aggrieved entitlement entitled babies evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Men Going Their Own Way go to the stock market, do a business

Young women manipulating the sexual stock market

CORRECTION: In the original version of this post, I misstated the number of children who comprise Vincent Adultman. It is three. I have corrected the mistake below.

Today’s weird and inappropriate MGTOW metaphor for women comes to us from the world of finance. Well, sort of.

In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one of my favorite providers of inadvertent misogynist comedy, a fellow calling himself “enlightenedmgtow” informs the world that “women are like a hyped-up pennystock.”

How so, you ask?

Think about it: A pennystock is a company that’s usually bankrupt, where shares trend under a dollar. Say they hype up the company to increase the sale of that stock. This is the equivalent to a girl hitting her early 20s and going to the club with full blown makeup on. She get’s hyped up, her worth increases x4+. Her stock is suddenly worth $20. She hits the wall, and suddenly men realize the hype is false, and sell their asset. The poor white knight is like the guy who bought too much of the stock and is now stuck with a depreciating asset.

Ok, obviously that’s not how women work. It’s not even how stocks work. For one thing, stocks by definition aren’t by definition “depreciating assets.” Stocks can be hyped-up garbage, sure, and most penny stocks are, but people buy them because they think they’re going to go up. A depreciating asset is something that’s useful but that you know is going to drop in value as it gets old, wears out, and so forth. People, meanwhile, are neither stocks nor assets. Though some are certainly asses.

Enlightenedmgtow’s foray into finance makes me think of Vincent Adultman on Bojack Horseman, who peppers his conversation with completely clueless references to the world of business in an attempt to sound like an adult and keep people from figuring out what he really is, which is (spoiler alert!) three kids in a trenchcoat.

But it’s a bit unfair to compare MGTOWs to Vincent Adultman. For one thing, Vincent doesn’t spend his every waking moment stewing in his own bitterness. Aside from the whole deceiving-everyone-including-his-girlfriend-by-pretending-to-be-an-adult thing, he’s not really a bad fellow. Well, technically, three fellows, a trenchcoat, a hat, a mannequin hand, and a broom.

But I digress. Back in the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars are amused by enlightenedmgtow’s not-so-apt metaphor.

“[S]eriously,” someone called Ximkai writes,

women are just about the worst investment a man could make. Not only that, but they are a compound investment. It doesn’t just take money to “purchase stock” into any given female, it also requires time and attention.

Furthermore, it’s stock bought on credit. The longer you keep a woman THE MORE YOU HAVE TO INVEST IN HER. It’d be one thing if you just had to invest a couple grand and you’re given “stock” to hold onto until you sell. But that’s not how women work! You have to continue throwing assets at her from day one to day done.

All of this, and your returns are marginal at best. She may pack your work lunch for you, but you better accept it on bended knee with a “Thank you, M’lady”.

Ok, that’s not how relationships work. That’s not how investment works. That’s not how any of this works. 

A fellow called lonewolf-chicago, meanwhile, agrees that

Pennystock is a great metaphor. I know someone named Penny – and she’s a whore. A bad one. LOL

Well, I’m glad you’re able to amuse yourself, dude.

Somehow I suspect that MGTOWs would actually be perfect marks for con artists selling hyped-up penny stocks.

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8 years ago

Is it just me, or is the idea that a woman has already depreciated to nearly nothing by her early 20s sort of…you know…creepy? After all, a woman of that age is still able to incubate…right? So the only remaining problem is sexual interest – and if they think a woman in her early 20s has to put on tons of make up to look young and desirable enough…ewwww. Definitely creepy.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago


Some people are convinced that if they put down a dollar
And perhaps a thousand more along the line
That by some tangential theory that makes a normie holler
It’s clear that every man is owed a dime.

8 years ago

If he isn’t young enough for you to groom and control she ain’t worth—

NO. no. no fuck that that crap is too disgusting for me to say sarcastically.
Yay another poem!

