#ResistTrump aggrieved entitlement empathy deficit entitled babies rape culture sexual assault trump

This is Trumpmerica: Greenwich pol charged with sexual assault for “playful” pussy grab

Trump: An inspiration to the worst people in the world

You may have seen this one already, but, really, this has got to be the most poetically apt illustration of what a nightmare Trump has been/will be for women that I have yet seen.

From Mic:

A prominent local Republican in Greenwich, Connecticut told a town worker “I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct” before adding she was “nothing but a bloodsucking lazy union employee” and pinching her in the groin, according to a warrant reported on by the Westport Daily Voice.

The alleged pussy grabber in question, a member of Greenwich’s Representative Town Meeting, has been charged with fourth-degree sexual assault. His lawyer, naturally, has tried to pass off the incident as nothing more than a bit of fun, a “playful gesture,” but local authorities aren’t buying it.

Donald Trump is not only a bigoted, woman-hating sack of garbage who likes to boast about grabbing women “by the pussy.” He’s an enabler of, and an inspiration to, bigoted, woman-hating pussy-grabbers everywhere. He makes them think this sort of crap is ok.

We need to deprive him of even the tiniest shred of legitimacy. He doesn’t deserve it.

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Caveats and Quandaries
Caveats and Quandaries
8 years ago

This is my issue with moderate Trump supporters. Even if all the bigotry somehow flew by your head, the very fact that his Oranginess inspires people like this should at least give you pause. Just a second of self reflection.

By the by, no, I did not write ‘moderate Trump supporter’ without giggling just a lil’ bit.

8 years ago

See? Trump is relevant to the regular topics of this blog, which documents all the ways that horrible men in the manosphere encourage and normalize sexual violence.

8 years ago

Trump gon’ be the last godda***d time we let white people dictate the rest of our futures. This sh** gonna reach a head and people like that man above are gonna cause the very thin they were hoping to prevent by electing that Stupid Cheeto.

This is the last damned time this sh* t is gonna happen. We need to make sure of that.

Oh, and not to derail, but today is MLK Day here in the US. The ignoramuses and “good white ppl” gonna be on the internet in full force misquoting all of Martin Luther King’s greatest hits, in an effort to police how Black people should react to their own oppression.

It’s on us to have our receipts ready to counteract all the bullsh*t ppl like that will be spouting. So read the full length: I Have a Dream Speech and then follow that up with: Letter From a Birmingham Jail. There’s a PDF of it online.

If you’re really feeling your oats after that, then follow it up with 13th by Ava Duverney on Netflix or the writings of John Lewis or Malcolm X.

Keep the fire!

8 years ago

It’s incredible. It’s like they scoured the Earth to find the one being in it that possesses every negative quality I’ve ever hated in a man, (and even discovered a few new ones I hate) and decided he’d be their representative.

For every positive quality that Obama possesses, for every thing about Obama that is admirable, this being is the exact antithesis of it.

He’s like a photo negative of Obama. No class, no intelligence, no curiosity, no self restraint…I’d be here all mf*in’ day, listing all the qualities that the Cheeto doesn’t have, so I’ll stop there.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

Even if Trump moderates his positions, he’s still normalized horrible attitudes and made bigotry more socially acceptable.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

playful gesture

The fuck? In what universe is that a playful gesture?

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

It’s innocent kino escalation, nothing more!


8 years ago

It is pretty creepy when you realise how some folks’ ethics are only ever externally imposed.

Caveats and Quandaries
Caveats and Quandaries
8 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The universe in which bragging about assault is locker room talk and tweets of outright hate symbols by professional garbage factories are misunderstandings.

That universe is also a Russian spy drama which features a puppet covered in Cheeto dust that just screams, a scene with a frankly disturbing amount of urine, and a sequence of scenes of countries making bad decisions before spontaneously exploding.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I mean, I can see passing off a grope as a boys will be boys thing. I vehemently disagree with that. I’m just saying in our culture it’s not gonna be a tough sell for a lot of people.

But you add in this

“I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct” before adding she was “nothing but a bloodsucking lazy union employee”

It becomes undeniable that it was all about being aggressive and predatory.

8 years ago


It is pretty creepy when you realise how some folks’ ethics are only ever externally imposed.

Not to mention alarming.

On the plus side, this realization explains a lot about the world.

8 years ago

If this was “playful” and between friends, as the shit-sack and his lawyer assert, then I have to ask: Where are all the male buddies that this guy has crotch-grabbed? Do they all nut-punch each other as some kind of male bonding ritual?

Also, what exactly is the nature of the “embarrassment” this guy dishes on his teenage daughter, since he felt so compelled to bring HER up? Is he an incestuous child molester as well, and does he look forward to the bracing political incorrectness of such things no longer being illegal?

I have so many questions.

8 years ago

I am extremely tired of abusers saying things like “Can’t you take a joke?” “It’s just harmless fun but sorry if you’re offended.” Or my favorite (not heave sarcasm in this sentence) “Don’t you understand how upset you made this person. You just want to blame everyone for else. You should apologize for making a scene. The abuser is really hurt.”

