#ResistTrump aggrieved entitlement empathy deficit entitled babies rape culture sexual assault trump

This is Trumpmerica: Greenwich pol charged with sexual assault for “playful” pussy grab

Trump: An inspiration to the worst people in the world

You may have seen this one already, but, really, this has got to be the most poetically apt illustration of what a nightmare Trump has been/will be for women that I have yet seen.

From Mic:

A prominent local Republican in Greenwich, Connecticut told a town worker “I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct” before adding she was “nothing but a bloodsucking lazy union employee” and pinching her in the groin, according to a warrant reported on by the Westport Daily Voice.

The alleged pussy grabber in question, a member of Greenwich’s Representative Town Meeting, has been charged with fourth-degree sexual assault. His lawyer, naturally, has tried to pass off the incident as nothing more than a bit of fun, a “playful gesture,” but local authorities aren’t buying it.

Donald Trump is not only a bigoted, woman-hating sack of garbage who likes to boast about grabbing women “by the pussy.” He’s an enabler of, and an inspiration to, bigoted, woman-hating pussy-grabbers everywhere. He makes them think this sort of crap is ok.

We need to deprive him of even the tiniest shred of legitimacy. He doesn’t deserve it.

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8 years ago

Lkeke I sincerely hope you’re right.

‘Just be orange/white and have obscene amounts of ego’

Hey don’t be mean to IP’s cat.

Can males have some equality
Can males have some equality
8 years ago

91 per cent of white males are still victims of sexual assault in the form of routine infant circumcision which is normalized in our culture by female objectification and entitlement to male bodies and we wonder where men learn it’s ok to help yourself to another’s genitals

8 years ago

‘Just be orange/white and have obscene amounts of ego’

Hey don’t be mean to IP’s cat.

Sorry, IP’s cat! I meant humans. 🙁

8 years ago

Am I right in feeling very uneasy with that swiss headline ? Not that the point of the meme isn’t done, but regardless of being about the orange cheeto or not, it feel wrong to conflate ordinary harassment and political movements.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

comment image


8 years ago

@ Imaginary Petal:

Aaawwwwwww!! Does it have a little pointy tail? I love that about kittens. 🙂

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


He has a very long tail these days. 🙂
comment image

I don’t think his tail was ever little.

8 years ago

“Don’t you understand how upset you made this person. You just want to blame everyone for else. You should apologize for making a scene. The abuser is really hurt.”

This helped me with something IRL, thank you. (fortunately not a close person or anything)

Just to quote myself, just had a panic attack as the person I’m thinking of has suicidal feelings and is trying to guilt/blame me for breaking off contact because said person is abusive and manipulative. I know that probably nothing will happen, but it still causes me a lot of stress suddenly and was almost crying in public. After I told him that I prefer to not talk to him anymore, he started posting pictures/art about suicide on social media. He talked to me about having a ”plan” already recently and mentioned suicide and self-harm to me several times in the last few days, while blaming me in these big dramatic words for how he feels, and it’s like he’s saying with these pics ”look how you make me feel!” as though *I* almost pushed him over the edge or something.

I did nothing!! The stress and anxiety will subside… deep breath.

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

In MLK Day news, I’m surprised the Yellow-Crested Howler Monkey hasn’t said he’s going to repeal the holiday….

Back on topic, this reinforces my belief that 75% of the Cheeto’s supporters voted for him primarily because he offered the promise of making it socially acceptable to publicly abuse people weaker than them.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

His lawyer, naturally, has tried to pass off the incident as nothing more than a bit of fun, a “playful gesture,” but local authorities aren’t buying it.

I mean, no, obviously it wasn’t, but also, who cares? It’s still sexual assault. If I punch you in the face because I think you’re going to enjoy the sensation and have a good laugh about it, I’ve still assaulted you.

8 years ago

He has a very long tail these days. ?

Aw 🙂 they’re gorgeous.

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

And, back off topic, I’m watching with trepidation as my health insurance tailspins into the abyss…. Not buoyed AT ALL by the fact that the three other workers at my workplace who are on the company insurance (ACA)… are all supporters of the dumpster-fire-elect….

8 years ago


I did nothing!! The stress and anxiety will subside… deep breath.

You’re right. And he’s being extremely unreasonable.

Consider calling a suicide prevention hotline for information on how to deal with this situation.

Good luck!

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Margot

Support your friend, and let them know you support them.

Doesn’t it make them question why they have these completely different attitudes?

IMHO, they don’t believe these are different attitudes. Bigots don’t look at this as a male-female binary, they look at it as a social privilege hierarchy, and it goes:

White Male > White Person > Non-White Male > Non-White Person.

A white male can abuse anyone below them on the scale, but a non-white male is below a white female, therefore cannot abuse them.

There IS some dissonance, tho, because a female cannot abuse a male in many instances.

To be safe, I recommend everyone just be a white male…. (/s)

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago


I’m sorry you have to deal with all of this. Seconding the suggestion to call a suicide hotline for help. Also, it would help if you would block this guy on whatever social media you’re using so you don’t have to see his manipulative memes. He can scream into the wind but that doesn’t mean you are required to witness it. Block his email address and his phone number, too. Block everything so that you don’t have to see anything he says anywhere.

