
Popular-vote-loser Donald Trump got his official briefing on Russia’s hacking of the election. In what we can only assume was an attempt to counteract Trump’s brilliant plan to flat-out lie about what was in this briefing, the US intelligence agencies released the declassified version of the report yesterday as well.
You should download it (direct link) from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and read it, if for no other reason than to see how blatantly Trump has already lied about its contents. (If you’d like to avoid going to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence site you can download the PDF from The Minneapolis Star-Tribune here.)
The report is actually quite short; especially if you ignore the appendix about Russia’s propaganda outlet RT, which is definitely worth reading on its own though not quite as essential.
If you don’t feel like dealing with a PDF at the moment, the Washington Post has a handy guide to the important bits in the report.
Tomorrow we start in on Trump’s cabinet nominees and their ethical failings, in preparation for a week of CALLING SENATORS.
If you’d like to get started early, take a look at this CNN/Money article: “Trump national security pick Monica Crowley plagiarized multiple sources in 2012 book.” The title is fairly self-explanatory. She plagiarized A LOT.
See more Resist Trump Today posts here.
Were you not here when Rush Limbaugh was baffled about, like, the Department of Agriculture did a summit about LGBT+ living in rural areas (you know, giving LGBT+ living in rural areas info and stuff) and, like, Rush Limbaugh freaked out and called it a “scam” and a way for the government to attacking rural areas because they’re the last bastion of true conservatism or something like that? “I never knew lesbians wanted to be farmers!” Funny as hell.
I just saw that Tweet and it was beautiful and I love Mark Hamill he is amazing. Honestly, one of the few older white man you can trust completely not to be a fuck. (The other is John Goodman.)
Uh…like…I can’t even begin to unpack that, but, like, Reddit isn’t the internet and aren’t those apps also websites?
Because Reddit is so welcoming to women right now?
I’m also not clear as to why women seeing advice given to men is bad? Unless of course the advice is misogynistic and gross. But women and teen girls who male attracted to tend to want boyfriends, husbands, sex partners. It doesn’t make sense that they’d be opposed to men and teen boys getting better at being attractive to them.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Like, five years ago.
I may be exaggerating, but all I hear in news and comments anywhere is “russian” this, occaional “putin evil”, “russians” that and fuck all about our batshit-crazy oligarchist actual goverment which isn’t only putin and what were the late measures against Putin’s despotic crimes? Oh yes, those bloody sanction that only hit geneal, mostly poor, population and helped to ensure our current economic crisis, non of this concerns or harms the elites, they go about their destructive business unscratched, their money offshore and kids in British private schools, only people are affected, and all over the news and leftiy sites it’s still abstract generalized “russians” are pro-trump conspirators.
The thing about this notallmanbullsh*t is that it’s obviously not just a small group of elitist men calling the shots and the rest of poor teh menz silently disapprove and suffer the consequences, it’s about calling out men as a class all of which oppress women.
Here it’s more of the former situation.
I assume you, for example, also would like to note that it’s not americans who wagered war in Iraq even if people who put it like that tell you “oh but we don’t mean it” but your government, no?
Mind the comments policy, please. I’m batshit-crazy. The Trump government is just deplorable.
It’s a digression, but do you identify as Russian? I’m told that a lot of Odessans see themselves as Russian rather than Ukrainian, but my Ukrainian friends inform me that the divide between those two peoples has gotten rather acrimonious in recent years.
Well, when the war started, there was a lot of approval for it because of propaganda and then the war became less popular over time so, like, that was true at least first. I don’t blame other countries for thinking that. I don’t blame them for thinking a lot of negative things about America because America is a shithole and honestly we proved just how shit we were by letting fucking Ego “Donald Trump” McTangrine even entertained the thought of running for the Republican ballot so, like, fucking hell.
Obama, please become the dictator the right always thought you were and save us.
Well, when the war started, there was a lot of approval for it because of propaganda and then the war became less popular over time so, like, that was true at least first. I don’t blame other countries for thinking that. I don’t blame them for thinking a lot of negative things about America because America is a shithole and honestly we proved just how shit we were by letting fucking Ego “Donald Trump” McTangrine even entertained the thought of running for the Republican ballot so, like, fucking hell.
Obama, please become the dictator the right always thought you were and save us.
I was talking about our United Russia party. And they do have some batshit insane people to distract us, no offence, I’m sure they are different to the core to you
Right, I meant the Putin government. Point still stands. Avoid that kind of language.
(I’ll pretend I didn’t see the “Oh, but you are different, you’re a good [insert whatever here]”)
No, that wasn’t the point. We have a comments policy of no ableist language, which includes calling things or people “bat shit insane” or “crazy” or “psychopathic” or any variations of such things. Please be mindful.
Also, Sinkable John is French, last time I checked. What’s the status of the French government, John, with those burka bans and dictating what women can wear because god forbid someone wears a burkini because Islamophobia. Are those laws even a thing still? (I haven’t been keeping up.)
The was also quite a wave of protest and plain quiet dissaproval though.
And there is no (at least no one I know saw any, anti-Hillary stuff there is, rather unofficial*) ongoing pro-trump propaganda, but I suspect that will change if trump’s policies will become really helpful to our government, though they’ll probably have to wait a bit after very fresh and recent anti-all-of-the-USA propaganda
*spoken by Djirinovskiy, we use him to explain trump sometimes. He also says darndest things our government and pro-putinists think, but can’t verbalize, in a very crude and vulgar way
By the way
Hey, for what it’s worth, I don’t think ye Muricans are shit.
