Mike Cernovich is a Trump-loving, conspiracy-slinging alt-right fellow traveler with a nasty habit of smearing people he doesn’t like as pedophiles.
Now he’s become the target of a small army of trolls who have managed to pull off the difficult feat of being even more terrible than he is.
Cernovich, you see, has been organizing something called the Deploraball, a kind of senior prom for Trumpian superfans scheduled for the night before their hero’s inauguration. And he’s been hoping the event will come off smoothly with none of the overtly fascist overtones that marred the recent National Policy Institute convention — you know, the Nazi salutes, the attendance of Hitler-idolizing barely-a-celebrity Tila Tequila, that sort of thing.
A couple of days ago, much to Cerno’s horror, a fellow helping him plan the event — who claims it was actually his idea in the first place — started Tweeting about the, er, Ew-Jays, if you catch my meaning.
Me: Upon research, I noticed Jewish people run 95% of American media that is very interesting
Internet: Why do you want to gas the Jews ?
— Baked Alaska (@bakedalaska) December 26, 2016
If the screenshots of their alleged internet convos that Baked Alaska posted shortly afterwards are accurate, Cerno reacted with fury, telling him to shut up about the “JQ” — that is, the “Jewish Question.”
PRO TIP: If you’re hanging out with people who will instantly know what you mean when you bring up the “JQ,” there’s a very good chance your friends ARE NAZIS, and you might just be one yourself.
Not that Cerno ever had any illusions about what the alt-right really stood for. In a now-deleted Tweet from last year (archived here), he not only declared himself to be an alt-righter but also echoed the alt-right’s ridiculous rhetoric about so-called “white genocide.”
But the new Mike Cernovich doesn’t want to associate himself with people like, well, the old Mike Cernovich. So he took Mr. Alaska off the party planning committee, and disinvited him from the party.
And that’s when things started to go south for Cerno. Mr. Alaska informed his 131,000 followers that Cerno had banned him from the Deploraball. Then he began a counterattack of sorts, which involved making fun of Cerno’s slight lisp
I guess you could say I've been THILENTHED ! lol 😂
— Baked Alaska (@bakedalaska) December 27, 2016
Lithen up goys! I'm the new twither polithe!! If u thpeak of me again u will not b allowed 2 go to my parthhy! pic.twitter.com/MvlfkC7Qtd
— Baked Alaska (@bakedalaska) December 27, 2016
After that, the deluge, as Mr. Alaska’s followers piled on, peppering their tweets with every slur they could think of.
"Dont want parasites and junkies in my life" has Milo around him hahah @Cernovich is a faggot cuck https://t.co/lhFzF7wMmM
— Nate (@BigNate1690) December 28, 2016
So @Cernovich went full cuck. You never go full cuck bro. Let the men be men. Stay out of their way.
— 📎(((Alpha)))📎 (@ChancellorAlpha) December 28, 2016
@Cernovich Have fun at your faggy sausage party, you lispy jewish faggot.
— Jager Jantiago (@offthedust) December 27, 2016
There were literally hundreds more tweets along these lines; they’re probably still going at it.
One inventive fellow repurposed a crude anti-Semitic cartoon, turning it into an attack on Cerno’s alleged treachery:
Another posted video of himself literally burning a copy of one of Cerno’s books.
Given his rather, er, casual handing of his can of lighter fluid, it’s kind of amazing AnimeRight UB didn’t reduce himself to ashes alongside Cerno’s book.
Naturally, the waggish Angrew Anglin, head boy at the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer, had a few thoughts on the matter as well. In a celebratory post (archived here), he informed his readers that
[t]he cuck/kike contingent of the Trump movement is cucklapsing/kikelapsing right before our very eyes.
And he warned them that Cernovich’s
Deploraball is apparently an attempt at a sanitized, cuckolded, pro-Jew version of the NPI conference.
Well, you can’t say that Anglin is shy when it comes to talking about the, er, “JQ.”
But the most interesting thing I’ve run across in this glorious debacle came from Mr. Alaska, who posted what he said was a screenshot of an email from Milo Y, apparently in response to an earlier invitation to the bash.
I’m guessing there are a lot more screenshots of Milo missives like this stored on the hard drives of people who have interacted with him in the past. Milo’s inevitable implosion should prove to be interesting to watch.
But back to the here and now. How did Cerno respond to all this vitriol? He put up, then deleted, a Periscope trashing Mr. Alaska as a “junkie” and a “little bitch” with a very low credit score whose mother pays his rent. (You can find the deleted video posted on Youtube here.) In a post on his blog he declared that Mr. Alaska was a con man who “lies about everything.” I guess he’s saving the spurious pedophilia accusations for later.
On Twitter, he posted, and then for some reason deleted, several Tweets claiming that most of the supposed Nazis on Twitter are nothing more than a bunch of “paid shills.” (I got a screenshot of the Tweets before they vanished.) He followed up with a similar claim about the Ku Klux Klan, based on a blatant misreading or misrepresentation of a USA Today article.
