ableism alt-right armageddon cuck heartiste irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture trump

Are grouchy Mel and glowering Vince the new faces of white rage? One racist idiot says yes

Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn definitely not enjoying Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes speech

At various points during Meryl Streep’s Golden Globe speech on Sunday the show’s producers cut away from the actress to shots of fellow actors listening somberly but sympathetically to her heartfelt critique of Donald Trump’s bullying of a disabled reporter.

And then there were Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn, two decidedly non-liberal Hollywooders whom the cameras caught looking, well, a little less than thrilled by Streep’s deft takedown of The Donald. The moment was screenshotted and passed around on social media; that’s it at the top of this post.

While most of those passing around the grouchy Mel and glowering Vince pic found it vaguely amusing, one Nazoid pickup artist found it downright inspiring.

And yes, I’m talking about the flamboyantly racist, metaphor-abusing Heartiste (real name James Weidmann), who in recent years has more or less stopped providing his readers with the dopey pickup tips that made him internet-famous in the first place and turned instead to racist diatribes and weird fantasies of violent retribution against the “shitlibs” he hates so much.

In a blog post yesterday, Heartiste waxed poetic about the “white hot fire” that he thinks is rising in the hearts of white dudes. “There’s fight left in White men,” he proclaimed.

The time is coming, very soon now, when the paper tigress of shitliberalism is exposed on the vivisecting table, and unapologetic shitlords stream out of their bunkers armed to the teeth with the liberating knowledge that the passive-aggressive snarl is all their enemies bring to battle, and behind that snarl there’s nothing but cowardly submission.

Yeah, he has a bit of trouble restricting himself to one metaphor at a time.

But I digress. Here’s where Mel and Vince come in. “Look at the fire in Vince Vaughn’s and Mel Gibson’s eyes,” Heartiste wrote, after posting the now-legendary screenshot of the two. Then he basically projected all of his anger and racism onto the two of them:

They forge in the furnace of their unalloyed disgust a quiet and seething intolerance for the enemies of White men; a vengeance devised to settle the ultimate score — recapture of their homeland from degenerates within — percolates in their blood and radiates from their irises.

Now, Mel Gibson may be something of a bigot — he’s spouted racist and sexist and anti-Semitic nonsense pretty freely in the past. But I don’t see much “vengeance” in his eyes, at least in the screenshot from the Golden Globes. He looks less like some avenging Aryan warrior than he does someone who’s trying desperately to remember if he turned the stove off before heading to the awards ceremony.

Vaughn, on the other hand, looks ready to murder someone. But I’m pretty sure he’s not actually a Nazi.

But Heartiste doesn’t let minor considerations of fact cloud his fantasies, and soon he was imputing the same vengeful thoughts to literally millions of white dudes in America.

Look at those eyes brimming with righteous hatred closely, and multiply that look by millions, because that’s how many White men of the West feel the same way. And their numbers grow daily. White men are awakening to their planned and active dispossession by malevolent forces corrupting the creation of their ancestors.

And these white guys are definitely not fans of Ms. Streep. Sorry, Ms. StreepThroat:

They see Meryl StreepThroat as another in a long line of preachy hypocritical reprobates shitting on their race and culture and values for fun and profit and the adulation of the elite bubble crowd.

You might wonder how exactly Ms, StreepThroat was shitting on her race in the Golden Globe speech, given that the disabled reporter that Trump mocked and she defended was actually a white guy. Ah, but Heartiste has the answer: Any criticism of Trump is a “proxy attack” on the white race.

This rapidly coalescing army of normal White men and the White women who have not yet abandoned them for the wigger low life knows that attacks on Trump are proxy attacks on Whites. They know, too, that Meryl Creep gave a standing ovation for child-rapist Roman Polanski, and wonder who is she to lecture White Trump-supporters about decency?

While it is true that Streep, along with too many other Hollywooders, applauded Polanski after he won best director at the Academy Awards in 2003, this seems a rather odd line of attack for Heartiste, who has claimed in the past that it’s natural and normal and SCIENTIFIC for grown men to want to have sex with 15-year-old girls.

But never mind, because Heartiste is on to yet another dumb nickname for Streep:

Meryl HeatStreep, in the act of mendaciously regurgitating a media-generated fake news story about Trump mocking a disabled reporter, says “Disrespect invites disrespect”. White men of the West say to her, “Your cretinous ilk have been disrespecting core White America for generations. You just don’t like that now there’s return fire.”

