antifeminism bad science crackpottery entitled babies gender policing misogyny return of kings

Watch out, gals, or feminism will give you a man-jaw, dude who hates feminists explains

They started with the unisex pants,. Then moved on to fingers. Next stop, UNISEX JAWLINES?

Ladies! Have you felt your jaw lately? Does it seem a bit … square to you? Maybe a little bit too square?

This could be the result of TOO MUCH FEMINISM, according to some dude who writes for the ongoing internet dumpster fire known as Return of Kings.

In a recent post looking at the allegedly dire results of fifty years of feminism, “Relampago Furioso” warns that one of the most dire “end results of feminism” is the proliferation of “man-jawed women” who look sorta like dudes.

Mr. Furioso quotes, without linking to it, a recent study that looked to see if feminist activist lady women are more “masculinized” than your standard issue lady women.

The study-conductors gave feminist activists a test to see how bossy they are, and measured the length of their ring and index fingers, because apparently fetuses exposed to a more masculine mix of sex hormones at a critical stage of their stay in the womb end up with ring fingers longer than their index fingers.

Turned out the feminist activist lady women were pretty bossy, and they also had “significantly more masculine 2D:4D” finger ratios!

And so, despite the fact that the only physically “masculine” trait discussed in the research is this finger thing — which is determined by sex hormones in the womb, not by anything one does as an adult — Mr. Furioso seems to think that feminist “indoctrination” will cause ladies to develop unsightly “man-jaws.”

If you think women are becoming manlier—they are. In fact, it’s becoming clearer sexual dimorphism (distinct male and female appearance and behavior) is an enemy of social engineers who want to see the sexes blend into one androgynous human pod in the coming generations.

An androgynous human pod? OH NO IT’S ALREADY HAPPENING!

Mr. Furioso quotes from the bossy lady finger study, and then offers this “translation.”

Feminists have a ton of testosterone coursing through their veins, and as more women are taught to act like men instead of being nurturing mothers even more man-jaws will emerge in the years ahead.

Lady from esurance ad, your rebuttal?

Mr. Furioso, your final statement?

It seems social engineers are catering to already existing instincts in women by encouraging them to be copies of men rather than copies of their grandmothers, bringing out the worst in women rather than the best.

Wait, this dude writing for a website run by a pickup artist who fetishizes very young women wants women to be copies of their grandmothers?

Honestly, dudes, do you actually think any of this through before posting it?

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Copies of our grandmothers, huh? Let’s see.

I could be good at math and finances and marry a man the manosphere would consider a beta and be the more dominant one in the relationship. That would be if I copied my maternal grandma.

If I copied my paternal grandmother I would be a bit more traditional and much more conservative. But I would still swear, do welding next time there’s a world war (which could be soon with Trump and Putin about to run buckwild across the globe) and chase off a would be mugger.

Would that be acceptably feminine and submissive for these guys?

8 years ago

I can fix that, assuming it’s a Thing and a real problem. Just convince men with square chins not to breed — or, if they must reproduce, not to sire girls.

There, problem solved. Now it’s up to Mr. Furioso and his amici to start ginning-up the requisite propaganda and such memes as seem needful. If they want to start a social movement, here’s one that’s calling out their names. It would be lax of them to let it pass them by. Don’t you think?

8 years ago

Wait, so copying men brings our the worst in women? I know it’s a constant refrain around here, but there’s no misandrist like a misogynist.

8 years ago

what kind of a garbage study is that? yeesh.

well at least poor Lamark still has fans?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

sexual dimorphism (distinct male and female appearance and behavior) is an enemy of social engineers who want to see the sexes blend into one androgynous human pod

The true Vagenda of Manocide!

Feminists have a ton of testosterone coursing through their veins

Except male feminists, cos reasons

even more man-jaws will emerge in the years ahead

The downside being…?

8 years ago

Feminists have a ton of testosterone coursing through their veins, and as more women are taught to act like men instead of being nurturing mothers even more man-jaws will emerge in the years ahead.

If that were true, I would expect my clit to grow to an astronomical size as well. It hasn’t. It’s still as tiny as ever it was. And my jaw still looks the same as it did before I’d ever even heard of feminism: narrow and slightly triangular. I was never particularly maternal, so nothing’s changed THERE, either. I’m child-free by choice.

Verdict: Feminism changes nothing of a woman’s anatomy, OR a man’s. What it does do, is free both from idiotically narrow and oppressive standards around gender and appearance.

