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Are grouchy Mel and glowering Vince the new faces of white rage? One racist idiot says yes

Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn definitely not enjoying Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes speech

At various points during Meryl Streep’s Golden Globe speech on Sunday the show’s producers cut away from the actress to shots of fellow actors listening somberly but sympathetically to her heartfelt critique of Donald Trump’s bullying of a disabled reporter.

And then there were Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn, two decidedly non-liberal Hollywooders whom the cameras caught looking, well, a little less than thrilled by Streep’s deft takedown of The Donald. The moment was screenshotted and passed around on social media; that’s it at the top of this post.

While most of those passing around the grouchy Mel and glowering Vince pic found it vaguely amusing, one Nazoid pickup artist found it downright inspiring.

And yes, I’m talking about the flamboyantly racist, metaphor-abusing Heartiste (real name James Weidmann), who in recent years has more or less stopped providing his readers with the dopey pickup tips that made him internet-famous in the first place and turned instead to racist diatribes and weird fantasies of violent retribution against the “shitlibs” he hates so much.

In a blog post yesterday, Heartiste waxed poetic about the “white hot fire” that he thinks is rising in the hearts of white dudes. “There’s fight left in White men,” he proclaimed.

The time is coming, very soon now, when the paper tigress of shitliberalism is exposed on the vivisecting table, and unapologetic shitlords stream out of their bunkers armed to the teeth with the liberating knowledge that the passive-aggressive snarl is all their enemies bring to battle, and behind that snarl there’s nothing but cowardly submission.

Yeah, he has a bit of trouble restricting himself to one metaphor at a time.

But I digress. Here’s where Mel and Vince come in. “Look at the fire in Vince Vaughn’s and Mel Gibson’s eyes,” Heartiste wrote, after posting the now-legendary screenshot of the two. Then he basically projected all of his anger and racism onto the two of them:

They forge in the furnace of their unalloyed disgust a quiet and seething intolerance for the enemies of White men; a vengeance devised to settle the ultimate score — recapture of their homeland from degenerates within — percolates in their blood and radiates from their irises.

Now, Mel Gibson may be something of a bigot — he’s spouted racist and sexist and anti-Semitic nonsense pretty freely in the past. But I don’t see much “vengeance” in his eyes, at least in the screenshot from the Golden Globes. He looks less like some avenging Aryan warrior than he does someone who’s trying desperately to remember if he turned the stove off before heading to the awards ceremony.

Vaughn, on the other hand, looks ready to murder someone. But I’m pretty sure he’s not actually a Nazi.

But Heartiste doesn’t let minor considerations of fact cloud his fantasies, and soon he was imputing the same vengeful thoughts to literally millions of white dudes in America.

Look at those eyes brimming with righteous hatred closely, and multiply that look by millions, because that’s how many White men of the West feel the same way. And their numbers grow daily. White men are awakening to their planned and active dispossession by malevolent forces corrupting the creation of their ancestors.

And these white guys are definitely not fans of Ms. Streep. Sorry, Ms. StreepThroat:

They see Meryl StreepThroat as another in a long line of preachy hypocritical reprobates shitting on their race and culture and values for fun and profit and the adulation of the elite bubble crowd.

You might wonder how exactly Ms, StreepThroat was shitting on her race in the Golden Globe speech, given that the disabled reporter that Trump mocked and she defended was actually a white guy. Ah, but Heartiste has the answer: Any criticism of Trump is a “proxy attack” on the white race.

This rapidly coalescing army of normal White men and the White women who have not yet abandoned them for the wigger low life knows that attacks on Trump are proxy attacks on Whites. They know, too, that Meryl Creep gave a standing ovation for child-rapist Roman Polanski, and wonder who is she to lecture White Trump-supporters about decency?

While it is true that Streep, along with too many other Hollywooders, applauded Polanski after he won best director at the Academy Awards in 2003, this seems a rather odd line of attack for Heartiste, who has claimed in the past that it’s natural and normal and SCIENTIFIC for grown men to want to have sex with 15-year-old girls.