I’m just trying to follow the logic here. Streep and her “cretinous ilk” are mad that Trump (representing “core white America”) has fired back at Streep et al for “disrespecting core White America.” Except that the “return fire” from Trump is supposedly just “a media-generated fake news story?”

This race war is more complicated than I thought.

Heartiste ends his post with a very strange vision of nuclear Armageddon.

And this time, anti-White shitlibs, the war won’t be fought with rhetorical BB shooters. The cucks are chastened, the silos opened, and the shiv-tipped nukes ready for launch.

Er, why would you need to attach knives to the tips of your nuclear missiles? Wouldn’t the giant nuclear explosions be enough?

White supremacy is weird.

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Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
8 years ago


What are Juggalos supposed to be? I looked at that link, but a quick glance at the top entries didn’t tell me what that word meant.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


When all possible answers are wrong, I just can’t care about the fact that a stone cold murderer who undeniably did the deed is going to die for having done it

Is going to be killed by the state. This isn’t ‘natural causes’. A decision is made by the government of South Carolina to deliberately kill him. No answer being the right answer, I’d prefer the one that doesn’t involve that. In short, understand but disagree…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


They’re fans of the band Insane Clown Posse. They like to wear clownish makeup, just like the band. There’s a whole subculture built up around it that I can’t say I know much but they’re generally regarded as (insert classist insult here).

ICP is infamous not just for its fan culture but because one of their songs contains the line “fucking magnets, how do they work?” Apparently they believe magnets are a mystery even though magnetism is a pretty well known and documented force.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Okay, I have now heard the assertion that Trump hired prostitutes to provide him with some golden shower entertainment. I am laughing.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Write an email, send a letter, whatever you can. It’s not bravery to push yourself to do something you just can’t. Remember, simply existing in Trump’s world is a form of resistance. Anything else is gravy

That having been said, all you need is to convey purpose, emotion, and direction. Why are you calling, how do you feel about the subject of your call, and what would you like to be done about it? Took me a just over a minute. You called, so they’ll stay on the phone as long as it takes for your to say your peace. Take your time. It doesn’t matter if the words don’t come out right. Other people have already said all the right things, and many more will. All you hafta to do is add your voice. They’ll get the message 🙂

Trump hired prostitutes to provide him with some golden shower entertainment

As a getback at Obama no less. And now he has to respond ‘I did not get peed on by hookers in the President’s hotel room’. Laughing along with ya!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Thanks, Axecalibur. I’ll see what I can do. I know self-care is important, but I’m bad about it (which, yes, is kinda what landed me in the ICU in the first place).

Oh, he’s responded on Twitter. In ALL CAPS, of course. Insisting that it’s fake.

A good portion of the Twitosphere is laughing at him right now, or wrinkling their noses in disgust. These are not reactions he can handle.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

“fucking magnets, how do they work?”

I can sort of sympathise with that. As far as I’m concerned magnets might as well be magic. Same with gyroscopes.

I know the equations and the underlying theory of elecro-magnetism, and even how the relevant carriers are supposed to be working. But I just can’t get my head round how fields affect objects generally. Like how do the poles know where each other are? And what physically moves them together or apart? ‘Spooky action at a distance’ indeed.

Ironically it’s only this (and weak and strong nuclear forces) that my brain just doesn’t have the wiring for. Gravity seems really obvious because of the rubber sheet model.

Still, I’m glad I live in a universe that has all this amazing stuff. I love that feeling of complete wonder and bafflement.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Wait, given that it’s Trump, “golden shower” could be literal.

I really, really hope it doesn’t descend into kink-shaming though 😐


Ehh apparently that’s why he started doing electro instead. Also the logic behind fashwave.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Alan, your lie detection method sounds a lot like how I interact with trolls. It’s the “Give them enough rope to hang themselves” approach. Doesn’t work as well when they don’t care about being caught in their lies, but at least it’s good or actually showing them. Likely much better in the realm of “if you are caught lying you go to jail”!

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee
8 years ago


Thanks. I knew ICP had dedicated fans, but not that that’s what they called themselves. Sounds like a bunch to be wary of, at least.