Apparently Cerno finds it more comforting to think that the people sending him nasty tweets are paid shills in the employ of some shadowy SJW billionaire than actual human beings who hate his guts (if, alas, for the wrong reasons). Like his idol Trump, Cerno seems to prefer to live in a world of his own imagining.
The Cerno-Alaska falling-out was noisy and nasty enough to spur a second, if somewhat less dramatic, alt-right blowup, with Trump superfan and Twitter activist Bill Mitchell disavowing the alt right on account of all the alt-rightists in it.
Whatever #AltRight was, it's been taken over by white supremacists and I disavow it. I'm #AmericaFirst where we can ALL be great again.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) December 27, 2016
I don’t have much to add to my original response to his complaint.
I am shocked, SHOCKED, to discover white supremacists in this white supremacist movement! https://t.co/blzFNMTKW9
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) December 27, 2016
NOTE TO EXTREMELY LITERAL-MINDED READERS: I was being sarcastic. It is of course not very surprising to find white supremacists in a white supremacist movement, and my sarcastic comment, echoing a famous line in Casablanca, was meant to convey my suspicion that Mr. Mitchell was already well-aware that the alt-right, like Rick’s cafe, was filled with Nazis.
I’m still waiting for the inevitable alt-right falling-out with Trump himself. He’s already “disavowed” them. And some of them have gotten themselves pretty worked up about the Happy Hanukkah tweet he sent out on the 24th.
Come on, all you assholes, tear each other to shreds. The world will be a better place once you do.
S&S is part of the CBS corporation. A boycott of them might be a teensy bit bigger.
Deplora-ball? More like Debâcle-ball!
*gets popcorn*
What is it with neo-nazis, why do they admire a totally failed state that completely lost WW2?
Ok they had a good run for 3 years (1939-1942) after that they were beaten totally, their air force was destroyed, their ships and U-Boats sunk, their army beaten on every front. Their cities smashed to rubble.
They lost Prussia forever and many other areas with Germans were totally ethnically cleansed of them and the country was split in two for 50 years.
That’s losing….
Heck the writing was on the wall in 1940 in the Battle of Britain, when their vaunted airforce got hammered into the ground..
They were beyond incompetent, with a totally dysfunctional Govt. In 1942 when at war with the 3 most powerful countries in the world its military production was less than it was in 1918…..
It only existed as a regime for 12 years then it was gone, one of the shortest lived in history. Totally beaten, crushed, in fact a monumental tribute to hatred, stupidity and failure.
So is it a bunch of losers admiring …a loser regime?
Is it the goose stepping, the black uniforms and all the leather that attracts them or something?
My theory is that villains are cool, so they decided to identify with a group of villians for the cool factor. Somewhere along the line they decided that if they were identifying with them, they must not have actually been villains after all.
For people who identify as the greatest in the world, of course, only the greatest villains in the world would do.
An alternate theory might be that the original Nazis lived in a mindset in which ideology outweighed mere facts, and ideologues got to overrule experts. For example:
Before the German invasion of the Soviet Union, there was an extensive study of Soviet tank capabilities carried out by Germany’s best generals, Guderian and Manstein. They concluded that Germany could not win. Hitler told them to shut up; he was convinced that concepts like racial superiority and “will to victory” would overcome the fact that the Soviets had more and better equipment.
Guderian’s memoirs mention that when he met with Hitler during the first winter of the Russian campaign, Hitler told him (paraphrasing from memory) “this is your fault: if you had persuaded me that your study was correct, we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Guderian doesn’t record his response, but the historical record tells us that he got fired soon afterwards for telling Hitler what he thought of him.
A similar story occurred about the planning of giant monumental architecture in Berlin. Hitler and Speer loved architecture and wanted Berlin to be as impressive as possible. The architects and engineers kept pointing out that Berlin is built on swampland and can’t support huge stone buildings. This expert advice duly got ignored.
You and I would recoil in horror from such things, but that’s because we’re not the sort of people who “unskew polls” and who believe that all economic issues can be solved by simply having a leader who isn’t a “cuck.” If we were that sort of person, we might long to serve under a leader who openly promotes that sort of mindset.
Dr Brooke Magnanti in Twitter (@belledujour_uk ) did an interesting series of tweets on Milo’s book deal. She reckons he will only see £7k of his advance, if he actually manages to write the book.
Book advances are mainly marketing fluff. They rarely bear any relationship to the actual amount of money that changes hands. There are so many conditions attached. They’re usually released in tranches tied to specific stages. So tiny amount on recipt of manuscript. Bit more after final edit then just further releases based on pre-orders.
Unless you’re an established bankable author they’re barely ‘advances’ at all. More an indication of what you might get if all goes well.
Same with record deals.
It would also be interesting to see if Milo’s deal is repayable or recouperable. That’s a significant factor. Anyone know?
@Steven Dutch
Political correctness is not “over” just like it was never “started.” There isn’t like some shadowy secret committee of SJW Freemasons that decided, “Yes, let us all be politically correct now, initiate Operation PC Alpha.”
Despite current common usage, there is nothing inherently left-wing about political correctness. Based on how President Donny handles minor disagreements (namecalling, blackmail, lawsuits), I think he’s going to expect his subjects to be very correct.