The death of Carrie Fisher on Monday came as a shock; so too did the death of her mother, the irrepressible Debbie Reynolds, just one day later.
While the media, and the internet, is overflowing today with heartfelt tributes to both women, the neo-Nazi website Infostormer is celebrating Reynolds’ death. Why? Because she was married — twice! — to Jewish men, most famously to singer Eddie Fisher, who fathered Carrie and her brother Todd during the brief marriage, before running off with Elizabeth Taylor.
In a post yesterday (archived here), the presumably pseudonymous “Marcus Cicero” wrote
They say that when you sell your soul to the devil (or his earthly minions) for fame and fortune, he eventually comes calling for his payment. …
The truth of the matter is that Reynolds long ago made the greed-filled decision to give up her body to lust-crazed Jews in order to obtain preferential treatment in Hollywood through career-boosting promotion.
And for such a defilement of the body and mind without repentance, an eternity of suffering in the afterlife must be the final punishment.
Mr. Cicero believes that “recently-dead Star Wars Kike Carrie Fisher” is also enjoying “an eternity of suffering in the afterlife.”
Anti-Semitism is a hell of a drug.
Here’s the woman Mr. Cicero thinks is burning in hell, in a song-and-dance number from Singin’ in the Rain, a film that (incidentally) came out several years before her marriage to alleged evil Jew string-puller Fisher.
That makes sense I suppose. It does square with the feminism is a Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory.
I found a picture of Marcus Cicero! Huh… he’s posing with a *gasp* Jew.
There are still a lot of active serial killers, mostly predating on female prostitutes. I wonder how many are alt-right and/or manospherians.
Brilliant takedowns of this awful post. Big feminist hugs in this hard time!
I almost didn’t read this entry, because like everyone else with a functioning heart & brain, I’m so sick of these guys & the depths to which they happily fling themselves.
But I’m glad I did now, because every comment has been a wee little shiny treasure of awesome.
Thanks, mammotheers <3
I actually don’t know much of anything about Debbie Reynolds. I do know, however, that these neo-Nazis can go fuck off.
Debbie Reynolds was, like her character Molly Brown (who was based on a real women), unsinkable.
She had a difficult life in some ways (she had three husbands, all of whom left her, and two of whom took her money). I’m sure she heard all kinds of comments about the fact that she married two Jewish men.
But she remained upbeat and indomitable throughout her life until her half-Jewish daughter, Carrie Fisher, died at 60. Then, according to her son, Debbie voiced a wish to be with Carrie, and she died the next day.
Debbie Reynolds seemed to have no time for hate.
That’s actually a Christian virtue. Jesus said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13: 34-35).
And here’s a New Testament verse about Jesus: “And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21).
The overarching message of the New Testament — despite a bunch of very sketchy passages based on cultural beliefs — is the message of Jesus Christ, a Jewish guy who preached love.
I mean, I’ve read a little about Carrie Fisher over the last few days so I guess I must have been dimly aware of this, but I’m suddenly delighted to actually realise that Carrie Fisher is a Jew–just like me.
The other noteworthy feature of these empire-minded invaders of countries that were perfectly happy without them …
… always infested with peasants or other inferior-worthless-lazy indigenous folk with one mysterious advantage over the rest of the world. “Their women” don’t suffer during childbirth the way “our women” do. They just drop the baby after a few pushes, wrap it up and carry it while they keep right on digging up taties or hoeing the fields or carrying huge water containers on their heads. They simply don’t feel pain the same way as more advanced folks (like us).
I still like the old joke about Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. She danced better, backwards and in high heels. Feel much the same way about Debbie Reynolds and Carrie. Sorry alt-dong’s… not.
These Nazis are the true blasphemers, proclaiming that they know where the souls of the deceased shall end up. Last I checked, only God himself has that knowledge; and I doubt most sincerely that Mr. Cicero has God’s cell number.
I’m an agnostic, not an atheist, but it has always been clear to me that Hell — like the wrathful white-bearded old man version of god — is a totally human construction. Obviously, it is meant to scare people into acting in a manner that those who constructed it want.
As I recall, Jesus talks very little about Hell. The verse Kat quotes above:
seems to me to be a good test of being a “real Christ-ian.” (The bad Christians will claim that they are only exhorted to love others who are like them.) Gloating over the suffering of others is not Christ-ian
@ GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion. You seem open to the possibility of a god existing; I’m unsure why the existence of hell is out of the question. As for Jesus, all it takes is a google search to find that he did in fact discuss hell to some extent.
Interesting tidbit about Singing in the Rain that one of Reynold’s obituaries mentioned. Her dance teacher for that movie was Gene Kelly, and evidently he was hard on her in lessons, but that she didn’t hold it against him. Mainly because he had roughly three months to get a 19 year-old girl who had never danced professionally before up to the same levels as her costars, who’d been dancing professionally since they were 3 and 4 years old.
It speaks volumes about her talents that she could pull that off there.
@ Grumpy Old SocialJusticeMangina
@Dr. Spleen
RE Hell, I was a pastor’s kid from a (liberal) denomination, so I osmosed a fair amount of theology. Do I believe in a place of eternal burnination where demons poke sinners with pitchforks? Nope, no more than I believe in an angry old white guy sitting on a cloud nuking people for not getting off his metaphorical lawn. Way, way too anthropomophic a concept, and way too filtered through human desires to punish others for not toeing the line.
I have, however, heard about the concept of Hell being a complete absence of God, and by ‘God’ you can mean something like ’empathy, awareness of the world around them, or compassion’. You get out what you put into the world, and if you put in shit, you will only get shit out. You create misery for others, it’ll eventually get back to you. This makes a lot more sense to me. Hell is something we make for ourselves, and sometimes you don’t even need to die first. Some of Dave’s er, more ‘prolific’ targets are living proof of that.
I’d ramble a lot more but I was up way too farkin’ late last night doing hot hot No Man’s Sky action and me want nap.