Memeday has returned! Today’s installment consists of a one-question POP QUIZ.
Question: Where did I find the meme at the top of this post?
- The MGTOW subreddit
- A Voice for Men
- The Daily Stormer
I’ll give you the answer after this weirdly filtered picture of my cat Sweetie Pie Jonus:

And the answer is: The Daily Stormer.
In case you haven’t noticed yet, the Alt-Right movement — or at least the publicly visible portion of it — is made up almost entirely of dudes. They don’t talk about women much, but when they do, they talk about women almost exactly the same way that MGTOWs and MRAs talk about women.
Oh, sure, the Nazi types are more into chivalry and paternalism and all that “Kinder, Küche, Kirche” (children, kitchen, church) stuff than MRAs and MGTOWs are, seeing (white) women as little more than pretty baby incubators. But the neo-Nazis spend at least as much time complaining about white women as they do pedestalizing them.
And, like so many white MRAs, complaining that straight white dudes are the most oppressed creatures on planet earth.
“We are the only ones without privilege,” the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin wrote after posting that meme. “Every other group – women, faggots and all non-whites – is being promoted above us.”
Sounds rough.
So how exactly can you tell misogynistic Nazi memes about evil allegedly privileged white ladies from MRA memes about evil allegedly privileged white ladies?
Well, the MRAs tend to go with a different evil blonde lady in their memes. Namely, this gal:
I did a whole post about her once upon a time. The original stock photo didn’t include the gun. MRAs added it because they evidently felt she wasn’t EEEEEEEVIL enough.
Aspiring anime villain..?
One need a good term for the various extremist and somewhat misinterpreted “sharia” law that is what sharia mean for far right and Daesh, because the confusion help spread hatred and manicheism
Of course, it’s a continuum between the complete madmen who execute in the name of sharia left and right, and the most progressive one. A lot of decent muslim priests are still pretty nasty. They just aren’t anywhere near as nasty as the far right want them to be.
Also, they tend to be less nasty than the various christian integrist priests I have seen. And less nasty than the far righter in practice. They fantasm on the sharia as an exageration of their wish.
So, not to pry too deeply into this guy’s mind, but who does he think is stealing from him? Are women stealing their own bodies from him by refusing to sleep with him? Are other men stealing from him by existing, thereby keeping him from being the last man on Earth? Is the gummint stealing from him by having laws to keep him in check?
I was going to say that this man is the Donald Bradman of not understanding consent, but I think that’s untrue. He’s so hostile to the very concept of a consent-driven society that he must understand it if only to avoid accidentally straying into it by mistake.
I think a good term for the Saudi/Daesh/Iranian etc form of sharia is far right or even just conservative. It’s focused on promoting sexism, homophobia and brutal violence; the same ideology as any other form of conservatism.
Went to sleep right after posting, am catching up now.
Sorry it had already been posted, and also I’m sad that I’d missed it, though that’s fixed now. The begging kitten is wonderful, by the way.
Okay, now that I’ve caught up, I’m really, really disgusted. In part because of stuff I wasn’t aware of, that I read in this thread, and in part because he’s also a lot less hilarious when you’re not high off your face and ready to go to sleep.
He does remind me of GGG. He also reminds me of Rogers. I mean, seriously, a 10-page manifesto ? That oughta be one of the scariest red flags at this point. Every creep out there with a manifesto is fucking scary.
A lot of that shit hits pretty close to home too. Like how he calls everyone else “bigots” – I have, and know people who have, faced some nasty prejudice on age differences before.
When I was around 18, I slept with a woman who was 36, and she took a lot of flak because of that, on the basis that it only happened once and I was pretty drunk that night, therefore she must’ve taken advantage of my state.
One of my best friends is in her 70s. She got shamed a lot for dating a 30-something (also a friend of mine), because apparently sleeping with old women is super gross and therefore she must’ve been taking advantage of… I dunno, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t drunk for the entirety of the year or so that it lasted.
I got a third one but it makes me cry and I don’t feel like writing it out in the morning when I’ve barely had my coffee.
So yeah, I agree that there’s prejudice on that subject. But that is far besides the point. DUDE. You’re fucking creepy and that’s got nothing to do with being attracted to younger women.
Those suicide threats too. Another one that I can’t adress right now, so just, y’know, fuck you dude.
Also your “science” is bullshit of the same caliber as creation “science” – I can’t even find a metaphor for how wrong it is, and I’ve been trying for the past 5 minutes or so while staring at the begging kitty gif.
Keep staring at wwth’s kitty gif – it has magical powers. Drink your coffee. And don’t apologise for the double post; I’ve done that many times. Just goes to show we are all on similar wavelengths! I’ll not say anything else about Telo Guy ’cause it’s been said very well upthread, and ’cause it’s gone and punched you in the heart now 🙁
The age difference thing, though – outside of the creepy stuff. Yes, so much flak. I’ve been out with people much older than me and others can get incredibly icky about it as a reflex, i.e. not based on actual knowledge of the relationship. To be fair, wrt one I can sort of understand as he was a teacher and I was in high school 😐
And if I’m honest I’ll admit that if my 14 year old started going out with someone in their 20s, I’d freak out, at least initially. But when both or all parties are grown-ups, it’s a little different. Depending on the context and the power differentials, of course.
And anyways, lookit you! You turned out fine! 😀 (that was a wee joke, just in case your coffee isn’t working or you still feel too raw)
Finally, here:
@Sinkable John:
Penguin hugs.
Thanks for the kind words, don’t worry I’m fine 🙂
Although Tiny Bunny is best bunny, and those penguins are adorbz.
Making fun of idiots like Telo Guy is my therapy, to be fair. It’s just, well, sometimes they creep me out way too much for it to work. And I can’t shake that nagging fear that every single one of them is a ticking time bomb like Rogers was. I love to laugh at them, but they terrify me.
