#ResistTrump announcements

Program Note: Yes, this is still We Hunted the Mammoth, not #ResistTrump-central

Me, very soon.

Just a quick note to reassure regular We Hunted the Mammoth readers that this blog hasn’t turned into a #ResistTrump-only blog — despite what it might look like at the moment.

This has been a strange and monumental week politically. And it’s also been a crappy week for me. I’m still feeling a bit under the weather, and so I’ve been devoting my limited energy to getting these #ResistTrump posts out because, holy crap, you saw what happened this week.

Anyway, I’m hoping that I will be able to resume my regular posts shortly. The #ResistTrump posts will continue as well, but they wont be the only thing.

Thanks for your patience, everyone!

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8 years ago

I have burnt out a bit on the Trump stuff, personally. I definitely understand why it’s important and I don’t think David should feel bad about posting it, but I often just need a bit of a break from the Orange overlord.

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago


The US Constitution was designed to prevent things like this and it’s mostly worked, until now.

No it wasn’t. It was designed expressly to ensure things like this. It was designed to keep rich white men in charge and PoCs in chains. And it’s mostly worked.

8 years ago
8 years ago

hmmmm…that was just supposed to link to the “accordian to trump” video, not the whole FB page….ah well, I must be off to work…my apologies…

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Life Accordion To Trump


I am constantly amazed at how clever people are, and this includes the posters here, and particularly David…whom I feel is highlighting Trump because of the cabinet confirmations happening, and the inauguration coming up.

I think WHTM will strike its balance, soon.

Adding my fervent wish for David to get well!

8 years ago

Iseult The Idle:

Also, this little bombshell: US Intelligence officials are warning Israel to be careful about what they reveal to the US going forward, because Russia. Let that sink in a little.

I imagine other US allies are also wondering how safe it is to share intelligence with the US now.

Remember when everyone was laughing about Trump’s reluctance to attend intelligence briefings? That doesn’t seem so funny now, does it?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Welcome, @Social Justice Cyborg Ninja! Nice to have you! Please, help yourself to one of the welcome baskets settle in!

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ moggie

Our intelligence services have been asking that question for a while now.

8 years ago

So Milo and Pharma-Bro teamed up. It’s like a pile of pigeon shit teamed up with a festering ass boil.

tim gueguen
8 years ago

Who has the better “I’m an asshole” expression, Milo or Marty?

And because someone has to say it, #TypingKitty2020

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

From LindseyIrene’s link:

Shkreli later came out of the venue and walked toward the crowd of demonstrators. Footage shows him backing away and walking back to the building.

When asked by a reporter how he feels about the event being canceled, he said, “I think it’s reasonable.”

He does, does he? Oh, ho… O.o

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Is Milo back on Twitter as @OfNineHostages??

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy


It appears that he is, unfortunately.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago


As far as I can tell, they do not have any ‘obvious’ ‘Trumpisms’ in their platform (unlike Kellie Leitch and several others). The vote isn’t until May, so I’ll have lots of time to watch what happens and do more digging. Listed below are a few points, but not at all comprehensive:

positive: legalize marijuana; stop corporate welfare(will have to check nuances on this); cancel Saudi arms deal; get rid of omnibus bills; opposes ‘Canadian values’ testing; bilingual

neg: likes two tier health system; ending fed transfer payments for health care; ending funding to CBC and Canada Post; end supply management of farm products; remove tax on capital gains; change CBC’s mandate to mainly ‘public affairs (sounds like turning it into a propoganda machine to me); supports pipelines.

pos: has much more detailed info on his website re: platform; wants healthcare expansions in the north; update Healthcare Act; do more for veterans.

neg: runs on an ‘ideas-based’ platform; assumes that healthcare can only be sustained by balancing the budget first; supports a two-tiered healthcare system; update Healthcare Act (yes i put this twice – dont know if his ideas will work or if just more bait and switch to introduce two tier, gradually phasing out healthcare for those who can’t pay)

And for info on everyone:

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Is “of nine hostages” a reference to Niall, the legendary Irish king?

