Popular-vote-loser Donald Trump got his official briefing on Russia’s hacking of the election. In what we can only assume was an attempt to counteract Trump’s brilliant plan to flat-out lie about what was in this briefing, the US intelligence agencies released the declassified version of the report yesterday as well.
You should download it (direct link) from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and read it, if for no other reason than to see how blatantly Trump has already lied about its contents. (If you’d like to avoid going to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence site you can download the PDF from The Minneapolis Star-Tribune here.)
The report is actually quite short; especially if you ignore the appendix about Russia’s propaganda outlet RT, which is definitely worth reading on its own though not quite as essential.
If you don’t feel like dealing with a PDF at the moment, the Washington Post has a handy guide to the important bits in the report.
Tomorrow we start in on Trump’s cabinet nominees and their ethical failings, in preparation for a week of CALLING SENATORS.
If you’d like to get started early, take a look at this CNN/Money article: “Trump national security pick Monica Crowley plagiarized multiple sources in 2012 book.” The title is fairly self-explanatory. She plagiarized A LOT.
See more Resist Trump Today posts here.
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
If you feel a rant coming on, just get it out of your system.
Is Trump a POS? Yes.
Looks like your crystal ball has failed you – maybe try reading tea leaves instead.
Top Democrats like Pelosi et al seem to be blaming losing to an orange-faced clown on the voters, on the media, on Sanders, on millennials, on Stein – on everyone but themselves: the ‘experts’ who know better than everyone else what is good for them.
Maybe instead of trying to out-Republican the Republicans, they should go to being New Deal Democrats.
1)there’s no reason the Dems can’t deal with Russia and do… whatever you’re suggesting they do vis a vis the 1%. Not mutually exclusive. They can care about more than 1 thing at once, ya know?
2)I believe it
The 60% vs the 40%? Cos that’s what this election came down to in the end. White people (women too unfortunately) decided that brown people existing was more scary than fascism. If we must use a ‘blank vs blank’, and we definitely do not need to do so, that makes far more sense than to try to make the thruline of Murican politics into a struggle against the rich. The rich is about to run the executive, but at least it’s a white guy
Can that be banned too while we’re at it?
What does that even mean? I’m struggling to locate the point here. It’s just buzzwords…
I don’t think anyone is saying the DNC did nothing wrong at all. But yeah, I think it’s pretty sensible to blame Trump voters for voting for Trump. The DNC making some errors does mean that’s the only factor. There can actually be multiple causes for things. If you think misogyny and racism didn’t play a role, if you think the media actually did its job and if you want to disregard all the increasing evidence that Russian hacking played a role, you’re pretty clearly being blinded by your own need to be smug.
What is “politics as usual”? When broken down into actual behaviors, it means people with privilege – mainly but not exclusively SE privilege – perpetuating said privilege. I’m not sure how electing people who are overflowing with that privilege into the highest offices is supposed to counter politics as usual. Maybe proudfootz can explain it to me, since it seems that proudfootz really enjoys explaining things.
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
I see: why not both?
Of course, whomever is President will have to deal with Russia, and China,and France, and Israel, and whoever the fuck.
Likewise I can be skeptical of claims coming from known duplicitous sources and still oppose Trump.
Perhaps you are indulging in hyperbole, but suggesting that people who have voted for Trump did so out of ‘fear of brown people existing’ seems rather over the top. Did the ‘brown people’ who voted for Trump fear their own existence?
If you’re confused about ‘buzzwords’ but believe this election was only about ‘brown people’ I’m not sure I have the tools to break you out of your bubble.
Hi to Caveats and Quandaries from way back on the first page. Looks like your post only now made it through moderation.
Hear that, Axey? You just needed a brave truth teller to break you out of your bubble and ‘splain about how racism not’s really that much of a thing anymore. Aren’t you glad to hear that opinion that certainly hasn’t been expressed 80 bazillion times before?
I know I feel more educated now!
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
If you imagine I have a need to be smug, you may be being blinded by the log in your own eye. Pluck that motherfucker out before whinging about a possible speck of dust in mine, thanks!
I haven’t suggested anything that suggests that Trump voters aren’t reprehensible, or that Trump himself is a good guy. All the foot stomping and bellyaching along those lines are misguided.
But BRAVA! to you for doubling down on a losing proposition!
In 2018 voters aren’t going to give a flying fuck about obscure accusations about unsubstantiated rumors put out by well-known liars about alleged Russian hacking which would be neither surprising nor unprecedented.
It might be a good idea for a party that wants to win elections to figure out how to get on the side of the voters who stayed home last time around.
Maybe look at a recent campaign that featured stadiumfuls of energized voters…
Which campaign is that now?
And why are you taking Democratic party election strategy up with us and not say the DNC or the DCCC? This isn’t actually Democratic party headquarters you know.
Also, how does talking about Russian hacking on a blog cause the Democratic party to not campaign on other issues in 2018. I’m very confused about that.
