#ResistTrump from russia with trump trump

#ResistTrump today by reading the declassified intelligence report on Russian hacking

Trump’s Russian handler

Popular-vote-loser Donald Trump got his official briefing on Russia’s hacking of the election. In what we can only assume was an attempt to counteract Trump’s brilliant plan to flat-out lie about what was in this briefing, the US intelligence agencies released the declassified version of the report yesterday as well.

You should download it (direct link) from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and read it, if for no other reason than to see how blatantly Trump has already lied about its contents. (If you’d like to avoid going to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence site you can download the PDF from The Minneapolis Star-Tribune here.)

The report is actually quite short; especially if you ignore the appendix about Russia’s propaganda outlet RT, which is definitely worth reading on its own though not quite as essential.

If you don’t feel like dealing with a PDF at the moment, the Washington Post has a handy guide to the important bits in the report.

Tomorrow we start in on Trump’s cabinet nominees and their ethical failings, in preparation for a week of CALLING SENATORS.

If you’d like to get started early, take a look at this CNN/Money article: “Trump national security pick Monica Crowley plagiarized multiple sources in 2012 book.” The title is fairly self-explanatory. She plagiarized A LOT.

See more Resist Trump Today posts here.

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8 years ago

Take a moment to read the comments policy. If there’s something you disagree with, understand that there are good reasons for the rules and follow them anyway. And if someone calls you out on something, don’t get defensive, and don’t double down.

Handsome (Punkle Stan) Jack


We didn’t realize you were a certified psychiatrist who has the amazing ability to diagnose people through a few articles on the internet without even meeting the person in person, and so generous of you doing it for free! Our apologies.

8 years ago

With 50 elector votes being literally illegal, there is precedence. And oh gee reading the comments policy is so hard, especially when you frankly don’t seem to actually want to convince anyone of your viewpoint?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Nah, the problem is that you’re doubling down and getting defensive after just being told to mind a few rules. And see, you’re still doing it. Okay so she’s got her head pretty far up her ass, again, nothing new here. And nothing that says you can go ahead and diagnose.

Just cut the crap and move on to your actual point instead of explaining to us how that totally isn’t ableism or whatever.

8 years ago

WRT to Washington Post:

Aren’t they the ones who published the fake news about Russian hacking of the US power grid?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Since no one seems to care about anything else than “batshit-insane comment” might as well leave (and get a bunch of WE WONT MISS U ABLEIST VILE TROLL HUE HUE in the back of course), good luck with impeachment

Oh, it’s just Mr Al again.

8 years ago

Difference here is that this just links to an official CIA report.

I take it you’re like me in that we both wish for Keith Ellison to be head of DNC and roll back Debbie Wasserman Schultz decision to reallow lobby money in the DNC?

8 years ago

Ok, let’s say WaPo is unreliable. How about we talk about the actual, real report that’s not a fake news story?

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Yes, proudfootz, and they retracted it and published the corrected facts once they were verified, you know: like those with any journalist integrity does.

They just didn’t let it sit, like other shit publications do.

ETA: is Mr. SteeleassAl at it against?
It’s been, what? Six years of trolling? Grow the fuck UP!

8 years ago

Something something CIA in on it too disgregard Trump slashing CIA budget for daring to oppose him.

8 years ago

I still don’t get how saying “it’s an old name” is in anyway a good argument for using that nick, or saying that you meant to write something else but never bothering to fix it…

8 years ago

I know everyone’s beat me to responding to proudfootz, but I’d like to point out that we were just talking about our ability to be concerned with multiple problems at once. So I don’t think anyone here is going to be letting the Dems off the hook, but I think we can all agree that our cyber security needs to be boosted, and that The Don is ignoring the problem.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Yeah, he used it in December to necro a 2011 thread.

December 3, 2016 at 6:35 pm
When I saw “bioshock reference” I automatically looked up at the citation parts to find “Is a man not entitled to the sexiness of his sperm? No, says the woman on bonbons, it belongs to muh ridiculous alimony fraudz…”

Handsome (Punkle Stan) Jack

@Sinkable John

I’m also looking into this. Two words: Lesbian werewolf.

I love werewolves. (I bet I can find a werewolf dating Sim. I know of an orc dating Sim I can’t wait for the full release for but I wanna werewolf one.)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

Lesbian werewolves?

comment image

Okay, the homoeroticism is gross in that movie because the characters are sisters but it’s otherwise a great movie and just reading the words “lesbian werewolf” made me think of it so I had to post.

