open thread

Goodbye 2016, you bastard! A New Year’s open thread

I can has 2017?

Well, 2016, it’s been fun — by which I of course mean the complete opposite of fun. So here’s an open thread to say good riddance to 2016. And to look forward with trepidation but perhaps also a little hope to 2017. No trolls, Trump fans, MRAs, etc.

If you’re going out, be safe. If you’re staying in, curl up with this lovely Dumpster Fireplace to celebrate the end of this dumpster fire of a year.

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8 years ago

I’m going to a friend’s house with some people later and just realized there’s a hole in the armpit of my shirt. Idk if I should change it or not. It’s probably not noticeable but I’m self-conscious.

8 years ago

I rearranged my living room this morning. It’s a nice change for the new year.

Joe Klemmer
8 years ago

All-in-all, 2016 is going to go in the books on the plus side for me. While there’s been an UNBELIEVABLE amount of bad this year, I did find someone who has become the love of my life. And, no matter what 2017 (and beyond) has in store, I will have known what real love is.

Happy New Year to everyone everywhere.

8 years ago

If you’re counting down, watch out for the leap second. Wouldn’t want to celebrate the end of the year prematurely.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

I’m optimistic, even now. I think this Presidency is going to be a disaster, but I do think it gives us all a chance to re-focus on what’s important and work on those things.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

It’s already the first day of 2017 here and we are breathing sighs of relief. Cautious ones, but still. It also seems to be the day that summer remembered my city – it’s so hot outside it’s barely breathable. Combine that with everyone sleeping off new year’s eve and it’s very, very quiet around here!

@ Joe Klemmer, hooray! How awesome that good things still happened for people 😀

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

It’s now 2017 here so Happy New Year Mammotheers!!!!!

May all your dreams come true and all your nightmares turn to dust!

Michael Brew
8 years ago

It turned 2017 hours ago while I was making breakfast where my wife and daughter are, but it’s still 5 1/2 hours away here. Had a good start to the year with my baby’s birth in the first week. Kinda went downhill from there. But, hey, I still have my family and my kid’s precocious af – even though I had to stay behind while they went on vacation – and I did just get promoted this month. Starting next week I’ll be joining my family on vacation and getting my fat, +$200 paycheck. So… that’s something.

Also, Mattie, just rip the shirt all the way down the side and claim it’s the new year’s fashion. You come from the future, who’s going to challenge you?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Outside of the human teratoma about to infect the oval office and some sad passings, 2016 has been a good year for me. In March, my granddad died, so I sought a place to vent. 9 months later, I have a community here. I have someone who cares about me like nobody else ever has. I have fuckin money (not a lot, but still). I have direction. I’m a better person than I was 12 months ago, so this year is a personal success

Sorry for those who’ve had it rough. Your pain is valid whatever I say. I hope, for myself and y’all, that 2017 is better. It’ll be exciting anyway. Love and Hugs, everybody!!!

Also, this

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

2016 was a really, really good year for science. It was also a good year for me professionally and relationshippally. It’s just a shame that the historical events that occurred in 2016 were less good.

Still, we take our joys where we can find them. Congratulations Axe and Joe Klemmer!

I notice that thus far, 2017 is really cold, dark and full of explosions. Are we expecting sunrise at some point or are those no longer supported?

8 years ago

Honestly I’m just glad I have this community to hang on to. Honestly this last day of the year wasn’t so bad. I was able to help out my dad in a house remodeling project and I just finished a 66 game streak on Pokemon Moon of my own choice. A tip for those who want to attempt to beat the battle tree and attempt a record, in the options menu, turn off battle animations. This will save you hours and speed up things significantly when you don’t have to wait for everyone to take their turns in their animations, especially for doubles/multi battle modes. If there’s one thing to complain of sun and moon (mainly when it comes to competitive like having iv training to be level 100, in a game where the highest level pokemon are from the elite 4, all at level 63) the games just can’t handle having more than two pokemon at the same time. This is especially true for people with old 3ds.

8 years ago

2016 had some really rough points, including getting jerked around at my job, getting a new lead who sucks at being a lead, and losing a kitty (he was 18, so it was expected, but still hard). But overall it wasn’t that bad, aside from learning how racist and misogynistic a disgustingly large proportion of my country is. I’m hoping that this is the wakeup call we need to get out and take action. Here’s to punching up in 2017! *raises glass of wine*

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


ohmygod that twitter list!! Everyone, take 5 minutes if you can and click on Axe’s link above. How amazing.