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
I’m glad I can point out to you how a one-dimensional image of the recent election is blitheringly stupid.
What next? The Democrats kept Sanders out of the nomination because of their anti-Semitism? If you didn’t support Ben Carson you must be a racist?
Looks like I’m the one who needs education to accord with this subtle breakdown of the election process, because your apparent views look like utter nonsense to me.
Why are you here, proudfootz? Isn’t Reddit and YouTube enough for you?
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
How does being skeptical of media reports turn into support for Trump?
No reason for the DNC, or whoever wants to win, to talk about issues the voters care about.
More time to talk about those issues if they aren’t talking shit, though.
Well at least we have the same go-
/he proceeds to shit talk Axe by saying that racism wasn’t a deciding factor in the election, when Axe is black.
Howdee neighbor how about you take a nice piping cup of “fuck you” with a paper about studies regarding the racism of middle class voters who were the vast majority of trump supporters.
Fall into a lego pit, climb back up only to fall into a poison ivy compost.
If you actually do care, how about actually supw proofs that in this case the FBI are factually speaking lying. If you do care how about join us in stopping Trump cabinet members from coming in or if you’re a Sanders/Ellison/Warren supporter hows about helping them stonewall the GOP and kick out the old weak willed guard? The same old guard you have issues with that are the most incompetent corporate sellouts who neglect michigan unions until 6 weeks before the election, even when the most affected members should have taken some heed on that front. I don’t know that seems alot more productive than say try to make some holier than thou statement.
Sorry i don’t understand why you adressed that to me about 2011?
Also i dont want to be associated with you kitten meat. And i am not a ‘fellow russian’.
Policy of Madness
I can only explain my point of view to the best of my understanding – as contributors here often do. Sometimes they even explain things which touch on factual matters. So if I ever do such a thing it will be doing as all participants here feel free to do.
I’m thinking that people choosing not to vote can be viewed as a protest against ‘politics as usual’.
Valentine, to show you (and everyone else) that his excuse that it’s an old name was just that: a feeble excuse. It was tacitly agreeing with you.
It’s interesting how wokefootz has decided that the FBI, CIA, NSA, DNI, are nothing more than “well known liars” – so that every intelligence report can simply be dismissed at random lies from liars who always lie.
There’s no explanation as to why the intelligence agencies would make up lies to help the DNC leadership/establishment, or why they would want to undermine the trust in US elections.
It’s just presented as gospel, that US intelligence agencies lie for fun, with no purpose or specific direction. They just lie! Why? Because they’re liars! Duh.
So facilitating Trump’s victory by not voting counts as “progressive and going against the system ignore how by not voting you gave Trump more power thus furthering the system of elites oppressing the middle class and racists and zealots furthering their goals of constantly discriminating against minorities.” Right. I’m getting real sick of your brogressive bullshit.
I don’t know what acrimonious means.
My parents and brothers are born in russia. But i don’t identify as russian. I was born in Odesa. I am tired and have to sleep soon. But i feel the greyness between my arguements is not coming across. This kittenmeat fellow i don’t know about. But if you knew me in real life and also refer back to my second original comment my intention is never to defend putin. But often my ideas come across wrong on here because i make myself misunderstood somehow.
I am a little bit fed up with the tired old stereotype coming back and that people hear read Одеса then said i was russian (looking at one person in particular). If they hacked then they hacked but joy witj wich the cold war jokes and red scare nonsense has come back is what i find distressful. Including David’s memes. I know this is mockery here but i hoped he would see the harm in that stereotypes.
Okay thanks. I was away at work and i missed some of the conversation and i am still reading back so i was confused.
Seriously. Not voting is the least effective protest tactic against “politics as usual” there is. The lower the turnout, the better for the status quo. I’m still waiting to hear why incumbents won downticket races if people were protest voting this year though.
Plus, historically the US has very low voter turnout. It’s not like turnout was unusually low this time around. I don’t really think most people who don’t vote stay home to protest politics. Apathy towards politics and elections is part of the time honored tradition of anti-intellectualism we have here.
Do hope you didn’t spill your piping hot cuppa “fuck you” down your front as you stumbled forward in haste to attack.
Where in the bowels of your fevered imagination did you read anything I posted that said ‘race was not a factor’?
You really need to get off your high horse and try reading what people actually write, listening to what they actually say, before going off on an idiotic attack against a strawman.
You are making yourself a very good example of what NOT to do.
I was actually appalled at how the Michigan ‘old guard’ attacked people from the grass roots trying to help the Party.
Imaginary Petal
I didn’t suggest that these documented liars lie ‘just for fun’.
But I can’t rule that out as a possible motive for your misrepresenting what I wrote.
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
Good to see I’ve got my very own stalker, right here in a Mammoth thread.
What next, a good doxxing?
I didn’t misrepresent a fucking thing. Your claim is that intelligence agencies lie because they are “documented liars”. This isn’t an argument. It’s asserting your conclusion. Make a coherent argument instead of whining endlessly.