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago


Set it to whatever tune ye wish.

8 years ago

I get your point, but…incubate? I feel like that paints all women as uterus-havers and then reduces them down to the sole function of growing humans in said uteruses.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
8 years ago

Look, I happen to know that Love is Real. Chuck Tingle told me so. So who am I going to believe, a miggy-toe who tortures analogies to the point where even John Yoo wouldn’t defend them, or Mr. Tingle? The defense rests.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Kat’s link had an interesting sentence in it:

[…] former alt-right vlogger named Mike Cernovich […]

What does this mean? Juicebro isn’t alt-right or isn’t vlogging?

Snookums: Tingle all the way.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Bitcoin is goldbuggery, as I understand it.

At the heart of goldbuggery is a fear of fiat money; that is, money that the central bank has just created out of nowhere. They demand that the supply of money be limited to the amount of some rare item that current exists, in this case a yellow rock. The amount of new money that can be created every year would ideally, in their minds, be limited to the amount of yellow rock that’s dug up.

Bitcoin is no different. They literally use the word “mining”, for heaven’s sake. It isn’t even subtle. There’s also a strong hoping-for-society’s-downfall subtext within both, in that they like to believe that if the dollar becomes worthless then yellow rocks / numbers on a hard drive will retain their value.

(I’m not an economist, but it is my understanding that fiat money is a good thing for many reasons. For one, it allows the central bank to increase or decrease the amount of money in circulation in order to keep the value of the currency roughly level and thus keep prices stable. Bitcoin does not have this, which is why Bitcoin prices tend to fluctuate drastically.)


Why can’t I literally buy a woman and own her? Life is so unfair.

Inorite? Men’s inability to own women is so strict and unfair that men are basically slaves these days.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


In the edition of 13.01.2017 of Le Monde, there is a short interview of Warren Farrell about the Trump victory.
Is anyone interested in it ? I am a suscriber so i have an access to the whole interview.

Have a nice day.

8 years ago


There’s a deep story here. I don’t know if I can stand to hear it, though.

You and me both.

8 years ago

@occasional reader

Thanks! I used Google Translate with the part that I had access to. Maybe Farrell has moved alt-rightward?

“The white man feels misunderstood. Trump drew on this sentiment “

The father of masculinity, Warren Farrell, analyzes the victory of Donald Trump as a response to the suffering of men.

Warren Farrell, the author of the Myth of Male Power, twenty four years ago, is considered the father of the masculine movement.

When you were a professor at Rutgers University (New Jersey), you were a feminist. You were elected three times to the office of NOW, the National Organization for Women’s Defense. How did you break with this movement?

In the late 1970s, there were many divorces. I
thought that children needed both parents to develop and that men should have rights.
[Emphasis is Kat’s. Snort.] NOW feminists did not want to take this view into account. They chose politics rather than equality. When I published my book on wage inequality, I became the enemy. I showed that they were not due to discrimination but to the different decisions made by women and men. Men earn more, but women have a more balanced life. They are wrong to think that because men earn more, they have more power.

gnous84 comments:

The white man discovers bitterly that he is no longer the master of the world …

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
8 years ago

These people. Literally treating women as a piece of property they can buy. They can’t go their own way quickly enough.

But it’s those Muslims who don’t respect women, right?!

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago

Well, i can try to translate the whole interview, it is a short one.

The interview has been realized by Corine Lesnes, a woman journalist who is one of the living correspondant for the periodic in San Francisco.

Kat has already translated well the first paragraph, so here are the following ones.

Le Monde (LM) : Is Trump victory a masculine victory ?
Warren Farrell (WF) : Millions of men have had the impression that their efforts were ignored when Hillary Clinton had spoken about wage equality. She did not address the men situation with empathy. I have supported Hillary, even with financial gifts. She would have been far better than Trump. But she has been blind about those questions. I have been in contact with her counselors, but not to avail to decide her to speak about the crisis that impact young men. This question is a part of the volcano which has erupted to the benefit of Donald Trump. A group of men was in need of someone who was representing them.