History Nerd
8 years ago

RT America hired people straight out of college and assigned them to report on national and global news with $50K to $60K salaries. These are “too good to be true” jobs. Normally, people straight out of college get hired in local news with a smaller salary and need a few years of experience before they can move to national or global news if they’re lucky (unless you went to a prestigious school for journalism and did very well). Ex-RT America correspondents say their scripts were heavily monitored by the Russian organization:

It’s true Abby Martin had her own show and a degree of editorial independence, but she was the exception rather than the rule. RT sought her out and hired her because she was already promoting outlandish conspiracy theories and claiming she had transcended the left-right spectrum. RT at least tried to groom her into a dedicated “true believer” propagandist, though Russia’s invasion of Crimea was a little too indefensible.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@Jack and wwth

This world is full of such wonderful things.

Also, Jack, it’s more like pushing for “stricter” (read : targeted) health regulations on food. They’re also trying to shoehorn animal rights into their bullshit. It’s pretty disgraceful, but hey, it’s the same people who did those “Manif pour Tous” marches back when marriage rights were getting fixed. Idiots gonna be idiots all the way, I guess ?

Their idol’s gonna try (again) to get elected. I haven’t been keeping up at all, I’m kinda afraid to see what kind of mess we’re looking at.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!
Using the name of a country or the name of that country’s people is a well established shorthand for the government of that country. This ain’t new. ‘Iran is funding terrorism’ doesn’t mean that everyone in Iran is aiding militants. Relax!

So, can someone with a stable internet connection explain to me what the problem with the Post is supposed to be?


The important thing going into the future will be whether the Democratic Party decides to continue to blame its failure on increasingly bizarre conspiracy theories or starts standing up for the 99% and stop taking money and direction from the 1%

1)porque no los dos?
2)conspiracies are proven true all the time
3)can we all just quit saying ‘1%’ and ‘99%’ now? It’s stale at this point, it was never a good distinction to make, and it’s only gotten more meaningless now. This election wasn’t decided on class grounds. Well, not economic class anyway…

Handsome (Punkle Stan) Jack

@Sinkable John

“Animal rights?” In the country that you probably could still get foie gras? My ass.


I LOVE Ginger Snaps! I really need to rewatch it. But, yeah, the incest vibe is gross. I haven’t watched it in a while, but I think you could chalk up, at least the later parts, on the whole “acting completely different” thing.

8 years ago

Yes, the report was released, and that’s not fake. What about the content?

Really if the FBI, the NSA, and the CIA get together on something, you know it *must* be true. Their stellar record of telling the truth is untarnished except in the eyes of anyone who’s paid the least bit of attention to the news in the past 50 years or so.

Gotta love how the report claims that the show ‘Breaking the Set’ somehow was aimed at undermining Clinton in 2012 when she wasn’t even a candidate! What more evidence do we need?

That sources outside of the US might talk about the stealing of elections and voter suppression doesn’t seem particularly ‘underhanded’, as intelligent observers in the US already know this. Suddenly telling the truth has become a sinister conspiracy.

ZOMG! Press outside of the US covered the Occupy Wall Street Movement? How awful! Some people in the US aren’t completely happy with how the economy is being mismanaged. It’d be nice if the US press would cover the news in the US.

Did the Russians employ ‘trolls’? Maybe they did. But we also know Clinton employed trolls in her own cause. And the US military also employs trolls to push their agenda. What could be more American? People who employ trolls lose the right to bitch about others who do the same.

Hilarious that the NSA should complain about journalists should characterize the US as a ‘surveillance state’. Just forget that you are being surveilled by your public servants, so you can pretend to be outraged when told to by the NSA.

The ‘report’ reads like a bunch of self-serving whinging from privileged children who’ve been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Uncritically publishing this manifesto from known duplicitous actors on the American scene only contributes to a pointless paranoia.

8 years ago

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger

1) No inteniendo

2) Yes, I get a lot of shit for suspecting conspiracies.

3) What would you prefer? I think many potential voters were turned off by politics as usual, and that phenomenon like Occupy Wall Street and the Sanders insurgency pointed the way toward an escape from both members of the Two Party System slavish devotion toward big money and corporatism.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

Oh no. Not this again. I sense a “Trump won because of economic anxiety and how dare the left talk about misogyny, racism or any other issue that doesn’t matter to white dudes” rant coming on.

What would you prefer? I think many potential voters were turned off by politics as usual, and that phenomenon like Occupy Wall Street and the Sanders insurgency pointed the way toward an escape from both members of the Two Party System slavish devotion toward big money and corporatism.

If voters were sick of politics as usual, then why did incumbents win so many down ticket races? The actual evidence. Including what comes from the mouths/keyboards of Trump supporters suggests politics as usual (as in fuck everyone but privileged white guys) is exactly what much of the electorate is craving.

8 years ago

Well, gosh, if you’re tired of big money, Donald Trump is the one to turn to!

Handsome (Punkle Stan) Jack


As my dad said, “He’s richer than god so he can’t be bought.”

8 years ago

@ Handsome Jack

I’m sure he could still be bought with pretty women and insincere compliments. And maybe a tacky portrait of himself.