I haven’t actually read his page. When PZ posted about him I clicked the link to his profile, got extremely creeped out immediately and left, so all I know of him is from the clips posted by PZ and by the FTB and WHTM commenters. But, I notice that he has also stated that he “gave” $3000 but still hasn’t been sexed up, and, while some people were puzzling with what that meant, I knew immediately what he meant by that. In those 5 years he’s been incel, he’s spent $3000 on dates. Heck, he might even be including tips he’s given to people like that barista, but it’s obvious to me from his mindset that when he spends money on a woman he’s doing so only because he wants something in return, and that’s why he talks about giving away $3000 while complaining about never getting any sex.
So, with that in mind, I’m pretty sure the stealing is somehow related, either directly or in the kind of mentality it takes to convince oneself at all cost that one is good and right. Has he gone from giving away the $3000 to it being stolen? I’m not sure. He definitely sees himself as a victim but I think he wants to still also see himself as magnanimous and generous, so I don’t think so. However, he talks about how men under 35 shouldn’t be allowed to date younger women, so maybe it’s those younger men stealing the younger women from his superior telomeres?
Ok, that was a somewhat interesting thought exercise but I’m getting seriously squicked out now. I’ll leave it to others to ponder.
Olhmann, I know you know the comment policy, so why do you keep doing this?
He expects to be able to buy sex from anyone he fancies, yet complains about how materialistic young women supposedly are. The irony, it seems, is entirely lost. Blergh!
I can repost the kitten gif so it’s on this page too.
Go ahead, more CAT is always better.
Ehh, actually, I looked at the other page, and the kitty’s gone ! Like, the rest of your comment is still there, just not the gif.
Stealth kitty ?
I think it might be more of a general attitude of “fuck the world ’cause everything hates me or has wronged me in one or several ways”. Like, no one in particular stole anything from him, he just blames people in general for a collection of perceived slights ? I dunno.
Thank you for that analysis, kupo. That actually makes a kind of sense when you break it down like that. Ewww.
Are there any other Vampire: the Masquerade oldtimers here? Would I be dating myself if I said that he were on the Path of Entitlement?
Wait. The first of Captain Creepazoid’s “Memes” (anything with over a hundred words is not a fucking meme) is “I have less telomerase, therefore I deserve to rape children” and the third is “I have more telomerase, therefore I deserve to rape children.”
He can’t even keep his own pseudoscience straight.
Why, it’s almost as if the whole thing is a flimsy excuse to be a creepy angry paedophile and he knows it!
Interesting. I’m sure he felt the same way when he was 24, right?
I know, right? But clearly he’s older and wiser now and knows better and something-something pseudoscience something-something.
I started reading, and thought to myself, “I don’t know what the hell telomeres even are, but I am sure, right now, before I Google them, that he is mistaken about them.”
I am encouraged to learn that the sperm of men over thirty-five has health benefits, since my husband will be forty-one this spring. Unfortunately, I’m forty-three, so I assume that whatever benefits there are probably don’t overcome the fact that we are in defiance of the Diploid Rules.
I actually took some flack from a friend when the now-husband and I started dating, because I was twenty-six and he was twenty-three. I couldn’t believe that this was an age difference she would actually object to. I also pointed out that if I were the guy and he the girl, or if we were a same-sex couple, it wouldn’t be an issue. She insisted it would.
I pointed out that back in college, she’d dated a guy who was thirty-six. (Sorry, Spokane Man, he was also funny, charming, employed, and able to have a conversation without discussing the health benefits of anal sex with him.) She said that was…different.
I don’t know. Age gaps are complex. A friend of mine recently married a guy who’s twelve or thirteen years older than she is. She first knew him when she was fifteen and he was in his late twenties, and absolutely nothing happened then, because he was hot, but an adult, and unattainable, and she was cute, but a little girl. Then, twenty-five years later, after a divorce apiece, they ran into each other again, and it happened. No one thought the age gap odd. Spokane Man. I assume, would have counseled him to hold out for a twenty-year-old.
What I do find interesting about SM’s stuff is how he combines and tweaks common icky trains of thought. You see people claiming that young girls can date older men because biology, maturity, blah blah, and you see them claiming they want to date older men because older men have money and stability and stuff. But this guy’s logic seems to be that he’s a biological prize at thirty-seven, in the same way other icky people claim teenage girls are, because he’s somehow MORE fertile and sexually desirable than a younger man, due to his superior telomere setup.
When this opinion is held by people with actual power, you get stuff like the FLDS, where they find excuses to excommunicate and kick out the younger men, because when powerful church elders are supposed to have multiple young wives, you gotta get rid of the excess males who would normally have paired with those girls somehow. For many polygamous societies, it was war or dangerous environment that did it for them, (earlier Mormons included) but the FLDS is having to figure out their own method.
That’s where I started from…and went from there. That’s also why I climbed out of the rabbit hole. I usually use Dramatica as a starting point.
Eugh perfectly describes my reaction to that…person…
@Telomorase dude:
What the actual fuck dude.
Also, who wants to guess that Spokane Guy gets his coffee every morning at Big Shots, the Spokane bikini espresso chain?
Who wants to guess that every girl at Big Shots is thoroughly done with even pretending to deal with him?
Whom he remind me of is George Sodini. Hope it doesn’t end similarly. :/
re the Spokane guy, someone brought him to my attention several days ago. After looking at his facebook page, and his “conversationrage” site (linked to on his FB page) I decided not to write about him because honestly he sounds Elliot-Rodger-level disturbed, and I’m concerned that too much attention could lead to him harming himself or others. Some people on his FB page say they’ve reported him to the authorities, which seems more appropriate to me than giving him publicity.