CORRECTION: In the original version of this post, I misstated the number of children who comprise Vincent Adultman. It is three. I have corrected the mistake below.
Today’s weird and inappropriate MGTOW metaphor for women comes to us from the world of finance. Well, sort of.
In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one of my favorite providers of inadvertent misogynist comedy, a fellow calling himself “enlightenedmgtow” informs the world that “women are like a hyped-up pennystock.”
How so, you ask?
Think about it: A pennystock is a company that’s usually bankrupt, where shares trend under a dollar. Say they hype up the company to increase the sale of that stock. This is the equivalent to a girl hitting her early 20s and going to the club with full blown makeup on. She get’s hyped up, her worth increases x4+. Her stock is suddenly worth $20. She hits the wall, and suddenly men realize the hype is false, and sell their asset. The poor white knight is like the guy who bought too much of the stock and is now stuck with a depreciating asset.
Ok, obviously that’s not how women work. It’s not even how stocks work. For one thing, stocks by definition aren’t by definition “depreciating assets.” Stocks can be hyped-up garbage, sure, and most penny stocks are, but people buy them because they think they’re going to go up. A depreciating asset is something that’s useful but that you know is going to drop in value as it gets old, wears out, and so forth. People, meanwhile, are neither stocks nor assets. Though some are certainly asses.
Enlightenedmgtow’s foray into finance makes me think of Vincent Adultman on Bojack Horseman, who peppers his conversation with completely clueless references to the world of business in an attempt to sound like an adult and keep people from figuring out what he really is, which is (spoiler alert!) three kids in a trenchcoat.
But it’s a bit unfair to compare MGTOWs to Vincent Adultman. For one thing, Vincent doesn’t spend his every waking moment stewing in his own bitterness. Aside from the whole deceiving-everyone-including-his-girlfriend-by-pretending-to-be-an-adult thing, he’s not really a bad fellow. Well, technically, three fellows, a trenchcoat, a hat, a mannequin hand, and a broom.
But I digress. Back in the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars are amused by enlightenedmgtow’s not-so-apt metaphor.
“[S]eriously,” someone called Ximkai writes,
women are just about the worst investment a man could make. Not only that, but they are a compound investment. It doesn’t just take money to “purchase stock” into any given female, it also requires time and attention.
Furthermore, it’s stock bought on credit. The longer you keep a woman THE MORE YOU HAVE TO INVEST IN HER. It’d be one thing if you just had to invest a couple grand and you’re given “stock” to hold onto until you sell. But that’s not how women work! You have to continue throwing assets at her from day one to day done.
All of this, and your returns are marginal at best. She may pack your work lunch for you, but you better accept it on bended knee with a “Thank you, M’lady”.
Ok, that’s not how relationships work. That’s not how investment works. That’s not how any of this works.
A fellow called lonewolf-chicago, meanwhile, agrees that
Pennystock is a great metaphor. I know someone named Penny – and she’s a whore. A bad one. LOL
Well, I’m glad you’re able to amuse yourself, dude.
Somehow I suspect that MGTOWs would actually be perfect marks for con artists selling hyped-up penny stocks.
What? How is the fact that girls do better in school compared to boys making them have “less chances that a woman be interested in them”? Do they think that these well educated women are stealing their chances of attracting women because they are more successful?
Well-educated women are less likely to fall for “game” or whatever they’re calling their manipulation these days?
(I wish I could believe that but sadly I can’t.)
OT but a new study on sexual assault on Quebec’s campuses was released. The stat the media went with is that 36.9% of respondants reported assault, with nearly 42% reporting that they ‘experienced two or three forms of sexual victimisation’.
Interestingly, these stats don’t specify gender. They do identify who is more at risk further down, which was “new students being susceptible to sexual victimization, women, minorities, people who claim to have a handicap or health problem and international students”.
Only the category of ‘women’ specifies gender, the rest is neutral. So i wonder what the manosphere is going to do with a study like this?
I also hope this study gives fuel to people pushing for campus reforms to address these problems, because education shouldn’t be this way.
I accidentally thought it was saying that men have less chances of interesting women because they have to compete for her (attention) with another woman (who did better at school than him, which makes him the underdog). But I guess it was supposed to be more “woman goes to college = takes away one man’s chance of getting into college = takes away his chance for diploma = takes away his chance for a job = women aren’t interested in him because he’s got no job” or something like that…
Claim it’s all made up, doesn’t happen ever, and besides the victims secretly liked it. Like they do with any sexual assault study.
Also — and I’m already seeing it — claim that it’s because the French are disgusting sexual predators, that this would never happen in the English parts of Canada.
All three, simultaneously.
@numerobis: Ugh. You are right, of course.
