Apart from all the other things that make Trump revolting and awful and unfit for his position (OMG SO UNFIT), the one thing I’ve been thinking of today is how much damage he is doing to the already ‘wobbly’ reputation of the US worldwide.
Almost no one outside of the US istaking him even the slightest bit seriously whatsoever. So instead of making America great again, he is making America More Ridiculous.
dr. ej
8 years ago
I saw part of the press conference and he didn’t seem to give much information. I’m not sure what the point was (unless it was to distract from something else, which is entirely possible).
In other news, my dad tried to tell me that Fox News has a liberal bias. I don’t know which Fox News he’s been watching, but it must be different from the one I’ve seen.
Cynical Optimist
8 years ago
So I’ve heard a lot of bullshit reasons for voting/supporting Trump, but for some reason the one I heard today struck me as especially bullshit.
“I want to see more capitalism.”
I mean, I’m not even sure if they’ve realize what country they’re living in at this point. They started on the slippery slope when they said the didn’t like the need-based ACA because it didn’t treat everyone equally and it looks like they’ll go downhill from there.
8 years ago
dr. ej : as usual, reality have a liberal bias. So if Fox ever have covered something true, it henceford have a liberal bias.
8 years ago
I wish people were more disgusted by literally raping children. I dont really care if adults wanna do consensual relatively safe stuff I find gross. I mean yea I can laugh at it but at the end of the day who cares.
That’s an article about the time the company that owns Mountain Dew asked people to vote for the name of a new flavor of The Dew, allowing write-ins. In the screenshot accompanying the article, you can see that the two most popular options were the write-ins “Hitler Did Nothing Wrong” and “Gushing Granny.” I want to bring this up because I want to remind everyone that Donald Trump being elected president of the United States is a natural evolution of pranks like this one.
Donald Trump is a joke. Even the people who support him know that he is a joke. His being a joke is exactly the reason he was elected. Yes, an idiot was given the Electoral College for teh lulz. Remember that whenever you have a conversation with a Trump supporter. They are completely aware of his incompetence, and would not have voted for him if he wasn’t a perfect storm of a shitty human being, if he had any redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Donald Trump has always been a joke. This is public knowledge. Remember The Apprentice? A dozen random human beings, made to look as awful as possible, are enticed to compete and backstab one another. And what reward is given to the most callous, most devious person who survives an entire season of that show? An opportunity to grovel before Donald Trump. He was a punchline to a cruel practical joke where people were tricked into humiliating themselves on television.
And now we’re seeing a joke played on Washington insiders exactly like that played on The Apprentice’s contestants. Look at Ted Cruz backpedal and apologize for suggesting people “vote their conscience.” Look at Chris Christie meekly accept one humiliation after another. Look at Newt Gingrich publicly apologize after suggesting that perhaps Donald Trump wasn’t really interested in “draining the swamp.”
Trump supporters watch politicians expose themselves as valueless charlatans when exposed to Trump, and they say, “mission accomplished.”
Keep that in mind when you oppose Trump. When speaking to people inclined to support Trump, remember that for them Trump’s stupidity is an asset, not a liability. Keep in mind that Trump supporters can be your ally, in that they laugh and jeer when someone abandons morals and pretense to work with him, just as we should. Mock and jeer Trump himself. Turn it into a spectator sport. Remember that Trump supporters don’t actually like the man, and consider him as big a joke as you do; find common ground with your opponents in laughing at him.
Keep in mind too that not only is Trump a joke, but on top of his many, many other flaws, he isn’t even smart enough to realize he’s a joke. Don’t try to be subtle. Don’t try using left-handed complements. Don’t use sarcasm. As unlikely as it is that Trump will ever see the things that you personally say about him, never, ever speak a word of him that could even vaguely be interpreted as positive. Alternately, be as snide and shade-throwing as possible, just on the miniscule chance he sees your insults and thanks you for the words he can’t even comprehend as insulting.
