off topic open thread trump

Hillary’s Big Win: A Politics Open Thread and Meme Contest or Something

And now it's time to Stump the Trump
Now it’s time to Stump the Trump

And then there were two. Now that the Democrats have a Presumptive Nominee of their own, I’m thinking we could use an open thread to talk about Hillary’s big win, Bernie’s future, and how to derail the Trump Train (figuratively speaking).

antifeminism evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys PUA pussyconomics reactionary bullshit red pill reddit slut shaming

Slut Theory 101: Red Pillers remain baffled by women who actually enjoy sex

Nothing to be ashamed of
Nothing to be ashamed of

Over on The Red Pill subreddit, the Red Pillock who calls himself 1Ronin11A comes so close to asking the question that could shake his Red Pill world to its foundations. That question is: Why do we Red Pillers hate and fear the women we have (or at least want to have) sex with?

anime nazis anti-Semitism antifeminism cuck evo psych fairy tales irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm racism rape rape culture trump

Daily Stormer: “Men Who Support Women’s Suffrage are De Facto Supporters of Gang-Rape”

Dammmmmn Adolf, back at it again with the antifeminism
Dammmmmn Adolf, back at it again with the antifeminism

So Andrew Anglin, the lovable hateful scamp behind the Anime Nazi internet tabloid The Daily Stormer, seems to be going all Men’s Rights Activist on us. In a post last week, Anglin offered his own take on a rather old argument, declaring that women need to have the vote taken away from them — for their own good.

#gamergate alpha males beta males cuck hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy radfems oh my straw feminists

KiA: RadFems are dating influential beta males in order to convert them to SJWism

Beta male indoctrination in progress
Beta male indoctrination in progress

Hey famous dudes who are betas! Watch the heck out! If some comely lass wearing an I HEART Dworkin t-shirt starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear, she could be a SECRET RADFEM trying to seduce you into SJWism so she and her RadFem comrades can take advantage of your fame in order to spread evil SJW lies.

crackpottery imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression ironic nazis irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever not an april fools joke oppressed white men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm racism scott adams trump

Dilbert creator Scott Adams: I’m endorsing Hillary so her fans won’t kill me!

Hillary Clinton haunts Scott Adams' nightmares
Hillary Clinton haunts Scott Adams’ nightmares

NOTE: This was written before Hillary Clinton essentially clinched the nomination.

With the critical California primary looming, Hillary Clinton has received a key endorsement that will likely help her clinch the “self-absorbed weirdo millionaire who did a comic strip you once kind of liked” vote.

That’s right, folks. Dilbert creator Scott Adams has thrown his support behind Hillary. Sort of.

men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill rhymes with roosh

Why pickup artists see Donald Trump as the ultimate alpha male

Donald Trump: Red Pill idol
Donald Trump: Red Pill idol

So Amanda Marcotte has a nice piece in Salon today on the adoration the world’s most repellant pickup artists feel towards Donald Trump:

announcements off topic open thread

The Official We Hunted the Mammoth Book Recommendation Thread

That's dames for ya
That’s dames for ya

So hey. I’m not officially back on duty yet — I’ll be back sometime in the next couple of days — but I thought I’d seed a little discussion here with what I’m calling The Official We Hunted the Mammoth Book Recommendation Thread.

awesome off topic

I Know Her: Off-topic, Off-duty Friday Night 90s Flashback Rockin’ Party

I got on a bit of a 90s kick last night, so here’s the Spotify playlist that came from it, a kind of 90s alt-rock-chick greatest hits mixtape. So enjoy, if you’re into this kind of thing!


Taking a break

Into the wild blue yonder

So I’ll be taking a few days off from the blog to clear my head of manosphere nonsense, do some non-blog reading, catch up on bad TV and work a bit on a few little side projects of mine. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken anything more than a day or two off from my WHTM duties and, well, I’m feeling a little not-so fresh. I hope to come back tanned, rested and ready, except not so much the “tanned” bit.


Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff, 5/16 Triumphant Hedgehog Edition


A long overdue Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff. (There’s also one for personal stuff.)

As always, no trolls or MRAs. Let me know if any show up.