
Open Thread to discuss all things Trump, I mean holy crap

Have at it, folks. No Trump fans, etc.

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Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

Whether the hooker allegations are true or not, the most disturbing thing about it, to me, is that they’re believable.

8 years ago

Every major news source has said openly and loudly, “this report isn’t corroborated yet and does contain errors”, so for now I’d treat the waterplay allegations like #snoutrage: darkly comical, but probably not true.

I think it’s much more important to focus on how much Drumpf is in Putin’s pocket, and also on the Sessions hearing today.

8 years ago

I’m not drunk enough to deal with this right now.

Problem: if I start drinking, it will lead into peeing, and right now I’m sort of suspicious of doing that because…

*furious handwaving*

Well this.

(Yes this is a joke.)

8 years ago

Remind me, when did we start caring again about whether or not shit (or in this case, piss) was true?

8 years ago

Maybe what this does is persuade the news media to properly shine a light on Trumps and his upcoming administration’s cosy relationship with Putin and his inner circle.

Irrespective of whether or not the more lurid parts of the allegations are true the real dangers comes from Trump and Putin sharing a common authoritarian mindset.

8 years ago

“The Micturian Candidate”.

Great nickname, or GREATEST nickname? (I wish I could take credit for it but I read it on another forum, and that person didn’t give the source.)

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I wish the media cared about him raping children or promising to give Ukraine to Putin even half as much as they care about this. Oh well, I should stop grouching and take what I can get, I suppose.

8 years ago

It’s probably not true… Believable, but not true.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

So I saw this tweet (please let this embed even though that never works for me XD)

And it’s just the funniest thing. “Free press? What kind of fascist totalitarian bullshit is this?” No, this isn’t Nazi Germany, Trump. If it was, the press wouldn’t be criticizing the soon-to-be leader of the country.

Also, it may not be Nazi Germany, but a lot of your most fervent supporters wish it was. Actual nazis think you’re the bee’s knees.

8 years ago

@David: Oh, of course! But for some of us the piss stuff is the first real laugh (as opposed to a mirthless chuckle while twitching) we’ve had this year…

8 years ago

Donnie’s Twitter shitfit is making me think that there may be some truth to the allegations.

8 years ago

So when I read the report, I saw that it was claimed that Russia was using party insiders to disrupt the Democratic Party.

I live in Nevada, and the whole NVDems convention was a huge puzzler for me. I couldn’t understand why the Bernie folks would put up such a fight to gain so little ground.

Now I’m stuck in the land of conspiracy theory and conjecture. And wow does it suck out here.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

All I’m hoping is that the press conference he’s supposed to give today is about actual things and not whether he paid someone to pee on a bed Obama slept in once, or whatever it was.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@SFHC No shit. :/

8 years ago

PM on BBC Radio 4 right now is talking about his potential conflicts of interests with Russia, and his businesses.

He’s saying he’d be able to run his business and the country at the same time, “but I don’t wanna do that”. So maybe he’s finally come to the realisation that he can’t be president of the US and his company simultaneously, and is edging his position to that of “I totally could, so I was never wrong, but I just don’t want to”, and then he can deny everything later.

Lol, they’re saying that these allegations are lurid even for Trump and his history.

Apparently, the report is based on more than one tape – from St Petersburg and Moscow, which makes Intelligence agencies think it’s credible.
It still sounds almost too news-worthy to be true, but with Drumpf, it’s just as likely to be true.

8 years ago

I’m listening to excerpts from the press conference on the radio right now. I have no earthly clue what the man is talking about.

Also, apparently in every country other than the US, hotel rooms come equipped with tiny cameras that will broadcast on the television news all of your bedroom antics. “I say this to people all the time.”

I’m just… *waves hands in the air and goes to make a cup of tea*

8 years ago

I don’t believe the report. The errors (such as misspellng “Alfa” as “Alpha”: FFS, the possible evidence of suspicious activity between Trump and Alfa Bank was all over the news in October) suggest that the PI is sloppy and may have exaggerated their level of access. I suspect they were played.

That’s not to say that Russia hasn’t compromised Trump: it wouldn’t be surprising if they’ve tried, and they would have almost unlimited resources for such a high-value target. But I’m worried that this probably bogus scandal will be used to discredit any later and more credible revelations.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

To apologise for my sour-grapesing, which is totally a word, here’s a header image for the next thread:

I will not, however, be apologising for the terrible pun.

Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
Weird (resist trump today) Eddie
8 years ago

This is more troubling to me than the “piss”ing contest OR the Russian Connection

Donald Trump is ‘gaslighting’ all of us

The Bloviator-in-Chief is spouting blather and then denying it faster than the fact-checkers can check it, and half the country unflinchingly believes it, even to the degree of saying that a fucking VIDEO of it “is just the lying media”….

We in a world of hurt….

Conan the Librarian
Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Although the pissplay stuff is comic and sensationalistic, it may well not be true, or even if it is true, I’ve a hard time believing that Putin could actually be blackmailing Trump with that considering what’s already come out.

On the other hand, consider that Trump has refused to release his tax returns and has refused to put his business holdings in a blind trust. Who does he owe money to? We know only some of the answers to that question. Does he owe money to the Russian oligarchs/mafia?

If the Russians have a hold over Trump, it is almost certainly financial.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

The whole golden shower thing gave me some amusement last night, but … yeah. The press conference was surreal. It reminded me of when my late father had started slipping into dementia.

8 years ago

To paraphrase a btl commenter over at The Grauniad –

UK: Our former Prime Minister once stuck his dick in a pig’s head. Top that, US!
US: Hold my beer.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

If only these revelations were in email form…


I couldn’t understand why the Bernie folks would put up such a fight to gain so little ground

Entitlement. And delusions of revolutionary grandeur. No conspiracy necessary

Also, are you new? If so, hiya, I’m Axe! Welcome package on the right 🙂

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