I am slightly afraid of being flippant. I know if you’re a woman, or black, or an immigrant, or LGBTQ, Trump is legitimately dangerous to you. But even if you’re a black translesbian who migrated to the US from Morocco, he’s still a joke. He’s still beneath you. He, and any politician who tries to get in his good graces, are still worthy only of contempt.
In other news, my dad tried to tell me that Fox News has a liberal bias. I don’t know which Fox News he’s been watching, but it must be different from the one I’ve seen.
That is legitimately the worst thing I’ve heard all day.
(Are you back in the States for good, now?)
@[email protected] (we need a nickname for you that doesn’t have an @ in it):
That’s an excellent analysis, thank you. May I quote it to people?
8 years ago
Mammotheers – I know you’re probably all committed to the cause of resistance, which is a grand thing, but if anyone just needs to get outta Dodge as it were, I’m a single female living in Australia and all proposals would be considered.
Apparently 4chan are claiming responsibility for having supplied fake documents about this Moscow scandal. Odd that they would be trying to embarrass Trump?
Snork Maiden, FWIW the 4chan claims are complete nonsense, though some alt-rightists seem to believe them.
dr. ej
8 years ago
I’m not sure. I’ve been applying for a lot of jobs and most of them are in the US, but there is always a possibility that I will find something abroad.
Also, if anyone is interested the Washington Post has a pretty funny recap of the press conference.
FWIW we now know the source of the information is Christopher Steele. He was an MI6 officer posted to the British Embassy in Moscow. He had a pretty senior cover position there which would suggest he was at least second in command (maybe first) of the SIS office there.
He now runs a company called Orbis (along with some other ex 6 people). They specialise in providing business intelligence in regards to Russia and Asia. They have a particular niche in cyber security.
Of course that doesn’t mean the information provided is correct but it’s a company that one would imagine was keen to keep its excellent reputation; and CIA seemed to think it worthy of consideration.
8 years ago
@ Snork Maiden – It could be a kind of double-play, where they think they can discredit the reports by laying claim to their origin, thereby defending Drumpf?
Maybe Putin himself is behind the leak, the media reports, the defense of Drumpf and the 4chan trolls, in order to stir up enough controversy that it diverts attention from whatever else is going on.
What if the entire US Election was just Putin’s Realpolitik at work, and it’s all just been a huge diversion from something that has taken over 3 months to accomplish?
All bets are off thses days. I feel like I might as well reach straight for the conspiracy theories.
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
8 years ago
Stop, you had me at hello.
(I am, of course, just teasing, but it was the nicest offer I’ve had all day) 😉
Ugh. “What are all you LGBTs worried about? Trump is friends with Caitlyn Jenner!”
Dalillama: Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago
what kale said. I loathe that woman.
8 years ago
Thanks, David, for introducing me to Chuck Tingle. I didn’t hear much about this pee-related stuff, but he is on it. Butts and dinosaurs make lots of things better.
I hope no one minds a totally off topic question. This one goes out to our dear troll Miggy Toes if he’s reading.
Does anyone here know a lot about gynecology?
My period came 5 days early. I’m typically very regular and almost never deviate from a 27-29 day cycle. The only two things I can think of that might cause menstrual cycle changes are that I gave up meat just recently and I was sick last week. Those things both seem more likely to cause a late or missing period than an early one though. And can a vegetarian diet really have an effect in only 11 days?
Sorry for the off topic TMI. I was just hoping someone had any ideas about what gives. ETA: I’m not on any medication and I don’t take hormonal BC.
If wwth has an ob-gyn or even a GP, this would be a good question to ask them. However, I suspect that even with your own doctor, you’d be counseled to just watch and call back if something really weird happens like menstruating for much longer or much more heavily than normal.
Yeah, at this point I’m not concerned about my health. I’m sure it’s not a big deal. I more just found it puzzling and annoying that it showed up early out of nowhere. I was just kind of curious if a dietary change could have an effect that quickly.
All the Google searching I did pretty much said any little thing ever can make your periods wonky.
