The death of Carrie Fisher on Monday came as a shock; so too did the death of her mother, the irrepressible Debbie Reynolds, just one day later.
While the media, and the internet, is overflowing today with heartfelt tributes to both women, the neo-Nazi website Infostormer is celebrating Reynolds’ death. Why? Because she was married — twice! — to Jewish men, most famously to singer Eddie Fisher, who fathered Carrie and her brother Todd during the brief marriage, before running off with Elizabeth Taylor.
In a post yesterday (archived here), the presumably pseudonymous “Marcus Cicero” wrote
They say that when you sell your soul to the devil (or his earthly minions) for fame and fortune, he eventually comes calling for his payment. …
The truth of the matter is that Reynolds long ago made the greed-filled decision to give up her body to lust-crazed Jews in order to obtain preferential treatment in Hollywood through career-boosting promotion.
And for such a defilement of the body and mind without repentance, an eternity of suffering in the afterlife must be the final punishment.
Mr. Cicero believes that “recently-dead Star Wars Kike Carrie Fisher” is also enjoying “an eternity of suffering in the afterlife.”
Anti-Semitism is a hell of a drug.
Here’s the woman Mr. Cicero thinks is burning in hell, in a song-and-dance number from Singin’ in the Rain, a film that (incidentally) came out several years before her marriage to alleged evil Jew string-puller Fisher.
This is not surprising.
Nazis Suck!
So does this idiot believe that Debbie Reynolds only got ahead because she had sex with “Lust crazed Jews?”
The stormers’ rhetoric reminds me VERY MUCH of a 3-year-old holding their breath and kicking their feet….
Are there any other Vonnegutt fans whose first thought on hearing this sad news was that Carrie and Debbie were a Duprass? That’s what I’m choosing to believe.
I’ve seen several “True Christians” ™ celebrating celebrity deaths and the presumed burning in a lake of fire. This idiot was celebrating that “sodomite” George Michael’s descent toward hell.
My first question to these douchecanoes would be “how do you know?” or “citation please?” But I’m also wondering why they care so much about someone who had literally no impact on their lives.
There are people whose death gave me some grim joy -(cough cough) Antonin Scalia (cough cough) – but that is mainly because such assholes are no longer around to torture others and create a hell on earth for people they disagree with in the here and now.
I’m an atheist. I think all we need to enjoy our lives, our loved ones and the celebrities we love from afar in the here and now, but even when I was a Christian, I didn’t get joy from the thought that people of different ethnicities, sexual orientations or whatever were burning in hell.
You have to be a special kind of disgusting to spew that kind of ugly about Debbie Reynolds. That’s not random, casual disgusting. To be that disgusting you have to try real hard. That commenter had to have decided at some point that becoming that special kind of disgusting was a cherished life goal and worked at it.
Beam me up. Someone. Please.
The idea that women “give up their bodies” when they have sex and/or children speaks volumes of the overlap between Nazis and Manospherians. It’s the same exact ridiculous sexual anxieties fueling the same exact misguided hatred.
It’s all so sad. I wonder how many Elliot Rodgers will he coming out of the alt-right in the next few years.
What is hell? Hypothetically, at least?
Hell must be an eternity spent with people who relish the notion of other people being tortured for all eternity.
Wherever I end up, let it be elsewhere from such people.
After dreaming all night about cats who have passed on over the years all being there with me, sick, dying, and needing my nurturing, then dreaming about my partner who passed away nearly ten years ago being sick, dying, and needing my nurturing, and then dreaming about Trump getting us into WWIII, I wake up to this vile, disgusting filth. These people cheer for death and suffering in others. They probably want WWIII. What awful people. How can anyone rejoice in the suffering of others?
“Lust crazed”? That’s a new one to me. Being a nazi must be exhausting, having to keep up with all the latest racist bullshit.
If I believed in any of this nonsense – that marrying a Jewish guy and having kids with him were the equivalent of selling one’s soul for fame and fortune – I’d be wondering why the “payback” would take fifty years?
I mean, 84 is a ripe old age. If that’s some sort of punishment, it sure took its time.
@Iseult Ah, but it’s a blink of an eye compared to BURNING IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! …or something. Yuck. 😛
Picking sweet Christian cherries there, Cicero, unless you’re thinking of Taoist or Buddhist hell (or Aztec, I suppose), since there’s all that ‘love’ and ‘forgiveness’ claptrap in the Bible. Which was written by and about jewish people. But those other hells?
Those aren’t eternal, and the bible doesn’t actually have much if anything to say about hell, depending on your reading.
Nevermind that Debbie Reynolds, by all accounts, was a decent loving person and never did anythung that would land her in anyone’s hell. Basically, your house of hate cards isn’t even a house, it’s a pile and it’s in the litter box.
But in the words of Woody Guthrie: all you Fascists bound to lose.
I’ve never heard of the luster crazed Jewish stereotype before. That one is usually a black or Latino stereotype.
It’s kind of like how MRAs will just attribute any female behavior they don’t like to feminism. Bigots just like to add negative trait + whatever demographic they hate to equal their own tailor made stereotype.
Ugh. The only thing worse than a nazi is a nazi parroting the WBC.
Makes me sick.
@Alan Robertshaw I thought that too
I have. Fun Fact: Every minority are “lust crazed degenerates” in the eyes of a fuck shit fuck fucker Nazi fuck like this motherfucker right the fuck here.
Fuck this piece of shit.
Who’s “they”? And when is one of these numbskulls going to admit that “they” are wrong, because there is no hell and no devil, except for other people. People like THEM. They make life hell for other people, ergo THEY are the devil. The only real one there is.
I’m a pudgy, middle-aged, former Christian guy. I willing to have sex with lust-crazed Jews. They don’t even have to help boost my career.
@Imaginary Petal
Scary, but I wonder this, too.
Lawrence Britt lists “rampant sexism” as one of the 14 defining characteristics of fascism, also noting, “Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.”
Trump’s picks are almost universally anti-gay. He and his picks are also anti-choice. As for sexism, two of his top people have been accused of domestic battery and Trump himself is a self-admitted sexual assault enthusiast, twice accused of rape.
At some point, we have to start thinking that it’s an intentional pattern with a specific purpose.
1st, that “defilement” made Leia Organa happen. Fuck off
2nd, once a bigot decides you’re an interior, there’s no amount of repentance you can do to earn their good graces
Interesting choice of word…
Carrie Fisher would defiantly tell these fuckboys to blow her. Debbie was a legendary figure who entertained and helped people her entire life. No one thinks their words are anything but pure idiocy.
@ Alan, OMG YES.
“Well that’s sad”, I thought, “but hey it must have been nice to have that kind of connection. Perhaps they were a Duprass.”
Anyway, what the heck is wrong with neo-nazis, don’t they seriously ever stop and reföect for a while about what they just wrote. O.o Are they just encouraging each other like schoolyard bullies or do they seriously believe in that steaming bullshit.
Nah, it’s also a classically Jewish one. Less used in the U.S., and recently, but in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe, you get a huge emphasis on Jewish men as sexual predators corrupting young Christian girls, ad nauseum. These guys get it from Nazi literature, from which they also get the whole idea that sexual liberation is a Jewish plot.