, fourth reich, neo-nazi, facist movement when one of the head guys happens to be married to a Jew.
The reverberations of NaziDudeMarriedToAJew-Gate continue to (((echo))) across the alt-rightosphere.
On The Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin has been trying to convince his fellow Nazis not to fall headlong into conspiracy theory. Despite what he calls the “Jew wife situation,” he defends Peinovich as an effective propagandist against the allegedly evil Jews, despite being married to one of them.
I don’t think that Mike is a shill, or that this Jew wife situation indicated that he is part of a Jewish conspiracy.
Mike and TRS have been at the forefront of exposing the Jewish problem. They are, along with this website, and some older figures such as David Duke, the only people really going hard on the Jews.
The situation seems pretty self-explanatory. He was married ten years ago, long before he was aware of the Jew problem, and so he felt was locked into a situation.
That is not to say he handled it well. At the very least, he should have known that eventually he was going to get doxed, and been prepared for this. Really, he should have gotten a divorce.
But hey, Nazi water under the Nazi bridge.
As far as if he actually did betray anyone – no. He was obviously dishonest on some level, but if we look at his contribution, and ask ourselves “did this forward the 14 words?” we will see that it did, and the weirdness in his personal life doesn’t change that. …
I mean, this is the guy responsible for the (((echoes))) meme, which was one of the biggest propaganda coups since the death of Adolf Hitler. Dismissing everything he did over a personal failing would be wrong.
On Infostormer — which is a whole different website than the Daily Stormer — the blogger who calls himself Marcus Cicero is urging other alt-rightists to “Move Forward From The Mike Enoch Jew Wife Incident Without Absolute Chaos,” as he puts it in the headline of his first post on the subject.
In a followup post, he tries to spin the news coverage of the “Mike Ench Jew Wife Incident” as possibly good for the Nazis.
“We need to look at this from a positive standpoint,” he writes.
The fact that this incident is getting any mainstream coverage at all illustrates how much of a political force we’ve become. A few years back, nobody would have paid attention to something like this.
This is also not the time for witch hunts. There will be anti-fascists and Jews posing as Nazis trying to use this situation to accuse other content producers of being Jews, untrustworthy or whatever. We should not fall into that trap. The best way to handle this is to simply move forward and continue calling out these vermin.
But the most, well, intriguing reaction comes on the podcast The Daily Traditionalist, the host of which is also urging fellow, er, “traditonalists” to remember all the good work Peinovich did in the eternal struggle against, well, people like his wife.
“It may be startling to some to hear the sort of behaviour his wife engages in,” guest Matt Parrott argues, according to the official summary of the show posted on The Daily Stormer, “but they do live in New York and it is the world center of that sort of degeneracy.”
I can only imagine what sort of filthy Jewishness this woman gets up to. Enjoying some lovely brisket? Humming “If I Were a Rich Man” from Fiddler on the Roof? Complaining about the humidity? It is too horrifying to contemplate.
Anglin is such a bad writer …
I’ve been sniggering all day about Hitler’s death being the Nazi propagada coup, measure to all Nazi propaganda (((coups))) thereafter …
How to pronounce ‘shoah’ properly? And if it is supposed to be a pun on Daily Show I don’t get it….I have not watched the Daily Show and obviously not this nazi bullshit ether
It was only a matter of time before the ironic white nationalism began to collapse in on itself.
What was it Kurt Vonnegut said? “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
Note to self: Reread Mother Night… Breakfast of Champions too.
Dang, ninja’ed! 🙁
I’ve been laughing internally since this news broke. The Nazis’ reactions are hilarious. Incidentally, what made an anti-Semite use the pseudonym “Enoch”? Did his wife suggest it to troll him?
@re the awful wannabe-Scottish poem: Poor William McGonagall doesn’t deserve being compared to this poetaster.
@Playonwords: that’s horrible, I’m so sorry to hear it.
Oh my!
May you not receive a scar as
We have heard that Mr. Harris
Intends to send you off as far as
The great World’s show at Paris.
I was unaware of this genius, of whom wikipedia says “McIntyre was uninhibited by minor shortcomings—such as his lack of literary skills”. He seems a happier soul than that other Scottish-born poet, William McGonagall.