OT: all this talk of people trying to impose their wills over reality reminds be of one of C.J. Cherryh’s older books, Wave Without a Shore (recently reprinted in the omnibus book Alternate Realities). The book deals with a whole society of people who believe someond with a strong enough will can alter reality to suit themselves, and what happens when Reality comes back with “Sez You! >:| “.

Good read. I recommend it.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ scildfreja

when they don’t care about being caught in their lies

One of the key things we try to drum into people in advocacy training is “It isn’t the witness you’re trying to persuade, it’s the jury (or judge)”

Whilst it’s handy if a witness ‘cracks’ that rarely happens outside Perry Mason stories. They’ll either stick to their guns, dissemble further, or clam up. But they almost never concede they’re wrong.

But that’s irrelevant. So long as the jury can see they were lying/incorrect you’ve done your job.

So arguing with trolls may seem like banging your head against a wall, but it’s the lurkers who get your point.

8 years ago

Vince Vaughn is 1/4 Lebanese, if I recall correctly. Does that negate his “whiteness,” according to Shartiste?

8 years ago

Victorious Parasol:

Okay, I have now heard the assertion that Trump hired prostitutes to provide him with some golden shower entertainment. I am laughing.

Here’s hoping that people start referring to him as PEEOTUS.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I really, really hope it doesn’t descend into kink-shaming though

The reasons most people are laughing come directly from a place of policing sexuality. It can’t “descend into” kink shaming, cos that’s where it started unfortunately…

8 years ago

Putting a whole new spin on that “liquid gold” thing, huh?

Like commenting on Trump’s appearance, I think this falls into “live by insults against looks/sexual habits, die by insults against looks/sexual habits.”

8 years ago

“fucking magnets, how do they work?”

I can sort of sympathise with that. As far as I’m concerned magnets might as well be magic. Same with gyroscopes.

It wasn’t just that magnets are mysterious — and they’re weird, they’re stronger than gravity — but that the ICP insisted that scientists are all liars because none of them could explain it.

8 years ago

I don’t think it’s the kink aspect that bothers people. It’s the petty vindictiveness of hiring people to piss on a bed that someone you don’t like once slept in.

Maybe the sheeple will wake up, and smell the roses.

8 years ago

If the Russians have been determined to gather blackmail material on Trump, it seems likely that they have material which goes beyond kink. We already know the guy is dirty, commercially (Trump University being the obvious recent example), and it wouldn’t be surprising if Russia has a dossier which could put him in jail. How long have they been playing him?

8 years ago

Trump accused of hiring prostitutes to piss on the bed the Obama’s slept in when they visited Russia

As though it would make any difference. The use of the bed was already over and done by the time Drumpf and his hired ladyfriends “defiled” it. The hotel staff would have either cleaned, or if that were impossible, changed out the mattresses before anyone else could use the bed.

Drumpf really is a shitty, shitty little man.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

It’s on occasions like this that we need to remind ourselves that Agent Orange is seventy!

8 years ago

Dear Cartman,

Knowing that a movie consisting of about 90% torture porn inspired you inspires me to stay as far away from you as I can.

However, just because Gibson has pretty much lost his mind in his older years does not change the fact that he was once a very good actor.

As for Vaugh, he plays stereotypes, but he plays them well. He always has. There is nothing fundamentally evil about that.

We can critique their politics without claiming they aren’t good actors. That’s what Trump did, and I find myself inclined to avoid copying him.

epitome of incomprehensibility

They forge in the furnace of their unalloyed disgust a quiet and seething intolerance for the enemies of White men…

Because I was a big fan of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man when I was a Young Woman, I’m wondering whether this is an allusion to “forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race”. Maybe Heartiste came across the quote once and thought that “race” referred to white people? Maybe I’m overthinking this?

Re RevengePeeGate:

I don’t think it’s the kink aspect that bothers people. It’s the petty vindictiveness of hiring people to piss on a bed that someone you don’t like once slept in.

I think it’s both. I must admit I laughed at the story – it sounds so silly – but the wording of the alleged leaked document is yucky: “perverse” calls to mind anti-gay panic, and the Russian govt. has not been nice on sexual diversity. So there’s that too.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Well, I suddenly have the urge to change my nym.

**Ponders this a bit**


8 years ago

Maybe it’s because I read about this picture before seeing it, but I’m not seeing them looking angry or unhappy, I see two guys reacting seriously to a serious moment. TBH I would be more worried if they were making any other face, like “lol Trump loves to laugh at disabled people lmao”