empathy deficit entitled babies literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam

Men’s Rights leader: Quit whining about the Holocaust, Anne Frank Center!

Paul Elam: Holocaust, schmalocaust!

Here’s an amazing little Twitter exchange:

Yep, that’s right. The weird uncle of the Men’s Rights movement online is criticizing the Anne Frank Center for “whining” about the HOLOCAUST.

Apparently the murder of millions pales in comparison to the truly important issues faced by men today, like the problem of women being a bunch of “c–ts.”

NOTICE TO EXTREMELY LITERAL MINDED READERS: That last sentence contains sarcasm.

Thanks to TakedownMRAs on Twitter for catching this one and grabbing the screenshots.

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8 years ago

David Futrelle,

WOW! Paul Elam, get a life you pathetic loser! Seriously complaining about the Ann Frank Center whining about the Holocaust is like complaining about the Jim Crow Museum whining about segregation. What a spoiled, privileged little brat, that sorry excuse for a man is!

8 years ago

Elam is so far past bottom of the barrel morally speaking that he has left earth’s atmosphere.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Paul Elam. Has he manifested any signs of neo-Nazism before (aside from bog-standard misogyny)?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Stop complaining about the holocaust, the winter air is making my skin dry and itchy and that’s just as bad!

8 years ago

“Now, the first-born son of Shem was Elam, and, according to custom, he should have been given the universal dominion which was his heritage.” — The Legends of the Jews, by L Ginzberg, P Radin, B Cohen, copyright 1913, Jewish Publication Society of America.

It went to Arpachshad instead. Do you suppose Paul Elam is still jealous?

8 years ago

Elam was probably feeling bad because no one has been paying attention to him, what with Trump sucking all the air out of the room. It was either this, or capering around like Stuart from MadTV.

8 years ago

Paul Elam would like to see less time devoted to the discussion of trivial issues, such as the Holocaust, which killed only 11 million people, including Jewish people, disabled people, gay people, priests, Roma (Gypsy) people, Communists, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Slavic peoples, and members of the Resistance.

Instead, Elam would like to see the serious issue of the oppression of men discussed.

Also, send money. Otherwise, his girlfriend might make him get a real job.

Okay, I made up that part about his girlfriend — but it stands to reason.

8 years ago

And just today I was wondering what Paulie was up to, since he’d been so quiet lately (or at least WHTM has been with regard to him). I figured he must have been in a dark brown sulk because the Alt-Reich was eating up all his followers.

And now I know. He’s JOINED them, if indeed he hasn’t already just secretly been one all along.

And he wonders why the ladies aren’t flocking…

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The weird uncle of the Men’s Rights movement

They’re all the weird uncle

8 years ago

OH! And before I forget, PharmaBro Martin Shkreli got his face plastered with doggie doo at a campus protest in California. Meanwhile, Milo Yeah-Nope falsely claimed that windows were broken, and shit.

Welcome to the real world, Twitter trolls. Hope you precious snowflakes can stand to get back a small taste of what you dished out online!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I swear every white person has one ranting, racist uncle. At least one. I have two on my dad’s side.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

An Ear For Men must be floundering. Gotta stoke that outrage.

That bid. Lol

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

An Ear For Men must be down in donations. This is nothing more than a dogwhistle to the antisemitic.


That who-flung-poo vid is divine. Couldn’t happen to a better guy.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Thought I deleted the first post; sorry!

8 years ago

It’s good to know that there’s at least some justice in the world . . .

Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
8 years ago

I swear every white person has one ranting, racist uncle. At least one. I have two on my dad’s side.

My father has no brothers, and my mother’s brothers are respectively an artist and a mathematician, both Jewish, from LA, raised by a woman who would have had none of that in her home, so I seem to have escaped the curse. My great-uncle on the same side is an elderly doctor with a wicked sense of humor and good politics.

My paternal grandfather on the other hand–we all cherish the tale of the time at Thanksgiving when he started going on about black people, and my cousin, then about fourteen, leaned across the table to whisper in horror “MOM! Grandpa’s a bigot!”

My aunt, without batting an eye, said, (at a normal speaking volume) “Oh dear. Did I forget to tell you that? Yes. Grandpa is a bigot.” Which may be slightly unfair. He was a liberal in 1935, and his politics never really shifted from that point.

He had at least one brother who I believe may still be living. Last heard from drunk and taking apart a shotgun at said grandfather’s wake. Long story.

Now, I married into white northeastern Louisiana, so that’s a whole different situation.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

I’m not aware of any raving racist uncles I have, but my maternal grandparents are borderline Birchers who think that His Illegitimacy, by the Grace of White Rage and of His Highness Tsar Vladimir, King Donald Drumpf I of the United States, Mexico, &c., &c. has not actually said anything racist.

(I had too much fun writing an elaborate style for Agent Orange. Thanks to whomever first called the Trigger-Happy Orange Groper “His Illegitimacy”.)

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

I swear every white person has one ranting, racist uncle. At least one. I have two on my dad’s side.

My immediate family and the vast majority of my extended family is like that. My niece is one of the “USA Freedom Kids” who put on the neo-Hitler Youth performance at the Trump rally early last year:

Top that!

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

I’d rather not top that.

8 years ago

My niece is one of the “USA Freedom Kids”

Didn’t they have to sue to get paid by the Trump campaign?

8 years ago

I have a racist uncle.

At Christmas he literally chased me from a room trying to force me to look at “a joke” online.

His ideas of jokes are not funny. At all.

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago


Didn’t they have to sue to get paid by the Trump campaign?

I’m pretty sure that they still haven’t gotten paid and never will be. But I’m not sure because I broke off contact with the fascist fam after that horrible display of child abuse. It was a long time in coming, and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

8 years ago

I have a libertarian uncle on one side, and several islamaphobes on the other (in Quebec it’s pretty mainstream to be islamaphobic, sadly).

All but one of the islamaphobes considers themselves to be left-wing, liberal, etc. That one, who is centre-right, is the closest thing I have to a ranting racist uncle.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Judas Peckerwood,
All Teen Witch gifs aside, I’m sorry you have to deal with that shit in your family.

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