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Right-wing bloviator Michael Savage says Trump will save white kids from future slavery

Take our hat off indoors, dude.

Right-wing radio host/sentient ball of rage Michael Savage has a dream: that one day soon (right after the inauguration, in fact) little white boys will be able to join hands with little white girls without having to worry that the mean “interloper … phony .. monster” currently living in the White House will sell them into little white slavery.

In a recent episode of his radio show, Savage declared that, because of Trump,

I don’t walk around fearing that it’s all coming to an end. I don’t walk around looking at little white children seeing future slaves anymore. Did you know that? Did you know that that’s what I used to see? I’d walk around and look at little white children and I’d shake my head and I’d say, ‘If this doesn’t stop, these children will be slaves in their own nation.’

He also told his listeners that, because of the immense rage he feels towards his political enemies, it’s probably best that he isn’t running the country (or even a tiny portion of it) himself.

I would not want that power, because I would probably use it like a hammer on an anvil to get even with these people and what they’ve done to this fine country. …

I’m glad I have no power. I’m glad I’m only a voice on the outside looking in.

We are too, Mike! Which probably means that Trump will appoint him head of something, and that Savage will happily accept.

Here’s the relevant portion of his radio show, courtesy of Right Wing Watch.

H/T — Right Wing Watch, via Secular Talk

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Weird (so, the president-elect was running a long con after all, SURPRISED?) Eddie
Weird (so, the president-elect was running a long con after all, SURPRISED?) Eddie
8 years ago

It will be interesting (in a very scary way) to see these people after 4 years (assuming the great pumpkin makes it that long), when they realize their lives are not one bit better in spite of (or more likely BECAUSE of) the bloviator-in-chief….

8 years ago

Don’t worry, it won’t be Trump who brings back child labor.

It is just his pick for education, Betsy DeVos.

(Hi, I had an OK Lootmas until it wasn’t (26th) and I’m still under the weather and this was just a random popup and I’m going to go back to lurking because holy shit 2016, what is wrong with you i cant even.)

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

First point: he isn’t on the outside looking in, not anymore. You’re part of the dreaded MSM now, bitch.

Second point: is it better for children of color to be slaves in their own land? And if so, how so?

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

I’m echoing here what Skiriki is saying.

Trump is for child labor. His pick for education wants to bring back child labor.

If anyone wants to enslave children (all children) it’s going to be the Right Wing Klown Kar.

It’s like these people have no actual love whatsoever and just use “think of the children” to justify their own paranoia and hatred.

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago


Don’t worry, it won’t be Trump who brings back child labor.

It is just his pick for education, Betsy DeVos.

But they won’t be slaves. They’ll be paid 50, maybe 60 cents a day, that’s not slavery, that’s just capitalism in action.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I love how Savage thinks that the fact that he looks at white children and sees future slaves constitutes evidence that Obama’s goal was to make whites slaves.

It’s also ironic that while he disapproves of race based slavery if it’s white slavery, he is just fine with corporations gaining enough power to enslave anyone not super rich.

I also wouldn’t be at all surprised if he’d be fine with slavery as long as white people are the owners and POC the slaves.

8 years ago

Finally, I can agree with something Savage said. I am incredibly happy that he is impotent

8 years ago

“…get even with these people and what they’ve done to this fine country …” ????

First off, how does one “get even” with something that was done? (I’m sure he means “for” what they’ve done.)

Second, for me the real chin-scratcher is the way these people claim to see the US. Just presuming that anyone means this and is not just fear-mongering because it pays well, what on earth do they perceive and what evidence could they ever provide that American white children in general would become slaves? It boggles the mind.

I sometimes hear these clips of right-wing blabbers talking about the end of America, and I have no idea what they mean.

Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
Dalillama, Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles
8 years ago


I also wouldn’t be at all surprised if he’d be fine with slavery as long as white people are the owners and POC the slaves.

