
Open Thread to discuss all things Trump, I mean holy crap

Have at it, folks. No Trump fans, etc.

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8 years ago

I don’t know what could be causing period woes, but as someone with endometriosis and who thus has never had a regular period in my life I am intrigued and now trying to think of everything I’ve ever read on phytoestrogens (is that what they call the stuff in soy?) even though I’m pretty sure it’s been roundly debunked.

8 years ago

Now if only we could get this chap to play the Inauguration…

8 years ago

Russian Parliament Passes Law Decriminalizing Domestic Violence Through First Round of Votes

Of course it did.

And of course it was introduced by a woman, in this case ultraconservative Russian lawmaker Yelena Mizulina.

8 years ago

TW: Violence against women

This article is from 2008:

Every Hour, One Russian Woman Dies At The Hands Of A Male Family Member

TW: Violence against women

8 years ago

@Hu’s On First

What if the sex worker IS an ape?

I know that you weren’t trying to make a joke out of this animal’s suffering.

But I do feel a need to point out an unbearably sad fact: this ape was a sex slave, not a sex worker.

8 years ago

@WWTH I know stress/change in routine can make a period start early–I’m very regular, but have had experiences of periods starting early if I’m travelling. And I’ve had a lot of personal and anecdotal experience in general of ‘my body always does x…until it doesn’t.’ Things just change as you get older.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Another off topic, but you know are there are some legendary troll occurrences around here? You read about them when you first arrive here. Well, I always read stories about how MRAL’s first time socking as a fake woman. He outed himself when he expressed when he expressed excitement about seeing a woman’s bra in the laundry room. For whatever reason, this was my favorite troll of yore story ever.

I finally found the thread where it happened!

Sorry for more randomness. I’m kind of in a weird mood tonight!

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago


I asked some of my vegan advocacy friends and they say that it’s really common for menstrual cycles to change when people shift to a veggie or vegan diet. Quite often periods stop altogether for a while too.

There are all sorts of theories why. There is some proper research into this but that hasn’t pinned it down to a single cause. The general medical conclusion seems to be that changing diets often correlates to other changes in lifestyle or circumstances and it may be those that are actually having an affect. Veggie diets can also involve a change in uptake levels of all sorts of things, especially iron and fat, and those can have an affect too apparently.

There is some support for my vegan friends’ favourite theory that you’re no longer being affected by all the hormones that are pumped into animals in commercial farming.

There’s also support for a theory my friends don’t subscribe to that shifting away from dairy products to soya based alternatives also has a hormonal affect (soy milk can emulate oestrogen).

Sheila Crosby
8 years ago

I notice that the dossier alleges that the Russians offered Trump “various lucrative real estate development business deals in Russia” and Trump didn’t take up any of them.
Assuming this is true, either
a) Trump didn’t have the funds, or
b) he doesn’t know a good deal when it’s offered, or
c) both.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

This is as hilarious as it was predictable. Those kids who did that freedom song at Trump’s rally are now suing him because he stiffed them over payment.

Joekster-betas bearded, sheeple shamed, dragons derailed. Reasonable rates.
Joekster-betas bearded, sheeple shamed, dragons derailed. Reasonable rates.
8 years ago

@wwth (the following should be taken with this grain of salt: I’m a geriatritian, so most of my patients no longer have periods. Therefore, I’ve a GP’s knowledge of the subject, not a gynacologist’s): I’d suspect the dietary change myself. 11 days is too short for the nutritional deficiencies to kick in, but there’s more than a bit of backing for Alan’s theory about hormones, both in animal meat and soy products (if you’re using soy as a protein source.

There are various diseases that can cause menstrual irregularities, such as fibroids, endometriosis, and the like, but I wouldn’t go down that rabbit hole based on a single early period (unless it’s also abnormally heavy as well)

There is another possibility, but I’m not sure the best way to politely raise it. I’ll just jump in. The ‘change of life’ often starts with more irregular periods. I have no idea as to your age, so I don’t know if that applies at all, but if your in your 40’s or 50’s, that could be what you are dealing with, and the dietary change could be coincidence.

Ultimately, if you were my patient, I’d probably advise you to keep an eye on it and let me know about further problems. A single irregular period could be coincidence. A pattern of irregular periods is more concerning.

Hope this helps.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Yeah it took me a good while to figure it out. Glad I could help another who didn’t catch it immediately :p

8 years ago

I think, if I were an American, I WOULD care about the piss stuff. Not because of the ”icky” or ”perverted” fetish or anything like that, but because apparently, his pettiness and thin-skinned rage after the 2011 roast by Obama was so bad, that he even felt the need to express his hatred and anger by defiling the bed that Obama slept in. As in, that’s supremely unhealthy and bizarre. Who even thinks of doing that, years after some jokes that you disliked?!

8 years ago

@Margot: The kind of man who holds a grudge for almost 30 years over a tossed-off insult?

(The article is from 2015. The earliest use of “short-fingered vulgarian” was apparently 1988.)

8 years ago

Nequam: Wow, that’s bizarre and scary. I can’t keep my eyes off the news these days. I can’t believe what I see. It actually feels surreal, as in surrealistic.

Conan the Librarian
Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Meanwhile the Senate has moved ahead with plans to deprive millions of health insurance, and the rumor mill is rife with Republican schemes to hold other programs, like child health care, hostage to force Democrats to vote for some shoddy “replacement”.

Note: They only need 51 Senate votes to pass a budget measure defunding “Obamacare” but currently need 60 to pass a replacement.

8 years ago

@Margot, the same guy who still sends big old glossy photos of himself with his hands circled (in gold Sharpie, no less!) to the guy who once called him a “short-fingered vulgarian” over 20 years ago.