And if so, any ideas why Milo chose that?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


I had to go and look up Niall (anything to procrastinate). Probably coincidence, but a certain phrase caught my eye on this site:

Trinity’s team of geneticists collected a number of samples from men across Ireland. Their findings led them to the notion that Niall of the Nine Hostages may be the Big Daddy of Ireland

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I think you’re reading too much into his new name; “Of Nine Hostages” is an anagram for “F*gs [presumably “Normalf*gs,” aka liberals] In The Noose.” It’s not anything clever, it’s just a death threat.

(I’m really good at Scrabble.)

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Well, Milo’s FB page says “Ireland”, too…

OTOH, I am disappointed he’s back on Twitter, although I am surprised he waited so long.

8 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

I kinda agree with you re: women being put on the back burner. I don’t know if it will make you feel better or worse, but I found this article today:

Everyone else may also be interested in it. It’s a look at the history of abortion in the US and the ways the current and incoming government threaten the laws protecting reproductive healthcare. It’s biological essentialist (womb = woman) but otherwise very good.

@ thread

I agree with a lot here. As a non-American, the Trump posts aren’t overly relevant to me, although I would love ones that were. (I would also love suggestions for blogs similar to this but UK-centric, if anyone knows of any.) However, I think resisting Trump is important enough to warrant these posts, and still read them all. I also miss the manospherian posts, but worry about David feeling he must be all things to all people and burning out. Personally I’d be happy with a couple of Trump posts and a couple of manosphere posts a week, but whatever happens I will keep reading and sharing and am sure whatever direction David takes the blog in it will remain excellent and important.

One last thing, on the manosphere side of things: one of the LGBT+ groups I’m in linked this pile of toxic masculinity (trigger warnings! For horrendous transphobia, trans erasure, misgendering, and all the shit that comes with toxic manosphere masculinity):

I know tws aren’t the norm here, but it is very bad.
I think there’s an argument to be made about the acceptance of feminine hobbies only when given a male face, but ye gads this made me want to hold up any make up wearing man as my new saviour.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


JFC, that blaze article. No-one with attitudes like that better come near my awesome 14 year old son, ever. I will eat them.

This bit was just disturbing (out of a whole pile of deeply disturbing)

I am very aware of this responsibility with respect to my own sons. I constantly think about how quickly they might go off course as they get older, if I do not take this aspect of my fatherly duty seriously. It’s not enough to simply tell them that they must be men. I have to provide for them a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute demonstration. “This is what a man is. This is what he does. This is how he carries himself. This is how he behaves. This is how he dresses. This is how he speaks.”

8 years ago

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

Yeah, it made me worry for his sons, too. It sounds like they’ll be thoroughly monitored, and the minute they deviate from what this arsehole deems “proper masculinity”…. I just hope they have friends and future partners with welcoming families who will accept and protect those boys for whoever they are.

8 years ago


Indeed, much of what we now call “transgenderism” and “gender non-conforming” and whatever else can be explained very simply: Dad didn’t do his job.

Translation Dad didn’t abuse his kids enough to make them small minded and intolerant.

A young boy cannot possibly come to “identify as a girl” because he doesn’t really know what a girl is, or what he is. He doesn’t understand anything about the gender he’s assuming or the one he’s rejecting. If he understood himself, and loved himself, he would not reject himself. If he is rejecting himself, that probably means that he has not been taught to love or understand himself. A true appreciation for his own masculine nature has not been instilled. And whatever appreciation he naturally possessed was not protected and sustained.

See note where he tries to enforce gender conformity by making out trans people as self loathing.

I hope his kids have other people they can turn to, I don’t see this form of parenting turning out well.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Ugh, that article. So much for Glenn Beck trying to reform.

Orion put it very well: the exclusionary definition of masculinity is fundamentally poisonous. Once you start saying “you must do X, Y and Z to earn your maleness”, then you encourage people to believe that their identity is contingent upon the approval of others, and then all sorts of rot creeps in.

@Mish, you sound like an awesome mom. I hope your 14-year-old is less trouble to you than I was when I was that age.

8 years ago

While there is a yuuuuge overlap between Trump fans and manospherians, it’s very easy to come across anti-Trump material on a lot of sites – but there is only one WHTM.