I say this as a mad person: You are not responsible for someone else’s mental health or their actions.

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Margot; @ Argle

My apologies, I got two posts conflated. I was responding to Argle with my comment to support their friend, not to Margot. I apologize.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
8 years ago

I think it’s worth drilling down into something I’ve noticed more and more in the broader interwebs: if “both sides do it” isn’t available as an avenue of escape, then a scoundrel will try to hide in “I was just a joke.” We all remember RooshV pull the “it was satire!” excuse when he was caught being awful, and he certainly wasn’t the first. Glad the authorities aren’t buying this guy’s bullshit.

Sadly, this does seem to be something in the zeitgeist and I see it as a byproduct of Chan culture entering the social media bloodstream. What might have began as “ironic” edgelording was quickly subsumed by serious white nationalism to the point that the two can’t be distinguished, “ironic” being in the world’s largest quotes because there’s always a subtext to satire and irony, subtext that in the case of 4chan never quite satisfies with “they’re just doing it for the lulz.” There’s a part of all these guys, perhaps in youthful ignorance, that is serious about these opinions and ideas.

After all, guys like Millennial Woes don’t just materialize out of the ether.

TL;DR — I stopped giving people the benefit of the doubt that they’re kidding when something hideous comes out of their mouths/social media feeds. If context can be provided that makes it clear that that individual is mocking a stereotype or speaking in an exaggerated voice, then irony is justified, but Hypothetical Q. Publicfigure retweeting PepeDeplorable1488 then claiming “just joking” should not be given an inch.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


75% of the Cheeto’s supporters voted for him primarily because he offered the promise of making it socially acceptable to publicly abuse people weaker than them

Nah, much too high. Maybe 25%…

That 75% voted for him, so the government, the media, Trump himself, etc could abuse people weaker than them. The only personality trait people agree both that Trump has and is a positive is ‘strength’. The 75% were looking for a strongman to realize their hatreds for them. They’re well aware they can’t deport brown people, but Homeland Security can’t give it a try…

8 years ago

@occasional reader:

What ? You do not know that ? It is called the “Squirrel fight” : each male in the room trying to grab the nuts of the others. It is an old ritual, coming from before Neanderthalians, when women and men shapes were closer than nowaday, and that you had to verify you were between men to go out hunting the mammoth. After all, in a hunter-gatherer culture, gathering nuts is not an uncommon thing.

Am i credible ?

Thank you, that’s the best giggle I’ve had all morning.

Also, I have a hunch that a Neanderthal female-shape would have hit this guy in the groin with a flint-tipped mammoth-spear if he ever tried that with her.

8 years ago


After all, guys like Millennial Woes don’t just materialize out of the ether.

Speaking of whom, he’s been exposed as yet another lowly basement-dwelling wanker.

These fascist trolls are so boringly true to (stereo)type.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

Trying to use “intent” as an excuse is a favorite tactic of abusers and creeps. It was “a joke,” he “didn’t mean it that way,” followed by a lengthy litigation of the exact dictionary definition of every word he used and what body parts he touched.

If the person on the receiving end didn’t find it “playful,” it wasn’t.

The ignoramuses and “good white ppl” gonna be on the internet in full force misquoting all of Martin Luther King’s greatest hits, in an effort to police how Black people should react to their own oppression.

They all know exactly one line from Dr King – the one about “not the color of their skin, but the content of their character.” And they only know it because they think it’s a good argument against affirmative action, something Dr King supported. People who pull this crap probably are better off not being judged by the “content of their characters.”

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Axe;

I think a good 25-30% of Cheetolings never gave a rat’s ass if their abusive tactics were socially acceptable or not, they just did it anyway. And both that group AND another HUGE group of supporters saw the Yellow-Crested Howler Monkey as the “end” to a “political correctness” which they found chafing and limiting. They saw a possibility that it might again be “okay” to loudly deride people for their perceived sexual orientation, to deride people they perceived as being Muslims (Ay-rabs), to again have the “right” to make bigoted jokes in the break room, to hang bikini calendars on their toolboxes at work, to wolf whistle at women anywhere they liked and have no consequences, etc. etc. That’s the kind of public abuse I’m talking about. And for dumpster supporters who hold that mind-set, I stand by my 75% figure. I believe 3 of 4 trumplings find his bigotry refreshing.

8 years ago

I think his racism is plenty of material to criticize him for. Living with one’s parent is not something shameful.

Gipsz Jakab
Gipsz Jakab
8 years ago


True, but when one simultaneously claims to be an übermensch, it comes off as pretty pathetic.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

Someone on my tumblr dashboard made the point that we got Obama in part because Bush was so damn awful.

They then went on to imagine that if we survive Trump, our next president will be a militant feminist Latinx trans woman.

I am very happy at the thought, though I find it unlikely, and even if it does happen, we’ll still have to deal with the yayhoo bigots whose views have been reinforced by Trump and his Nightmare Cabinet for four years previously (If we’re unlucky and he SOMEHOW doesn’t get impeached, and even then we’d have to deal with Pence’s bullshit).

This election has definitely hurt a lot of people already, and I shudder to think of the long term damage The Orange One will do.

@Gussie: There’s a saying I learned here that I’m quite fond of: If you’re ironically fucking a goat, you’re still a goat fucker.