The guy who calls anybody who crosses him “over-rated,” “failing,” “sinking” or just plain old “sad.”

8 years ago

And to top it all off, I can’t remember whether I read this here or elsewhere, ‘short-fingered’ doesn’t even mean someone has physically short fingers. ‘Short fingers, long pockets’ refers to someone who’s happy to spend other people’s money but not his own. So he doesn’t even understand the insult.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Here’s a thought I wanted to share.

French sociologist and writer Julien Salingue (by the way, that guy’s awesome, look him up if you can read French) believes that we’re living in a time where, more than ever, anything is possible. The best can happen just as well as the worst.

He says he figured that due to events that happened years ago, namely how Clément Méric died at the hands of fascists, and how the Greek government gutted national TV and radio – those events but also the reactions they elicited across the world.

So yeah, Trump and the “alt”-right weren’t a thing yet when he formulated that idea, but I think it’s still valid even with the recent events. Actually, maybe even more, because those events had much more reach.

So, huh, yeah, the worst has already happened. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any room left for the best. I get to see all the crap from outside the US, but I also see Resistance popping up everywhere, the kind that brings to mind what happened in France during the Nazi occupation – the kind that definitely deserves the Big R. That right there is exactly what Salingue means : the best is definitely within reach. You guys have mounted your Resistance, and I think that alone not only proves you’re already winning, but that it won’t stop at Trump either. I think such a movement is what was needed before Trump, and I think it can do much more than stop the Orange Menace.

A lot of progress happened in France after fascism was booted out, mainly because progressives had gained power from their heavy involvement in the Resistance. You’ve got a similar opportunity, with additional difficulties that our Resistants didn’t have to deal with, but I think you can deal with those too.

So please keep on Resisting. You pull that off, you’ll have a chance to create a better world for all of us (but no pressure, heh.)

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
8 years ago

@[email protected]

A cogent analysis to be sure, but I think that’s still only half the picture. Putting Donald Trump in the White House is certainly a natural extension of Boaty McBoatface and 4th line goon John Scott being voted NHL All Star Game captain to a certain brand of nihilistic chan-surfing edgelord who believes himself (it’s likely a guy) to be too clever for “the system” and just needs to prove himself by breaking it, but everything I’ve read regarding his hardcore supporters suggests to me they put him there to do two things:

1. Simply occupy the space meant to be occupied by a white conservative straight Christian man (or at least somebody willing to tell them they’re right). These people ignored politics in the George W. Bush era for a reason and they want to return to that familiarity. Any hardships they face (economic, environmental) can be safely blamed on liberals who hate God.

There’s a lot of ink that’s been spilled about the Trump voter, what they want, why they thought he would do it, what their anxieties are, whether it was racism or the economy etc. The Deep Story is easily the most complete picture drawn, but I think even that comes up just short of what it is that will actually satisfy a Trump voter, which is simply not to challenged on anything. Don’t challenge their belief in God. Don’t challenge their faith in the free market. Don’t challenge their belief on gender. Don’t challenge their faith in racial order. Whatever needs to happen so they can turn on the TeeVee and never see anything that challenges them the way Barack Obama did day in and day out for the past eight years.

2. Hurt “the other.” It’s not mandatory if there’s a status quo that benefits the in group and the out group knows their place, but if “the other” gets too noisy, drop a train on them.

You’re absolutely correct that a lot of his supporters view him as the joke that he is, but then whatever clownishness he has will not impact 1 or 2. Hypocrisies abound as they brush off his massive conflicts of interests, his sexual assaults, his extramarital affairs, corruption, thrall to foreign powers (!)… as long as he functions in the advancement of 1 and 2 (in that order), they’ll accept anything.

I’m convinced the one thing, the only thing that can break the spell of Trump for his base is to admit wrongdoing to a press they perceive as liberal. Admitting liberals were right about anything will make you persona non grata, just ask Mann and Orenstein.

The Pepe brigade will of course be there to support him, but I’m hesitant to lend them more power than they actually have. The True Believers like your Angelins and Spencers are mixing with the attention trolls like Milo for cover and they’re definitely an attention grabbing bunch, but the rest are not interested in ruling as much as they are hacking systems (or so it would seem).

I could be wrong on that last point, but that’s how I read them.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
8 years ago

wwth – I started perimenopause in my late 30s and endured menstrual fuckery until I started menopause in my early 50s. Hope it’s just the change in diet, though!

I didn’t watch the Orange Julius Caesar’s speech* but caught a portion of it on the Rachel Maddow show. Dumbfuck thinks the leaked dossier was put together and leaked by U.S. intelligence** when all reports say it came from a private intelligence group and was leaked by BuzzFeed. Katie help us!

*I don’t watch political speeches; it saves a whole lot of yelling at the teevee machine.

**Not that they couldn’t have something to do with it, but it seems doubtful.

8 years ago


Dumbfuck thinks the leaked dossier was put together and leaked by U.S. intelligence

I dunno about “thinks”, to be honest. He’s got a throbbing rage-on for the CIA and the DNI right now, and he’ll say what he likes to provide a pretext for dismembering them once he’s ascended to the throne. I don’t think he cares whether they did it or not; they committed lèse-majesté and they’re gonna pay for it, one way or another.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

… aaahahahaha wowwww

Billionaire Asshole “Venture Capitalist” Trump Advisor says that the big thing wrong with the Obama administration was that there wasn’t enough corruption. Which made things boring.

That’s seriously the quote.

Venture Capitalist.” If there isn’t a better synonym for “Amoral Fiscal Predator” I don’t know what it is.
8 years ago


“He also likens Trump to Tesla chief executive Elon Musk.”

What a savage burn. Oddly, everything I can find through Google indicates Thiel and Musk are friends.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


… it’s funny because nothing matters anymore !