#ResistTrump from russia with trump trump

#ResistTrump today by calling to oppose Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State

The Man from Exxon

Trump may be going off the rails, but the hearings continue. So we need to keep calling.

#ResistTrump today by calling your Senators and urging them not to vote for former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. 

The mechanics (and some of this will repeat what I’ve posted before on calling Sessions).

Get phone numbers and other contact info for your senators here.

Tillerson will be making his case today to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; check here to see if either of your senators is on the committee.

Tell the staffer who takes your call who you are, and note that you are one of the senator’s constituents — i.e., someone who will actually be voting for or against them in future elections.

Raise your concerns about Tillerson. Two of the biggest issues:

  • Tillerson’s lack of experience in diplomacy; he has worked his entire career for Exxon.
  • Tillerson’s long association and “friendship” with Putin.

Here’s a handy backgrounder from NPR. And for a more detailed list of questions that Tillerson needs to answer, see this Chicago Tribune piece.

You can watch the hearings live here.

Ask if the senator plans to vote against Tillerson, or if they have spoken out against him; offer support if they say yes, tell them that you are disappointed if they say no.

If they are on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, ask if they intend to give Tillerson the “extreme vetting” he deserves, or something along these lines.

If you can’t call, writing a personalized email is also effective. See my posts here and here for more advice on how to call/write your reps.

And here’s some advice on calling politicians if you have social anxiety.

See my post here for a schedule of all the cabinet confirmation hearings this week.

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8 years ago

All the numbers I have are busy.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago
Zenobia Augusta
Zenobia Augusta
8 years ago

I managed to get through to actual humans! Usually I have to leave a voicemail.

8 years ago

Tillerson and Mattis are both talking nakedly about confronting China and Russia with military power. So much for Trump’s “no foreign wars” ballyhoo. The democrats put the bullet in the chamber, and the republicans are gonna pull the trigger. The United States is an ugly empire spinning out of control right now, and the rest of the world is going to go down with you if you don’t get your shit together.