Next week is going to be a busy one: Republicans are trying to push Trump’s terrible cabinet picks through the confirmation process in a big hurry, so we all are going to have to step up our calling/writing congress game.
But it’s Friday, so let’s take the night off and try to figure out why the dude in the spaceship in the pic up there is being assaulted by an army of space testicles.
(If you want to know the real story behind that cover art, there’s a scan of the whole magazine linked to here. But you all can probably come up with better explanations for the space testicle army.)
See more Resist Trump Today posts here.
Happy Birthday
When it RiNS, it pours
Safe space? Maybe Pepe-face meant bomb shelters?
Happy birthday, IP. Let’s have a Mammoth virtual party. Which will consist of posting gifs and cat pics, I would guess.

@Axe, I am out of puns, you win! Perhaps I am too much drinking. Or perhaps I am not enough drinking. That one seems more likely. I get rather lexical when inebriated. A smidge more salubrious also.
birfday partyyyyyy
I am celebrating my return to health with wine!
The bars on my avitar are temporary. I will be out of jail Jan 20th. It is gonna be great sipping all those salty libtard tears when The Donald takes charge.
I’d have more to say but a quick review of the comment policy on this fucken’ blog has me wondering if there is any point. But keep up the resistance. The more inflexible the left is now the bigger the win will be for Donald in four years.
Maybe you folks can bite the apple again in 2024. In the meantime keep whining. I am getting loads of free entertainment.
It’s your birthday! Many happy returns!
Aww, thanks for the helpful instructions.
A problematic wrinkle: I could look forever and still find no balls on myself.
Now I have some advice for you. Free Pepe. He was in no way intended to be a symbol of fascism. Have you no regard for intellectual property?
Free the Frog!
I’m a copy editor and I deal with sexist language frequently.
It wasn’t that long ago that the “generic male” (e.g., such constructions as “the race of men”) was acceptable.
This is the problem: When you think of “men,” you think of males. Women (and other genders) are left out of this equation.
This guy (I’m pretty sure the writer is a guy!) is trying to have it all ways. He’s boasting about men (including himself) conquering the resource of women. And he’s attempting to inflate the numbers of men by calling them a race (which would of course include women, other genders, and children).
If I were this guy’s editor, there would be a lot of red marks all over this sexist, illogical writing.
Fuzzy thinking: Sexists always engage in it.
Also @ RiNS
((I’d try to respond to them with a reasonable, well written post, but I am so low on energy and the reasoning of Trump supporters is faulty. The Mammotheers possess a more enduring wit than I, and I love all of you for it))
That indomitable city squirrel is adorable!
As you know, we live to please you.
Check back frequently!
Happy birthday, and many happy returns IP!
Firstly, happy birthday IP!
Secondly, on the theme of art..Umm ok I was trying to segway, but truthfully this is quite off topic.
I was reading “feminists losing their sh*t over iron man cover” today, and I have been perplexed all day since.
Aren’t these the same dudes who complain about women bearing their bodies sexually all the time (Wearing jeans, breastfeeding in public, etc etc) and how this distracts the poor men from, I’m not sure, umm, building everything in civilisation? And don’t they complain that women should be dressing appropriately for the task at hand; work or whatever?
Then why did they not join forces with “feminists” when they said “Where’s her armour? Why does she need to show her midriff?”?
Idk..sometimes I just..
Sigh :/
I love how the first thing you do is whine about safe spaces while not understanding what they are.
Especially when you then go on to whine about the comments policy.
Hey, don’t feel bad, all of your other neo-nazi buddies fail exactly the same. The so-called edgelords are a bunch of predictable, pathetic jerks, nothing new here.
Move along and come back when you’ve got something to provide, like at the very least some novelty or entertainment value.
Happy Belated Birthday IP 🙂 Also, @RiNS I’m sorry that you’re life is so dull without us. Have you attempted real life interactions?
Off topic but ugh: 13 Little Things You Do That Are So Sexy (According to Men)
“When you make us feel useful – Just let us show that we’re strong and open the pickle jar.”
Look, I ask for help. I’m not in a relationship, but if I can’t open a jar (that can of barge cement that was cemented together springs to mind) I will ask one of my friends who are far stronger than I. But I am not doing it to ‘make him feel useful’. I will always try first, because I can actually open most jars. And if I can’t, I have a jar grip thing.
My point is that I don’t want to throw someone some pity ‘oh, poor dear, he needs to feel manly, here’s a jar’. I think it’s important to recognise that no one is continually useful, and that needing to feel useful can be frustrating to the person you’re snatching a jar away from. Because they could probably do it themselves.
Also that manliness doesn’t necessarily come from showing you’re strong, and a protector, etc.
I just… Why do you assume which parent someone is closest to is defined by gender? Also, why are you forcing the woman to do kitchen-related things? Are you helping with this? Or are you in the other room, socialising with the rest of the family? Why isn’t that socialising rewarded in a similar fashion, as i assume dad is out there with everyone else? Why aren’t you helping as well, if this is so important?
I just hate that whenever we have a party, the women in the group will automatically start neatening up, while the men just stand around looking blank. Like “Oh, I want to help, but how????”
I need to stop clicking these lists.
OH RIGHT I forgot the first one: be passionate about something. Thank you for taking something completely unrelated that I am passionate about and relate it to how sexy I am. Perhaps I just want to be seen as a person who loves idunno… Woodworking? Why does it have to be sexy?