He’s got a video out titled ‘No Apologies for slavery’, so that seems like a fair guess.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago

That poor, poor porcelain doll. A world where dipshits like him have no political power is a better world for everyone.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

And what exactly has President Obama done to this “fine” country? He’s done a load of good for this country from where I sit and I’m very proud of his accomplishments in the face of overwhelming Republican opposition. (I detract points from him based on the drone strikes which I just cannot justify).

Savage can go sit down somewhere with his bigoted self.

P.S. Wonder how Savage will be embraced by the alt-right, antisemitic folks who LOVE them some Trump.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Just a note for some commenters above:

It’s obvious Savage wasn’t talking about child slavery, he was talking about some grand generic oppression of white people in the future when present day cute white kids are grown up.

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

@Weird (so, the president-elect was running a long con after all, SURPRISED?) Eddie

It will be interesting (in a very scary way) to see these people after 4 years (assuming the great pumpkin makes it that long), when they realize their lives are not one bit better in spite of (or more likely BECAUSE of) the bloviator-in-chief….

They’ll still be thrilled as long as others — women, brown people, LGBTQ people, Muslims, immigrants, etc. — are worse off. That’s what they really care about.

Weird (so, the president-elect was running a long con after all, SURPRISED?) Eddie
Weird (so, the president-elect was running a long con after all, SURPRISED?) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Judas;

I stand corrected… I continually forget these people’s incredible talent for ignoring anything they don’t want to see….

8 years ago

Michael Savage is so-over-the-top, even other conservatives don’t like him. He comes across as liberal satirist’s caricature of a right wing pundit. I read a profile of him years ago. He probably doesn’t believe any of the nonsense he spouts; people who’ve known him for years say he’d basically do anything for a buck and right-wing talk radio is where the money’s at. He was once a botanist who wrote a few well-respected books on herbal medicine but there’s no money in that.

Chris O
Chris O
8 years ago


On the contrary, he believes every last paranoid, nonsensical word of it.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Did you know that? Did you know that that’s what I used to see?

But did we care?

Angry Since 11/09/2016
Angry Since 11/09/2016
8 years ago

The hatred is staggering, and the alt-right just keeps showing us their ass. Trump’s world is a room full of funny mirrors where people can’t even see straight anymore because they are followers of a hate movement.

8 years ago

Does anyone else get the feeling that Drumpfkin might pull a Sarah Palin halfway through his term and just retire from office?

I am gonna cling to that for a while.

8 years ago

@Angry Since 11/09/2016
And its not even a cute ass.

Then we get Pence for the rest of the term,
he sounds reasonable but he is a theocratic bigot of the highest order.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

Sort of related? A Buffalo paper asked prominent locals a set of questions about their hopes etc. for 2017. A member of Trump’s NY campaign team, Carl Paladino, offered his um thoughts. I don’t want to post them here ’cause they’re utterly disgusting, but the Obamas feature, along with animals and death and jihadis.

It’s basically the same revolting stuff that we’ve seen time and again, but usually from alt-right bloggers and commenters, iirc. And I can’t quite believe that the paper went ahead and published his answers – didn’t anyone think, “hm, maybe this isn’t what we’re looking for in this piece?”

He’s since apologised (I think the paper should, too), in one of those non-apologies that such people specialise in. Plus something something upset about Aleppo. Yep.

Also I had never heard of Michael Savage until now, which I’m sure he’d be ecstatic about given that he’s happy to be powerless.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


Small potatoes, but I can’t get over how Mr School Board misspelled both “Hereford” and “Jihadi.”

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

I love this quote by Paladino:

We need a $50 million dollar train station as much as we need parasitic people like Lou Ciminelli, 80% of the school board and the dizziness of socialistic progressive politicians who never signed the front of a paycheck.

8 years ago

A black man as president = white children enslaved? Does not compute. Unless maybe he’s thinking of the reverse situation, up until the 1860s, when a white man as president DID in fact equal black children (and adults) enslaved.

Why are right-wingers so goddamn backward-minded?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


That’s one of the reasons my brain was telling me the whole thing was a prank of some kind. I mean, the writing is atrocious. He’d probably say that was also due to Aleppo 🙁

@PeeVee, can you imagine sitting in school board meetings with him? ohmygiddyaunt…