But never mind, because Heartiste is on to yet another dumb nickname for Streep:

Meryl HeatStreep, in the act of mendaciously regurgitating a media-generated fake news story about Trump mocking a disabled reporter, says “Disrespect invites disrespect”. White men of the West say to her, “Your cretinous ilk have been disrespecting core White America for generations. You just don’t like that now there’s return fire.”

I’m just trying to follow the logic here. Streep and her “cretinous ilk” are mad that Trump (representing “core white America”) has fired back at Streep et al for “disrespecting core White America.” Except that the “return fire” from Trump is supposedly just “a media-generated fake news story?”

This race war is more complicated than I thought.

Heartiste ends his post with a very strange vision of nuclear Armageddon.

And this time, anti-White shitlibs, the war won’t be fought with rhetorical BB shooters. The cucks are chastened, the silos opened, and the shiv-tipped nukes ready for launch.

Er, why would you need to attach knives to the tips of your nuclear missiles? Wouldn’t the giant nuclear explosions be enough?

White supremacy is weird.

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8 years ago


I’d argue instead that all nukes have done is change the probability distribution of war casualties, with significant weight at ‘everyone’. The mean number of war casualties for a nuke-filled world is probably much higher than one without them.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)
EJ (The Orphic Lizard)
8 years ago

Joking aside, I agree with you. Queex makes a good point, but it’s worth remembering that the number of civilians who have died from all nuclear bombs dropped in human history put together is less than the number of civilians who died from the 2003 British-American invasion of Iraq. Even when people do their best to fight them cleanly, conventional wars kill a vast number of people; and the small chance of a nuclear apocalypse is probably a better bet overall.

There’s a Xhosa tongue twister which goes “Iqaqa laziqikaqika kwaze kwaqhawaka uqhoqhoqha” (the polecat rolled down and broke its larynx) which might serve your purposes. I’m not a Xhosa speaker, but I believe that “q” and “qh” are both click sounds here.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


The sharp reduction in the number of globe-spanning conflicts with millions of deaths, for example

But is that attributable to nuclear weapons, or simply a post hoc. The rise of globalized capitalism, the UN, the coalescence of 2 superpowers (US and Russia, then US and China). Not sure how you’d tease out nuclear deterrent from the other stuff, but I have a hunch that it isn’t the major factor here

Hiya, stranger 🙂

8 years ago


The mean number of war casualties for a nuke-filled world is probably much higher than one without them.

There would be a greater number of causalties given a nuclear war, but the risk of starting that war is so much higher than the risk of starting a conventional war that the actual chance of those casualties occurring would appear be to be somewhat lower.

Take the nukes away, and suddenly there’s much less need for restraint and mere sabre-rattling when you can just send the tanks in.

8 years ago


But is that attributable to nuclear weapons, or simply a post hoc.

Hard to say, but the correlation is certainly compelling. People without access to nukes had no problem starting some pretty serious armed conflicts… the war in former Yugoslavia, the Iran-Iraq war, the various fights between India and Pakistan, to name but a few. You may note that the latter have cooled off somewhat since the two parties developed nukes.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ EJ

‘Xhosa tongue twisters’ is my new favourite YouTube category.

I’m starting out simple with “Be happy and be free”. That’s relatively easy. Then I’ll work up to “I occasionally like to shave old men’s heads”. Apparently that’s the ‘quick brown fox’ equivalent of tongue clicks.

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago

@Weird Eddie

… sooo… the ‘publicans and other trumplings will defend states’ rights to deny bathroom privileges, states’ rights to put limitations on voting rights, states’ rights to restrict medical care…

Of course. ‘States Rights’ has always and only been about the right of states to shit on oppressed populations, especially black people.
@Nobody Special

The word is ‘chiv’, short for ‘chivvy’, and the ‘ch’ is pronounced as in ‘chickenshit’, not as in ‘chickenshit’..