May all victims blamers step on lego blocks forever

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

I no longer have to be politically correct

Remember this, Trump supporters. Remember this and the hundreds of other assaults perpetrated by your ilk since November 9th. He wanted permission to do this, and you gave it to him. You gave them all your blessing. Live with that. Don’t worry, I’ll keep reminding you


Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. >:(

Thank goodness the local authorities aren’t buying it.

8 years ago


If this was “playful” and between friends, as the shit-sack and his lawyer assert, then I have to ask: Where are all the male buddies that this guy has crotch-grabbed? Do they all nut-punch each other as some kind of male bonding ritual?

Yeah, this is also where my mind went. When the lies are so transparent that even I can figure them out, the game probably needs upping.

8 years ago

I wonder how long he’s been behaving this way? According to the Westport Daily Voice report:

She told the officer that she learned he had allegedly acted in a similar way with other employees and that he had told other individuals at Town Hall that the incident between the two of them was a joke, the warrant said. She said she was compelled to come forward to prevent similar acts from happening against other women, the warrant said.

He’s 71. Despite his “because Trump” excuse, I doubt that he’s suddenly become predatory. Can’t help wondering how many other women over the years have been subjected to his “playful gestures”.

His comment about his daughter was extra creepy in this context. I hope this arrest emboldens her to at least stand up to him.

I googled for the guy. Didn’t find much of interest, except a post-Ferguson article he wrote which was all victim-blaming and cop-fellating.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


Do they all nut-punch each other as some kind of male bonding ritual?

What ? You do not know that ? It is called the “Squirrel fight” : each male in the room trying to grab the nuts of the others. It is an old ritual, coming from before Neanderthalians, when women and men shapes were closer than nowaday, and that you had to verify you were between men to go out hunting the mammoth. After all, in a hunter-gatherer culture, gathering nuts is not an uncommon thing.

Am i credible ?

Have a nice day.

8 years ago

@occasional reader

Am i credible ?

You could make this your evopsych doctoral thesis proposal, I’m sure.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

It was only locker room sexual assault!

8 years ago

What still gets me is the weird racisme involved in all this. I was ”grabbed by the pussy” by North African youth… guess what, that’s considered BAD.

Sexual assault like in Cologne, by immigrants, is BAD. Protect the people! Sexually assaulting women is horrible!

Trump described what he does, which is exactly the same as what some people do and have done who happen to be not orange or white. THEN it’s ”locker room talk”, the women who accuse him must be lying, it’s all just political correctness, it’s ”alpha” behaviour, the women must’ve liked it because he’s rich and famous (there’re more layers of stupid to this that you can figure out for yourself), ”it’s just what he does”, stop whining, it’s not so bad. It’s not sexual assault! Nope. Not at all.

How don’t they just explode from inner cognitive dissonance? How can you be so un-aware? Doesn’t it make them question why they have these completely different attitudes?

I’ve called several of the people who assaulted me (several separate cases of inappropriate touching, harassment, threatening and intimidating behaviour and outright contempt for me as a woman/misogyny) simply ”Trump Jugend”, they follow the example of the Orange Jesus, right? (Jesus ‘cuz he can do no wrong) But boy, was that *mean* of me. So mean of me to poor mr. Trump who’s just a bit of a playful 70-year-old lad.

Just be orange/white and have obscene amounts of ego and wealth, preferrably say nasty things that suit their narrative, and you’re fine with some folks.

I’ll just keep on reminding them what a great inspiration Trump is to people.

Also, has he actually ever/recently positively inspired people to do something *nice* or something *good*? Not in an anti-Trump way, but rather, direct inspiration? (as in, positive and not negative inspiration)

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

“Don’t you understand how upset you made this person. You just want to blame everyone for else. You should apologize for making a scene. The abuser is really hurt.”

Whenever I hear some variation of this my blood boils and I have half a mind to hit the person spewing this bullshit with the nearest heavy object (I don’t, obviously). Every single abusive person I’ve met has always used it and it works in making the victim feel like the bad guy.

The most recent case: A friend of mine is being manipulated and emotionally abused by his ex. Whenever he has the courage to tell her to go to hell and that he is done with her tricks, she breaks down crying about why he’s so mean to her. And since he’s a kind human being, he feels bad. She uses this and further manipulates him. ”See how awful you were to me. MY feelins were hurt! Nevermind that I treat you like crap, but you called me out on it! Waaaah!”

If anyone could give me some advice on how to help him, it would be appreciated.

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
8 years ago

Not much I can say about this, just effin’ word to the fact that he’s gone to court. This behaviour must never be normalised.

@Margot: agree with everything you said! This needs to be brought up in pretty much every discussion of this type of behaviour. If someone reacts differently when a rich white person commits sexual assault than when a North African immigrant does it, they are no longer entitled to use the “I’m not racist” defence.

8 years ago

Thanks to commenter Mr. BoBo from the January 14, 2017, Daily Kos.

8 years ago

“Don’t you understand how upset you made this person. You just want to blame everyone for else. You should apologize for making a scene. The abuser is really hurt.”

This helped me with something IRL, thank you. (fortunately not a close person or anything)

Edit: whoops, I wanted to quote.

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