LM : Which is the crisis that impact the young men ?
WF : According to the UN, in 61 among 63 of the most developped countries, boys are backward in all [school] subjects in comparison to girls, especially in reading and writing. As a result, they have less chances to get a diploma, less chances to get a good job, less chances that a woman be interested in them, less chances to be seen as a potentially interesting father.

LM : Do you speak about masculine pain ?
WF : White men do not have no more the impression to be part of the structures of power. They are drivers, garbage collectors, builders, carpentes ; they have jobs which are hard, not without risks. And because they are white, they are believed to be privilegied. Imagine a blue collar worker. He makes sacrifices to allow his daughter to attend university. And she sees him as part of the oppressor class because he is a man. Unconsciously, Trump exploited this feeling of not being understood. He used the same langage, the same angry tone of voice, the slurs. They recognized themselves [in him] and he was not a loser but a winner. It is a victory for the movement in favor of the men. But it is sad that it had to be thanks to the worst possible person. He does not represent the image of the new man. He is exactly the kind of man we are trying to surpass. It is sad that we had to elect Trump. But that is the price to pay to have ignored the problems of the men.


Well, except maybe the fact he says he has supported Clinton, there are no really surprises in what he has answered.
I let you comment, you are far better than me to that.

8 years ago

@occasional reader
Thank you!

It is sad that we had to elect Trump. But that is the price to pay to have ignored the problems of the men.

Well, I guess we feminists have learned our lesson!

8 years ago

Warren Farrell, is this misandrist shark part of the problem?

Is she partly to blame for the fact that we will soon have a circus peanut ruling over us?

Zebra Shark Has Babies Without a Male After Years of Isolation

Seriously, although this shark kicks ass,
I am disturbed that she was separated from her mate. It’s just wrong. Grrr.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Kat

I am disturbed that she was separated from her mate. It’s just wrong. Grrr.

Indeed. The article doesn’t say what the reason was. Zebra sharks are solitary for a lot of the time, but every summer they get together in big groups. Interestingly that doesn’t seem to be for mating purposes, so I like the idea that it’s a big shark Glastonbury type thing.

I’ll try to avoid going off on a Seaworld rant (I’ll just encourage people to watch ‘Blackfish’ and form their own view) but this does seem unnecessarily cruel in the absence of an explanation or justification.

8 years ago

Obama: Prevent nuclear war!

Please consider signing this petition:

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
8 years ago

I don’t see how Farrell’s responses are qualitatively different from: “I was told to ‘check my privilege’ on tumblr and I have never recovered since then.”

8 years ago


Please consider signing this petition

How often do online petitions achieve anything, other than making the signers feel like they’re achieving something?

Face it: if Obama has spent the past eight years not doing that thing he said he’d do, maybe he’s not going to do it?

8 years ago

Women aren’t things to buy.
These guys are so gross. It makes me so happy to know they’re miserable. Seeing other people as things should hurt.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Oh, Warren Farrell. He forgot to mention that even though girls are doing better in school and going to college at a higher rate, more boys overall are still going to college than they did in the good old days. So, boys are doing better educationally. Especially the white boys he’s oh so concerned about. But that doesn’t matter. He’s upset because girls aren’t doing poorly. That’s all they care about.

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

CNN Headline:

Zebra shark surprises scientists by giving birth without male

Please, please, PLEASE don’t let the MRA’s know about this… they will absolutely freeeeeeek!!


ooooops… ninja’d by… pretty much everybody…. I’ll go away, now….

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

The MGTOW are always trying to outdo each other in their dismissals of women as people.

You say she’s a consumer product? Challenge accepted! I say she’s an abstract piece of financial trust! Try topping that!

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Arctic Ape;

I’ll see your “abstract piece of financial trust” and raise you one “non-quantifiable economic asset”….