And since the word entered English sometime in the 1600s, it’s a bit late to be complaining about it now…

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: shivs

I thought the preferred American term was ‘shanks’?

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

The federal government of the Confederate States of America was actually more intrusive in states’ affairs than the Union government. The constitution explicitly forbade states from outlawing having Africans as slaves (laws applying to indentured servitude or other racial groups were okay). It was a federal crime to send abolitionist literature through the mail

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

@History Nerd:
There’s also the whole internal-passport system, which people seem to forget.

Yael Sternhell did a very good summary of it here.

The system’s institutionalization soon followed. After the declaration of martial law in Richmond, on March 1, 1862, carrying a passport became mandatory for anyone wishing to travel out of town. Until the end of the war, the passport office issued a daily average of 1,350 documents to soldiers, civilians and slaves. Passport clerks were stationed in the War Department as well as on each of the main roads leading out of the city. The offices were open day and night, sometimes past 1 a.m.

8 years ago

I’d classify Mel Gibson’s expression as ashen and not fiery, but that’s just me.

8 years ago

I’ve got to be honest; I think this is one time where both Mel and Vince are being unnecessarily thrown under the bus. I think they were both just listening to what she was saying.

Just because they are both Republicans and pro-Trump (though I’m really not sure how any self-respecting, intelligent being could support him), doesn’t mean they support all of his behaviour, or that they’re not open to other people’s feelings and attitudes towards a Trump Presidency.

I’ll reserve judgement until I hear from either one of them on the topic.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

Sort of off-topic , but I needed to vent:

So some dipstick posted the Gibson and Voughn pic and made some ”ze evil jews” comments in one group I’m in on facebook. I told the guy that he was constantly making racist and antisemitic comments and that had no place in the group. One other guy agreed with me. Now, the dipstick tried to defend himself by claiming he never said anything racist or antisemitic and was upset we called him racist and it was just cause we didn’t agree with him.
I posted what he had said, which was more of less”N-words aren’t like people”. He then went on to claim that racial reality wasn’t racism and he still respected them despite them being, well, n-words.
At the end of this exhausting conversation, the guy pretty much went ”lol, i’m just trolling”.

You can’t claim it’s trolling when you initially denied that you ever made a racist comment and were offended that we’d ever make such a claim -_-

Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Inspired somewhat by Mark Hamill’s readings of Trump’s tweets as the Joker, I recorded a mock interview with Heartiste using the excerpts quoted here.

(as Heartiste laughs manically) “I think I’ll end it here…you’re creeping me out”

Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Link broken, the recording is here

8 years ago

Yeah, the wording on that sign is pretty clear. It is not at all difficult on a train to not sit on seats that have notices like that!

It isn’t like those signs you get on public buses that say ‘priority for the disabled’ or whatever on it, because that pretty clearly implies you are allowed (I still try not to sit there personally, mainly because it makes me socially anxious) if you’re able bodied. It is clearly not that on the Priebus video.

Trump hasn’t made the golden shower story better with his tweet about it- accidentally making a ‘leak’ pun is brilliant!

I agree that that picture of Gibson and Vaughnis being unfairly used- you can’t just use that one pic as evidence at all. To me they don’t look annoyed, they look like they’re listening intently, they’re focusing, anyway. It isn’t proof of their attitudes to it at all.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago


Heck, my first interpretation of Mel Gibson’s attitude, without thinking of the timing or context, would be him going ‘Hunh, I hadn’t thought of that.’ Vince Vaughn looks focused; Mel Gibson looks like he just got distracted. Neither really look particularly angry.

But then, to the perpetually angry, I suppose ‘focused’ must mean ‘angry’.

A Land Whale
A Land Whale
8 years ago


Mary Contrary
Mary Contrary
8 years ago

I wonder what’s more likely to happen first – Trump laying off the orange in order to be, you know, Teh Ooltimate White D00d, or the manurosphere going en masse for a spraying to emulate him. Place your bets?

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