Apart from all the other things that make Trump revolting and awful and unfit for his position (OMG SO UNFIT), the one thing I’ve been thinking of today is how much damage he is doing to the already ‘wobbly’ reputation of the US worldwide.
Almost no one outside of the US istaking him even the slightest bit seriously whatsoever. So instead of making America great again, he is making America More Ridiculous.
I saw part of the press conference and he didn’t seem to give much information. I’m not sure what the point was (unless it was to distract from something else, which is entirely possible).
In other news, my dad tried to tell me that Fox News has a liberal bias. I don’t know which Fox News he’s been watching, but it must be different from the one I’ve seen.
So I’ve heard a lot of bullshit reasons for voting/supporting Trump, but for some reason the one I heard today struck me as especially bullshit.
“I want to see more capitalism.”
I mean, I’m not even sure if they’ve realize what country they’re living in at this point. They started on the slippery slope when they said the didn’t like the need-based ACA because it didn’t treat everyone equally and it looks like they’ll go downhill from there.
dr. ej : as usual, reality have a liberal bias. So if Fox ever have covered something true, it henceford have a liberal bias.
I wish people were more disgusted by literally raping children. I dont really care if adults wanna do consensual relatively safe stuff I find gross. I mean yea I can laugh at it but at the end of the day who cares.
Oh, sweet! My very own opportunity to blog about Trump!
That’s an article about the time the company that owns Mountain Dew asked people to vote for the name of a new flavor of The Dew, allowing write-ins. In the screenshot accompanying the article, you can see that the two most popular options were the write-ins “Hitler Did Nothing Wrong” and “Gushing Granny.” I want to bring this up because I want to remind everyone that Donald Trump being elected president of the United States is a natural evolution of pranks like this one.
Donald Trump is a joke. Even the people who support him know that he is a joke. His being a joke is exactly the reason he was elected. Yes, an idiot was given the Electoral College for teh lulz. Remember that whenever you have a conversation with a Trump supporter. They are completely aware of his incompetence, and would not have voted for him if he wasn’t a perfect storm of a shitty human being, if he had any redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Donald Trump has always been a joke. This is public knowledge. Remember The Apprentice? A dozen random human beings, made to look as awful as possible, are enticed to compete and backstab one another. And what reward is given to the most callous, most devious person who survives an entire season of that show? An opportunity to grovel before Donald Trump. He was a punchline to a cruel practical joke where people were tricked into humiliating themselves on television.
And now we’re seeing a joke played on Washington insiders exactly like that played on The Apprentice’s contestants. Look at Ted Cruz backpedal and apologize for suggesting people “vote their conscience.” Look at Chris Christie meekly accept one humiliation after another. Look at Newt Gingrich publicly apologize after suggesting that perhaps Donald Trump wasn’t really interested in “draining the swamp.”
Trump supporters watch politicians expose themselves as valueless charlatans when exposed to Trump, and they say, “mission accomplished.”
Keep that in mind when you oppose Trump. When speaking to people inclined to support Trump, remember that for them Trump’s stupidity is an asset, not a liability. Keep in mind that Trump supporters can be your ally, in that they laugh and jeer when someone abandons morals and pretense to work with him, just as we should. Mock and jeer Trump himself. Turn it into a spectator sport. Remember that Trump supporters don’t actually like the man, and consider him as big a joke as you do; find common ground with your opponents in laughing at him.
Keep in mind too that not only is Trump a joke, but on top of his many, many other flaws, he isn’t even smart enough to realize he’s a joke. Don’t try to be subtle. Don’t try using left-handed complements. Don’t use sarcasm. As unlikely as it is that Trump will ever see the things that you personally say about him, never, ever speak a word of him that could even vaguely be interpreted as positive. Alternately, be as snide and shade-throwing as possible, just on the miniscule chance he sees your insults and thanks you for the words he can’t even comprehend as insulting.
I am slightly afraid of being flippant. I know if you’re a woman, or black, or an immigrant, or LGBTQ, Trump is legitimately dangerous to you. But even if you’re a black translesbian who migrated to the US from Morocco, he’s still a joke. He’s still beneath you. He, and any politician who tries to get in his good graces, are still worthy only of contempt.
