Just a quick note to reassure regular We Hunted the Mammoth readers that this blog hasn’t turned into a #ResistTrump-only blog — despite what it might look like at the moment.
This has been a strange and monumental week politically. And it’s also been a crappy week for me. I’m still feeling a bit under the weather, and so I’ve been devoting my limited energy to getting these #ResistTrump posts out because, holy crap, you saw what happened this week.
Anyway, I’m hoping that I will be able to resume my regular posts shortly. The #ResistTrump posts will continue as well, but they wont be the only thing.
Thanks for your patience, everyone!
Forgive me but could you please elaborate on your post? From your first point David has been writing articles of the manosphere other than Trump, in a sick sense it’s considered a break when MGTOW is the article of the day rather than yet another example of the the orange fascist. Your second point is already explained in the origins of the title, said origins is already explained in the site FAQ.
Well, I will assume that you are posting in good faith, even though you have necro’d another thread here to display your inability to do math.
You seem to have missed the meaning of the title of this site. It is a joke, meant for humorous purposes. It is a reference to how many male internet misogynists will make an argument along the lines of “men did everything for you ungrateful gendered slurs! We hunted the mammoth to feed you!” This argument is ridiculous on many levels, as you cannot claim credit for things that people who are not you and merely happen to share your gender have done, and because women have, y’know, also contributed to society. Thus, the name We Hunted the Mammoth was chosen as a mocking reference to it, replacing the old name of the site, Manboobz. Incidentally, mammoths are neither human nor exclusively female, so “man oppression” would probably not apply to them if they still existed.
Also, hi all! I may possibly have delurked before on an old thread to be excited about physics, but I don’t know if that comment ever got through moderation. I enjoy explaining things, even if it probably won’t achieve anything.
Hey, the HTML worked! Yay!
I’m not overly enamored of the Trump stuff, because I listen to NPR every day and hear about whatever horrifying thing he’s done that day there.
The manosphere delvings are more difficult-to-find items that I can’t get elsewhere. Though when the “what is the Alt Right?” talk started up on NPR I knew we were in real trouble…
#ResistTrump-central is the best thing to happen around here. It really shows who’s a poser and who wants to get shit done. It’s the only thing that’s got me checking in again.
As for “blowing off steam”, too bad history shows that devolves very quickly into “unproductive friendly fire” and cliquishness when certain individuals appear to be “looking for a fight”.
I hate the rise of trump and still have a Hail Mary that he’ll get impeached for treason or SOMETHING on the 20th, and would have preferred Hilary won, but the one silver lining is getting the Left’s priorities straight.
I would also suggest, David, that hounding the alt-right and reporting on misogyny IS resisting Trump and everything he stands for.
Good luck.
You seem to have missed the meaning of the title of this site. It is a joke, meant for humorous purposes. It is a reference to how many male internet misogynists will make an argument along the lines of “men did everything for you ungrateful gendered slurs! We hunted the mammoth to feed you!” This argument is ridiculous on many levels,
And, after watching the “Man on Earth” climate change doco narrated by Tony Robinson, the truly ironic thing is half the time it might have been less “hunting” the mammoth, and more picking up after them and scavenging when a herd died from starvation. Not the he-man, ego boosting, romantic image MRAs would like to imagine….
Something ‘Extremely’ Concerning Happened in a Confidential Briefing to Congress on Russian Hacking
I’ve been trying to not say anything about it, because 1. Fighting back is the difference between living to see 2018 and global nuclear annihilation, and 2. David’s sick and feeling this way makes me feel like a selfish jerk… But, to be honest, the “100% Trump, 100% of the time” stuff, even as an accidental side effect of David’s illness, has kinda been making me feel as if women’s rights are being pushed to the back of the queue yet a-bloody-gain. Which always happens, everywhere, with every issue. Ugh…
David, I’m not in the US, so the amount that I can actually follow your suggestions is limited, but I’m really enjoying your #ResistTrump posts. They’re important and it seems like the US readers have been following through on your ideas, so they’re making a difference. Keep it up, man.
I can’t shake off the suspicion that David’s cats have taken over his blog and have up him tied to a radiator. I think they’re just posting “David is ill” so we’ll assume that’s the reason for any changes in writing style.
Don’t be surprised if the next post is “#Resist Trump, by sending cans of tuna to the following PO Box address”
David, if you are ill then get well soon. But if they do have you locked up, try and sneak a message out to us so we can rescue you from your furry oppressors.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, but this just came up on my Twitter feed–thought a few of the regulars might get a laugh out of it.
Just popping in to echo all the get well soon messages! I only found this blog recently but I really enjoy reading it. I’m another non-USian who can’t do much to #ResistTrump right now, but I understand how important the threads are for those who can.
