CORRECTION: In the original version of this post, I misstated the number of children who comprise Vincent Adultman. It is three. I have corrected the mistake below.
Today’s weird and inappropriate MGTOW metaphor for women comes to us from the world of finance. Well, sort of.
In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one of my favorite providers of inadvertent misogynist comedy, a fellow calling himself “enlightenedmgtow” informs the world that “women are like a hyped-up pennystock.”
How so, you ask?
Think about it: A pennystock is a company that’s usually bankrupt, where shares trend under a dollar. Say they hype up the company to increase the sale of that stock. This is the equivalent to a girl hitting her early 20s and going to the club with full blown makeup on. She get’s hyped up, her worth increases x4+. Her stock is suddenly worth $20. She hits the wall, and suddenly men realize the hype is false, and sell their asset. The poor white knight is like the guy who bought too much of the stock and is now stuck with a depreciating asset.
Ok, obviously that’s not how women work. It’s not even how stocks work. For one thing, stocks by definition aren’t by definition “depreciating assets.” Stocks can be hyped-up garbage, sure, and most penny stocks are, but people buy them because they think they’re going to go up. A depreciating asset is something that’s useful but that you know is going to drop in value as it gets old, wears out, and so forth. People, meanwhile, are neither stocks nor assets. Though some are certainly asses.
Enlightenedmgtow’s foray into finance makes me think of Vincent Adultman on Bojack Horseman, who peppers his conversation with completely clueless references to the world of business in an attempt to sound like an adult and keep people from figuring out what he really is, which is (spoiler alert!) three kids in a trenchcoat.
But it’s a bit unfair to compare MGTOWs to Vincent Adultman. For one thing, Vincent doesn’t spend his every waking moment stewing in his own bitterness. Aside from the whole deceiving-everyone-including-his-girlfriend-by-pretending-to-be-an-adult thing, he’s not really a bad fellow. Well, technically, three fellows, a trenchcoat, a hat, a mannequin hand, and a broom.
But I digress. Back in the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars are amused by enlightenedmgtow’s not-so-apt metaphor.
“[S]eriously,” someone called Ximkai writes,
women are just about the worst investment a man could make. Not only that, but they are a compound investment. It doesn’t just take money to “purchase stock” into any given female, it also requires time and attention.
Furthermore, it’s stock bought on credit. The longer you keep a woman THE MORE YOU HAVE TO INVEST IN HER. It’d be one thing if you just had to invest a couple grand and you’re given “stock” to hold onto until you sell. But that’s not how women work! You have to continue throwing assets at her from day one to day done.
All of this, and your returns are marginal at best. She may pack your work lunch for you, but you better accept it on bended knee with a “Thank you, M’lady”.
Ok, that’s not how relationships work. That’s not how investment works. That’s not how any of this works.
A fellow called lonewolf-chicago, meanwhile, agrees that
Pennystock is a great metaphor. I know someone named Penny – and she’s a whore. A bad one. LOL
Well, I’m glad you’re able to amuse yourself, dude.
Somehow I suspect that MGTOWs would actually be perfect marks for con artists selling hyped-up penny stocks.
Women = Stannis Baratheon
True love does exist!
My partner bought me knee pads!!
(full disclosure, she bought them for me to use when replacing the roof shingles, but they make groveling sooooooo much less painful)
Someone saw that “Inside Amy Schumer” skit and thought it was seriously the way women want and expect to be treated.
I have never groveled on my knees.
Clearly I’m doing it all wrong.
You forgot 3)Never had a relationship because no woman will touch them with a 10 foot pole, therefore women =bad.
They sound like Cybermen with penises.
I made a stupid typo in my comment. It’s supposed to read:
So 3) is really a subset of 2).
It’s funny, every time that I see one of these MGTOW articles, I think to myself “I should be the ideal man having gone my own way.” After all, I’m single and have no plans for a relationship, devoting a lot of my time to creative pursuits like digital artistry and creative writing. So why aren’t dudes like me considered the gold standard?
Oh yeah… that whole “seething contempt for women” thing…..
I don’t know why, but the phrase “a girl hitting her early 20s” just feels so… off? Like, isn’t that just hitting 20s or is this the kind of case where it doesn’t start right at 20 but still at “early 20s”? Or how can “a girl” be hitting early 20s anyway? She has already been an adult woman for a few years, why is she suddenly a girl again?
Why do I seem to notice an extremely strong correlation between libertarians who repeat whatever their Austrian economics gurus tell them and MGTOWs? Is the ideology of rich-people-get-to-decide-everything very strongly correlated to the people with the most privilege in a society (i.e the white, very clearly straight men of that particular ideology)?
Yes, it is.
hey now! give Vincent proper credit! he’s THREE kids in a trench coat!
Rich is the king of the privilege hierarchy. It’s the golden rule, which says “whoever has the gold makes the rules”. In the west, at least, the rich usually ARE white men. There are 8 men who control more wealth than the poorest 3.9 billion people…. 7 of them are of european heritage, i.e. ‘white” men, the other is Mexican.
It’s so creepy how mad they are that women aren’t literal sex slaves they can keep in a cellar for decades.
You know, I don’t really enjoy beer at all. I live in a country where beer is God. Sometimes I mildly roll my eyes, but mostly, I just don’t drink beer. I don’t obsess over hating beer. I just don’t bother becausr I HAVE OTHER THINGS TO DO.
Do they really have NOTHING else to do?
None of these people were ever read “The Velveteen Rabbit” as children, were they?
Maybe she’s a whore who does bad things? Like how a criminal lawyer is clearly a lawyer who commits crimes…?
They don’t seem to understand the point of stocks.
You can buy stocks from, lets say, McDonald’s, but if you want a Big Mac you still have to pay for it.
So even if they could buy parts in a woman, they still wouldn’t be entitled to goods or services from her, regarding those they’d still be a customer like any other and have to deal by her conditions.
Did you guys see that Salon article about Mike Enoch getting doxxed?
World: Anything worthwhile takes time and effort.
MGTOWs: Not relationships, though?
World: Seriously? Especially relationships!
MGTOWs: …No, that doesn’t sound right.
Also, what’s “full blown” makeup? Is there “half blown” makeup?
Hope I’m not duplicating anyone else’s effort. I had never heard of this guy before, but apparently he is (was) very popular among haters.
The alt-right eats its own: Neo-Nazi podcaster “Mike Enoch” quits after doxxers reveal his wife is Jewish
Bad day for the Fourth Reich: Founder of popular alt-right blog The Right Stuff resigns after foes expose him
Yeah, I saw the Mike Enoch thing. I am unbelievably disturbed that the Jewish wife apparently knew about his little media empire, and even read white pride stuff on his show.
There’s a deep story here. I don’t know if I can stand to hear it, though.