Also, Axe, yay that you have a somebody (you enigmatic thing, you)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I just went with friends to a Himalayan restaurant and had ema datshi which was delicious

We’re about to go drink a bunch and be silly.

Other than me not being broke anymore, 2016 sucked and I’ll be glad to see it go.

Everyone who’s going to be out, stay safe!

8 years ago

Wishing you all all the best for 2017, Mammotheers! Almost 2am here now and am about to crash, but thank you all so much for having been a place of good and fun and hope last year and into this one! Here’s hoping this year is good to you and to all of us.

Best thing: both spawn, including NNT youngerSpawn for the first time ever, seem to have managed to sort things out so that they are seeing in the new year in company and having fun. That’s pretty much all I need to make this a happy night tonight 🙂

Conan the Librarian
Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Trepidation and hope for 2017 indeed

Trepidation: Regarding whatever the Trump regime and its followers will get up to, and what far-right reactionary b.s. is going to go down elsewhere.

Hope: That people are joining together to resist and stand up for the best in humanity.

More personally, 2016 has been a very rough year for my family. My wife has been ill most of the year and is recuperating from surgery. The recuperation has been hard due to flu and further infections stemming from that. My hope is that her health will be fully restored in 2017.

And best wishes for the coming year to everyone here!

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

Health and happiness to all in the new year!

I finally found the right dress for my “medium fancy” dinner tonight, only to discover that one of the removable straps was missing. I never wear strapless dresses, but it’s the best choice in my closet, so I’ve manoeuvred myself into some very elaborate underwear I don’t remember buying in the hopes that it will keep the damn thing from falling right off.

8 years ago

Staying in since hubby’s sick…not so bad, as I’ve got champagne, hot ham and cheese sandwiches on onion rolls, and I just made a dill pickle dip that is awesome. Cheesecake with blueberry topping. Not the usual fare I make, but it’ll do.

I made my own flaming dumpster in Minecraft, along with a gold tower and a pyramid of white supremacy, which I’ll light on fire at some point. It’s the healthiest way I can deal with Cinnamon Hitler right now.

I hope that everyone has safe and fun New Year’s! I hope that 2017 is the year people finally realize that we’re all on this earth together and maybe start building better lives.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@EJ + Mish


Stealing this 😀

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ viscaria

Bit of a longshot, but do you have any double sided sticky tape in the house? Some of my friends swear by it when it comes to strapless dresses. Apparently you can buy special stuff but they’ve been happy to raid my toolkit in emergencies.

The Queen of Pain is Invulnerable Till Death And Beyond
The Queen of Pain is Invulnerable Till Death And Beyond
8 years ago

I haven’t had a chance to read everything here.

I told a old friend a couple of hours ago Mi vida es una telanovela.

She is a Spanish interpreter and was probably just as surprised to hear the Espanol as the content.

But it’s true.

The worst of it is the bullying by HS friends

Because I’m 56.

And really no one picked on me very much back then and I had lots of friends. Even though I was pudgy.

But now I’m obese and very ill and vulnerable; in and out of hospitalS yes plural, and single and no kids and on disability and didn’t have a glamorous job and whatever creative ambitions I had I wasn’t rich and famous from so I must be a nobody worth bullying, right?

What do YOU THINK???????

8 years ago

An early happy 2017 to everyone. I plan to spend a toasty evening on the Skyrim remaster and wait for my partner to get back from work so we can watch Inuyasha. 2016 sucked so bad, we’re reliving earlier years.

I promised Mish kitties, so here’s that Tumblr:

If anyone else needs some kitty pics, feel free to check it out. I’ll likely end up adding to it in the future. Hope 2017 is a better year for all.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

@Alan: I actually located the second strap. A New Year’s miracle???? (No.) But thank you for the advice ? I’ll keep it in mind if I ever decide to be brave in future!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ viscaria

Then you shall go to the ball!

Just be careful the strap doesn’t turn into a piece of pumpkin or something at midnight. 🙂

8 years ago

2016 has been, well, not too bad for me, but I’m worried for my dad (they thought they’d gotten the tongue cancer he was diagnosed with at the end of last year, but apparently it’s come back).

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