I’m sympathetic to SFHC’s feelings about the Trump focus. I also acknowledge that the manosphere and the Trumposphere overlap almost entirely. Most of the usual targets of mockery are on the Trump-train right now. However, I wouldn’t mind having the blog focus specifically on the mammoth hunting-related Trumpist nonsense.
OMG, I think you’re right!
David, tweet us: “The dog howls at midnight” means you’re okay.
“The dog howls at noon” means you need us to send help. Or possibly pizza, which is a form of help.
Destroy this message!
I made a meme and made myself laugh. Let’s see if I can make this work:
Apologies for the O/T but there are a few folks here who know a lot about the horror genre so might be of interest.
It’s a call for papers for a conference about the portrayal of women in horror fiction from a feminist perspective. I bet some of our contributors could put forward some great stuff.
As an American who doesn’t live in America, I would like to say that there are several things you non-Americans can do that would be incredibly helpful.
1) Don’t be mean to Americans! Seriously, despite the fact that I voted against W and opposed him (in admittedly pretty lacklustre ways) I took a lot of shit from the citizens of my host country because of him. 8 years of shit and people who really ought to have known better saying some pretty despicable things to my face. You can’t be on the moral high ground from the gutter. This doesn’t mean put up with bullshit Trump supporters, but you should not assume that Americans – esp those who live abroad, are Trump supporters or enablers.
2) Give monetary support meaningfully. Don’t ever try to support American political orgs, that’s illegal for them (not for you). But why not make a contribution right here or to other individuals who are fighting the good fight.
3) Subscribe to real journalism. This could be in America (e.g. WaPo or NYT or Mother Jones) or it could be in your home country. Journalists need your support more than ever.
4) Ridicule Trump in online fora or report on local ridicule: Trump supporters honestly believe that a vote for Hillary would have put America into international disrepute. It’s amazing, I know, but they believed that. Burst their bubble and show them the reality of how Trump is viewed by well, most people.
5) Fight populism where you are. Don’t believe for a second that it “cannot happen here”. It can. The US, for all its faults and they are many, has one of the oldest continuous democracies in existence…for now. The US Constitution was designed to prevent things like this and it’s mostly worked, until now. If a system DESIGNED to prevent this kind of thing failed to prevent it, then it most certainly can and will happen elsewhere. The fascist axis of the 30s and 40s was able to support each other and it will be the same today. Smash the axis.
I second @rugbyyogi’s suggestions. Certainly we Canadians need to be properly supportive of those Americans who resist the siren song of reactionary authoritarianism, and be prepared to resist it within our own borders.
January 13, 2017 at 11:57 pm
It’s not people like you who hunted the mammoth, at that time you will probably defend the mammoth against man oppression …
It’s not people like you
The men (only men!) who
Hunted the mammoth
The hunting, that some say
Hounded the mammoth
Into extinction
Though some say
It was climate change
Of the type
We have nothing to fear
You hear?
But you, you’re the sort
Who’d protest the mammoth hunt
“Better we starve”, you’d say
“Better that we freeze for lack of clothing
Then to harm a hair
Of that noble beast”
And the others
Would look at you askance
And say “speak for yourself, mate”
Why, even now you protest
The hunting of the straw man
At which I have made myself expert
Anyway, the point I had
Which I believe I did have
I remember I did, before I spoke
I don’t get the joke
A person is a poser if they want to read about something besides Trump sometimes?
So, you antagonized people here in the past, right?
The real danger here is in people getting burned out. This includes David, but just in general as well: outrage fatigue is a real thing. People are worked up now, calling their Congresscritters in overwhelming numbers, but as time passes that is going to fade somewhat.
The key is to pace oneself, and I don’t think David is pacing himself at this point. That makes me worry about him.
@Policy of Madness
Congresscritters–love it. 🙂
If you’re looking for misogyny stuff (it’s not like there was a shortage of it) I got this from Twitter:
In short, a journalist tweeted about being sexually assaulted, and Twitter did the usual “several hundred threatening messages explaining there’s no harrassment”(tm).
I’ve written such a paper in college! I’ll take a look and send it along to that professor if I can find her contact info.
“Who’s a poser and who wants to get shit done”
Y’know I’m only making phone calls, right? And it makes me pretty anxious to do so.
I’m not going to grab a gun and ambush the presidential motorcade, mowing down dozens of secret service agents, failing to penetrate the tank that is the presidential limo, all while shouting “Wolveriiiiiiiiiines!”, okay. That is not appropriate action. And I have a family.
Off topic:
SpaceX is about to launch a rocket. Watch the live stream, it’s gonna be cool.