Just a quick note to reassure regular We Hunted the Mammoth readers that this blog hasn’t turned into a #ResistTrump-only blog — despite what it might look like at the moment.
This has been a strange and monumental week politically. And it’s also been a crappy week for me. I’m still feeling a bit under the weather, and so I’ve been devoting my limited energy to getting these #ResistTrump posts out because, holy crap, you saw what happened this week.
Anyway, I’m hoping that I will be able to resume my regular posts shortly. The #ResistTrump posts will continue as well, but they wont be the only thing.
Thanks for your patience, everyone!
I just peeked at the Twitter feed of that guy Headologist linked to (sorry, Headologist, this in no way implies you are associated with this horrible, horrible person! Especially since you have the best Discworld inspired nym that I wish I’d thought of).
I could only read for a few minutes. He is so transphobic my gut is churning. So heteronormative. So anti-reproductive rights. Ugh.
I was a shit at 14, too. I’ve been lucky so far with Jude; he’s brilliant.
I don’t think I’m an awesome mum: I just feed him, throw books at him, threaten to eat random nasty strangers on the internet, you know, the usual stuff.
I’m sure we were all anxiously awaiting proudfootz to chime in with an opinion on this topic. I know that I personally was just sitting here, waiting and hoping, and thinking to myself, “I wonder what proudfootz thinks of all of this. Oh, if only proudfootz would clear this up for me! I just cannot live a full life until I know!”
The matter is obviously now closed, and David must abide by the great proudfootz’ decision.
I am very sad that I never learned to knit or crochet. I don’t have a damn pussy hat for the marches next week.
I’m going to wear my Chococat hat. It’s not pink, but I don’t like pink anyway, and it has cat ears. Also, a bunch of people are making extras, so you could post to the event page on Facebook and ask if anyone has an extra you can have.
I was hoping of substance or something worth aggravating over, instead I got white noise from wokefootz.
@ kupo
Found the email address for that women in horror thing.
Policy of Madness / Ooglyboggles
Hi! Good to hear from you both again!
I hope you and yours are well.
@kupo – I just spotted one online that’s black – which means there’s a chance I’d actually wear it again, which I wouldn’t with a pink one.
Thanks! I read through the description of what they’re looking for and I don’t think my paper fits. I’m going to try and find that professor though because she was planning on continuing to work with horror movie analysis. 🙂
Awesome! Mine looks like this (hope this works, all the images I found were cached):
Strike doesn’t really apply for me, but if my feet are up to it, I’m gonna march locally, even though I will not have a pussy hat.
Thank goodness! I was missing the articles about silly MRAs and how people think women should behave; I’m from Canada, so the ‘resisting Trump’ stuff does nothing for me. I was legit worried that this blog was just going to be an anti-Trump page. Don’t get me wrong, I think the guy is ridiculous, but I was starting to get bored hearing about how terrible he is, especially since there is actually nothing I can do about it.
It’s always striking to me when some Internet random tells a site owner what to do with the site, but proudfootz puts a special twist on it by being intrinsically such a self-congratulatory ‘splainy twit.
So I’ve just caught with this thread.
Honestly, I want to get back to the manosphere (and manosphere-related alt right) posts, and I hope to this week, but I also think that we are at a pretty critical inflection point in American politics.
With the inauguration less than a week away, we need to do everything we can to resist Trump — and to encourage politicians to stand up against him, reject his appointments, boycott his inauguration, and so on. The anti-Trump movement, such as it is, may be reaching a critical mass. I certainly hope so, in any case.
I’m not sure what difference my blog posts can make, and honestly activism is not a fun thing for me, but I feel a duty to keep doing the #ResistTrump posts even when I don’t have the energy for the regular posts. They are meant to be brief posts, mostly pointing people to other resources/initiatives, though in practice they tend to get a bit longer and more involved than that.
I’m hoping I can do both types of posts this week, but at least until the inauguration I think my top priority has to be the Trump stuff.
I’m also sort of planning on launching a separate (and possibly more entertaining) anti-trump blog very soon, but I haven’t decided quite yet. Something similar in spirit to Confused Cats Against Feminism. It should not take much time away from WHTM, my main priority; I should be able to do a week’s worth of posts for it in the time it takes me to do one post for WHTM.
In any case, I appreciate all the feedback I’ve gotten here (except perhaps for the handful of passive aggressive comments). I agree with the people who want more Trump/activist posts. But I also agree with those who want more misogyny-bashing ones. I’m committed to both.
Prompt recovery to you, David.
On a side note, i was not knowing that Trump was from Scottish and German ascendancy. In the cross interview he had given to The Times and Bild, he had made a heap of stereotypes on those two countries that you can choke with. Not surprising, however.
Have a nice day.
@occasional reader
I’m not surprised. The man thinks in stereotypes.
Jewish people are good at counting his money.
Ben Carson will be good as the leader of Housing and Urban Development.
Women are good at doing excellent work and getting paid a fraction of what men are paid.
Unfortunately, his interviews are behind a paywall, so I don’t know what he’s said about the Scottish and the German people.
That kitty appears to have a very large stash of Twizzlers behind him. Jealous…
Marinerachel – Sorry, but those are Red Vines. Which are much yummier IMHO, although Twizzlers are smoother in texture.
In terms of pussyhats: I live to knit and bought yarn which is a very dark, slighted muted colour, and as far from pink as you can get whilst still being technically pink. I will hopefully have enough yarn to make more than one hat. If anyone wants one, and I do have the extra yarn, I am willing to make a spare send it anywhere you can pay postage to (although I can afford postage if you’re in the UK.)
*blush* a nym compliment, from someone with a cat mention in theirs! *incomprehensible babbling of gratitude*
I have a black knit hat with black/pink cat ears that I bought at a Halloween store, expressly to serve as my winter hat…dual purpose!
adorable knit kitty hat?

did I do it right?