@dr ej:
That is legitimately the worst thing I’ve heard all day.
(Are you back in the States for good, now?)
@[email protected] (we need a nickname for you that doesn’t have an @ in it):
That’s an excellent analysis, thank you. May I quote it to people?
Mammotheers – I know you’re probably all committed to the cause of resistance, which is a grand thing, but if anyone just needs to get outta Dodge as it were, I’m a single female living in Australia and all proposals would be considered.
I’d be honored
Apparently 4chan are claiming responsibility for having supplied fake documents about this Moscow scandal. Odd that they would be trying to embarrass Trump?
Snork Maiden, FWIW the 4chan claims are complete nonsense, though some alt-rightists seem to believe them.
I’m not sure. I’ve been applying for a lot of jobs and most of them are in the US, but there is always a possibility that I will find something abroad.
Also, if anyone is interested the Washington Post has a pretty funny recap of the press conference.
FWIW we now know the source of the information is Christopher Steele. He was an MI6 officer posted to the British Embassy in Moscow. He had a pretty senior cover position there which would suggest he was at least second in command (maybe first) of the SIS office there.
He now runs a company called Orbis (along with some other ex 6 people). They specialise in providing business intelligence in regards to Russia and Asia. They have a particular niche in cyber security.
Of course that doesn’t mean the information provided is correct but it’s a company that one would imagine was keen to keep its excellent reputation; and CIA seemed to think it worthy of consideration.
@ Snork Maiden – It could be a kind of double-play, where they think they can discredit the reports by laying claim to their origin, thereby defending Drumpf?
Maybe Putin himself is behind the leak, the media reports, the defense of Drumpf and the 4chan trolls, in order to stir up enough controversy that it diverts attention from whatever else is going on.
What if the entire US Election was just Putin’s Realpolitik at work, and it’s all just been a huge diversion from something that has taken over 3 months to accomplish?
All bets are off thses days. I feel like I might as well reach straight for the conspiracy theories.
Stop, you had me at hello.
(I am, of course, just teasing, but it was the nicest offer I’ve had all day) 😉
In 2009, Obama had Bruce Springsteen play at his inauguration.
In 2017, Trump will have… the world’s most popular Springsteen cover band.
@Sinkable John
Thank you. I didn’t get SFHC’s picture until you said that.
I’d love to hear the reactions of Cait’s far more interesting trans friends from her short-lived reality TV series, I Am Cait.
Most trans ppl I know (I am one) dont like Caitlyn bc of shit like this.
Ugh. “What are all you LGBTs worried about? Trump is friends with Caitlyn Jenner!”
what kale said. I loathe that woman.
Thanks, David, for introducing me to Chuck Tingle. I didn’t hear much about this pee-related stuff, but he is on it. Butts and dinosaurs make lots of things better.
I hope no one minds a totally off topic question. This one goes out to our dear troll Miggy Toes if he’s reading.
Does anyone here know a lot about gynecology?
My period came 5 days early. I’m typically very regular and almost never deviate from a 27-29 day cycle. The only two things I can think of that might cause menstrual cycle changes are that I gave up meat just recently and I was sick last week. Those things both seem more likely to cause a late or missing period than an early one though. And can a vegetarian diet really have an effect in only 11 days?
Sorry for the off topic TMI. I was just hoping someone had any ideas about what gives. ETA: I’m not on any medication and I don’t take hormonal BC.
If wwth has an ob-gyn or even a GP, this would be a good question to ask them. However, I suspect that even with your own doctor, you’d be counseled to just watch and call back if something really weird happens like menstruating for much longer or much more heavily than normal.
Yeah, at this point I’m not concerned about my health. I’m sure it’s not a big deal. I more just found it puzzling and annoying that it showed up early out of nowhere. I was just kind of curious if a dietary change could have an effect that quickly.
All the Google searching I did pretty much said any little thing ever can make your periods wonky.