@Lord Pabu
Both of those memes come off as body shaming. Please don’t.
Edit window ran out, sorry about double posting, but happy birthday IP!
RiNS is happy because he thinks Trump will turn the US into a ‘safe space’ where RiNS will no longer be ‘triggered’ by the existence of people not exactly like him.
The punchline is, if everything goes to shit, RiNS gets to suffer alongside the rest of us.
Ooh, a list to snark at! I can already tell it might as well be titled “women should live up to feminine gender norms or it’ll make my boner sad.”
Not even into the list and it’s already gross. Beings? WTF does that mean? We’re not seperate species from men. Really. We’re not! Are we supposed to be flattered that men so often see as beautiful decorations floating through their space?
I’m guessing it should be a proper female interest though, right? Yep. There’s a picture of a woman cooking and he talks about his girlfriend being vegan and eating a plateful of vegetables (no fatties!) while he “mows down a gourmet burger” but don’t worry she still loves to bake!
I’m not mocking being a vegan at all so I hope it doesn’t come off that way. This just fit my prediction that the interests would be suitably dainty and feminine and not threatening to any fragile manhoods is all.
That ones actually not bad. But it does unfortunately fail to acknowledge that women are socialized from birth to be accommodating, particularly to men. That can make it hard for some women to be decisive. Especially in the early stages of dating when people tend to be in best behavior mode.
That’s always good. But it’s pretty insulting to refer to someone who doesn’t like parties as “a human bracelet.” Being an introvert isn’t the same as having no personality. I hate that assumption. It’s cool if the author is an extrovert and would prefer a partner who is too, but that doesn’t mean all men feel the same and it doesn’t mean a woman is a boring bitch if she’s not comfortable being left in a room full of his friends and their dates.
Yep. Here it is. We must cater to masculinity so fragile by acting all weak.
Could you get any more cliche? That’s just sad.
This is the pickle jar one that Rhuu already covered. Cracks me up. If you need to open a jar to feel sufficiently manly, that’s your issue. Don’t put it on women to pretend like they can’t open jars so that you can feel better about yourself.
My jar opening trick is putting on a leather glove. You get a lot better grip on the lid that way.
Let me guess.
I’m finding it hilarious that knowing the songs of Jimmy from Degrassi TNG is considered edgy and dirty now.
Not knocking being a Drake fan but he’s one of the biggest music stars right now. It’s nothing all special and edgy to know his songs.
Oh look. Another cliche. Again, nothing wrong with finding this sexy but the accompanying paragraph is just…
You must be tiny or else it’s boner sad time, basically. Maybe it’s not meant for this to be insulting to women who are either tall or not-thin, but it really kind of is.
Wat. It’s very possible, even probable that I do sexy all wrong, but usually when I’ve borrowed clothes from a guy it’s because I didn’t bring pajamas to his place and needed a t shirt to sleep in. Not to look dainty in a big shirt or show that I’m now a possession. It was a matter of practicality and any sexiness was incidental. What is it with this guy and his obsessive need to seem like an alpha male? And why is this something women should all give a rat’s ass about?
Nothing wrong with this at all. But it does contradict all the earlier stuff about how men need to feel all manly and dominant. Apparently women are supposed to know psychically when we’re supposed to be weak and fragile to soothe male egos and when we’re supposed to take charge to prove we’re cool girls and not like all those boring arm candy girls.
I’m exhausted just reading this list. Can you imagine dating this guy?
Uh yeah, saying thank you when someone does something nice for you is just basic human decency. It’s a little disturbing that he thinks this is a big deal. Like, is he trying to say that he only shows appreciation for things once in a while?
Since he does say this one should be reciprocal, it’s not bad as long as we’re talking activities one is unenthusiastic about, not things that make one uncomfortable or afraid. But the stock photo that accompanies it is hilarious. It’s a woman doing push ups with a man leaning over and watching. It looks like it’s supposed to be an athlete coach depiction, not a couple’s activity.
Again, this one’s not offensive or anything but the writing is hilariously bad.
Which is that you like? Classic beauty? Or unusual bold and edgy beauty. They’re not the same thing. And fairer sex? Barf.
Rhuu already covered one of the silly things about this one. I just also want to note that it’s assuming functional, nice families here. If your parents are assholes, it’s not really fair to expect your partner to go above and beyond to be best friends with them.
Because real men have dogs and cool girls love dogs amirite? Couldn’t he have just said pet instead of dog here? I’m all for wanting a partner who’s nice to the pets but I hate this implication that guys must love dogs over other species of pet and women probably don’t naturally love dogs but must fake it to impress men.
I’m sure this got a little tl;dr. Sorry. I just always find those gender essentialist “what men/women want” lists to be so mockable.
Maybe I was a little hard on the guy who made this list, but seriously. If you’re feeling insecure about your masculinity, how about talk to your partner about it instead of expecting her to pretend like she’s too weak to open a jar? It’s understandable to have anxiety over not fitting into society’s gender norms. But expecting women to coo over your biceps is really not going to fix it. Also, who wants to bet he’s the type of guy who gets annoyed when a woman worries that she looks fat because if men are insecure it’s up to women to fix it, but if women are insecure, it’s up to us to fix it ourselves or hide it.
Only two sentences in and it’s full of bullshit. The “all ladies are beautiful” thing just gets my back up. It’s so condescending. And not true. I am not beautiful. So what? No one goes on about how “all men are handsome”.