OT but relevant to this blog: The recent case before the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court (based in my home town)) to ban the Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (National Democratic Party (I’m sure you can guess what sort of group they are)) failed, the reasoning being that while the goals and ideology of the NPD are anticonstitutional (original: Verfassungsfeindlich) but are powerless enough that they don’t pose a threat to German democracy. Now then, since the AfD oftentimes has extremely similar campaigning points, up to and including identical slogans, I’m holding out hope that the AfD will be subject to similar proceedings at some point.
ETA: Süddeutsche Zeitung has an excellent article on the flaws in the result here. Good for anyone who can read German.
Valkyrine: the general culture pretty strongly pushes the idea that the man must have the more successful and manly career (measured in dollars with bonuses for masculinity) and be the more educated one.
If more women are educated than men, then the less-educated men can’t participate in the ideal.
As it turns out, I messed up with the embedding of the link. This is the link I meant.
Cybermen already have iron wills.
Thanks for that, No Man Rules Alone.
Arctic Ape said
I favor the women-are-actually-post-modern-performance-art hypothesis.
Of course. Everyone knows that going to college turns women gay, and with all those successful, educated, rich lesbians out there, how are men supposed to ever compete?
Ah, I thought that the STEMlogic behind this was that women are so hypergamous that they don’t actually have any orientation or preferences (those are just code words to tell men that they aren’t alpha enough for her) and that all they really care about is Status™.
They could have been gnomes.
I feel the urge to point out that I don’t know any “lonewolf-chicago”s, have never even been to Chicago, and Penny is not my real name.
Then again, I couldn’t care less what this asshole thinks.
Bullshit. This is just a baseless way for him to spin Trump’s election as evidence towards his inane theories. In the absence of Trump actually platforming on the “mens issues” that Farrell raises (which afaik he didn’t), it’s far more plausible that men voted for Trump because of who he is, not despite it. The men who voted for Trump are also the kind of men we should be trying to surpass.
Another way to detect gold-buggery… if they constantly refer to fiat money, and are not referring to buying an odd-looking car.
Bitcoin is even worse than gold, in some ways. Mining gold can turn a profit. Right now, mining bitcoin costs more in electricity than you’re likely to get back in bitcoin. There’s an artificially limited supply of bitcoin, baked into the protocol, of about 21 million Bcoins. If enough miners agree, I suppose it’d be possible to change that, but that would require significant numbers of miners and wallet holders to agree that it should happen.
It’s definitely considered against the “spirit of Bitcoin” for such an increase to happen, but it’s not technically impossible.
Bitcoin is also a fiat currency, not being backed by anything like gold. It’s just that the fiat is “full faith and credit of the Bitcoin Community” and not “full faith and credit of Country X”.
FD: I have small amounts of a few cryptocurrencies to play around with (worth about $20, though getting that much out is unlikely). This is not financial advice, nor should you trust everything you read on the net, etc. etc.
Colleges make people queer?
Gosh, well I guess that makes sense now.
In other news, apparently MGTOW got to Israel now. I knew there were MRAs (there’s even been a “Men’s Rights” party, at least 20 years ago I think, although they possibly still exist; they never get many votes), but yesterday a friend shared a picture from the “Men’s Rights Israel” Facebook page about the GTOW idea, making fun of it in the “I hope they do go away, what a grand idea” vein.
I had the chance of introducing what I learned through this blog – i.e. that for some reason they never actually go, just stay where they are and complain about women.
They’re totally wrong. I trace all my queerness to seeing Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman at a formative age. Well, in all honesty, I was already queer. Lynda just helped me realize it.
Here are 110 Avaaz victories, achieved through petitions:
Our Victories!
100+ highlights of Avaazy people power
Maybe. On the other hand, he just stunned the world by pardoning Chelsea Manning.
And Trump is temperamentally unfit to have access to the nuclear codes, especially when they are on high-alert status. I’d like Obama to remove that high-alert status. I figure that it can’t hurt to try.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I was using their view of women. I certainly do not regard women as incubators, period. It was a sarcastic comment.
@ Kat
U.S. nuclear weapons have ‘permissive action locks’. That’s basically a PIN number that you have to put in to make them work. (All that stuff in films with the nuclear codes is a bit misleading. All they do is confirm it’s the President giving the order. They don’t actually physically do anything). The PALs are normally set to 00000. You don’t want to be trying to remember them in a crisis. But theoretically Obama’s last act could be to get them set to something a bit less obvious and then not make a note.
Yeah, I get that it was sarcastic but you chose the words and your choice of words makes me, as someone who has been treated my while life like the only important thing I’ll ever do is to bear children, uncomfortable. Incubate is so much more dehumanizing than even MRAssholes tend to be. It’s really awful.