14 words? But that thing only has 12 words in it, and the second version only 11…
Not sure I’d say it’s going well as such. (Sick on a business trip, spent holidays chasing packages that weren’t delivered on time because DHL’s website left out crucial pieces of information, and have been on a bug stomping expedition since I got back to work to try and get a project finished for sign-off.) Busy and interesting, at least. And a few new toys I haven’t had time to play with yet.
Yes, the whole bit with gender labelling of digital assistants just screams ‘people were not thinking about how this would look’. Which I suppose is part and parcel of the definition of privilege.
(Of course, the worse possibility is that they were thinking about it and were deliberately playing to the old ‘secretary’ bit.)
And now my brain crossing that with your comment about Skynet has me trying to imagine the movie ‘9 to 5’ with digital assistants sending the boss off out of the way so the business can be made more efficient without his interference. I do hope that I’m not the only person who’s seen that movie.
Regarding Assange:
As I noted above, I wonder if commuting Manning’s sentence was done specifically to force Assange’s hand. Most of I’ve heard says that Assange has long since worn out his welcome at the embassy where he’s been staying, and him having one less excuse to be able to stay is going to make things harder for him.
Scarily, the U.S. is probably the safest place for him, particularly under a Trump presidency with a Trump-appointed Attorney-General, what with the U.S. having never actually said anything about extraditing him to Sweden to face charges there. Of course, as Alan mentions, he’s got to manage to get there first, through ‘enemy’ territory…
@ jenora
I frikkin love that film. Pitch perfect acting from all involved (not just the amazing three leads). And a conspiracy to murder with animated Disney animals. What’s not to like?
It is interesting though how many of the ‘whacky’ ideas our heroines implement are now considered good business practice.
re: really bad poem
-slow clapping-
I do slow clapping, Fishy Goat gives us fast clapping, it evens out.
Assange says “Not good enough.” Shock and surprise.
@ Ooglyboggles
How enjoyable. I like poetry. I’m particularly fond of couplets and I’ve composed one for the occasion:
Looks like the Maker of the Pibroch
Went and told a little fib-roch.
That ought to about do it. (I wasn’t an admirer of Alexander Pope as a kid, but I’ve learned a lot since then.)
Another 9 to 5 fan here, and yes, a lot of the “radical” changes are corporate standards now.
@weirwoodtreehugger I wonder if the ‘poet’ even realizes that Torquil’s Royal Line killed each other off, so the title of MacLeod of Lewis went to the Cadet house of MacLeod of Raasay. *snerk* (Like I said – lots of assholes.)
To be honest, nobody believed he would do it, if he was serious he’d be talking to the Swedish government where he actually is required in court on rape charges, there’s no reason for him to go to the US directly which he suggested was on the table. His whole story relies on the US taking him when he goes to court in Sweden, if they don’t extradite him he’ll have to face the charges and his whole story falls apart, he can’t risk that.
And I don’t like this idea that his “offer” was entirely responsible for Manning’s release, he offered it after he was criticised online for cutting Manning out of the wikileaks loop and his current involvement with Russian propagandists, before that activists have been pushing for Manning’s release for years and publicising her torture. Obama probably only complied now as a final fuck you towards the new administration before Trump had any ability to block it and because of the final push from activists, possibily even to call Assange’s blush as an extra fuck you to wikileaks. I don’t like how the media seems to be glossing over that activism to credit Assange and Obama alone basically.
In return, someone else wrote a bit of poetry.
Please take the stage, Hal Duncan.
(Approach with caution, language gets salty.)
Oh my Gods, so it is. And WTF does he (I’m assuming this sexist rhymester IS a he) mean by “fly to the crowd”?
This English major (who happens also to be a socialist) is wiping tears of laughter as she typeth. Dude’s not thinking of Marxists (who had and have nothing to do with fashions and fads in English lit) but of MODERNISTS.
Forsooth, he is a coof. That’s Robbie Burns’ Scots for “fuckin’ idiot”. As exemplified here:
And THAT is how Scots lyric poetry is done, ‘wingers.
Looks like they got cucked.
So, first, they had “a black friend” for anti-black behavior.
Now, it is “the jew wife” for anti-semitism.
Let’s forecast the next trend :
– “the mexican child” for anti-latino speeches
– “the asian dog” for yellow monkey “jokes”.
– “the gay barber” (which is already a bad stereotype) for homophobia
and so on.
So many ways to try to hide your bad side…
Have a nice day.