Biology: learn some.

8 years ago

Perhaps he would be shocked to discover that almost every human being produces both testosterone and estrogen?

Feminists have a ton of testosterone coursing through their veins, and as more women are taught to act like men instead of being nurturing mothers even more man-jaws will emerge in the years ahead.

Aw, isn’t it cute, he equates feminism to ‘women acting like men’. Clearly one of those “any women I dislike and any women exhibiting a trait I don’t like is automatically a feminist”

If you think women are becoming manlier—they are. In fact, it’s becoming clearer sexual dimorphism (distinct male and female appearance and behavior) is an enemy of social engineers who want to see the sexes blend into one androgynous human pod in the coming generations.

This sounds like the Alex Jones “fruit boxes are filled with estrogen to make your kid homosexual” conspiracy with an extra dose of misogyny.


It can never be repeated enough!

8 years ago

Speaking as someone who has no idea what feminism is or what hormones are, I think this guy might be onto something.

(Also a little hazy on what a ‘jaw’ is)

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

My ring finger is noticeably shorter than my index finger. I guess that means I can’t feminise?

And yes, Larmarckian evolution is not a thing. Now, if it turns out that women with square jaws are more attractive to men and therefore more likely to breed… but surely THAT would never happen.

8 years ago

Where do these people go to school?

8 years ago

I feel compelled to read the whole thing through, because I am just perplexed how a person would believe in Lamark concerning biology. A mouse that loses its tail isn’t going suddenly have tailless mice.

By contrast, evolutionary psychology observes that the basic pattern of psychological differences between the sexes can be explained by their having essentially different innate adaptations associated with, most importantly, women investing considerably more resources into offspring through pregnancy and breast-feeding (e.g., Buss, 2012). Males are By contrast, evolutionary psychology observes that the basic pattern of psychological differences between the sexes can be explained by their having essentially different innate adaptations associated with, most importantly, women investing considerably more resources into offspring through pregnancy and breast-feeding (e.g., Buss, 2012). Males are more aggressive and risk-taking on average, because these traits have paid off historically in terms of increased fitness, given that male-male aggression and risk-taking in the pursuit of resource acquisition have led to more offspring. This would thus explain why males tend to dominate professions where these traits are necessary for success, such as in the military, business, politics and even crime, where competition is high. Females are on average more sociable and empathic than males, because caring for offspring and negotiating social relations that promote their survival until they reach reproductive age ensured that the mother’s genes live on. Hence women dominate professions where these traits are maximally valued, such as teaching, social work, and in human and veterinary medicine (Lippa, 2010). This social dimension is tapped by one pole of the people-things dimension (Prediger, 1982), which exhibits an effect size in excess of 1.0 and ranks amongst the largest inter-sex differences (Lippa, 2010).of resource acquisition have led to more offspring. This would thus explain why males tend to dominate professions where these traits are necessary for success, such as in the military, business, politics and even crime, where competition is high. Females are on average more sociable and empathic than males, because caring for offspring and negotiating social relations that promote their survival until they reach reproductive age ensured that the mother’s genes live on. Hence women dominate professions where these traits are maximally valued, such as teaching, social work, and in human and veterinary medicine (Lippa, 2010). This social dimension is tapped by one pole of the people-thingsdimension (Prediger, 1982), which exhibits an effect size in excess of 1.0 and ranks amongst the largest inter-sex differences (Lippa, 2010).

“See evo psych proves it never mind that evo psych is notorious for being known as pseudoscience pushed by racist institutions alongside multiple media that constantly enforces gender roles, and also ignore societies that frankly disprove said things.”

8 years ago

Wait, more like my grandmother? The one who met my grandfather in the Navy? I don’t usually think these dudes are big on women in the military…

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

My ring finger’s longer than my index finger.

Also, my grandma was widowed young, and ran the store by herself while raising her kids to be solid citizens. Still had kind of a pointy chin, though.

8 years ago

The ad is from Skokie, yaay!

And I’m a proud owner of (2) long ring fingers. Should I more prominently display them to repel guys like Mr. Furioso?

Also, has he SEEN Angelina Jolie?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

My index and ring fingers are about the same length. What does that mean?