Now, yeah, sure, a lot of us do think that. But most of the time when I tell them about all the good stuff that I seen there, they give it some more thought and change their mind.
Hell there’s even people in France joking about how “even the Muricans didn’t deserve Trump”. Opinion’s actually improving, albeit slowly.
ETA : Didn’t see that part, but hold on. Edit window’s too short to answer that question.
Cakeful, I’m having a hard time taking you seriously because the nym you’ve chosen seems to be deliberately offensive. I don’t normally care what nick people choose but wtf is up with that?
I love this.
Well, what’d you prefer I say? Ok, I am sorry, I meant people like Mizulina, for, example, she is extremely (can I say “paranoid” or not?) about traditional family’s INEVITABLE COLLAPSE if LGBT and women have any kind of rights (though her only child is a gay rights activist and an open gay man in Belgium), she says mostly very irrational paranoia-fueled things, leads an imaginary war with “pedophile lobby” (meaning not, say child prostitution defenders but anyone anti-censorship, like wikipedia), exhibits very rigid, defensive thinking (similar to what my violent schizophrenic step-dad exhibits), many people here are actually concerned about her current mental state and wanted her checked (there was a petition), and her propositions are harmful and hateful, so I hope you’d understand why I slipped here
@Policy of Madness
Welp, I just noticed it’s fucked up though, I picked it here a long time ago and probably meant to write basket or something, but yeh, it’s fucked up
Not that you would take me seriously anyway, right?
Oh, and besides accidentally offending Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden I did deliberately offend everyone else by what, generalizing?
@Sinkable John
Yo, man, take your time. I’m currently distracted by this at the moment.
The necromancy lured me in, but the gayness gave me life.
Want to know a secret?
I’m a gay LGBT+ rights activist… And schizophrenic!

Sorry to you to, what did you mean to say by this? That I used homophobic language here as well? That I somehow said that only homophobic conservatives can be mentally ill? That I said that Mizulina might be unwell exactly because she is conservative and no other reasons at all?
But yes, sure, call me a troll, might have as well ignore all else I wrote here further and ban me on one (not quite intentional) ableist insult I apologized for, while you’re at it.
(Okay, so I just found what I’m doing tonight. Gotta see if my computer can run that.)
So, as far as I know, no one’s talking about burkinis right now but that’s mainly because winter. So unless someone used the chance (or is planning to) to sneak in a few laws while everyone’s looking elsewhere, there’s still no statewide ban. It’s limited to a few towns with right or far-right mayors regulating “proper use” of their own beaches. Last I heard the government’s stance was that they would not police what women can wear (that’s literally what they said) and I gotta admit I’m ever so surprised to see ’em making sense. That hadn’t happened since 2013.
The burka in general is a trickier beast. Right now the national law states that no “ostentatious religious symbol” is allowed in places like public schools. Oh but of course you can wear all the gigantic-ass crosses you want, over or under your shirt, whatever, that’s different. Headscarves are sort of allowed but some of the dumbest teachers have claimed the “no headwear inside” rule – of course no one ever paid attention to my multiple fancy headbands with various things dangling from them (that was before that Sparrow dude stole my style and dumbed it down though) so really, fuck that noise.
There’s always a new controversy too. I dunno what the trending one is right now but I’m sure it’s either kebabs or halal food, it usually is around the holidays.
Actually, you didn’t offend me. Now, regarding that certain politician… heh. A lot of this commentariat are from the US, I’m pretty sure they can name a buncha cases like that one off the top of their heads.
But yeah, no, you’re still diagnosing someone you don’t know over the internet. I don’t care how many people think that either, it doesn’t make it any less wrong. Have you considered she may just be a right-wing asshole ? Right-wing assholes often show the “symptoms” you’re telling us about.
Don’t attribute to mental illness what can just as conceivably be attributed to stupidity. That’s, huh, Sinkable John’s Razor. Yup. Unless somebody else has claimed it already, which is likely.
Одеса is in ukraine.
Also Falconer they shared some articles i wished to reference. My internet is very bad. I was trying to find the articles but i could not so i was suggest that people could check there. Not that they should just read plain tweets.
No i don’t see myself as russian.
While I am perfectly open to the possibility that Russia or Putin or whoever had a hand in the exposure of true information that might have had some small influence on the recent elections, I do suggest taking the ‘information’ coming from the CIA – which has a documented history of lying to Presidents, Congress, and the American people – with a grain of salt.
The important thing going into the future will be whether the Democratic Party decides to continue to blame its failure on increasingly bizarre conspiracy theories or starts standing up for the 99% and stop taking money and direction from the 1%.
I emailed David. I was gonna copy the comments policy about ableist language but then I saw the “they aren’t allowed to argue about the rules, email me if they do” so, like, I did.
@Sinkable John
Yeah, I heard about the kebabs thing. And that’s…like, how you gonna justify that? How you gonna justify getting rid of ethnic food without sounding like a racist nationalist, really? It’s food. And apparently, a bunch of other countries are doing that as well? Like, really?
IDK, I would hope at least the US wouldn’t do something like that (I guess we wouldn’t and really couldn’t because we don’t really have “American” food) but who the fuck knows now.
You’d know better, you do a research on her and her imaginary conspiracies and completely removed from reality legislations that even her closest right-wing asshole allies don’t support then.
Since no one seems to care about anything else than “batshit-insane comment” might as well leave (and get a bunch of WE WONT MISS U ABLEIST VILE TROLL HUE HUE in the back of course), good luck with impeachment