It’s a fitting end, I suppose, to this most terrible of years. Popular vote-loser Donald Trump woke up bright and early this morning, and decided to send off 2016 with a petulant, gloating tweet:
Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 31, 2016
So what can you do when faced with this astounding level of childishness from the man who will be living in the White House in less than a month — assuming he bothers to move there from Trump tower?
How about Hate Donating to a group fighting Trump’s agenda and/or working to help those who will be hurt the most by Trump?
There’s a site called Rage Donate that pairs obnoxious statements by Trump with donate buttons that you can use to send ten bucks to a relevant charity. It’s a great idea, but the choices for charities are limited and honestly I haven’t heard of most of them.
If you’re looking for better-known groups to hate-donate ten bucks (or more) to, here are a few possibilities, with links to their “donate” pages:
Planned Parenthood, which faces the possibility of defunding under Trump.
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which opposes the Islamophobia at the heart of Trump’s agenda.
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which tracks groups and individuals peddling hate, including some of the same people I write about pretty regularly here.
Lambda Legal, which fights for the legal rights of LGBT people.
There are of course many, many other worthy groups. See the handy lists here and here for more ideas. If you want to make sure a charity you’re considering donating to is legit, Charity Navigator can get you sorted.
You might also want to consider donating to independent media outlets that write critically — which is to say honestly — about Trump and his cronies. Consider subscribing to publications/websites/podcasts that you rely on for news and analysis, or just throw some money their way. Trust me, they can use it. (And yes, that includes We Hunted the Mammoth.)
This has been a truly awful year, at least for the decent people of the world. Supporting any of these groups will help them fight for all of us in what will almost certainly be a really challenging year ahead.
Thank you for reminding me that I want to set up monthly donations to Planned Parenthood. I will not forget that Tangerine Mussolini specifically targeted them, despite him being a promiscuous man who has probably paid for multiple abortions.
Why do you call this “hate-donating”?
Well, maybe “rage donating” is more accurate, basically taking your anger about some shit Trump has said or done and turning into something positive by donating to a good organization.
I am currently donating to PP and the ACLU. It’s a good idea to add SPLC to the list, as long as they don’t displace my cat shelter donations.
Happy New Year Donald. This is the best it’s ever going to get for you.
Christ, what a douchebag Drumpf is.
Every so often, it pays to be reminded of that. In addition to everything else horrendous about him, he’s just a dreadfully unpleasant person.
About a month ago, I set up a recurring $10/month donation to the National Resources Defense Council: https://www.nrdc.org/
I also made a one-time donation to the ACLU. This is a good idea.
What an absolute bollock.
This new year, I’m going to do all I can to help people affected by this tiny-handed spunktrumpet and his terrible designs for the world. Good luck to everyone.
I don’t know if you got that from when the Scots cussed him out earlier this benighted year or if it was your own invention, but ‘tiny-handed spunktrumpet’ is now my favorite epithet for him.
My boyfriend read me this quote a few hours ago, and of course it just follows an unbroken string of absurd comments and grotesque actions.
My initial response to Trump’s latest: Aww! He’s such a little boy.
Okay, I was staring at Trump’s face in fascination due to David’s latest filter fun, and it looks like there’s an angry baby chicken’s head wearing a red hat coming out of his chin.
I may or may not be slightly buzzed.
After the election, I gave to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU and bought a subscription to the New York Times. I figured I better do it now while I still have some money, because once Obamacare is repealed I’m going to be fucked. (If I’m able to get coverage it’s going to way beyond what I can afford to pay.)
I was able to make a Planned Parenthood donation in the name of Mike Pense. *snicker* C’mon, 2017, give me more money so I can keep donating it to worthy causes! 🙂
Consider gifting a subscription to Teen Vogue to a teen you know. It’s only $5, and they’ve been hitting Trump hard.
@LindsayIrene I’ve thought about getting it for myself and I’m hardly a teen. But then, I do collages about advertising, and it’d be nice to have a source of images that came to my door.
I just sent off some paperword to my lawyer’s paralegal that I had to sign last week. Hopefully, this means my dad’s estate will be out of probate soon and I can set up all the monthly donations I am planning.
Actually, that’s the simplified version; I have to get the roof replaced on my dad’s house so I can get my renter in there. Luckily, my renter is also a contractor, so after the roof, they can start on the other repairs. Renter can’t do the roof because of asbestos issues; the old shingles have to be specially disposed of, which requires specially certified contractors and costs extra. I need access to the money tied up in probate to do that.
I was going to post this yesterday but people started calling me and I ended up on the phone the rest of the day. It was all friends and relatives with New Year’s wishes, so not complaining! Very unusual day, though.
This year for Christmas, we did donations in lieu of presents, so I was able to give to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center and the Union of Concerned Scientists (they fight climate change denial). And a relative donated to the White Helmets in my name. It seemed much more in the spirit of the season than buying things we didn’t need. I found Jezebel’s list of organizations very helpful.
A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support
Dammit. Here’s one thing that I as a foreigner could do. ‘cept I has no monies.
Welp. If and when I do find some money, first order of business is to donate to WHTM. Then we shall see.
I’m fortunate to have enough money to make donations in my nieces’ and nephews’ names to: National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Planned Parenthood
Environmental Defense Fund
Southern Poverty Law Center
and to “adopt” a bomb-sniffing Hero Rat for one nephew. https://www.apopo.org/en/
I can use some advice in this regard, if y’all don’t mind.
There are a fuckton of progressive organizations and charities that need help. I cannot possibly help them all, so how do I choose where to donate? When I think about it on my own, I tend to get stymied by the sheer number of them and suffer mental paralysis, and end up helping none.