8 years ago

Copying my maternal grandmother would have me creating my country’s first abortion clinic and being a “women’s libber” and fighting until my mid-80s to get more women into Parliament. This is the same woman who worked as a financial advisor until she turned 80. Her mission for decades was to ensure that all women, no matter how enmeshed with their husbands they were, had their own bank accounts that only they could access, and that there was enough money for them if they ever needed to say, flee, or suddenly raise some children (or get an abortion that he couldn’t know about).

Copying my paternal grandmother would have me working towards single-payer healthcare, and being a social worker supporting new mothers < 19 years of age so that they didn't succumb to substance use in desperation since (oddly enough) the sperm donors didn't seem to be around all that much.

Which grandmother do you think the MRAs would hate more??? I'll be that one!

8 years ago

I am like my grandmother. I don’t think these guys would have liked my grandmother. She was more educated than my grandfather (she went to college; he didn’t finish high school). She worked right alongside him to keep the farm going through the depression, while raising her children. She worked in a professional job her entire life, and it was because of her income that they didn’t lose the farm when so many others were packing up and heading for California…and she was a suffragette.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Oh god my hand is bigger than my face OW

tim gueguen
8 years ago

I wonder what kind of women this silly willy likes, because by the standards of many of his kind the grandmothers of today’s supposed masculinised women would be fat. Of course by “copies of their grandmothers” he actually means that they’d be obedient to men, because of course no women was anything but obedient to men before feminism was invented circa 1974.

8 years ago

My index finger is longer than my ring finger. Clearly I’ve been slacking on feminism!

8 years ago

Ohhh, Mister Manospherian, did you just discover the 2004 film about USA suffragists Iron-Jawed Angels?

Did you then decide to just make up a bunch of stuff about feminists based on that title?

You manospherians are certainly a lazy bunch!

8 years ago

Well, my left ring finger is longer than my left index finger, but my right ring and index fingers are about the same length . . .

8 years ago


We’re opposites!

But seriously, this all made me google a bit and I found this:

which linked back here:

The whole jaw aspect puts a nice new spin on old bad science though.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

I can’t shake the feeling we’ve discussed something similar to this before.

Mr. Furioso quotes, without linking to it, a recent study that looked to see if feminist activist lady women are more “masculinized” than your standard issue lady women.

Paging Scildfreja! Would Scildfreja please come to the thread? Your science skills are needed!

Feminists have a ton of testosterone coursing through their veins, and as more women are taught to act like men instead of being nurturing mothers even more man-jaws will emerge in the years ahead.

Dudebros still can’t science for shit can they?

Also, I lol’d at the implication that men can’t nurture. Man, do these dudes hate men!

It seems social engineers are catering to already existing instincts in women by encouraging them to be copies of men rather than copies of their grandmothers, bringing out the worst in women rather than the best.

I only have one grandmother in my life, since my sperm-donor was a jackass of the lowest order.

You know what kind of a woman she is? She raised four children (mostly by herself since grandpa was in the navy and working because back then one paycheck could support a family), while moving all around the country to support my grandpa and his work.

She also told my grandpa the day they got married something I carry with me to this day: “You may be bigger than me, and if you hit me I can’t fight back, but if you do, don’t ever go to sleep around me.”

She wouldn’t have hesitated. And my grandpa, gods rest his soul, was a far more decent human being than these lowlives could ever hope to be. He never laid a hand on my grandma in his life. He was a generous, caring person, and he loved his family to the day he died.

Also, my grandma and I had a conversation a few months back where I told her some of the things I’ve read on WHTM. We got onto the tangent of how most men don’t know how to cook or clean for themselves, and my grandma tutted as grandmas do and huffed “They expect women to do all their work for them because they’re too lazy do it themselves!”

In other words, grandma expects men to fucking help around the house and cook and clean.

Oh, and she’s as bossy as a mother of four can be. She had to raise two boys, two girls (including my momma), and she had to run a tight as fuck ship. Oh, and she also helped raise all six of her grandkids, myself included.

These dorks wouldn’t last five minutes in my grandma’s house.

Also, my ring fingers are longer than my index fingers. I am obviously a feminine plant, following my orders direct from Katie in enemy territory! I find other feminine women and lure them to the dark side with promises of not dating douchebags like a RoK writer! There’s also witchcraft involved, but that’s just to make tea.

8 years ago


Also, I lol’d at the implication that men can’t nurture. Man, do these dudes hate men!

God, misogynists just love that argument: Well you see, men and women are just good at different things. Women are good at nurturing and childcare, Men are good at literally everything else.

It’s totally fair and balanced, just like fox news!

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