It’s Memeday again!
Anyone who’s seen a lot of antifeminist memes online has surely noticed them: the angry women yelling at men through bullhorns.
It’s Memeday again!
Anyone who’s seen a lot of antifeminist memes online has surely noticed them: the angry women yelling at men through bullhorns.
I hope none of you are tired of messy breakup stories, because the one I’m about to tell is one of the messiest yet. It involves the all-female (except for some dudes) gang of irritating antifeminists who call themselves the Honey Badger Brigade.
Every Friday is Memeday here at We Hunted the Mammoth. So why am I posting memes on a Thursday? Well, because I’ve been collecting so many memes there’s no way I can confine them to one day a week. Also, it’s my blog and I can break the rules if I want, I mean jeez lay off me for a second why don’t ya?
So a judge in Ontario has said “nuh-uh” to a deceased doctor’s plan, set forth in his will, to set up scholarships for straight, white, single students.
As the National Post reports:
Roosh Valizadeh has been having a bit of a tough time this year, to put it mildly.
Vox Day isn’t the only manosphere manbaby who’s been pitching a fit over the specter of “race mixing” in recent days.
Fantasy author and sentient colostomy bag Vox Day has taken a few moments from his previously scheduled Muslim bashing to remind us all that he hates black people, too.
Henry David Thoreau, as anyone who read Walden in high school will remember, was a fiercely independent sort who valued solitude so much he literally lived in a shack by the side of a pond for a year (with regular visits to his mother’s for some delicious home-cooked meals). He’s precisely the kind of guy that the internet’s Men Going Their Own Way should aspire to be, but don’t.
It’s been quite some time since we last checked in with the genteel racist and Holocaust-denier who calls herself The Thinking Housewife. Flipping through her blog archive today, I could not find it in me to click on posts with such unappetising titles as “Usury and Homosexuality” and “Martin Luther King: Commie Fraud.”
Catfight! Histrionic Men’s Rights gooberhead Paul Elam, apparently hungry for attention, has decided to pick a fight with phony feminist and GamerGate den mother Christina Hoff Sommers.